You would have been mad to bet against God of War Ragnarok being a huge commercial hit, but the game's latest sales update has even managed to take us by surprise. The sequel, which launched on PS5 and PS4 on the 9th November last year, has sold through a staggering 11 million copies. That's serious blockbuster territory for a title that's not even three months old.
Last we heard, Ragnarok had sold just over 5 million copies around two weeks after its release, so it's gone on to do an additional 6 million in the time since. Crazy when you consider the fact that most games enjoy their biggest glut of sales right after launch, and then tend to fall off very quickly.
"None of this would be possible without the support of our fans, so thank you for coming on this journey with us!" writes developer Sony Santa Monica Studio on its social feeds.
For context, it took God of War (2018) over a full year to break 10 million units, so Ragnarok's success is incredibly impressive. There's no doubt that its total will continue to climb over the coming months and beyond.
And, of course, many would argue that it's fully deserved. God of War Ragnarok is, in our humble opinion, a phenomenal action adventure — one of the very best on modern consoles. At this point, a critical and commercial smash hit.
Did you think God of War Ragnarok would do this well for itself? Take the boy on another adventure in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 86
What an amazing and well-deserved feat for a masterful sequel. I could see this game having Red Dead Redemption 2 kind of legs for years to come. Huge congrats to Sony Santa Monica.
Ragnarok's 11 million in just under 3 months is insane numbers, even 3rd party games struggle to match these kind of figures, fantastic and well deserved to everyone at SMS.
Shows really how far Playstation Studios have come since the PS3 era.
Impressive sales figures, I keep heary Colin from last stand saying god of war is going to take a break, but there's no way god of war is going anywhere with these insane sales and the tv series. After it releases on PC I can see it easily passing 20 million before the end of the year.
Great to hear! The other day I've read a comment about how GoWR was already forgotten and failed commercially. Yeah, sure, seems like a failure alright.. 🤣🤣
Those are seriously outrageous numbers.
Certainly all the more reason to do a psvr 2 version🤔
Dang, I was thinking it had to be around 9 or so. I still haven't booted this up. It will be a while.
Amazing! And well deserved! Congratulations Sony Santa Monica
@-Sigma- You're in for a treat! It's such a great game!
Congratulations. Looking forward to playing it sometime later this year. 2018 was really enjoyable
Can't wait for that Activision Executive to come out and say it's another reason for the deal with Microsoft to go through 😂
Finished the main story the weekend and it deserves absolutely every success it gets!
Those numbers in three months on an exclusive game are insane!
I'd be very curious to know what the split is between PS4 vs PS5 copies
Well, that's what happens when you respect the legacy of an IP and don't spit on the fanbase.
absolutely deserved.
That's an incredible achievement
That’s really good going to be fair.
Completely related but @ShogunRok what’s going on with the quizzes this year?
Both GoW2018 and GoW Ragnarok have now sold something like 33 million. Just to put this into perspective Dying Light 2015 and Dying Light 2 was today announced both at 30 million sold but DL is 3rd party available for purchase on almost everything meanwhile GoW2018 and Ragnarok is only PS4 and PS5 with a tiny portion of PC and with 3 years less time on the market in comparison to Dying Light
I need to get back to it. Put in around 4 hours, and had multiple crashes so I put it down to wait for patches...but, I'll be honest, it really wasn't grabbing me the same way 2018 did.
Just waiting on Lulu Cheng on using this amzing milestone to spin off some more BS.
Seriously though this is an incredible achievement, and in only 3 months as well. Surely will surpass the 2018 God of war sales at some point.
And here I am still not having finished 1 yet....but I'll add to the figure once it hits $40-45.
@JP80 You know, I'm not really that enthused by the "NEW" GoW series. It's just ok, it's not amazing to me, and I still don't understand why it's so popular. But THAT....yeah, I'd be down for that!
Does VR2 have a mic? Bonus points if you actually can yell "BOY!" to fire arrows!
See guys Sony is doing fine? They should let Microsoft buy Activision!
Seriously though incredible figures for this game in such a short time
Definitely no shock it's doing so well. I prefer 2018 personally but congrats all the same to the team.
Not surprised. Fantastic game.
N.i.c.e. congratulations to santa Monica studio for creating another masterpiece.god of g.o.a.t. 🐐 god of war word up son
@kyleforrester87 On a hiatus for now, but I do want to bring them back at some point, maybe with a few adjustments.
The only issue with the quizzes is they take a long time to put together properly, and during busy periods that's a tall order.
But they will return!
@ShogunRok I understand, it sounds easy to put a quiz together but when you get down to it it’s a bit of an undertaking on the regular. Hopefully once you’re done with your current Dragon Age: Inquisition playthrough you’ll have a bit of time available for stuff like this! Or do you normally just keep rolling straight into new ones until the intervention?
Getting 10+ million any given game that is multiplatform is a serious accomplishment. 11 million on one platform? Incredible. Well deserved as well!
