Tchia developer Awaceb has today pushed a new update for the PS5 version of the chill, island explorer that adds 60fps support. It's available to download now and clocks in at 225MB, which brings the game up to version number 1.008. You can also look forward to further polishing and bug fixes, as well as fixes for crashes that happened in some cutscenes.
The only downside to the 60fps mode is you'll have to lower the resolution to 1080p. You can choose between a fidelity mode and a performance mode now, though, so select whichever suits you best.
During our time with the game before launch — as highlighted in the Tchia PS5 review — we encountered quite a lot of frustrating bugs. With this new patch now in place, it'll surely be a better experience for all PS5, PS4 players. Will you switch to 60fps now? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 56
Would always take 60fps at 1080p over 30fps at 1440p, or whatever the resolution was in this case.
Will get straight into this one later now they've done this. 👍
Hopefully they fixed a bug I reported where all new photos developed are completely white. The person I reported it to said they were looking into it, at least. Really loving the game. You can see where there are budget constraints but it more then makes up for it with its soul and uniqueness. It's also actually pretty scary sometimes, like that spirit temple with some weird giant thing lurking in the gloom that you're trying to hide from. 😨
Interesting! Tried it a few days ok but had to delete straight off as it was so jerky. If they’ve fixed that now the. I’ll give it another go!
I want to fully get into this game, but after I finished what I thought was the prologue, it said I was in chapter two, and moved me across the map. I was a bit scared off at the pace this happened, so need to get back to it and hope there comes a point where I can just explore without it shooting to the end of the game 😬
But on the other hand, you can pick up a pig and hold it over your head 😁😁
For something with an animated style, performance mode could be good to try out too. But the only real issue I noticed was that the shadows and reflections on the ocean kind of attached to the trees as you walk past, a weird visual bug.
@Ravix I think that's screen space reflections. A lot of games do it, it's the basic cheap way of doing reflections, and they all have visual glitches like this - Yakuza 7 does, actually - but they're really obvious in Tchia for some reason.
And yeah a couple of times the game skips you to a different place but it's rare. There's a load of relaxing exploration outside of that. And later not only can you hold the pig, you can be the pig.
Annoyed this wasn't available at launch as surely most people have finished/experienced it by now?
I gave up after about 2 hours. The performance was extremely poor with constant frame rate drops. Coupled with the dull gameplay I was really disappointed in Tchia.
Meh. Was hoping for a VRR 40fps mode since it's hands down the best way to play any game
@Ravix You can even put the pig in your backpack, lol.
@AFCC Most games don't justify that mode imo as the visual differences are mostly too minor for my liking. However, Ratchet was a damn treat in that mode. If every game did it like that, I'd be a staunch defender.
@Matroska ah, but can you hold a pig whilst being a pig? 😁 Probably not 🐖
Yeah, it was the one thing that I noticed as every time I walked past I was thinking something had popped out from behind the tree. I'll get back to it though, I definitely want to explore more, I'll just have to go back for the second 'prologue' stamina fruit later I guess : (((
@dschons yeah, haha. It is a joyous game, I'm going to have to get back to it. I also decorated my hut with my trophies from the shooting range, by absolutely hurling them at a table 😁 it's the simple things in these games 🏆
@Anke Not at all, it only came out a week ago!
@dschons absolutely agree. Sure a higher res is always fine but on a regular sized TV the differences are so minor, all these trouble around this topic isn’t really necessary.
When I think back to Guardians of the galaxy game (so much fun btw!) and the hustle around its 60 fps mode with only 1080p, I switched back and forth only trying to get the point but I wasn’t able to see a huge difference. Yes, it was slightly less sharp but in motion and regular gameplay… come on, it’s not with it.
Ok 1080p is this the ps5 or PS3 wow
Okay, good. Hopefully they fixed the irritating trophy issues too.
@RBMango What are the trophy issues? I'm getting pretty close to the platinum and haven't had any issues with the trophies I've earned so far.
@LiamCroft I really do need a backlog, I end up finishing everything in its first week.
@bpomber None of the trophies would pop for me, but I've heard from the dev Twitter account that this issue has supposedly been fixed.
