Update: Secret Mode has officially confirmed that, yes, Zool Redimensioned is coming to PS4 on 16th May. But there’s more, as the remake will be bolstered by the addition as several local multiplayer party game modes, including Zool’s Gold, Rool of Zool, and Ball Brawl. That’s all in addition to an upgraded version of the original 1992 campaign, rebuilt for more contemporary audiences.
Original Article: If you had an Amiga – or, to be honest, even a Mega Drive – then you’re probably familiar with the Ninja from the Nth Dimension, Zool. Pegged as a rival to the platforming icons of the early 90s, like Sonic the Hedgehog, this rapid release is perhaps best remembered for its inclusion of Chupa-Chups – but it remains a fine game, and is making a comeback on the PS4.
Zool Redimensioned is already available on Steam, and is a complete rebuild of the classic, with modernised gameplay – although the original 16-bit version is included for the purists among you. Interestingly, this port has been created by a team of young graduates working within Sumo Digital’s Academy, which is basically set up to help wannabe game designers ship their first commercial product.
There’s no Platinum Trophy in the list, but you will have to beat the game a couple of times and best a developer speedrun record to earn that all-important 100 per cent. Pretty tough, then. There’s no release date just yet, but with the gongs already in Sony’s servers, we can’t imagine an official announcement is too far away.
[source exophase.com]
Comments 21
Will the Chupa Chups be returning? Their absence would LITERALLY ruin the game!
(Obviously not)
@Orpheus79V They will not, I'm afraid.
Super nostalgia I remember this. Though probably not enough to want to play it again. If we're reviving forgotten Amiga games how about mega-lo-mania? With a Vs multiplayer mode. I'd be on that day one.
@BeerIsAwesome A tragedy!
Ah Chuba Chups? Once a sponsor in a game now named after the best footballer in the world right now...the immortal Chuba Akpom.
YES! I loved Zool, though I’m convinced I’m the only person who did. I’ve never met another gamer who’s played it.
My sister's boyfriend had an Amiga 500 so it was within my privilege to play on it while they were out. Zool, Robocod and Jimmy White's whirlwind snooker were my go to's.
I wonder what the thought process was behind this 😂 Sure, let’s take this enthusiastic group of young graduates and put them on… a port of Zool 😁
I played this regularly on a friend’s Amiga 500. It’s a slightly bizarre choice for a remaster.
A full remake of this is definitely needed:
@Odium I played it a heck if a lot. I'd actually forgotten about it until this article, but I used to play it all the time on the Amiga. Loved that console. Chaos engine, Fire and ice, James pond Robocod. So many great games
Zool (definitely NOT a Ninja Ant!) was reasonably good; Zool 2 was the better game. Pity this doesn’t include both games in the one collection. I’d be tempted to get that, rather than just the first.
I do like the idea of ‘modernised gameplay’ though. Some 80’s and 90’s gaming elements just made things waaaay too tough for me then, never mind now!
Will this include the CGI rendered intro from the CD32 version? Probably not, but for nostalgia purposes would be sweet
@BeerIsAwesome Seem to vaguely recall Robocod on PS2 (& more recently ported to Switch),missing the Penguin collectables,(which I think was related to a UK biscuit brand or something)?🤔 Seem to recall puzzle game Pushover also used a chip brand too?
@Batesy125s Yep,some great ones on Amiga,(& indeed C64 further back),James Pond/Robocod, Fire & Ice,(or other Graftgold stuff like Paradroid 90 & the rock hard Uridium 2), Cannon Fodder, obviously we did see the Turrican Games get ported...Ruff'n'Tumble was a great platform blaster too! Still reckon Speedball 2 would be great fun so long as they didn't spoil it with mobile like graphics I'd seen of other ports of it,keep it to the classical style!👍
@BeerIsAwesome One thing back in the Amiga era at least was most of those games mentioned you had the item as a power up or bonus etc.
Still have nightmares from my games retail days having leftover unwanted promotional cans of "V Energy" drink for PS3/360 era COD Modern Warfare where we had bucketloads of preorders.
Would drink some to stay awake for Midnight launches of COD & other big titles,struggle to get to sleep at 2am or so thereafter & then need a couple to try be awake for a 7.30/8am early pick-up the same morning!!🤪😱 Gimmie digital lucozade/chupa chumps any day!
@Robocod Think I have James Pond: Robocod installed on my PS3??
Wonder what happened to all those Amiga dev studios? Obviously we know of the fate of Psygnosis...
I do remember playing Zool though - but I found the 'copper' background was better due to being less busy than the A1200 version.
Due to a recent house move, I found my Amiga in the loft and, just for old times sake and curiosity but not expecting much, booted it up to find that it still worked!
Had a great time playing Sensi, Cannon Fodder, Worms: The Director's Cut and Base Jumpers (now THAT is a game that needs a remake!)
@Robocod Pushover featured Quavers! Colin the dog which was probably the advertising mascot at the time.
Found my Amiga last weekend in my parents loft. Pushover & Zool were the only games that weren't copies!
@sanderson72 Seems to vary dev to dev but a theme that seemed common was a significant cost increase going from 16bit to 32bit & bigger staff/production increases etc.
Some of the older devs have started popping up on twitter etc. Eg: Graftgold's Andrew Braybrook has a blog/twitter,& Steve Turner a site talking about the mixed luck they had with publishers going bust & losing their most valuable IP's.
Andrew Braybrook has actually mentioned their ps1 port of Rainbow Islands was based off the Amiga version in how it was collated & has pondered a full blooded A1200 version might’ve been able to feature similar enhanced backgrounds!
Youtuber Kim Justice has done some great videos on others like Sensible Software & the like too!
Regarding Chris Sorrell of James Pond/Robocod fame,I believe he did a comic of sorts to do with Medievil's re-release on ps4 (he was involved with both games on ps1). He apparently did try a kickstarter at one point to license James Pond & do a new game but sadly fell well short & it was cancelled.
Unfortunately IP rights seem all over the place. Codemasters apparently picked up Sensible's catalogue a few years ago,(no idea if that means they're EA's now!😕) Read on Push Square Rebellion has Bitmap Bros.,& lord knows with others...System 3 I think were involved as Publisher for the Robocod Switch port but they seem a shadow of their former selves these days.
That said,have seen on the retro circles retro systems like Evercade seem to have picked up re-releasing some for their cartridges. (Or the A500 mini)
@YorkieDevil Tend to stick to WinUAE these days, but some games definitely benefit from joystick control vs a modern gamepad!👍
Zool was the game that alerted me to the fact I have epilepsy. Literally. Will not be buying this
Would love to see some classic Amiga games packaged up for PS though. How about a Sensible Software collection? SWOS, Cannon Fodder, Mega-Lo-Mania, Sensible Golf. These were awesome games!
Even Zool gets brought back before Gex!? Oh, come on! Somebody PLEASE get over to Crystal Dynamics HQ and bang some freaking heads together!
One of the best retro soundtrack in gaming imo. Loved it! Will definitely be buying when it's out. Such nostalgia!
Updated with release date.
I remember reviewing/playing this on megadrive back then and it was not regarded as a classic: https://www.reddit.com/r/retrogamingmagazines/comments/u3muaa/zool_mega_drivegenesis_review_from_mean_machines/
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