Capcom's latest fighting title, Street Fighter 6, is just killing it, isn't it? On top of being a fantastic game that appeals to both casual and hardcore fighter fans, it seems to be selling pretty rapidly. Now, just over a month since launch, the game has reached a new milestone, topping 2 million copies sold.
This updated figure comes exactly one month after SF6 reached 1 million sales. While the momentum has naturally slowed (as is always the case with games), 2 million in a month is a very strong start. For comparison, Street Fighter V has sold 7.2 million units total, so it's clear the sequel is performing very well out of the gate.
To celebrate the achievement, Capcom has given all players a small in-game gift. A message in the News section contains an ID Card photo mode frame, as well as a Street Fighter 6 logo background for your in-game smart device.
Are you enjoying Street Fighter 6? Don't pick a fight in the comments section below.
Comments 49
Kind of puts that whole FF XVI selling 3 million at launch in context.
I've been intrigued by SF 6 though.
5 was the first I tried since SF 2 on the Mega Drive. Alas, I didn't have a clue what I was doing and couldn't win a single fight.
Have any other SF "noobs" here tried 6 yet? I keep hearing that it's friendly enough for beginners.
As much as I'm interested by this, I'm going to wait for the 'super alpha championship turbo' version.
It deserves all the success. I haven't been able to put it down really at all since launch. Just an incredible game from top to bottom. Congrats Capcom!
Is 2 million good as a cross platform AAA title? I mean it's not bad at all, it hasn't failed, but I would have expected a bit more than that considering the massive hype and marketing. Am I wrong?
E.g. Capcom announced SFV sold 7.2 million on just PS4 and PC.
That was long term sales, and these matter but many are when the game starts going on sale, they aren't AS important as early sales.
Would love them to add some World Tour DLC.
@themightyant It's good for a fighting game. Other than Mortal Kombat, it's a pretty niche genre.
That said, the levels of hype for SF6 (including the competitive scene) were so high, I also thought it would be more. I think it's still a bit better than initial SFV sales.
Actually they kind of are with Rashid and the rest of the dlc characters. You will be able to upgrade his style and bond level just like the rest of the cast.
That said though I wouldn't be opposed to more substantial story dlc either.
@themightyant Yeah, it's a pretty big deal, fighting games have a much smaller audience unfortunately.
For example Strive, that was one of the best reviewed and most celebrated fighting games of the past few years, took over a year to reach 1 million sales.
Very few in the genre break numbers bigger than these, namely Smash and MK.
@DrClayman @Voltan Thanks. Appreciate the added insight. Fighting games not my genre, just instinctively expected it to be higher.
@Korgon Yeah, I meant more the story side. Hopefully they have it in their plans.
@Shepherd_Tallon as a casual fighting game fan who can win a few matches but gets cooked alive by anyone with skill, I think the game’s push for accessibility is a resounding success.
Modern controls take the pressure off memorising inputs and let you focus on the raw strategy. I use the classic controls personally but every player I fight using the modern controls still has to open me up first and put in the work for their wins. I think it’s a fine playing field leveller and not a crutch. Well done, Capcom, for their implementation.
The single player campaign is actually huge. It’s a pseudo-RPG so as you level up, you gradually unlock the fighting mechanics as though they were new abilities for you avatar. Smart tutorialising in my opinion. You can also mix and match moves from the main fighters on your avatars so you can sample the various playstyles and see what you like.
The Battle Hub is a great way to muck about with players of your own skill level too. If you’re doing competitive ranked matches online, you do 10 placement matches so the game can determine what skill tier you’d be most comfortable in. You can very much start at the bottom and work you’re way up if you’re so inclined instead of being forever stuck in a purgatory of pros kicking your ass.
Really enjoying my time with SF6
@DiggleDog You make me want to try it even more.
"instead of being forever stuck in a purgatory of pros kicking your ass"
This point in particular stands out for me.
My main problem with fighting games has usually been that after a certain point I just get stuck fighting against decent players and I'm pretty much done.
Thanks for the excellent reply!
@Shepherd_Tallon you’re welcome. For the first time in my life playing a fighting game, I feel like I’m learning and growing. It’s amazing.
@themightyant @Voltan i would just add that some players might be waiting to see more of MK1 and Tekken 8 before deciding which fighting game to get. I almost did that. But instead just bought SF6 and will mainly play that. Maybe get one between T8 and MK1. I don’t see many fighting fan’’s buying all 3 at launch. I could be wrong but all 3 hitting in the same year seems like a lot for a smaller genre of hardcore fans. I quit the fighting game scene a while back. But SF6 lured me back in and it really is a great game that i hope continues to sell. Supporting Capcom at the moment seems like a great ride. 😊
Congrats to Capcom, well deserved.
@HonestHick That's a good point. I personally didn't buy it because I'm still playing a lot of Guilty Gear Strive, which I find more fun than SF. I wouldn't find the time to improve in both at the same time.
