A new game update for PS5 console exclusive Forspoken is now available to download. Taking the RPG to version 1.10, this does more than fix a few bugs — it's a pretty big patch that introduces some much requested improvements and enhanced performance.
Many of the major bullet points are outlined in this blog post, but we'll go through them here too. Firstly, there are a number of new options that should help smooth out the gameplay experience:
- 'Remember Last-Viewed Menu Section' is an option you can now toggle on or off. When off, the menu will always default to the map instead of taking you back to the section you were last looking at.
- 'Focus on Target' can also be toggled on or off. When off, pressing R3 while charging an attack will lock onto an enemy, rather than simply flip the camera to just point at an enemy.
- 'Lock On to Nearby Enemies' is a setting that allows you to keep the lock-on active after defeating an enemy. When on, this option will make it so the lock-on will snap to another enemy when you defeat the current one, rather than simply disengage the lock-on.
- 'Immunity to Own Magic' is a much-requested feature. When toggled on, Frey will not take damage or be staggered by her own spells.
In addition to these quality-of-life improvements, the patch adds some tweaks to the game's visuals. With the patch installed, you'll be prompted to manually adjust the brightness, contrast, and HDR of your image. Plus, some changes have been made to lighting and ambient occlusion to improve the overall look.
Finally, further optimisation has been implemented, which translates to improved performance. You should notice a smoother frame rate with the new update.
Again, for more info, you can read Square Enix's post here. Are you pleased with this update on Forspoken? Leap into the comments section below.
[source square-enix-games.com]
Comments 22
Soo good to see that they improve the game.
Probably it turns it more to the positive with further patches.
Like most games nowadays, they prove the best option is to wait.
This game wasnt finished was it
Okay the 'Immunity to own Magic' is absolutely a welcome addition, getting staggered because of your own magic ESPECIALLY fire magic, is EXTREMELY annoying, especially if I used a fire finisher or fire trap and all I'm trying to do is either get in close to an enemy OR I'm trying to dash through the flames and be on my way.
This they fix her dialog.. she’s as annoying as the protagonist in Deathloop
No update in the world can save this one lol
@themightyant I dont think thats the case. The case is, they were forced to release an unfinished product which is common these days. Unfortunately of course. Why push a release date and hype people to earn bad reviews and get reddit bombed with negative experiences? I dont get it.
Forspoken will be forgotten
I wonder how many of the people in the comment section actually played through the game. Personally, I felt that the game was excellent. It’s a shame that the game suffered from a campaign of hate early on because, I believe, if played with an open mind, the game is absolutely unique and one of the best games so far this year. For me at least, it’s my favorite console exclusive so far this year and, yes, I played Hi-Fi Rush and, yes, I played Fire Emblem Engage.
@ORO_ERICIUS pretty much every Game that is released needs fixing. people pay a premium ($70) for day1, and 9/10 times for a worse experience.
@themightyant is right, best to wait in most occasions
A game has to be really good for me to ignore the attitude of its developers and frankly this ain't it.
@stvevan "which is common these days" as I said yes
I know I'm in the minority, but as someone who doesn't care about 60 frames and can play just fine at 30, I finished Forsaken in resolution mode and don't recall any stutter and very little pop in.
Little enough pop in that I didn't notice it. That was all before this patch, but it felt like it was a steady 30 no matter how crazy it got on my PS5. I had no problems, never crashed all the way to the end.
And I still don't understand the complaints to the in game talking when you're exploring, since you can turn it off.
It's like no one understands the concept of the options menu.
To each their own, while the main story was edited badly, I thought the gameplay and level layout were great, best I've played in a long time.
And the woman you play as was great too, far above the average video game actors.
Personally, I think much of the coming down on her is for reasons I'd be labled woke for, not the quality of her delivery.
Anyway, my point, I suppose, is a counterpoint to those acting as if it were a broken or unfinished game when it performs better than 90% of the releases.
It's only glaring fault was the stories pace and edit, but they were no worse than a typical Ubisoft's main story.
Great game and I hope the woman voice acts in many more games in the future, because she's pretty good at it.
Looking forward to the expansion.
@Randinator123 Your loss. It's fun, no cheap bosses and runs great.
You go have fun forgetting it.
@somnambulance Besides, for those who hate it with passion, I never heard of them playing this at 120Hz mode, which really shines in this game, perhaps the best one in 120Hz mode... I don't think that they've never played and/or lack of a proper telly for it, same happens with Hogwarts Legacy, the balanced mode is the best one.
@somnambulance I'm with you on this one, I thought it was a great game and enjoyed exploring the maps and the combat was great. The story was a typical isekai setting which was fine and the graphics were decent. Only negative was the amount of chatter which could be turned down/or off in the settings.
I think most of the hate is just because its a playstation timed exclusive.
@somnambulance I was really having fun with Forspoken, taking my time and getting a kick out of parkouring all over the place, until the Sila’s Pact quest popped up after downing the first Tanta. That quest is pummeling me into reconsidering my play style.
I really don’t think the traditional “game was unfinished” gripes hold water here, since many of the improvements were made in response to player feedback. People forget that games have always been released in varying states of completion and quality, and you used to have to live with what was on the cartridge. I can’t see how a developer adding quality of life improvements post release can be seen as a negative.
The other moldy complaint about dialogue is a personal preference thing, I guess. My take is that it has its ups and downs, but the line repetition is a bit much. I’ve heard the Newark/New York gag about a hundred times too often.
Still, on the whole I’ve really enjoyed Forspoken. I just need to figure out how to finish Sila’s Pact so I can move on and continue to enjoy it.
Maybe instead of games launching at high prices and then coming down in price as they age, it should be the other way around. Every game is $20 at launch, early adopters are beta testers, and everyone else that didn't get in at the ground floor has to pay $80 for the polished and complete game. It'll drive FOMO sales, that's for sure!
@Amnesiac @UltimateOtaku91 @cassiel Glad to see the game get some love. I mean, for me, especially because it launched so close to goty season, it’s sort of in an easy place for comparison for me. If it would’ve been a release last year, it would’ve been in my top 5, definitely. The hate this game gets shoes me why developers get scared to take risks and we get bombarded with safer releases like remakes, remasters, and sequels.
And, yes, while the dialog isn’t for everyone, it’s certainly not the tremendous hurdle many have made it out to be. It’s nothing that’s any worse than most games. In an era where High on Life was released around the same time and had success with what I perceived as actual cringe inducing dialog, I really do think this game rubbed people the wrong way early on and it was doomed before it had a chance.
Glad im waiting to buy it, plus it didn't help Hogwarts came out so close I can't play that many open world games back to back.
I still have personal problem with main character. Simply she is ugly for me and I don't want to play this game because of it.
@themightyant My plan exactly. I'll buy Forspoken in 2024 when it's on sale for $25 New or cheaper.
I suspect the price is going to plummet FAST, due to the poor launch reception.
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