If you have pre-ordered a digital copy of Final Fantasy XVI via the PS Store, you should now be able to pre-load the PS5 title ahead of launch on 22nd June 2023. It's a big 90.131GB download, so you'll save tons of time by taking advantage of the option. The pre-load also includes the small 300MB day one patch, so you needn't worry about that either.
With the game fully downloaded, you'll be able to start playing Final Fantasy XVI as soon as the clock strikes midnight on Thursday in your region. Even if you haven't pre-ordered on the PS Store yet, you can still do so and immediately get to pre-loading and be ready for release. The standard version costs £64.99/$69.99 while a Digital Deluxe Edition comes in at £84.99/$89.99. There are also a few digital bonuses for pre-ordering the RPG that covers both versions.
Have you pre-loaded yet? Or are you opting for the physical version? Let us know in the comments below.
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Comments 58
Already on it. I'm waiting. Haha
Waiting for the review embargo to lift before deciding to get this Day 1.
Not in the Netherlands. Oh well, I've already made room. it'll be fine!
Do we know when the review embargo lifts on this one?
Will be picking up my Deluxe Edition on Thursday for an early release.
@Kidfunkadelic83 the interwebs seem to believe it's tomorrow
Loaded and ready to rock
@TommyNL Im also in NL, but mine already automatically downloaded this morning.
Just finishing up the download now. I was planning to wait til the reviews were in but got swept up in the hype! Still nervous to see how this game will score with critics especially considering SE just recently released the turkey that is Forespoken, and that FFXV was an unfinished mess when it first released. Keeping everything crossed though!
I’m ready. Hit the button this morning. That demo! I couldn’t wait anymore I had to play it while I waited.
@MB3108 I think that year of polish with the game being complete will go a long way. And every inch of the demo screams look how much money we spent on this! lol
@ErrantRob true, they did say there had a been a year of polish. But they also said there would be no day one patch and look how that turned out 😭
hmm strange, it says pre-ordered. available on 6/22/23.
@TommyNL it'll depend on your PS5 settings. Try finding FFXVI full game via your library to see if you can initiate the download. That's what I had to do to get it started.
What’s everyone thinking review scores? After the state of play video, I thought 10’s across the board but now we’ve played the demo and lots of previews have been shared on the interweb, I’m thinking now 8’s and 9’s.
My physical copy arrived today but I won't have time to play until tomorrow. First world problem, I know.
Its fully downloaded and waiting 😋
@Kidfunkadelic83 From what I’ve seen, it’s 10AM EST tomorrow.
@andy24king honestly with all the hype and advertising spend, not to mention courting of the press for the last few months, anything less than 9s and 10s across the board would be disappointing for all involved. We all know SE have crazy unrealistic expectations when it comes to the reception of their games, so I'd bet they'd view any 9s as a failure, too!
@andy24king I'm thinking 8.5s to 9s. There will be reviewers who will complain about " too much character banter" or " shallow RPG elements" but I think overall the experience will be very good and the score will reflect "very good".
@MB3108 yeah agree SE have invested too much in this game for it to be a failure. Anything less than 10’s is failure.
@dschons Brutal!
I'm tracking mine every 20 minutes on the carrier's website. Completely distracted in work today.
@Shepherd_Tallon Haha, I totally understand, mate!
@3Above pushsquare who we are using for these comments will be quite tight for a 10. It’s gotta be Demons Souls quality for a 10 so a 8 or 9 from this website and sorry this game ain’t Demons Souls. IGN said in their preview, cutscene heavy in relation to the game, story and action sequences. Some will give it a 10 but most will give it 8, 8.5 or 9.
@Shepherd_Tallon I'm doing the same thing although it's still in another country and probably won't arrive before Thursday (although I suppose it's still possible that it will be here tomorrow).
That said, I just landed a very exciting gig with a very short deadline so I won't be playing it much either!
@Voltan Well good luck with the gig!
Oh snap! Gotta boot up and preload!
I also ordered the collectors edition but I’m just keeping that for my collection. Cannot wait to jump into this world for a month!
@Kidfunkadelic83 Tomorrow.not sure what time
I wish PlayStation had a way like Xbox does to download games you don’t yet own. Getting the disc and would love to get a jump on the download!
Mine has been dispatched today, so hopefully have it tomorrow, if not then thursday 😀
@KaijuKaiser haha be careful now or the demon souls/dark souls fanboys gonna come get you, I agree though remake was fine just a good makeover but an average game, people bang on about oh you discover story yourself in exploration, every other souls game but Elden ring were linear like an arrow...wheres the exploration.
As for FF16 I can't wait for it, I think the reason it won't get a 10 will be 1. Too much cutscenes, people are so impatient these days, complain if its only 10hrs complain again if its 60hrs.
And 2. I think we will.see alot of comments on how it's trying to be Devil may Cry but Final Fantasy, but yes there will definitely be a feel of dmc considering who the dev of combat is...
