PS5 Open World Star Wars Outlaws Will Let You Work for Jabba the Hutt 1
Image: Push Square

Ubisoft knows its way around compelling open worlds, but Star Wars Outlaws is shaping up to be one of its biggest and most densely detailed yet. As previously announced, each planet in the release will be fully explorable, with enough open space to give you a meaningful sense of adventure. And the French publisher is handcrafting every one: there’s no procedural generation.

One planet you’ll be able to visit is, of course, Tatooine, where you’ll be able to work for and even betray Jabba the Hutt – assuming that’s what you want to do! Speaking at a San Diego Comic-Con panel earlier in the weekend, director Julian Gerighty revealed that you’ll be spending a lot of time in the character’s infamous palace, running errands and navigating the criminal underworld.

While he stopped short of sharing any specific details about your relationship with Jabba the Hutt, he did tease a little more about Tatooine itself: “If you close your eyes and give people a choice to go anywhere in Tatooine? Mos Eisley. And specifically one watering hole in Mos Eisley. The opportunity is that you can see all the nooks and crannies. You can see all the things that are informed by the Lucasfilm archives.”

He added: “This concept of virtual tourism is important to us. If you’ve ever wondered the distances from the moisture farms to the cantina? We have an experience for you.”