Well deserved. That's a lot.
Now watch Microsoft/Activison use this as justification to get the deal through, lol.
Would love to know what the split is between PS4 and PS5.
@Americansamurai1 agreed. Plus this shows the $70 increase was not necessary for Sony. I think they are making their money back just fine…
@kyleforrester87 I only ever stop playing to reply to comments like this one.
@ShogunRok hang in there buddy, we are all rooting for you!
Great numbers well deserved. But would add that probably lot of ppl who bought a ps5 might have got it bundeled in, and might not actually have bought it otherwise. But still that is impressive.
@RatmCky true especially since it's 1st party they get it all. with the way the economy is going I'm kind of worried that the prices are going to go to 80.
As basically everyone else has said, very well deserved by a masterpiece of a game. SOLID.
And horizon fw?
Best game of the generation so far
@GodofCapcom Can't wait for a similar caliber game that is truly next-generation, built for PS5 from the bottom up. Hopefully, not waiting long.
Sad that it will be so long now before another god of war
Maybe Spider-man 2 if they figure out how to do sidequests, but I'm honestly don't feel like it won't be beaten for me this gen.
Gta6, Naughty Dog, Fromsoftware, Persona 6 or Santa Monica's new ip are the only things I can think of.
One of my favorite games ever. Loved 2018 and this one is even better. God of War and Last of Us just have no equals at the moment for me when it comes to single player games. Just a cut above in every sense of the way. Something that goes missing on these games is how good the audio is, i have a pretty high end surround sound, sits at around $2K and while thats not cutting edge by any standards, these games sound great. I also recommend the Sony Inzone H7 or H9’s headphones. I have a pair and they do a really good job for their price points.
Im assuming this includes the FORCED bundle sales right? Its probably at 5 million just for the game.
@TrickyDicky99 exactly.
Next tweet from another Activision team: this is the reason why MS must acquire us 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Playing it now and I'm loving it so far. This is one of my favorite franchises of all time. Well deserved.
@get2sammyb Are they really "outrageous numbers"?
@__jamiie yes.
Bonkers numbers and well deserved. What a game.
@__jamiie It was Sony's fastest selling exclusive ever, so yes it's pretty out there. 11 million in less than 3 months is uncharted territory for Sony.
@Andyhunter132 nobody is FORCED to buy anything. You have no idea what the split is, or even whether people picking up the console were not going to buy GOW ragnarok straight away anyway.
Plus several places like amazon, shopTo have the console for sale on its own, not in a bundle.
Who cares anyway, games a masterpiece and a massive success.
@NomNom welll it’s also on PS4
@GodofCapcom Nope. Hi-Fi Rush.
@themightyant @ChrisDeku It's also on PS4 and was bundled with the PS5. It's a PlayStation exclusive not a current gen exclusive. If you count PS4 sales as 117 million and PS5 as around 30 million then it's less than 8% of the user base. Therefore those numbers aren't outrageous.
You mean the tango game? I can tell from a mile I would be bored with that game. Just by the art is enough. Microsoft needs to step up and stop pushing indie games under a trillion dollar company and stop pushing away/making development longer for AAA games while they waste their time with games like these. Let indie devs actually make indie games.
@__jamiie Frankly looking at the number of consoles sold and then the number of games is an AWFUL way to judge a games success, and if we did then 8% would be at the very top end on PlayStation.
I reiterate this is "The fastest selling Sony exclusive of ALL TIME" Don't you think that is a rather shocking (i.e. outrageous) fact?
@themightyant Not when it's bundled with the system.
@GodofCapcom "The Tango game"? 🤣🤣🤣Pretentious much??
How is it an indie game? The developer of Evil Within and Ghostwire Tokyo is not an indie developer. And the fact that you dismiss a game's quality based on the art style is pathetic. You don't have to like a game to appreciate that it's objectively brilliant.
I love how some people cant simply accept the fact that this Game is a huge success.
Get real
If it looks, feels and sounds like an indie game. It is an indie game. I know the dev is noy, but the game def looks like one. I have never bought a tango game so that's why. Is not objetively brilliant. It just gets extra points for being an "indie" game. Try selling it for $70.
Bundled with the consoles are just excuses. Lets see if Hi rush ps2 looking game will sell 11 million even with bundled consoles.
@__jamiie Bundled with a small number of systems, not every system. Non bundles have been available in the 3 months since this released, during which time they've sold what? Another 4-5+ million PS5s
And as you mentioned it came out on PS4 as well, the limited bundle, doesn't account for the 117+ million PS4s or 25+ million PS5's sold before GOW:R released.
@GodofCapcom Stop typing while you're angry and you'll spell better and make more sense.
It doesn't look like a PS2 game. Stupid comment.
An indie game is one from and 'independent' developer. That's where the word indie comes from. It has nothing to do with the art style or your perceived lack of quality.
