Out of seemingly nowhere, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth producer Yoshinori Kitase has provided an update on the upcoming game. In the short Twitter statement, he says “development is progressing smoothly and according to plan”. He adds: “We are currently working on nailing down a release date for the game.” And that’s it – no screenshots or additional information at this stage.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is, of course, the next part of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake saga. It’s probably not a spoiler at this stage to point out that Remake is slowly evolving into its own game loosely inspired by the events of the PS1 original, and it’s likely Rebirth will progress in a completely different direction to the 1998 JRPG epic.
Presumably we’ll get a proper look at the title later in the year, when Final Fantasy 16 has released and Square Enix’s marketing efforts have transitioned. Are you excited to learn more about Rebirth, and what are you expecting from the game? Launch a Limit Break in the comments section below and let us know.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 35
Out of nowhere!
2024 confirmed
@Uncharted2007 Probably early '24, yeah. I believe that's what most people assumed from the original announcement anyway.
Hopefully "according to plan" means it's still slated for Winter 2023. Good to hear either way.
Since technically 2024 still falls into the window they mentioned when they announced this, that is when I expected this to come out all along as well. I'm fine with that, as it gives it some space away from the releases from later this year.
Despite some people's problems with Final Fantasy VII Remake, I absolutely loved it and this will be an automatic frontrunner for my Game of the Year when it comes out likely in 2024.
I never thought this would launch in 2024 just 4-6 months after FF XVI. But then Square is almost Nintendo level of weird decisions.
Looking forward to riding the Midgar Zolom to Neverland, just like I did in the original.
Awesome! Maybe we'll hear some more info at Summer Games Fest!
I’m fully expecting not to hear anything about this game until after 16 releases. Whatever happens with this title, I cannot wait for it.
@RonLonDonSwan Seems unlikely with FF16 around the corner.
Didn't they say winter 2023? That would mean the only winter month of 2023 would be December which was the same month Reunion released.
i'm sure once ff16 comes out we will hear a lot more about this one next.
Incredible! unbelievable! It really seems that square-enix finally have their act together in terms of development time and releases. I'm looking more forward to this game then FFXVI. But that's because i love the FFVII characters and world.
One of my most anticipated games! Any news on a square showcase after ff16 releases?
I can wait I'm still playing Remake and Crisis Core Reunion plus Final Fantasy XVI will keep me occupied for ages. Oh and I'm still heavily invested in Zelda too so plenty to play until then.
It's hilarious that people are saying they didn't expect it would be as early as 2024, and so close to 16. Is everyone forgetting this is part 2 of a 3 part remake of a 1990s game that was announced in 2014 when PS4 was till in its launch window, alongside FF 15? It's a decade and a numbered entry behind the announcement, and it's still not actually done when it releases!!
Great news. I assume that this post suggests they are in a strong enough position to be considering the release date and where to wedge it in. Looking forward to continuing this reimagining!
@NEStalgia I think 2024 makes sense, as Square basically trimmed all the other awesome studios and content they could have had coming in order to double down on a specific genre. So its likely all focus is going into these. 2023 though? not a chance, that really isn't even a good business decision.
@NEStalgia the remake was announced 2015. Sort it out.
@kyleforrester87 Ahh, you're right, I always get those two confused. 2015 was the single best games showcase in the entire history of gaming, IMO. I just went back and skimmed both 2014 and 2015 and wow...anyone that wants to make excuses for the latest showcase or for the modern Direct non-E3 world really needs to just go back and watch those presentations back to back. At times I've started to feel like the problem is me and I can't get excited by gaming anymore....nope...problem isn't me....those presentations are still just hype generating. I'm more hyped for PS4 after skim-watching those two shows than PS5 after the last 3 years of PS5 shows. Kinda depressing really.
So only 9+ years rather than 10+ years for part 2 of 3 parts of a 90's game. Suddenly it seems a lot less pathet...oh, nevermind, still does.
It's all cool though it got me to see the NMS reveal years again while I'm knee-deep in NMS mania on VR. Cool presentation, and amazingly true to what the game (eventually) became.
@KundaliniRising333 Trimming or not, it's just unreal that that will put it, ok, 9, not 10, years out from announcing the thing. And it's still not part 3 to finish it. And it's a game that remakes a game that already existed. Yeah I know how different it is, but still... Even Cyberpunk didn't take that long. It's been long enough for FF13-Vs to become FF15 then relaunch, then flounder for years doing DLC, then cancel the DLC, then for YoshiP to hijack the franchise and turn it into Bayonetta, and this thing still isn't going to be done! I'm pretty sure in 2015 everyone expected we'd at least know if Aeris is alive and what's up with Jenova by at least 2019. We're looking at 11-12 years from announce to get a complete game minimum. Even Duke Nukem would have packed it up and gone home by then.
