The year may be 2023, but Sony’s just released a new firmware update for the PS3! No, that’s not a typing error: the Japanese giant has just updated its 17-year-old last-last-gen system. Don’t expect any major new features in version 4.90, though: this one is all about that all-important stability. “This system software update improves system performance,” the official documentation reads.
We imagine this is just plugging security holes, but it’s absurd to see a system this old being updated almost two decades later. Remember, the platform holder had hoped to close down the console’s PS Store a couple of years ago, but a vocal fan backlash caused the company to course correct. It’ll now remain open for the foreseeable future.
[source playstation.com]
Comments 81
Still dip into my PS3 backlog for 4 or 5 games per year… always enjoy going back.
2006. It’s 2006.
I still play on my PS3 regularly and still buy things from the store (thank the gods it didn't close) so I hope Sony keep the system alive as long as possible.
Until Sony do a crazy all in one BC Playstation console then the PS3 if you can keep your launch console alive is a really nice bit of kit. With a launch PS3 and PS5 you can play 5 generations of home console gaming on just 2 systems.
I dearly wish though that the early PS5 rumours were true, would've been incredible to have a truly all in one Playstation. Wasn't even supposed to support Vita and PSP? lol.
I've been playing PS3 recently, Deus Ex Human Revolution, what a game. Still holds up brilliantly.
so many classics stuck on ps3
My PS3 is still plugged into the telly - along with a PS2, Series X and PS5.
Unless or until Motor Storm is ever re made, its not a console I can retire!
Some titles on that system still hold up even compared with todays titles.... whilst many others seem woefully old
My PS3 is still hooked up, so I’ll boot it up to make sure I get the update applied.
I still got a big of a backlog of PS3 exclusives that I been itching to play like Heavenly Sword and {3D Dot Heross, but want to at least beat Persona 4 first.
Mines still hooked up. Can't play Motorstorm, MGS4 or Folklore anywhere else.
Still have a PS3 connected to my TV. Don't run it hardly ever, but I still want to go back and finish Driver: San Fransisco, so perhaps this is the nudge I need to fire it up again.
Still got mine hooked but my controllers are all shot lol. How're y'all playing games on this thing?!?
PS3 is so stable now you can throw a brick at it and it'll still work
@RobN driver servers closed down last year so if you didn't get the mp trophies you cannot platinum it now, if you planned to.
Like many commenting here, my PS3 (slim, replaced original 320Gb HD with max supported capacity) is plugged into my main tv and I'm currently playing Resistance 3, with only around 120 games left in my backlog for the machine
Still have my PS3 setup.
@Olskeezy There are still companies making new third-party controllers compatible with it. Some of which are of acceptable
@Titntin im jealous buddy, i wish i still had my PS3 for motorstorm. Still one of my favorite games on PS3. At the moment i own none of the older consoles and just the Series X, PS5 and Switch Oled. However we are selling our house and buying a bigger one with a full size game room. So that would give me plenty of space to set up a small little retro setup if i go down that road. Dang you Sony, please get a MotorStorm game to PS5.
Is it finally happening, are we finally getting cross game chat on PS3? I kid i kid, i just remember every PS3 update, fans would say here comes cross game chat.
Lol and I’m currently playing through all God of War games on my PS3, currently on Ascension with 2 and 3 left (saved the best for last).
Got a PS3 after getting rid of the series X last year. Soo many great games on it. Anyone got any good controller recommendations? My 2 current ones are on their last legs.
I got rid of the PS3 when the PS4 released. So having to buy loads of games I used to have. 😂
@Nexozi I've had to result to third-party controllers as my official ones died some time ago. The one I am using is out of stock, but this one on amazon is similar and appears to have all the same functionality as an official DualShock 3 ... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07PNHFD22/?coliid=I38JHRXN4JTOU1&colid=258O2SMGCSJZB&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
I'm sure there will be others. I just looked out for one which had the sixaxis sensors and rumble
@Olskeezy I hoarded tons of controllers, but I got good news for you! There are two good alternatives out there right now if you willing to spend $45.
