We've always known PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium will have rotating catalogues with titles added and removed monthly, but it's unlikely anyone expected 32 games to be taken away all at once. That's what's happening next month, though: the service's Last Chance to Play section has been updated with a whopping 32 titles that'll disappear on 16th May 2023.
The complete list reads as follows:
- Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition
- Marvel's Spider-Man
- FlatOut 4 - Total Insanity
- Deadlight: Director's Cut
- Homefront: The Revolution
- Mighty No. 9
- Red Faction: Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
- Shenmue III
- This War of Mine: The Little Ones
- Metro: Last Light Redux
- Metro 2033 Redux
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance
- Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon: Every Buddy!
- Left Alive
- Star Ocean: First Departure R
- Balan Wonderworld
- Resident Evil
- How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition
- Pixel Piracy
- Last Day of June
- Virginia
- Dreamfall Chapters
- TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge 2
- MX vs. ATV All Out
- Tour de France 2021
- Graveyard Keeper
- Relicta
- Windbound
- Chronos: Before the Ashes
- Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive Edition
This is obviously a very substantial list, with many quality titles that are more than worth playing included. In addition, the PS Plus Collection will also be taken away on 9th May 2023, which contains another 19 great PS4 titles. You'll still be able to play them once they're gone as long as you redeem them before the expiration date, but any new subscribers will miss out after next month.
With so many games leaving the service all at once, the hope is Sony will combat it with a lengthy list of PS5, PS4 and Classic titles coming to PS Plus later in the month. Had you planned on checking any of these games out? Quickly play them in the comments below.
Comments 76
Wow some decent games included in there. This just shows the bad side to subscription gaming and why buying games remains my main way to play.
Spiderman is the ps4 version, which never got patched to run at 60fps iirc.
Imo the biggest losses here are the metro games and resident evil, but already own those normally.
I get that Sony has contracts with publishers to keep games on the service for a fixed time and when that time ends the games need to leave the service.
What is their excuse for removing Sony published games from the service?
Not Mighty No 9 and Balan Wonderworld
@UltimateOtaku91 I've certainly kicked myself a few times after a game purchase turned into yet another Plus giveaway but at the same time it is nice to not have any anxiety about how long you'll have to play games when you actually buy them.
And wow, apparently even first part titles aren't safe.
Lets be honest there mostly all rubbish games anyway not a huge loss
Excited for the news when Spiderman is re-added to the service in July 2023. Love when they add games they took away and act like it's a big get.
On the plus side, it would appear MS are gifting ps plus with 9 bethesda games...so, theres that 🙂
@Sam_ATLUS noticed you wrote the same comment, deleted mine
@zupertramp Yeah that's a big problem as well, especially if there's a few games that you want to play from the list of games getting removed, you basically then have a month to play them all.
RE 2002, the Metro games, and Kingdom Come are the biggest losses here. I'm not crazy about Kingdom Come but its a good game to play on a service like this.
Surprised at Spider-Man leaving, but maybe it will be given away on regular PS Plus nearer to the release of the new game and they want it to seem like an even better deal 😁
As for the others, that's nowhere near enough time to play KCD if anyone has yet to play it, unless you want to play day/night for the next month, so I advise you start it and then buy it. It's a really great game so use this chance to download it as a trial and really get into it. A superb time to be had 😄😄😄
Also, I'm now thinking they will actually show some KCDII this summer. It has to be time, right 👀
Whilst I do understand the point you're making, it feel it's only fair to mention that if you really really really wanted to continue playing one of those particular games there is still always the option of buying it.
I personally feel the subscription services are a great way of trying lots of games you wouldnt normally get the chance too.
Bet spiderman is added next month to ps+. Source: just bought it 😂
Another month where most of the catalogue departures are on Switch (and some already in my respective library) regardless, leaving little to feel bummed about. But Spider-man was among the tangible playthroughs I started right after getting my US account subbed, so it sure is a pity to see it go. Might as well delete the game right away until better times, tossing it on the wishlist. And FlatOut 4 being in the roster somehow went over my head; perhaps I'll give it a roll while it's still around.
Fingers crossed that my primary Catalogue focus these days, FFXV, may "survive" the summer and ideally the winter holidays. I'm still weighing up my odds of renting a PS5 to claim the PS+ Collection titles (so I can at least "secure" them for whenever my US sub is active) but, in all irony, already having this game processed among the Extra titles may get in the way for all I know.😅 Then again, I'm knee-deep enough here that I would probably make it my wishlist priority [at the nearest sale] if I had to.😄
@Sam_Atlus as someone unironically amicable towards both games, I can procure Balan Underworld on Switch but Mighty No.9 is sad to see leaving since its proverbially troubled release skipped everything portable in the end and the PS4 version, once a PS+ monthly giveaway, is no longer accessible to me (not without buying 3 months of Essential for the price of 1 year of Premium, at least🙄) - part of the Catalogue's appeal at the time of me deciding on a new sub tier was in at least nominally "returning" a bunch of such titles within my reach. But I knew this wasn't meant to last.
