It was always to be expected, but Hogwarts Legacy is off to a very strong start. Warner Bros' magic-'em-up RPG has made its debut in the UK's physical games chart, and it's comfortably sat at number one. As reported by GamesIndustry.biz, it's the biggest launch for a Harry Potter game ever, and that's without considering digital sales. One quite dizzying comparison is that its launch week sales are 80 per cent higher than Elden Ring's, which had a famously huge debut last year. At UK retail, an impressive 82 per cent of Hogwarts Legacy's launch week sales went to the PS5 version.
Elsewhere, God of War Ragnarok is holding firm in second place, likely buoyed by improved PS5 stock. FIFA 23 has been bumped down to third, its lowest position in several weeks. Other games that are moving down are Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Dead Space, which are now in sixth and seventh respectively.
Here's the latest top 10 in full.
UK Sales Charts: Week Ending 11th February, 2022
- Hogwarts Legacy
- God of War Ragnarok
- FIFA 23
- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- Animal Crossing: New Horizons
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
- Dead Space
- Nintendo Switch Sports
- Minecraft (Switch)
- New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 60
I love that Hogwarts Legacy lives up to the high expectations of the fans!
The hype was real and the quality delivered is real!
Glad to see Dead Space still holding strong.
What are we doing with our lives here guys? Basically every game in the top 10 bar Hogwarts Legacy is either a remake or iteration on what we were actually playing during the PS3 era, or earlier!!
Don't get me wrong, there are some great games here, but I wonder if ten years down the line the sales charts will look really similar. It's like being stuck in a gaming time loop without any way out!! Help!
come on dead space. im 5 hours in and its SO GOOD
@GuttyYZ Its the power of the switch in the charts, like 120+ million of them out there so these games will sell for years and years. im just happy dead space, GOW are representing excellent single player games.
If you take into account that the target audience of Hogwarts Legacy a lot wider than Elden Ring's, there's not much to write home about...
Au contraire, you can wonder and be amazed at the reverse : that a game like Elden Ring, intended for a more limited audience, sold as well as it did.
For myself, I'm just glad to see that we have so many good games availabe to be able to make those comparisons, especially after the "drought" brought on by the pandemics.
Hogwarts Legacy is a great game imo, so nice to see it sells well.
Wow God of war Ragnarok is still selling like crazy 😯. I wonder how many copies of God of war Ragnarok will be sold in the game lifetime maybe we finally see a PlayStation exclusive sell 30 million copies 🫠.
And that without last gen versions? If so impressive.
Also... Looks like Microsoft aren't in the game any more.
Well deserved, loving hogwarts so far. Such a great game, think this year is going to be great for games so many good games coming out on all platforms which is great to see.
I would think a much larger than usual digital sales ratio too. I know I never buy games at release, certainly not digitally, but I did for this because it’s huge and the wife also wanted to play it (and is impatient).Lots would have been similarly given as gifts to kids who wanted it 3 days early like their friends had it. Because, you know, kids.
It’s thoroughly deserved though. A phenomenal game that I can unreservedly recommend to everyone. Buy it now!
Good for Hogwarts Legacy and the team. Well deserved! I'm about 30 or so hours in and absolutely love it.
@Zuljaras Yes very happy to see Hogwarts Legacy get it's dues. Great game. Especially happy for the thousands of people who worked on it not called JKR, many for years and years. THEY deserve their rewards.
@GuttyYZ @Gazray It's also that there are just so many remakes, remasters etc. Half the first party switch library seems to be Wii U ports.
Many, many loud voices out there with many, many opinions.
But the proof is in the pudding. Most people just want to play a good game.
will be biggest seller of the year.
sadly wont win any awards.
I’ve spent quite a bit of time on Hogwarts Legacy already. Great game with an incredible attention to detail. Although, the core gameplay is eerily similar to your standard Ubisoft open world formula.
Deserved the more i play the higher my opinion goes. There is so many mini events to discover in Hogsmeade and Hogwarts that make the world feel so alive that it’s absolutely crazy
@northofthewall PlayStation probably have more digital sales than Xbox too 🫠.