@Shepherd_Tallon I created an account just to answer you because I don’t see a lot of other casual players in these comments sections.
As a total newcomer to the series whose past fighting game experience is pretty much just the Super Smash Bros series (and not the serious type), this game feels great to get into and the newbie controls were a selling point for me (it’s fun to try out a couple easy classic inputs but I wanted a more Smash Bros experience).
I’ve only really played World Tour so far and have no intention of getting the PlayStation subscription online, not only will I get destroyed but judging from people’s comments I will actively make the true players have a worse experience with my casual play style and I don’t want to spoil their game. They were here first. As a casual I feel like I have enough content in World Tour and now that I’ve had a tour of all these new-to-me faces I am looking forward to trying Arcade. It does mean I am less likely to go any deeper and I’m on the fence whether I’ll get any of the DLC. The rental tickets might really be all I need!
@DiggleDog Wait, isn’t it Fighting Grounds that lets you fight people of similar skill? I’ve been getting annihilated in Battle Hub but have been enjoying ranked matches in Fighting Ground against other lackluster players like myself.
@JevVoi Fair play for creating an account just to reply!
And welcome to the community!!! 🥳
The newbie controls I think are a big draw for me.
I tried to play SF5 as a casual player, but the controls were just so far from what I'm used to and/or what I remember from the 16bit games back in the day.
I'm leaning into getting this I think...
@JevVoi Hey man, just my two cents here. If you only ever want to play world tour and single player, that's grand, you should play the game however you want.
However if you were ever wanting to try the online and someone told you that you'll ruin they're experience with your casual play, that they are the true players and you're not, or anything like that, you should not listen to any of that, that's legit scrubtalk.
Every type/level of play is legit, and newbies are more than welcome, that's how you expand the genre, not by closing doors. SF6 has multiple avenues for that, either go straight to ranked and match up with people of your skill level, or go to BH/Casual and bang your head against a wall for a few hours until you learn, both of these are acceptable ways to go about it, depending on the person.
Again if that's not what you want, that's absolutely fine, just don't want you to be put off for the wrong reasons.
@DrClayman This is the most true post about Street Fighter I've ever read. Everything you said is spot on.
It is your game you should have fun how you want. I will back up Clayman by saying there is no possible way you are going to ruin someone's experience. Only 2 things can happen in an online fight: 1) You win. Yay! I won! 2) You lose. Boo, that isn't as fun as winning(sometimes). The other guy gets his win and moves on you learn a little and move on yourself.
That's it. No one is going to quit their job to tour the Evo championships because you won or lost an online match. Have fun people! This game is awesome! I hope it sells 10M copies and Street Fighter exists forever.
Hmm, this put final fantasy 16 3M sales only at ps5 in a good light.
I was thinking this same thing about the sales context.
I would have assumed Street Fighter 6's sales would be higher given it is multiplatform, but perhaps people learned their lesson with Street Fighter? It was so annoying Capcom kept releasing new versions of the game. I will pick up Street Fighter 6 eventually, but I'm going to wait for the Super Ultra Complete Championship Turbo edition.
@wiiware SE fans have to rationalize the failure of Final Fantasy any way they can - including bringing Capcom into the conversation.
Final Fantasy 16 is a bomb. There will be a shakeup at the increasinly defunct Square Enix by year's end. You are going to get Final Fnatasy 1-6 Pixel Remaster- II sometime next year. Square Enix sucks. Get over it.
@TheCollector316 You know they don't do that anymore right? That was from the era before DLC, before updates. They released different editions to introduce new characters, costumes and sell more boxes.
Wait and buy it or don't. No one on this planet cares.
@Cashews "Final Fantasy 16 is a bomb."
absolutely hilarious. Comedy gold right here.
@TheCollector316 The thing is, most games don't sell 10s of millions at launch. This is an excellent result for Street Fighter and as long as it keeps selling, Capcom will be more than happy with its performance.
@Voltan right, like all 3 of the new fighters have appeal to me. They all do something i really like. But while i can afford to buy all 3, i can’t get good at all them. The funny thing is out of those 3 i am less good at SF than i am Tekken and MK. But i needed to practice more in SF and SF6 really is a well made game. One thing is for sure and that is fighting games are still alive and dev’s are supporting them. 😊
That was not before the era of DLC, my friend.
seeing people excited about fighting games is a great thing , if its mk1 , tk8 or sf6 , or all 3. i'm 100% going to end up playing all 3. i agree with the person above fighting games are more alive then ever.
Well deserved! probably my favorite fighting game since Guilty Gear Strive, its has everything you can ask for. Solid Characters, the Drive System is both easy to understand but hard to master, and it has a lite fighting game rpg that really helps give the street fighter world more life and backstory.
@Futureshark there's no point. They update the games for free now using the same client. No more Turbo Alpha Omega jokes anymore unfortunately.
