The first instalment in a three-part animated Overwatch series called Genesis, which debuts this week on YouTube, on 6th July. This series will further flesh out Overwatch's colourful in-game universe, detailing events before the Omnic Crisis uprising, when sentient Omnic robots rose up against their human creators.
The deep and constantly developing backstory of the Overwatch universe is a big draw for many players, with each character having their own detailed bio, backstory and motivations. But until now, the exploration of those backstories has primarily been done through excellent CG-animated shorts. If you can't wait to see Blizzard's sci-fi world expand still further, the animation looks fantastic and well worth checking out when it drops.
Do you play Overwatch for the story? Will you be tuning into Genesis when it debuts? Let us know why they can't all just get along in the comments section below.
Comments 7
I hope there will be an Netflix animation. Universe is begging to be an adaptation.
If only there was a way to experience the lore and story in the game, with the characters, and you could play hundreds of missions with talent trees and stuff... If only.
This game and its story is dead to me.
For as much as I'm not a fan of Overwatch 'the game', I've always been a massive fan Overwatch 'the universe' so I'll gladly be giving this a watch myself. I
I used to love learning about the lore of overwatch. I'd get excited for animations, for every little bit of lore in the stages. Thanks for ruining that by killing your own game and turning it into a soulless cashgrab, Blizzard.
Don’t know jack about Overwatch but other anime adaptations like League of Legends and DotA have been pretty darn dope. I’ll give it a chance!
Strange place to premier it, but ok.
At it’s root I believe the biggest problem with Overwatch’s lore is that got too ambitious in short amount of time. Blizzard really should’ve stuck to one or two storylines to begin with with set pool of so and so characters and begin to branch out once they completed that. Instead they rushed to fill up their plate with as much as possible which combined with fragmented release model they’ve used for the lore and the delays caused by the sequel means they’ve barley even gotten started eating it. In theory the sequel was supposedly gonna use its PVE mode to break the deadlock and give fans what they want but that fact that it got downgraded recently into sporadic battle pass schlock suggests an inability to plan long term on Blizzard’s part or even take into account complications that may arise.
Really don’t know how this miniseries could even restore any sort of story goodwill that’s been lost at this point but at bare minimum it will give those who still care for whatever reason some solice…
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