First, there is Retrofighters releasing this beauty:
If you prefer a more first-party controller, though, then this might be for you:
It will allow you to use a PS4, PS5, or even a Switch Pro Controller, hell even an Xbox Controller on your PS3.
@Bricktop33 Well, I do like trophies, but I don't really play for the trophies. I'm more looking forward to the "second-person" gameplay sequence, which I haven't gotten to, yet.
EDIT: Ooooh, Motorstorm. I still have disks for several of them. I could fire up Motorstorm!!!
Never mind stability where's the install other OS the PS3 originally launched with. Don't suppose that will ever return.
Fair play really.
Sometimes you've just got gotta dip back in for MGS4 and GTA4.
Just installed PS3 Hen, probably skipping this update...👀
RDR 2 done again, now on RDR on PS3 as rockstar won't put out a dlc on PS4 version. Still good.
Yea I still play my PS3 regularly and got on last night and seen this and was shocked.
@GuttyYZ Amazing game!
We have three PS3s hooked up in our home. This makes me want to fire up some Puppeteer, early God of War, or Ratchet & Clank. Wonderful stuff.
@RobN If you didn't get the D:SF online trophies before the servers shut down last year then you are SOL.
I have two PS3s hooked up at home (lounge and bedroom). Currently playing Spider-Man 3, and attempting to cycle my platinum runs through PS3/4/5 in sequence.
They need to make either the PS5 Slim or the PS6 fully backwards compatible with PS1-3. I'm hoping that the rumoured detachable disc drive for the new PS5 model will give folks the choice between a standard drive and a premium drive which can read CDs (for PS1 and PS2).
@JonTheGod OMG I never even considered how the detachable drive could in theory open up the avenues for full BC on PS5. Now I’m going to dream about this only to get disappointed dammit lol
@BlaizeV I would totally pay big bucks for a PS1/PS2 BC console with trophies support ofcourse.
@JonTheGod That sounds awsome.
I just hooked up my PS3 Slim so I could buy The Legend of Dragoon PS1 Classic for cheaper access to the PS4/5 version.
Never owned one of these. Although, admittedly, the only game I feel like I completely missed the boat on was MGS4. Xbox 360 was a fantastic console that gen, so no regrets on my choices.
Ps3 is a legendary console.glad it got a firmware update.word up son
@Nexozi You can connect a PS4 controller to your PS3. There are some limitations where you'll need your PS3 controller, like the home button.
Keeping mine (500GB super slim) mainly for Metal Gear & Ryu ga Gotoku.
@Hundred_Hand_Slap & maybe also to actually play it, I read the PS4/5 version of that was pretty broken.
Ha, give us an update to make the PS1 compatibility region free, Sony! I still use mine on occasion for some classic arcade racing, Ridge Racer 7, Daytona USA... 1080p and 60fps, and still great games to play today.
look how long the ps2 lasted , only the greatest consoles last after the gen is over
ps3 GOAT playstation
@playstation1995 facts the PS3 (the original fat boy model) is GOATED . it’s the lamborghini of consoles
@dancingstar93 it's fixed, they patched it yesterday. I can only play through these old PS1 games with the incentive of trophies nowadays. Otherwise I play them for a few nostalgia soaked minutes and move onto the next. It's a "me" problem.
@Green-Bandit Im so jealous you get to have a games room! That's the dream for me
My PS3 Slim is in the loft (I think) after it bricked itself for whatever reason. I played a bit of GTA5 on it, a bit of Skyrim and a bit of God of War. And then one day it refused to turn on. It was like it was saying "You're not a gamer. I've had enough." Over a couple of years it was used for around 30 hours until it died.
Luckily, my PS4 and PS5 have been witness, following hours upon hours of use, that I have indeed become a gamer. I think trophy achievements has something to do with keeping consoles alive. 🤔😀
@colonelkilgore me too. Currently playing Alpha Protocol and having a blast
I think it's great Sony do this. I still regularly play my PS3 for PS1 classics and games not ported to newer systems yet etc.