Just please have Costa del Sol, Cosmo Canyon, Gongaga, Nibelheim, Rocket Town, Junon, Mideel and Gold Saucer fully realized. Make the subtle changes you need but don't omit massively fun parts of the game to push narrative nonsense. I highly expect Wutai to be DLC for some reason. I also expect part 3 to have a MASSIVE city of the ancients. Highly anticipated by me....seeing as its my number 1/2 game of all time. Can never decide if FF7 or Chrono Trigger is my definitive gaming moment
@NEStalgia 100% agree with ya. These games have taken far too long for the scope and designs they resulted in or at least the first thus far. My only guess is that when the remakes were announced they had likely no idea what direction they were going to take it or how and merely had a few concepts. Then you look at the troubled dev of ff15 which released completely unfinished and empty. Square has seemingly been in a progressively deepening rut for some time. Hopefully they can figure it out. Although as I said I don't think FF7r had truly begun dev until far later after initial reveal.
I mean it's square and despite the bizarre hype and honestly marketing money that went into Forspoken that turned out to be compensating for a poor product, and now FF16 devil may cry edition, and however that turns out, take all of that aside, and square has been in a trajectory of complacency and poor mgmt along the lines of ubisoft for some time.
Who knows. Maybe they churn out this and the 3rd one in a decent time frame and get their act together. Maybe Ff16 turns out to be an awesome SPINOFF.
@NEStalgia Yeah I mean, I got out of bed and watched the FF7 reveal, think it was at like 2am. Just happened to be going to the toilet at that time and checked, I think.
@KundaliniRising333 Yeah, even if they hadn't started dev yet that's a long time. I really don't know what these guys were doing. I'm guessing the answer is "not working on 7R", but...were they 15 overflow, were they funneled into working on 14MMO/16? Working on some cancelled project? Even the Cyberpunk guys didn't really start dev until AFTER the hype unveiling, and that was years later than this announcement, from a much smaller company, with a much larger scope game, and even they managed to get through their failed launch and then all the fixes to set it right and will have their large DLC out before part TWO of this trilogy got out! Maybe these guys were busy on NFT projects that whole time. Or helping on Avengers. Yeah...probably that one, actually...
Square just seems to be unable to stop spinning in circles chasing their tails. IDK what happened to them, but mismanagement really is the only answer. It does sound like 16 is, if nothing else, the first time they have their development in order in decades. But....man...11-12 years, to remake a PS1 game as a trilogy. No wonder they're always disappointed by the ROI, they invest 4x the cost of the product.
"Maybe Ff16 turns out to be an awesome SPINOFF."
Fist bump
@kyleforrester87 Hah, yeah, I guess the late night E3 Sony shows were a bit late for you UK folks....much past your sleepy time. Better to have last week's show at a decent hour to flush down the toilet than a show like 2015 to have to go to the toilet during.
@NEStalgia you forget remake was being done by a outside team before se took it in house they was not happy with the work with people they give it to so it run in delayed but part 2 and 3 of ff, remake we be out quick they have the foundation now.
if it is out this winter then they do know by now if it is going to have open world elements or not otherwise that would suggest they are a lot further behind then what they say they are
they cant be this far in & not know
@NEStalgia Wasn't it announced in 2015 and not 2014
I'll be there ready to buy day one. PlayStation is the home of Finial Fantasy. Praise the Final Fantasy franchise 😍
@C25CLOUD I did forget it was an outsourced project (why???) so that does explain part of it. But over a decade is still bizarre!
I've got a brand new pair of green corduroy slacks being made especially for me to wear when playing this.
They originally said winter 2023 so I'm thinking end of this year. But who knows
I'm all for whatever they need to do to ensure a polished game. With that said, at this rate it'll take another 6-7 years before we reach the end of the remake story. I'm not sure whether to be intrigued or exhausted by that estimate.
Can't wait for a full release for FF7R untill that time in not going to waste a second on it.
They did another tweet:
So it seems to be a tweet every day which would mean the 7th one would be the same day as Summer Game Fest. Maybe Geoff has the gameplay debut for FFVII Rebirth?
@Grumblevolcano That's the rumor I've been hearing going around lately.
Fingers crossed this ends up being true! I wouldn't get excited for a solid release date though, this will just be gameplay and maybe a confirmed month?
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