@evan23 I'm guessing since part 2 is coming out soon they're probably trying get more sales before it launches.
Removing games is often a way to boost sales to those who haven't yet played or only played by a Subscription service and now 'panic' they won't get to play it or finish it...
Sony may well be wanting to get 'more' sales than Subs in these games as they are going to be using 'new' games coming into the service to 'entice' you to keep Subbing and/or bring new subs in.
Games not in the service anymore can ONLY be played if you own a Copy yourself so removing games (even their OWN) is increase Sales on those products.
It makes sense if you are a Sales based company 'focussing' on being the 'best' selling in any charts and really only concerned by 'sales' figures. No doubt some/most/all of these will see an increase in sales when they leave.
If you 'keep' the game in a service permanently, its only to increase the player count as the service grows in Users and its still for sale too but its still cheaper/easier to have those in your 'backlog' on a service you can access anywhere than buy all those games you missed out on for 'reasons' - inc for all those who become 'gamers' on Console for the first time this year.
That's 'service' based vs Sales based - Why its 'different' to say Game Pass for example because different business models...
This sucks! I don't like this at all. There are numerous games on there I wanted to play and ill never get to them all before they leave
Shenmue 3 is the only loss of note here. But the good news is you can usually pick it up for like £5 now!
Edit - the digital deluxe edition is currently £3.49 - crazy for that size of game.
It is a shame that Sony was not able to negotiate a deal with Spider-Man's publisher to keep it on the service.... oh wait....
Seriously, that is ridiculous...
“In addition, the PS Plus Collection will also be taken away on 9th May 2023, which contains another 19 great PS4 titles. You'll still be able to play them once they're gone as long as you have an active membership…”
Don’t forget to claim them first though. If you haven’t claimed them before May 9th they’re gone.
@UltimateOtaku91 Thats what I thought at first. But then I re read the last line in the article : You'll still be able to play them once they're gone as long as you redeem them before the expiration date, but any new subscribers will miss out after next month.
Am I incorrect in thinking that as long as you've added these to your collection, you'll still have access to download them? I've got many games that I still download despite never purchasing them. I've only ever seen a handful of games that I've been locked out of over the 10+ years of being a PS Plus subscriber.
It’s funny how people here and on Xbox websites say how amazing the service is…. Then when a load of big games get removed all at once they claim “they are all rubbish” it’s like you just like the service coz it’s on Xbox/playstation.
I give full props to push square they often have articles calling out Sony when stuff doesn’t seem quite right. This is another occasion where they are right to do so.
Well, I guess it's to get people to actually buy the games, if they like them. I wasn't going to buy Ghost of Tsushima, since it's on Ps Plus, but I will now, knowing this could happen.
Nice and exciting too. You know that with a subscription service. And those who have not yet played Spider-Man can always buy it with a significant discount. Yes you can also just buy games. I know that sounds crazy in 2023 but still .
@UltimateOtaku91 Games disappearing like this is a kind of silver lining for that sense of annoyance when a game you bought 'cheap' in a sale appeared on Extra before you've even played it!
I really hope this new "Future tech group" they're building understand how to properly do services and produces a committed effort to do it right. Because right now they just don't seem to be committed to their own subscription in any serious way, it seems more like a plaything to vote "present" in the service sector, while using it to manipulate people to accept services are naturally inferior to reinforce their traditional business model. They really should be a leader in this area, they were the first players in it!
@UltimateOtaku91 OTOH they're doing this to manipulate you into thinking that way....
@Human_Tornado the essential monthly games you keep 'forever' as long as your subscription is active, the extra and premium games you lose access to when they are removed.
Oh thank god both Arkham PS4 remasters ain't leaving Premium yet, only just got back into them couple weeks ago. Also Last Stop and The Artful Escape ain't leaving either with the latter needed for a double plat. At least these departures are announced with just about enough time left for some to be completed if needed
if you actually want a game to be yours , then at the end of the day buying it is the best choice. this is just basically renting games , and most games will eventually be taken off , and imo they shouldn't be on there forever.
Once a first party game is on there it shouldn't be removed imo
@Jayslow yh it's a little suspect taking their 1st party off. There is a decent chance of the remastered PS5 version of Spiderman being added to Extra soon instead, Essential would be better
Played Metro 2033 Redux and Tour de France and completed them, not fussed about the rest leaving.