A game can be called objectively brilliant when a large enough group of different reviews call it brilliant.
And it doesn't need to sell for $70 to be classed as a great game. It's on Game Pass. Is that how you judge a game's quality? By it's price? Is Forspoken a brilliant game??? No. But according to your logic it must be.
For the record, GoW Ragnarok is a brilliant game. My original point was that those sales numbers are massively inflated by PS4 sales and PS5 bundle purchases.
@themightyant Agreed. I made the exact same point when I said that the numbers have been massively inflated by PS4 version sales.
I would also say that every GoW PS5 bundle was sold or will be sold, therefore skewing the figures.
Wii Sports is one of the best selling games ever because of the fact it was bundled with every Wii outside of Japan.
People here are so defensive over their choice of console. Me saying that I don't think the sales numbers for GoW Ragnarok are 'outrageous' inspires a hell of a lot of fan boy hatred.
It's an amazing game. One of my favourites of last year. Calm down.
@__jamiie Your rationale of using a percentage the total userbase is nonsense. By that definition then every call of duty game is a failure.
More people that own a PS4+PS5 bough this game than the new Call of Duty.
About 200% more people bought this than Elden Ring on PS4+PS5.
If that’s not impressive then no game sales are ever impressive.
@ChrisDeku I don't understand why you're so offended. GoW Ragnarok is an amazing game. But the sales numbers are massively inflated by PS4 sales and PS5 bundle purchases. That's a fact.
@__jamiie Inflated by being on 2 different platforms? What reality am I in right now.
Call of Duty is on 5 platforms. Those sales are super Inflated.
@ChrisDeku I didn't once bring up CoD. You did. Stop acting like I compared the two.
@__jamiie it's relavent to the discussion as it's one of the biggest gaming Franchises in the world but by your metric it sells poorly.
@__jamiie touch some grass life is short buddy
@ChrisDeku You really need to calm down.
@mrpunisher I'm fine. It's others who seem to be angry.
@__jamiie Yeah my previous comments were clearly rage posts.
You really need to start making relevant points.
@ChrisDeku Well at least you can spell 'relevant' now. Please learn how to form sentences though. It really bores me trying to work out what you're saying without punctuation.
When did I ever say that CoD sold poorly? What a stupid comment.
Do you have a PS5? Why are you so angry about a comment I made?? Grow up and enjoy games.
I love playing my PS5. It's a wonderful system.
@__jamiie oh god, you went into insult mode because you lost an argument, good job lad, have a gold star.
@ChrisDeku 🤣 I didn't lose anything. You're the one getting upset and angry.
@__jamiie you literally stated a criteria for measuring the success of games as one that would make every video game in history a poor selling game. Even GTAV which is available on about 400m worth of consoles and probably every PC made in the last 10 years.
You Lose with a capital L. If you think you came out of this discussion looking anything other than a major clown then you’re very much mistaken.
@ChrisDeku 🤣🤣🤣 You're funny.
@GodofCapcom Need some Persona 6 in my life, like flowers need rain. Is it really going to be a PS5 exclusive?
So it already surpassed TLOU2 in less than 4 months. Why am I not surprised?
@Serialsid If you want to buy a ps5 you are literally FORCED to buy the GOW bundle. I dont know how much clearer I can make it for you. If they are adding these FORCED bundles to the sales numbers then they have no business celebrating the "massive success" of the sales. Give us the real numbers. Its absolutely ridiculous.
@Oscarjpc Becuase TLOU2 wasnt in a forced Bundle for ps4 consoles?
@Andyhunter132 nobody is FORCED to buy anything. People get to choose how they spend their money.
And again, you can buy a stand alone ps5 from amazon, argos, game and Shopto here in the UK, not forced to buy a bundle.
Plus again, you don't know how many people might have wanted the bundle because they want GOW ragnarok! In the bundle you get the game for £47 instead of £70! Bargain.
@Serialsid You cannot walk into a store in the US and buy a standalone PS5 anywhere. The issues are NOT resolved and the "sales" of GOW Ragnarök are inflated by bundles. I dont know how much simpler I can be.
@Andyhunter132 you can't walk into any stores in the UK and get a ps5, bundle or not. But online non bundles have been available for a while, and most people purchase online now.
Yes the number has been inflated by the bundles, but how many? Who knows? You certainly don't. Take off the people that actually wanted the game and it may be a million? Maybe?
Personally don't care, games a massive success. And if people buy the bundle that didn't want the game because they can't wait a few days/ weeks to find a stand alone ps5, then that's their problem for being impatient. Consumer has the control in the transaction, its that simple!
@Serialsid Thank you for confirming that they are FORCING anyone who wants to walk into a store and buy a ps5 into buying the GOW bundle.
@Andyhunter132 please show how I confirmed anything? I said you can't walk into a store and buy either a bundle or stand alone! 🤔
It's a luxury item, nobody has ever been Forced to buy a console.
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