May give this ago in a few days looks quite a chill out game,nice to see patch up already ,I'll go for 1440p and 30 fps as I usually prefer res over performance as most things look incredible on my lucky to have lg oled
Not most things ,everything looks amazing on oled
@Anke agree - why couldn't they delay it a week or pull out the stops to include it. I played it through last week, didn't enjoy the choppy framerate at all, and now they've patched it! Annoying!
Plus all my trophies were broken and finished the game without a single one
@Flippygruffle wow every single one!? I had an issue with a soldier stuck in a wall but apart from that all went well trophy wise.
@lets_do-this_1999 not at 30fps they don't!!
Remember when we thought the power of the PlayStation 5 would mean we’d get 4K 60fps in every game? How naive we were.
A lot of games make us choose whether we want higher resolution or higher framerates. And in the cases of Gotham Knights and Plague Tale: Requiem, having no choice to have a framerate higher than 30fps.
I’d give games like Tchia a bit of pass though. It’s more understandable for a smaller development studio to not have the budget or resources to fully optimize their game. But I still think that games shouldn’t release in a buggy state, and only release when the game is actually finished.
@Impossibilium We were never promised 4K/60fps for every game and anyone who expected that was stupid considering that's a luxury more powerful and expensive PC's struggle to get.
@lets_do-this_1999 Problem with that approach is that the lower the frame rate, the blurrier moving objects are - and that includes the entire image when you move the camera. The irony is that having a lower framerate in order to get a higher resolution and detail is actually counterproductive unless nothing ever moves and you never move the camera.
Don't much care for its performance. Its the knowing where your character is on the map when looking at the map for the collectables is the annoying part
@WallyWest amen 👍
Awesome news. This game is growing on me. I didn't really understand the game loop until I really sat down with it and started exploring. Its clearly "Breath of the Odyssey" but its unique enough.
@Beerheadgamer82 I think an accurate map marker like GTA would take away from the exploration of the game.
@CRASH64 not deep into it yet. On the first starting out map it took me almost 2 hours to find every collectable, around 8 or 9 collectables. If I could find out where my character was on the map, those 8 or 9 collectables would have took no more than 20mins. Knowing where your character is when on the map is a basic feature all games have. It just seems a pure negative to not include knowing where your character is. Genuinely don't get why that decision was made, just makes the game far less fluid. Like it's putting up a pointless barrier that doesn't need to be there
@Anke Can't recommend a backlog, but perhaps a 3-12 month delay would be prudent to play better versions of games with all features.
@themightyant sounds daft but I am just waiting for games day one as I've nothing else to play, sort of played everything I want in the store.
@Anke That seems insane to me, as I have literally hundreds of games i've bought / acquired and haven't played, and many more i'd like to play. Can't even begin to understand what it would be like to have a clean slate. Grass is always greener!
For idle curiosity's sake do you only play on PlayStation? And do you have PS+ Extra or similar?
My wife has played this since launch an experience little to no bugs.
@TrickyDicky99 I wish I could wait as it makes perfect sense of course.
@themightyant honestly I've played every game I want to own on the PS store, sometimes if I'm super bored and there is not a game out for a week I'll dive into PS Plus but I usually sit for hours just going through every page of the store like you do when you keep opening the fridge door expecting something new to be in there. I am in the lucky position of being able to play for easily 40+ hours a week so I burn through games pretty quick.
Yep, only play on PlayStation, and I would love your backlog
Gamerguy ,matroska Yes I know what you mean with 30fps blurriness when moving camera at speed ,oh yes there's no doubt that 60fps is much better ,my personal issue is that until we get 60fps as complete standard in every game and its the only option ,that getting used to 60fps then dropping to 30 fps in some games,obviously a difference ,I personally only tend to go 60fps when racing games and any shooting games I may play when very fast movement is required ,having said that I Really hope we all get 60 fps as standard soonish ,options are very nice I must admit ,I tend to be always tempted by resolution abit more as the oled tv has a very quick response rate and anyway great thing is is options at the moment as long as everyone is having fun that's all that matters
Awesome. I only have 1080p display so that's brilliant news for me
@Anke honestly gobsmacked when I hear how some people are as organised as you to get that much gaming in! I'm working in a fairly demanding job but am single, really should do better than 40 hours every 3 months at best. I almost spend more time reading about games than playing...