@Beerheadgamer82 oh for sure. They gotta scrub the store of all evidence of the old Peter Parker face before the sequel comes out.
@Jayslow ha I actually forgot they did that. Nothing wrong with the first Peter tbh, maybe newer Peter is slightly younger looking but that's about it, another weird odd choice. Ain't played the remastered version yet but 100% it all on PS4
I like normal (essential) psplus more, there's no fear of my games getting taken off 😕
So... Here is my main problem with subscription models like this and maybe just PS sub model in particular. I am a Premium subscriber. I have on my list to play 3 of these games. I have just been told with a little more than 30 days notice that they are being removed. This is... quite simply... not enough time. How long has Sony known that these games were leaving the service? Could I get a list of the departure dates so I can prioritize what games I play? Like... why isn't that just a normal part of being subscribed? Maybe someone from PushSquare has an insider view as to why this happens.
I guess that Spider-Man Remastered will be added next month.
Well I was a tiny bit miffed when I saw but the news of a slew of ps classics?? Give me Broken Sword Sony!!! All of them!!
Couldn't agree more. Just buy your games. Preferably physically.
Always a shame to see games leave, though it’s to be expected, there are almost 900 games on Extra and Premium. New games added but some have to leave.
Thankfully I’ve played everything I want to here.
Good excuse to finally pick up a physical copy of Marvels Spider-Man. Such a good game
@Ken_Kaniff Nothing is stopping you from being able to still play them.
@UltimateOtaku91 it's not that big of a deal anyway if you actually play them in time like I do and to be honest noone can realistically moan about these games being taken off as they explained this is how it goes before Extra and premium was even released.
@NEStalgia why are you complaining about this? You do realise they explained how PS extra and premium works before it was released right? We was all warned about it that games don't stay on their forever so anyone moaning about it it's their problem not sonys as they explained it and warned us. We knew this was going to happen.
And this is why a subscription service is bad for the game industry.
But Sony taking away first party titles is ridiculous, unless they are adding the Ps5 versions.
I dont go to netflix and think o they are going to takeaway there original content.
And games take alot longer to beat so to give you so much choice and then for games to be taken off, this is why it just doesn't work. And why reality is xbox game pass will never truly be profitable.
People will just dip in and out more frequently than a disney plus sub or a netflix sub.
At least with films 1 to 3 hours and your done and you have alot of choice.
Games on the other hand 10 to 100+ hours, just doesn't work in my eyes. Maybe I'm wrong.
Got lucky this time. I think I already played all I wanted of those games. I feel some fear that a title I'm currently playing or still want to gets removed (happened with Assassin's Creed Valhalla), but so far so good.
Kingdom Come Deliverance? Seriously!? I've just downloaded that ready to play next week, but it's massive and I definitely won't have time to finish it. Guess that'll be ANOTHER one I have to buy because it's been/being removed. I understand licensing, but surely they could give something like 3 month notices on games rather than 4 (and sometimes 3) weeks. I'm still not sold on purely subscription services and not sure I ever will be to be honest.
@RebRebel This is my point above. An instant way to improve the sub service is to give me the date which the game will expire so that I can prioritize that in my playing. Heck they should even provide that as a sorting option. "Sort by nearest expiration date"
@LordOfTurnips the ps4 version was patched for the ps5!
Damn I was about to finally take the plunge on Resident Evil for the first time. Got a busy month ahead so idk if I’ll find the time for it, but I guess the PS1 version’s still around. Any thoughts on the remake vs the OG for a newbie to the series?
I already own about 75% of them and the others i don't care about tbh
@Total_Weirdo could be a licensing issue. Their access to gaming rights with the spider man ip is complicated, they might have to make a deal with marvel/Disney to have that in their subscription service.
Guess I better play star ocean quick.
I was already subscribed until 2025 when Extra came out so I paid to get it until then but beside Stray, which was good, I regret ever paying for the service. I thought we were going to get more day one releases like Stray. The service is only for new player coming in. Still hoping for Sifu to get added soon.
@Chaotic_Goat Sony made it very clear and it was widely reported that they do not want to add first party games at launch because it would "de-value" the games, so that's kind of on you for not researching.
That being said - I subscribed for the "retro" games and besides an odd few all they're doing is charging more money for the same games that were on PS Now, with a few decent extras that can be purchased separately. So maybe joke's on me
I buy all my games on sale, will prob drop down to essential psplus when renewal is up.
