A huge update for Ghostwire: Tokyo has been announced, bringing a bunch of new stuff to the somewhat overlooked action game.
Set to arrive on the 12th April, the 'Spider's Thread' patch will add an all-new roguelike game mode, while the main campaign gets extended cutscenes, fresh environments, new missions, and even new combat skills. Sounds rather robust, doesn't it?
Perhaps the best thing about all of this, though, is that Ghostwire: Tokyo will soon be available through PS Plus Extra. The title's coming to the subscription service as part of this month's update, which should go live next week, on the 21st March.
It's perhaps a bit of a shame that subscribers will have to wait a few weeks for big content patch to drop, but you could always familiarise yourself with the game until then.
Will you be jumping into Ghostwire: Tokyo through PS Plus Extra? Or maybe you've already played it, and you've been waiting for an update like this? Pull off some crazy hand gestures in the comments section below.
[source bethesda.net]
Comments 43
I was planning on buying this but the mixed reviews swayed me from buying it. How is the roguelike system supposed to work? I heavily enjoyed the Freelancer mode from Hitman 3.
@Nepp67 Since it's on plus I'd give it a go. I really enjoyed this (I have a physical copy that I bought), so a new expansion is great news for me.
I've heard complaints that it was too "Ubisoft towery" - which doesn't bother me, since I don't play Ubisoft games normally.
I'm looking forwards to giving this a go. I wanted to buy it but there were other games that took priority. Bonus with it coming to extra next week 👍
Dropping alongside GamePass so makes sense to have the complete version.
By the time I finish re4 , the update will launch and I play it through plus, but hopefully finish it before the horizon dlc comes out. Great year of gaming with all the new games and plus offerings
I think I'll try this on PS Plus.
It's ever so mildly interesting enough for me to want to check it out, even more so now its on PS Plus. I just can't be bothered though. A far more interesting never ending backlog and far more interesting new releases coming soon, doesnt make any sense for me to check it out. A never ending backlog means my actual time for when I'm gaming is at a premium. Apologies if this upsets someone, its not my intention
I'm curious since I already beat the game and did all of the side-quests. It needs a new game plus though. I don't want to save all of those souls again. It is a shame this wasn't at release though, the new campaign stuff. I wonder how much will be added.
The rougelike mode sounds pretty dope though.
This does conencide with the Xbox release, which does feel like a bit of a shame and questionable with the MS purchase, but hey, we're getting it too.
I really enjoyed the game though and thought it was great.
A PSVR2 update would be insane too. It's the perfect game for it.
@AndyKazama It really isn't in the way people tend to complain about it. Most of the "towers" are integrated into the story and there aren't a lot by the time you can do it an open world sense. The towers are linear for the most part and make sense for the story. It wasn't a checklist, it was just part of main story missions for almost the entire game.
Nice. Looking forward to giving this a try.
I’ve already played and platinumed this, but if the update adds some new trophies I might go back to get 100% completion as the game was definitely enjoyable enough.
I really enjoyed this game. The atmosphere throughout is incredible. Exploring the the deserted streets in the heavy rain was so eerie and tense (and unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in any other game). It’s one of my favourite games from the last few years.
One thing I did change immediately was the default language (from Japanese to English). I think you could only do this from the main menu - you couldn’t change it from the in-game settings.
It pained me to do it honestly because I love hearing the Japanese-speaking voice actors but I couldn’t concentrate on playing the game and reading the subtitles at the same time - especially when you’re mid-fight. I found it too distracting. The English-speaking voice actors were very good though.
AT LAST! Freaking love this game and pleased as all heck that we're getting some dlc!!!
Wasn't interested when it launched and that feeling remains the same.
This is releasing the day it comes to Game Pass so if I want to play this game, I can wait until April 12th rather than increase my PS+ tier to get this.
I must admit though that this game didn't really interest me in the run up to launch and hasn't really appealed since launch either but I may try it if I don't have something else to play that appeals more...
@KaijuKaiser How do you know? I actually turn off Haptics in Most games as I don't want Gyro, don't want the triggers to 'fight' me. don't like all the Haptic feedback or some of the other 'gimmicky' aspects like Speaker, Touchpad, mic.
I find most of that 'distracting' at best, annoying, tiring and/or obtrusive at worst so I don't see how that makes a 'Game' better. Its still the same Game-play loop, same story etc.
As I have BOTH a PS5 and Series X, I have a 'choice' where to play multi-platform games and 'Dual-Sense' doesn't factor in to the equation in my decision. Given that I can 'play' at NO extra Cost to me the day it releases into Game Pass, the same as Deathloop (another game whose concept never appealed) or have to spend 'money' to upgrade to PS+ Extra just to play a game I don't really care if I never play, and won't really 'benefit' from PS+ Extra because the 'games' I really want to Play, I already have. GP at least brings games I haven't ever bought/played as they are brand new games. I didn't get GP for Ghostwire, I have it for Starfield, Redfall, Forza, Fable, Perfect Dark etc to play DAY 1 with my Xbox Elite V2 controller which is preferable to a DS5.