@Netret0120 smart!
@awp69 Please elaborate on what you mean. How are you downloading games you don't own (unless via Game Pass)?
@3Above Sweet profile pic! I'm a fan. For Father's Day, my daughter got me a cool Green Ranger statue from Iron Studios.
@TheCollector316 If you use the Xbox app, it always has the option to download for every game. So you just click that and as long as your console has space, it will download.
Of course, you won’t be able to actually play it unless you have a license for it (on disc or digital).
Oh. That is nifty. I never heard of that feature before.
So, it was £55 for the physical edition which comes with the same preorder bonuses as the digital and digital deluxe, minus an exp boost item.
Yet the digital version is £65 and the digital deluxe is £85.
Not worth another £10 for an item and I'm not that interested in the art and "mini" soundtrack that's accessed via an alternative site, which are the remaining items in the digital deluxe version.
The physical deluxe version doesn't include the exp item, but does include the same soundtrack and art access, and a steelbook case and cloth map, but that's £100.
Pre-ordering is a mess and it shouldn't be this way.
Here's an idea for pre-order bonuses:
Base game - £10 cheaper than release price
Deluxe - everything above and includes a season pass and/or art, soundtracks, a t-shirt, whatever
Collectors - Everything above and there's a cool statue or unique item, plus loads more goodies
Any of these costumes, items or whatever else they currently offer can just be things in the game everyone can get through playing.
@MattBoothDev I got the base digital version for £56 by buying a £50 and a £15 voucher from Shopto for less than the full RRP. Could be a worth a look if you want to pay less for the digital and not bothered by the deluxe bonuses (like me).
@MB3108 The Game Collection have it for £55, physically, at the moment.
I sometimes do get the "deluxe" versions when they're on sale but there's nothing in this one that's enticing, but just researching the bonuses, out of a morbid/semi-academic interest, it's just a mess. Most games end up like this, but it used to be way better in the 00's and 10's. I remember getting FarCry 2 in a wooden box with an art book, dvd and t-shirt!
Im getting 89 on Metacritic vibes. Let’s see! Not played the demo though. And not fussed if it scores a bit lower either. Should be a good time.
You co***. It's eikon time!
@TheCollector316 Awesome! If I ever become a father I hope to receive such thoughtful gifts 😀
Downloaded and ready to go! I have Thursday and Friday off work, too!
Physical copy is on it's way, been a while since i've been this excited for a new release.
Get myself some snacks and kick the mrs out of the living room for the weekend!
I too recommend ShopTo vouchers. I've loaded up my wallet but am yet to pre-order (yes, despite my numerous comments about the combat on other threads). I'm sort of waiting for the reviews, though as others have said I suspect it will get a lot of 8s and 9s. And really, I'll be getting it either way.
On the subject of the combat, and specifically Souls games, this reminds me that Stranger of Paradise exists. I know that was widely panned but perhaps I should check it out for the combat alone...
I have bought deluxe edition so it will be a bit before I can play
All downloaded and ready to go.
I think the on-rails nature of the game will be the thing that holds it back in scores, if anything does. In the demo, it's basically 3 boss fights and an on-rails shooter where you can't die, separated by 2 hours of cutscenes that teleport you from place to place. If the game stays like that throughout, that's going to get very old.
The story has me hooked so far but it might as well be a TV series if the gameplay is going to be so infrequent and linear. It should get a bit less like being shepherded between boss fights as the game goes on, though.
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I hope the game is good. I'll get it, but not day one. I'll get it sometime this summer though.
I hope I can beat it before Starfield comes out, because boy howdy, that game...
done, can't wait to enjoy it
Looks like my copy will be arriving a day early tomorrow. Looking forward to diving after work!
@Matroska Well if the demo is like 2 hours of cut scenes, and they said the game is basically 40 hours and you can double it with bonus content, it sounds like it's going to be a final fantasy 13 situation where they hold your hand thru cutscenes until you get to gran pulse, I mean the end game.
Hope not, but quick maths.
Famitsu review is in: 39/40!
@Netret0120 having played the demo, I'm sold and pre-ordered.
I've been playing FF games since FF7 on the PS1. I stopped playing after FFX-2 and I've watched gain the sidelines.
I've tried various FF games over the years. Mostly I haven't liked them, so I went into that demo thinking "this is probably going to suck" and it took me two attempts to get into it (first time around I was distracted and turned it off without really taking much in) but by the end of the demo I was thinking "I might get this..." which I wasn't expecting at all.
I just pre-downladed the game but I can't find the pre-order bonuses files, did you get them?
Enjoyed the demo but I'm holding off until I hear more feedback. Preferably from the good(?) folk on here.
@Saad_Moonwalker can't remember tbh. They were in a list when I first purchased the game via the store, but I think they may not be downloadable until tomorrow - should only be tiny file sizes though.
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