Still my favourite PS console due to the store, backwards compatible, the best exclusives and HD remasters, no region locks. Free online was great too!
I homebrewed one I got from a charity shop, guess that won't work for a bit.
@michaelf Oh that's a decent bit less than what I was charged for one of these old official controllers.
@jorel262 Ah, I got rid of the PS4 pro when I got the PS5. 😂
It's all part of the plan. Building up to v5.0 which will release in 2027 and allow you to hide the SingStar icon 😂
@Topov81 oh god the singstar icon lol. I remember the outrage.
@eltomo i’ll never forget when playstation players had no online for an entire month 😂 i was mostly team xbox back then & the console war was at its peak . so much for free online lol
Still have my PS3, a library of games for it and I enjoy it whenever I can!
My 2 are still hooked up, Motorstorm still rocks.
I still play my PS3 console along with my PS5 daily. How else can we play Metal Gear Solid series and FFXIII
What a nice feeling I get turning on my PS3 after about 6 months or longer of absence. Something magical about seeing the old familiar dynamic fish tank and ui again.
My recent PS3 plays, this year, were Rage and The Saboteur. Next up may be Far Cry Classic.
The amazing Sucker Punch games (Sly Cooper and inFamous) and the God of War remastered games keep my PS3 hooked up to my TV.
@Titntin Man thanks buddy, yeah i am really happy with it, most of all the houses we looked at in the Square footage we could afford had one and i was like, HOLY CRAP this is really going to happen. So i will put the 65 inch LG Oled in there, might even do a smaller Oled from Sony or LG in a 42 inch and set it up on a desk or something. Of course the Sonos surround sound setup goes in there. So it will be a lot of work, but i am excited. Throw in the fact that i will now have to buy a TV for the wife and kiddo in the living room and tech will eat most of my money on this move. But i am excited and just love to see people still talk about MotorStorm, it’s by far my favorite racer on PS in its history. I have Forza Horizon 5 on Series X and it’s incredible. But truth told i would give it up for a modern day Motorstorm in a hurry. Imagine the triggers and haptics on MS, wow!
@Nexozi You can still buy PS4 controllers in stores if you want to spend the money. That's better than trying to find a real PS3 controller. But licensed third party may be better.
I have two PS3s still connected to the TV. One of them was in my room and i moved it to my main TV as I felt like playing some games on it. Never got round to doing so due to PS4 and PS5 taking up my time.
The second PS3 is kept offline. Didn't update it because of that previous update breaking that feature to transfer games to the Vita. Didn't fully understand it if I need the internet or not for that to work so I left it offline to keep that feature on incase I ever needed it. No idea if it would even work.
@Beeeee-AHH-eer problem is you have to update your vita to use content manager now so this won't work. Vita transfers is currently gone.
I have PS3’s in all four of my gaming setups. Still the best way to play those old classics. And as mentioned many games still stuck on PS3 like 3D Dot Hero.
Trying to stop HFW from being able to go online no doubt. They’re still fighting the good fight almost 20 years later I see
Wouldn't mind if it was an update to try & stop jailbreaking on PS3 if they were going to implement ps3 emulation on ps5 but I know they won't so I won't update mine 😂
@Nexozi Anything not Six axis or DualShock 3. Wow those are to this day my least favorite controllers ever for shooters. I didn’t like DS4 much for shooters either but a big step up. I wish Sony allowed the Dual sense to be used on older PS consoles. That would be really nice.
This and that Sega genesis, the two consoles that I found myself a fan boy for them! Ps3 started as a looser then tried hard to grow. I think the western exclusive titles saved it from the grave
I really regret selling my PS3 Slim back in 2018. It did partially fund my PS4 Pro purchase, but man, there's just something about the PS3 and that era of gaming.
I also deeply miss playing Skate 2 and 3. Special shout out to Modnation Racers as well.