Each to their own - That's what Consumer Choice enables - if you want or 'prefer' the DS5 then you'll factor that in to your decision. If you want to Stream CoD for $10 a month instead of buying a PS and paying $70 you'll have that choice but if you prefer a DS5, your friends are on PS5, you want to keep your game, not rent it, want trophies etc then you'll still buy CoD on PS5 regardless of whether its on Xbox/PC and on Game Pass to get the 'SAME' content for only $15 a month. Maybe you prefer to game on the Go and now CoD will be on Nintendo so you'll buy it there instead. Point is, Consumer choice and what's 'best' for you/your preference doesn't make it the 'best' option for all. Not having to spend ANY money and still being able to play the entire game outweighs any 'gimmicky' DS5 implementation to me..
@Nepp67 User score of 8.6 on metacritic is very good, I platinumed it last year, great game.
I've got it in my backlog so I'm glad i waited.
This game is a fun and unique experience for anyone that hasn't tried it. Nothing groundbreaking but its something different and its a lot of fun. Great atmosphere and environmental visuals as well and the DualSense support is maybe the best I've ever seen
That's really cool actually, as well as very unexpected. Since I already completed the game and it's a neat one, I welcome any excuse to revisit it.
A roguelike mode could actually be a great setting to leverage all the strong abilities I got (and sometimes barely got to try) during my 100% run.
Will have to jump back in for the update and get re-downloaded
@BAMozzy As an intended experience, it's better on PS5 and the Dualsense is used thoroughly and well beyond any definition of a gimmick as such. The entire game was designed with it in mind (and I mean the entire game from top to bottom).
Now, if you don't like that part of the intended experience, then yes, it would be just as valid to play it elsewhere, but it would be missing a deeply implemented and intended part of the experience.
Without it, cuts are being made to the vision to port it elsewhere. Whether you care about those cuts is a different story.
Is this 100 percent confirmed to be coming to the ps5 version? As elsewhere its being said only the gamepass version is getting the new drop.
This game was alot of fun. Its not for everyone, but it was definitely a top 10 game for me last year. I don't necessarily disagree with the mixed reviews, but the fun factor made up for its flaws for me personally.
@Bricktop33 Its coming to PS5 also. The same thing happened with Deathloop when it debuted on Xbox with new content.
@BAMozzy Bruh, you only had to say that you don’t care for the dual sense features.
You didn’t need to word vomit all over the page.
There is some games to finish here anyway before I get this one. I can wait...
I'm loving the fact that AAA games are hitting PlayStation Plus so soon after release. Currently playing through Horizon Hidden West, but Ghostwire: Tokyo is one I've been wanting to play with.
Thank you Xbox game studios for continuing to improve this game on all platforms. I am happy other people can play and enjoy this game now after the one year exclusivity period on PS.
@cburg Huh?!
Hrmm so after April will be the best time for me to finally jump into this game, gotcha.
I bought this game for 70 dollars. Played it for two hours. Deleted it instantly and never thought about it again.
@Nepp67 I really enjoyed it ,I found it a bit short and wanted a bit more ,suppose thats a good thing ,it looks great also ,well worth a download
@cburg jesus 😂😂
@Nepp67 Shouldn't be too hard to put rogue-like, since 95% of the game was stuff you did roaming the city with random attacks.
Not much to change up..
Story was sparse and just enough to give reason to doing what you were doing.
In this case, it didn't matter. I thought the gameplay loop was a lot of fun.
Controls and level layout were Dying Light with the Elder Scrolls sorcery bits and you platform about collecting things and battling all kinds of spirits.
It controlled so well, I never got bored. There's nothing new, but it did all that it did do very polished.
I liked it. Hope you do too!
@Beerheadgamer82 That's fair.
Because while the loop is solid fun, this is not strong in either story or character itself (enemies are cool, the two n
main one's are....fine, but generic.
Any backlog games that suck you into a universe or tale more would be higher up a list.
Shame too, there's a strong foundation here. Sequel might be great.
@Jaz007 I played it about a year after release. They did add new game plus.
So you're all set!
@ItsBritneyB_tch Same! I usually like to stay with Japanese acting in my Japanese games, but thjs game was too fast paced to be able to read the subtitles, so I had to switch it to English.
Which made me sad. I didn't think the English acting was nearly as good, but it's also not terrible, so I made due.
@BAMozzy I feel the same with controllers.
Far as the games, I had a lot of fun with Tokyo, but turned off Deathloop after about four hours because it felt like one long gimmick not worth enduring.
Although Deathloop has lots of story and Tokyo is all atmosphere and gameplay, barely a story.
I usually like Deathloop's type of game, it wasn't that I didn't like the game style itself.
It just felt tedious and stale with what they did with it.
Tokyo had nothing original in it's gameplay, but did it really well.
Not sure where I was going with this or if it helps. 😄
I had fun playing this even got the plat, tho the story is only 6-8hrs long which is disappointing.
I played the trial (with premium) yesterday and it seems a good game. Waiting to become part of the extra tier and play it trough
@burning_as_souls Wasn’t it a very limited “new game plus” that doesn’t carry over any upgrades or abilities? Most of what you want from one?
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