@Beerheadgamer82 you can put pins in the map and follow the direction on the compass. So put a pin on the collectible and follow the compass in the direction the pin on the outside of the compass. It has been working for me
@bindiana thanks for the tip. I'll definitely do that when i continue my adventure. Feel a little silly right now ha. Just goes to show playing a game for barely a couple hours ain't a true reflection of what it truley offers. Still would have been nice if it had a simple current location marker on the map though
1. I love the map/exploration features. I hate constantly following a map marker on games as you end up not looking at the world as much. Look at a map, pick out landmarks and follow a compass and look at the actual landscapes makes it more fun, surely? Just explore 😁
2. Performance mode seems perfect for this game, I've flicked between the two and both look nice on oled so the smoothness is a definite big plus for this game as it feels real smooth without the weird motion you get in some games.
3. I've just been chilling with the ukulele for like twenty minutes as soon as I got it and I'm now very happy with the game 😁 (can we unlock more chords and notes for the wheel later on though?) I've been mostly playing a nice melancholic jam with hints of hope and plenty of upstrokes! But I want to expand my repertoire 😁
@Beerheadgamer82 I'm old enough to remember when GPS was a new thing only available to the military - and even then, the military taught you how to look at the map and then look at your surroundings and figure out where you were. It's called "orienteering," and it's a real skill that can be very valuable, even with a GPS and Google Maps in my pocket.
Don't think of it as a game lacking a feature - think of it as a game helping you learn a real-world skill!
@Anke that's when you go off and play games you don't think you want to play and discover something new you might like 😁
I'm a backlog master but that's because I'm an incredibly slow gamer who only used to play maybe like a couple of the big games, and very genre specific, and then I slowly started playing lots of other things. So I always have a AAA I could go and play and experience for the first time and put in a very leisurely 100-300 hours of chill gaming with that, before moving to something else. Then I started played Indies and random new things I'd never have tried since getting PS Plus Extra on top of the stuff I wanted to play! 😬
Took a break from Tchia to play RE4 but will return to it and finish off the platinum this week.
First impressions were: ‘this is going to be awful’ but it quickly won me over with its charm and I’ve actually enjoyed it quite a lot overall.
The Totem Shrine mini-challenges have been my favourite part but honestly, just exploring and collecting everything has been really fun. It kinda reminds me of a lighter/more colourful version of Stranded Deep, without the survival or building aspects.
@bindiana this is my method too. Also, if you soul-jump into a gas can, you can bounce across the map much quicker than on foot (and the gas can stays put when you jump out). Just grab the collectible, soul-jump back into the gas can, then bounce to the next one and repeat.
@Ravix you know you’re absolutely right I really should just spin a wheel and play something random. Might even find a genre I like.
@MuppetThumper I’m always gobsmacked too when I see my end of year statistics
Sounds like you probably have everything balanced nicely.
@Anke What sort of games do you like? Maybe we can help
I play too much, but I don't get close to 40 hours. Maybe half that, if i'm lucky, and ignore other things. I also play on all platforms which definitely doesn't help!
@themightyant I play everything really, except fighters and horrors but I think I'm open to anything else. https://psnprofiles.com/ankeuk
I'm enjoying some MLB The Show this week along with some nightmarish fishing in Dredge so a nice fun balance I think.
Happy for any suggestions of course. Happy to have a stroll through anyone's games list.
I do feel bad to overshadowing the 60fps chat a bit though
@Anke Whoa! You weren't' kidding. 262 completed games. 👏 I assume you have access to a TARDIS.
No worries about overshadowing chat, it happens the whole time. Besides we're a community and trying to help. But to be safe i've created a new forum thread. Not sure if you will get the link if I tagged you there so the link is below.
Forum post
Thanks @themightyant I'm really grateful you took the time to do that.
@Gamer_Guy Same here! I'm looking forward to installing the game eventually, when there's a lull in big releases this year.
Which sadly won't be happening for me until July or August at this rate.
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