I have most of these on my download list, I'll have to buy the ones I like
That is disappointing to hear about first party titles leaving the service. Looks like I'll be holding on to my copy of Horizon Forbidden West, in case I want to experience Burning Shores.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@ItsAlwaysSunnyyy I’m not talking about first party games here, mote like day one indies like Stray and what we get on gamepass
Removed - trolling/baiting
Removed - trolling/baiting
Quite a lot leaving the store and not much entering.
@Hundred_Hand_Slap I noticed that too pal
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 leaving too
geez, what an awful service. it's a complete crapshoot as to when sony will remove games and they only give you a month in advance. the essential ps+ service is much better since you can keep the games in your account for as long as you are subscribed. no guess work and you can play on your own watch, not sony's.
Hopefully they'll put some splinter cell ones on there
Thankfully I already own most of these games, but it's still very sad to see these leaving!
@BAMozzy I was playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla before they took it off the service and I will not be buying it as a result. No sales for bad practice, IMHO
@MattBoothDev Well that's 'your' choice but for some, they may well be more tempted to buy than not be able to keep playing and/or finish the game.
There are people that want to finish these and/or be able to play at some point in the future, therefore its these that this practice targets. If you don't buy, regardless, then its no 'loss' to the them to 'remove' your free access they have probably been 'compensated' for via your Sub fee. They won't get 'more' from you but also you won't get 'more' access from them either.
Its literally now a case of Buy or 'miss out'. If you are satisfied, achieved or finished all you wanted to do then of course you won't buy just because its leaving - I never bought the Medium, the Great Escape, Gunk etc if/when they leave Game Pass either because by the time they leave, I have already 'finished' all I wanted to.
If you wanted to finish playing AC: Valhalla - you'd have no choice but to buy it as you can no longer 'access' it via PS+. The point is to 'entice' you to buy these games when they leave - but if you don't 'care' enough - either because the game isn't that interesting to you, you've already finished/played enough or just happy to play the games you can when you can, then its pointless buying, but they hope you want to keep playing so will 'buy'...
@BAMozzy yes, precisely.
They (Ubisoft, presumably) have intentionally taken the game off the service to "entice" people into buying the game. I don't like attempts to manipulate me like that. It hadn't even been on the service that long before they removed it. It was very brazen. It was and still is *****.
I appreciate your attempt to explain what is going on but it sounds a bit apologist as well. We've paid our subscription fees. We are entitled to think a game would be on the service for more then a month or two at a time.
@MattBoothDev I am NOT apologising at all - that is the Purpose of a predominantly SALES focussed business - like Ubisoft or Sony that also use 'Services' to get you in their game, get you trying them before you 'buy' etc.
You NEVER own these games so they attempt to get you 'playing', get you 'hooked' and then are more likely to 'buy' when it is rotated out. You, as a consumer, still have the Choice to buy or not, to play the games that 'replaced' these or even decide that a Sub service isn't really for you because you have NO control over which games will be rotated in/out.
Its still 'cheaper' than buying all the games you want to play, but you may find your access is 'removed' at some-point - to encourage you to buy and/or add something else to encourage people to Subscribe.
You paid your Subscription fee to access the 'Library' of games in that service for that 'month'. The library is subject to 'change' every month too so its up to the Publisher/Service Provider to decide 'how long' it suits THEM to offer a Game on that service for. With 3rd Party Publishers, they may decide that 2-3 months is 'enough' to get people to TRY before they 'BUY' - not try indefinitely so you are completely 'finished' and no desire to own long term.
With First Party, they may 'decide' that an IP is better served to encourage more Subscriptions so 'keep' it on that Sub service indefinitely but could want to try and get more Sales so they can reach another 'Sales' milestone (5m, 10m, 20m sales...) - it just depends on the Company and what is most 'important' to their Business model.
The vast majority are very SALES focussed - not service based - especially 3rd Party publishers like Ubisoft, EA etc. They 'need' sales for their Business model - the 'best' selling IP, the biggest selling entry in the Franchise, #1 selling game of the week/month/year etc. Sales to investors/shareholders also mean 'success' - even if they get a 'decent' income from Services.
Ubisoft ALSO have their OWN sub-service too - so pulling it from PS+ also may encourage some to Sub to Ubisoft+ to keep playing...
@BAMozzy I know how it works, I just don't like it. I buy most of my games physically if I can and have a decent PC library courtesy of years of humble bundle and Steam sales.
I bought the ones I wanted when they were relatively new like Spiderman, Virginia, This War of Mine, the Metros, Resident Evil and Red Faction before the subscription service began. I wouldn't buy or play them today, they're too old.
As for the rest of the games they too are years old and/or garbage. Good riddance I say. They're just clogging up the library and making it longer to search for something decent to play
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