Stranded Deep is a survival crafting game that takes place in that most horrific of all locales: the desert island. You wouldn't expect such a remote setting to be fertile soil for Trophy farmers, and yet the game's latest update makes it just that, thanks to what appears to be a viral bug.
The story begins, as so many worth telling do, on the PSNProfiles forums where a thread titled "FREE PLAT get it while the update broke the game!" began to attract attention (thanks PlayStation LifeStyle).
Apparently, something in the game's most recent update (which has seemingly gone noticed for a month) borked things to such an extent that joining a co-op game with a player who has the game's Platinum will unlock it in your own (along with every other Trophy, as a bonus).
Multiple commenters in the thread confirmed this works, which has led to something of a self-perpetuating Platinum moment. Players with the Platinum are offering to join up with those without, widening the spread, while Trophy lawyers debate the ethics of such a method of unlock.
It's hard to say precisely, but according to what can be gleaned via the Wayback Machine's last scrubbing (23rd March 2022) and PSNProfiles Stranded Deep page today, the recorded number of Platinum Trophy unlocks appears to have doubled, which does seem somewhat suspect, considering the game was released on PS Plus back in in 2021.
Do you have the Platinum Trophy in Stranded Deep? Will you be sharing it with others? Let us know what you think of this whole debacle in the comments section below.
[source forum.psnprofiles.com, via playstationlifestyle.net]
Comments 27
Not worth the effort of reinstalling Stranded Deep
Yep, I'm a trophy hunter and in the trophy hunting community and my twitter feed is everyone popping the plat, its crazy how popular it is and how many people are exploiting it
This game was awful to control on ps4, at least for me.
So slow and clunky with long loading times.
Even for a guaranteed plat, I'm not wasting anymore time on this one.
Kudos to those who snag the full stack through this exploit. It dilutes the value of these digital trinkets, which started out as just a bit of good fun. Sadly, some now view them as mandatory for a good gaming experience. I've been there myself, and it nearly spoiled my love for games.
Trophy hunting can be satisfying, but if it causes you to skip out on fantastic games over a worry about your completion rate on psnprofiles, that's truly unfortunate. I see people skipping games like Gone Home because it doesn’t have a platinum.
Then again I feel dirty telling anyone how to enjoy their games, or that they’re doing it wrong.
From what I know the hardcore trophy hunters tend to keep 2 accounts. 1 where they 100% every single game they play and the other where they play everything else without worry about completion %. It's a nice little compromise and solves the problem of missing out on games because the list might be too difficult to complete.
@Mio_Nakashima I tend to platinum games I really enjoy, not because I want the digital trophy, but because trophies are usually a decent way to check you’ve experienced as much of what the game has to offer, sometimes forcing you to engage in mechanics you might actually not use much.
When I platinum a game, I can put it away knowing I’ve done everything I’d want to do in a game I enjoyed.
I started popping trophies before the game loaded in 🤣 followed by the platinum 🤣🤣🤣
@ShadowofSparta That also really depends on the games. You have quite a few good games that are near impossible to get a Platinum not because of lack of skill but popularity. The online version smaller games is one of these things. It made boost the Tombraider remaster on PS4 it was so bad in the end it made hate the game.
@glassmusic That game was fantastic especially if you 100% it makes the ending better. 😁
@Flaming_Kaiser oh 100%. For instance, Pathfinder WotR and Divinity OS2 are some of my favourite games, but I didn’t platinum them because of how long it takes and having to play on the tactician difficulties. More a rule of thumb I guess. I almost never bother if there are online trophies.
"Wow! You've got 500 platinum trophies! Do you want to be mates?" said no one ever.
@Mio_Nakashima True enough, but you’d be surprised, there’s not many games that take that long to platinum. I just finished Kena and that took me 16 hrs. I won’t bother if it’s too grindy and frustrating, or requires a commitment to online, so I make judgement calls because some platinums can actually negativley influence your experience of the game. Finishing Kena on Master difficulty showed me how ***** some of the boss mechanics were, for instance. Probably wouldn’t have noticed on Story mode, but I’d do feel like I’d mastered the combat by the end.
Agree with the incentives for trophies but on the other hand having no incentives means it’s truly optional since there’s nothing to gain. If you add a bonus to it, some people may feel obligated to do it even when they’re not.
You could say the same thing about games bought digitally (servers can go down), or indeed games played (the memories will fade, in fact the people will die). What is actually important is the fun of going for the trophy platinum campaign and sense of accomplishment in earning it. Just like the fun of playing the game and sense of accomplishment in completing the narrative campaign.
Yes, that would be good, but I’m ok supporting the devs at the moment by paying directly. I’m just currently of the view I need to support the market so they’ll continue making the games.
Let's be a bit idealistic for a moment. Trophy Hunting, implies that there should be a hunt. All those that bypass the process or the grind in our joint activity, aren't abiding to the gentlemen agreement.
I think “the hunt” is defined by completing any task necessary to get the trophy. It’s up to the dev to ensure what that is precisely.
Whoa, nice! A couple updates back made the platinum unobtainable (the craft everything trophy was messed up), then the following update "fixed" it, but your existing world didn't pop it. You had to start another world, craft everything, boom. And before this, the wall decor trophy was messed up. They've had some issues, but it's nice to see it happen in the reverse for a change. I know that game has been driving some people insane.
Popped the plat. I love this s**t! Since this is a game that I otherwise wouldn't have bought or played, I'm cool with it. Reminds me of the Conan plat we got thanks to PS Plus or auto pop PS4/5 shenanigans.
While I’m not adverse to taking the odd short cut to a platinum, getting a platinum without really playing the game just seems hollow
@ShadowofSparta @Mio_Nakashima My new rule if it makes me cry trying to get them i just leave them. Dragon Quest heroes took me 200 hours to complete and one weapon I didn't get it because my inventory was full when he gave the reward.....
And in the a collusium it's impossible because my party members just stand there and do nothing I just gave up also random rewards....
I got it..now I feel guilty.
@SJR It's not our fault, it's theirs...
You have to join a game with someone who already has the plat? What a weird glitch...
this is a situation where actively seeking co-op has more benefit to you compared to most games LOL
These days you have to be your own ethics board when it comes to get plats - i don't condemn anyone who joins a game for an instant plat, or plays plat games - I just wouldn't do it (anymore)
@Mio_Nakashima This will sound strange but I don't care about incentive or value.
I play to relax not for value or saving up for my next game which will be bought at Sony and MS anyway so they get their money anyway.
With the fully digital era they don't even need to try look at Steam what a total mess that is. But what option do you have the market almost fully owned by 3 stores.
I enjoy getting trophies....but I am not sad enough to download a game to just unlock a platinum I didn't even earn ...bizarre
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