@N1ghtW1ng i agree 7th generation was amazing
it was that perfect blend of 6th generation and 8th generation , amazing library of single player and multiplayer games & the ambition and presentation of the ps3 is unmatched
PS3 is the one generation I skipped and switched to PC at that time.
But I had PS1, PS2, PS4 and now have PS5.
PS1 and PS2 were chipped to play pirate copies. No shame in it, as at the time this was the only available way to play PS in Ukraine.
Sony has UA representative team in UA only starting from PS3 generation.
So I sold both of those consoles, as they currently would have 0 value for anyone.
My point is, where's emulation of older gens on PS5, Sony? You don't even know how large your fanbase is. Make it happen.
I still have my PS3 out in my retro room, it has a 1tb hdd that is full of games, I actually used the store to buy A Crack in Time a week ago, it was the only R & C title I didn't own digitally.
Still got the 320Gb slim PS3 set up (mainly for Worms: Armageddon, Motorstorm, Sonic & All Stars Racing, LBP 1 & 2 and ModNation Racers these days!)
Best of all I still have 3 working Dualshock 3 controllers AND the official (Spiderman font) remote control as it's the only Sony console to play CDs, DVDs and Blu-Ray discs.
@EliJapan Used to be an option on some games for 'V-sync' or 'V-lock' or something similar? Used to rectify a lot of the problems IF the option was included in the game.
@Blacksmith1985 Don't think the PS5 has enough 'umph' to emulate the PS3 & its Cell architecture with its archaic x86.
PS1 and PS2 could've been included in the PS4 never mind the 5 but Sony would rather charge you money for the titles no-one wanted.
I still have my PS2. Looks like a brick; haven't plugged it in though to find out
Ps3 is still the one console I refuse to abandon. its still the best way to play ps1 and ps2 titles, it has an amazing library with titles that simply are not avaliable anywhere else.
maybe if some day the ps5 can propperly emulate ps3 games, or if I can just plop a ps3 disc and play that game on ps5, or just have an option to download the games I own digitally on ps3. Only then I'll be ready to retire it but as its stands, its still a fantastic console with arguably the best UI sony ever made.
God Bless the PS3.
You just reminded me about another killer feature of PS3...the free multiplayer! I have fond memories of playing FIFA, Uncharted 2 & 3, ModNation Racers, Dead Rising 2 and God of War: Ascension.
I really miss the totally free multiplayer on the PS3. I understand why there's a paywall for online multiplayer for the PS4 and PS5, but not having to worry about PS+ to play online on the PS3 was something I admit I took for granted.
I was planning on upgrading the HD in my PS3. Am I imagining, or does reinstalling the system software on a new drive now prove to be problematic as of the most recent firmware updates?
@Olskeezy You can plug a Dual Sense into the USB port and it'll work perfectly! I've tried various ways to get it to work wirelessly but nothing seems to work, though...
@Bricktop33 Oh damn. thanks very much for letting me know. Downloaded as many games as I could before that happened for backups and was hoping that using a cable would be enough to allow it to work
My next gen PS5 has been gathering dust for months. I played some Gran Turismo7 then gave up. Meanwhile I'm still actively using my 10yr old PS3 twice a week, mainly to play GTA 4 online multiplayer. There's still a large number of players online, doing shootouts and races. I have two PS3s one hooked up to the main TV one hooked up to PC monitor. I race my girlfriend online, and sometimes take her out on virtual dates in GTA 4 freemode
@Vacuumator No, I think, like the PS4, you just need to get the latest firmware on a USB stick and install from that after you've swapped the drive.
If it follows the same procedure, you format a USB stick in exFAT format, create a folder called PS3, then one under that called UPDATE and in there you put the .pup file from the Playstation site here: https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/hardware/ps3/system-software/
Pop that in a PS3 USB socket and power up, following the on screen instructions.
I should probably pull mine out and make sure it still works...but too lazy to and my PS4 backlog is alot more massive.
Recently turned mine on to play Folklore, such a unique PS3-exclusive, really enjoyed it
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