Mortal Kombat 1 will include the series' signature method of dealing with dishonourable competitors: the Quitality. Introduced first in Mortal Kombat X, the Quitality is a kind of finishing move that can only occur during online matches, punishing the unsporting behaviour of quitting early in a suitably gruesome fashion.
Fighting game pro Ryan "Ketchup" Neal caught one such incident over the weekend during the title's Online Stress Test session, which you can see for yourself below. Whereas previously, a quitter's head would simply explode, we see here a character smartly snapping their own neck.
It's a pretty awesome way of punishing cheaters and one which will hopefully shame proponents out of bailing early once the fight starts to go against them, but we won't hold our breaths. Still, it remains more satisfying than a simple disconnect, so we will stow that king of complaining (for now).
What's the best way you have seen a developer punish players in-game? Devise your own secret tortures in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 15
Can't be a cowardly Mortal Kombat 1 player if you're too coward to play it at all 😎
Yeah, I learned not to play fighting games online during the PS2 days. I've never had time to hone my skills enough to be Kompetitive. MK Chess was the most I've ever played a fighting game online.
I don't see the need to "punish" people who quit a match.
I'll preface this with saying I don't play these kinds of games (Beat 'em up) online, so this doesn't necessarily apply to me.
But, if someone is getting stressed out with a match or game the best thing for them to do is take a break and stop playing. The only negative for them quitting should be a loss on their profile.
@MattBoothDev fighting game matches are like, 2-3 minutes though.
I get it for sessions that are much longer but for these I think just finish it out then put the controller down
@MattBoothDev So finish the match and then leave. Don't go and rage quit and ruin the match for others. This is why people get suspended from online matches in FighterZ because of repeated disconnecting.
@MattBoothDev If a person leaves, I would think they don’t see the animation. That’s just for the winner.
@MattBoothDev imagine you're crap at online fighting games ,like myself,and youre finally winning a match and some nobhead quits,punishment is most definitely needed.
This needs to happen to the player who quits when they try to have another game. Just fake an online connection & have them do that to themselves.
Also maybe shame them if they’re a repeat quitter, like force an unchangeable ballerina skin or something
@tallythwack but you still get the win, don't you?
@OmegaStriver I'd see no issue with that.
Why is it not Kuitality
‘I had to stop playing, I was breaking my neck for a pee.’
How does this"punish" people who quit? The quitter doesn't stick around to see the animation, it's just a way to end the match.
@MattBoothDev yeah but I wanna smash somebody's face in ,isn't that the whole point.
I thought quitality was like in MK deception i think where you could do a fatality on yourself.
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