@4kgk2 then there is Steam where this occupies the top 4 spots due to preorders and sales after launch being separated, so its sales on there are enormous
Wow, 82% PS5 sales for Hogwarts is a real beatdown.
It would’ve been top seller regardless of the quality of the game, but I’ve got to admit the quality of the title is impeccable and thus this success was very much earned.
Sites like Eurogamer are gonna have to get creative with their redacting if they really want to keep up their silly pretence that this game doesn't exist.
@Gamer_Guy they have put themselves in such a stupid space its actually pretty funny
This makes alot of sense considering Hogwarts appeals to so many more players whereas Elden Ring... does not. Not a huge fan of HP, but picked up Hogwarts anyway and it's very very good.
I never played ER because of it's play style which never appealed to me and to many other I'm sure so this is no surprise.
Well done!
@PenguinLtd the test will be atomic heart.
Wow, 82% of sales were on playstation 😬
And before people jump on the xbox sell better digitally than playstation bandwagon, software sales lean more towards digitally now on playstation as well so the difference between xbox and playstation on digital sales will be marginal.
Wasn’t planning on getting this early, but my anti-boycott self couldn’t resist. Loving the game! Well worth a full price purchase!
@PenguinLtd agreed and single player games look to be alive and well and devs notice that. Hope they continue to be huge alongside multiplayer, as i like both types of games.variety is the key to a healthy industry.
Great to finally see the Mad Max devs getting some belated recognition 👏👏
I got fed up with how overblown the controversy was (in relation to the game), and in the end ended up preordering the PS4 version of Hogwarts Legacy. Had the excessive controversy reaction not happened, then I likely would have been a Day 2 purchase or waited until the first sale.
@Shinnok789 Yep, I was about to basically post this exact point. Then again, Elden Ring wasn't massively held back by an oh so incredibly effective boycott. 🌝
God of War at #2 has been helped by Tesco selling it for £31.50. That deal convinced me to pick it up
physical only sales data pointless as per usual
@northofthewall same here i dont know anyone on my friends list on xbox who buys discs anymore
Great game. The game has a trans character so the haters have no reason to hate. Avalanche is not her. They have different ideals.
Just started playing today and it’s so good. I’ve mostly been exploring Hogwarts for a few hours - the place is HUGE.
Professor Weasley’s voice sounded so familiar and a quick Google revealed it to be Lesley Nicol (Mrs Patmore from Downton Abbey) 😁
Hogwarts Legacy is excellent, I recommend it to everyone, HP fans or not. Rich in detail with great graphics and gameplay, I’m loving it.
@GuttyYZ just play what you want, support what you want. The point of gaming is to enjoy it. Focus less on sales.
Dude at GameStop had a big sign on his chest attached to his shirt that said something about Trans rights.
I told him I completely agree but didn’t really see how not playing a video game is gonna help anybody. He gave me my copy of HL and didn’t say a word. Heard the next person come in and ask for Hogwarts followed by a loud groan from the employee. Dude must have had a bad day.
Not surprised... the game is tons of fun. They hit it out of the park with this one.
The PC version needs like 4hrs of playing in the castle for it to settle down. Something is happening in the background that grinds the game into a slideshow 🤷♂️
Not surprised at all..astounding game.
@Relygon ..... Yeah it's decent nothing jaw dropping g or spectacular or innovative nor game changing or ground breaking .....even the review here on PS was exactly like a Ubisoft open world however unlike the normal Ubisoft game its was praised for the same reasons Ubisofst games are criticized for.
I guess this is the action/adventure version of FIFA/COD.
This is why EA sports spends a fortune on licensing fees. And why so called casuals flock to annualized games like fifa and cod.
So EA don't have to make say Spirs or Arsenal play like the real teams, they just have to make them look like the real teams(which they pay fortunes for each year) and people flock to it like children to the pied piper....lol
The game has accurately and impressively been visually translated into the Harry Potter universe that we known, but everything else about it is basically a normal Ubi open world with the difference of the ip/title being the world famous Harry Potter I.P.
So even so called hard-core gamers or enthusiasts are as much suckers as so called casuals when it comes to their favourite rose tinted ip's.
Anyway it is a good game but way overhyped and it's shortcomings overlooked because it's associated with the Harry Potter name which is a very huge and famous IP.
It means if someone were to make a decent Superman game it would sell by the 🪣 loads, just like Spider was a decent okay game nothing spectactular except the well done swinging mechanic and that game's hype went to the moon and sold like crazy even it was at best decent .........
@Toypop I don't think Digital Foundry are going to cover it anyway.
Just watched their latest Direct on YouTube, and the sight of Leadbetter spending a couple of minutes trying to wriggle his way out of any commitment to review it was cringe worthy in the extreme, and was enough to garner an unsub from me after years of following their content.
It was plain embarrassing.
If anyone tells you that you're a bad person if you support Hogwarts Legacy because of JK Rowling's transphobic remarks then they better not be using Twitter, because last I checked, Twitter is owned by Elon Musk who has ALSO made some transphobic comments. So if you're someone using Twitter to bully/harass/attack anyone playing/supporting Hogwarts Legacy because of the things JK Rowling has said, just remember that by doing so, you are indirectly supporting Elon Musk's and his views just by using Twitter, thus making you the monster that you're those that buy/support Hogwarts Legacy.
I'm NOT defending what JK Rowling OR Elon Musk have said, just pointing out the hypocrisy of being against Hogwarts Legacy and those buying/playing/supporting it, but are also doing the exact same thing by using Twitter and probably don't even know it.
Buy what you want. Play what you want. Support what you want. Enjoy/Dislike what you want. But don't make people out to be monsters for doing any of these things, and NOT sharing or agreeing with your views/beliefs.
@A_VideoGameIsA_Video Indeed. I largely agree with you. Gameplay wise there is absolutely nothing we haven’t seen before, a striking resemblance to the Ubisoft formula.
Nonetheless, I’ve spent upward 40 hours on the game and I love it. But then again, I for one, actually like Ubisoft’s games.
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Honestly, I know people who had to cheap out and get an all digital series S, as well as people who buy so few games that they can just buy digital with Microsoft Rewards, so I expect the percentage of digital purchases is higher on the Microsoft consoles.
I actually used £50 of MS Rewards myself to get it on PS5 (you can use them to get Amazon vouchers, then convert to PSN Credit. Although you get far less that way and nine for playing games).
@Toypop I think the game runs great on PS5. I was intending to wait for a sale but, like many others, just decided to go ahead and buy. No regrets no buyers remorse at all, love the game and I'm not even a Potter fan.
@Nightcrawler71 It not the same studio… Mad Max was made by Avalanche Studios (Just Cause and Rage 2). This was made by Avalanche Software ( Disney infinity, and other Disney games)
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@nessisonett why should people have to explain their reasons for why a game is selling well to someones family? The game looks good, it seems to review well, people seem to like it, so the reasons it is doing well would be the same as other games doing well I guess?
I'm going to buy it once its out on PS4 and maybe Switch later if not cloud.
@Tobiaku Please don't tell me he was trying to link HL sales figures to Brianna Ghey. Because that would be disgusting to say the least.
@GuttyYZ Hate to break this to you, but the reality is that most fiction is an iteration or remake of what came before.
History, too, if we're honest.
@dschons People trying to force their agenda do not need reasons. They are pointing the hatred in everyone else, but they are blinded by their own.
@AverageGamer oops, my bad! 😳
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Loving the game so far,although not a big Harry potter fan i appreciate the world building, gameplay, mechanics. I feel that they made this game with love to their material and it shows.
@dschons Exactly! And when you are too far into one extreme it is impossible to think clearly
It’s a big budget AAA HP game - of course it was going to be a licence to print money. Still not touching it with a barge pole because of JK Rowling.
Cancel culture at its finest.
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