@Amnesiac if you interact with other players sitting at the Battle Hub arcade cabinets, it’ll tell you their rank before you have to commit to fighting them. Conveniently, the game will tag players who are close to your skill level as well when you view their profiles.
@DiggleDog Thanks for the reply. I often plop down at the first open cabinet and proceed to get destroyed with my fledgeling Manon. I felt much better after looking at my profile and realizing that I'd been a punching bag for platinums and up, though. Even still, there's almost always something to learn from a good beating!
@Shepherd_Tallon Not a new person to fighting games personally, but there are so many things in the game that will be able to help you play if you aren't used to most traditional fighters. It has modern mode with simplified specials but still has lots of depth, a huge single player mode where you make your own character and explore an open world, and tons of great teaching tool and fun side modes that will allow to learn lots of in-depth stuff or even just have some goofy casual fun!
@TheCollector316 Capcom doesn't exactly do that anymore. The game is already content rich, and any other future versions are just gonna be versions that have all current dlc included. Capcom knows it doesn't make sense to separate players and loss some because of a new release of the same game on modern systems
@JevVoi Hey dude, just wanted to let you know as a more involved FGC member, that playing modern controls online is awesome! While I may not use it, it's better to be playing online with a control type you like and can use versus not being able to play at all. And don't worry about people getting mad at you, they're probably just mad that you're actually a better player than them because you can finally play now. Most of the fgc welcomes all people no matter how they play so I hope consider staying around!
@Cashews I don't understand the logic of selling 2M games on every console and pc under the sun is a success, while selling 3M on one console is a bomb.
Also I'm not SE fans, I'm more of a good games fan btw
@wiiware I'm not saying SF6 is a success. That is for capcom to decide according to their projections. I do know that Final Fantasy XVI is a bomb though - because it's on track to undersell the game everyone loathes.
The game looks like real fun but 2 million across several platforms isn't that high but then again it's only been a month.
@Cashews They sold 3 million copies in one week on PS5 alone is that a failure? Look if you are going to say stuff please be objective.
@Flaming_Kaiser okay then. Let's be objective about it.
FF16 has thus far undersold it's predecessor FF15, by a wide margin, in the same time frame.
There were numerous articles about the top brass were nervous about pre-orders - indicating the game was going to do poorly. They were correct.
Final Fantasy couldn't hold number 1 for two weeks. And indie game pushed it. In it's 2nd week it sold 90% less.
Here is a quote from Toyo Securities. An analyst in the country of Final Fantasy's origin country - which is Japan:
"Hideki Yasuda, an analyst at Toyo Securities, said, ``This is a very poor result, and it will be impossible to increase sales further unless the price is significantly lowered.'' He points out that "most of the failure is a result of the pre-publicity and the actual game itself being too far removed from the Final Fantasy of the past, leaving consumers behind."
What do you think? What the budget is matters of course. But it looks rather expensive.
It’s hard for me to tell what numbers are good or not. Guess something can sell well and still “underperform.” Success or not, I was pleased with SF6 and I do plan to get FF16, it’s just a crowded summer for gaming.
2 million in a month is high for a fighting game. Very few can accomplish that. Only games like Mortal Kombat, Smash and maybe a few others have in this era. Capcom's goal is to sell 10 million lifetime. Street Fighter 6 is going to be supported for at least 5 more years so it's well on the way to reaching that goal which I have no doubt it will reach.
There won't be different sku like SF4, it will be like SF5 so everybody will be on the same version. But it will be up to you whether you want to buy the dlc. The game offers a lot out of the box in terms of content. Capcom did a really good job this time around.
And yeah, you're not bothering people in this game. At the end of the day, it's about "you" having fun. There's plenty of people to find of your skill level and that will be the case through this game's life cycle. I seen plenty of forever bronze players that just love playing the game in SFV. I don't see that changing in this game. And if you don't want to be bothered with and feel like you'll get harassed by some weirdo, there's options in the game menu to set your profile tag to private and private your online status plus only accept invitations from friends. And you can block people too.
@Cashews lol dude they sold 3m In 6 days and tweeted it out pretty sure there good with there sales as capcom was with there's also his focus was just Japan not world wide
@Cashews I don't think selling 3M at this short amount of time is a bomb (unless it's a call of duty games), but let just agree to disagree.
@Shepherd_Tallon I'm not really a fighting game guy and last SF was 2 on the megadrive. The modern controls combined with the tutorials and training room options have made this game something I can dig into. In the training room, you can set the AI to to repeatedly do one move (like a jump to reset their behaviour then a throw attempt) to practice how you would deal with it. I realise there are probably a lot of people getting real sweaty online but ranked SF6 is my go to podcast game. It has multiplatform online too and I've only had one online match with any big lag. I'm not as hot on the world tour mode as reviews were. It's fine but I'd rather play against people.
@Futureshark it has a lot in it already.. no need to wait.. i mean, you can but just know there's a lot there already.. i went about a month without really even touching world tour mode and that's one of the main draws of the game.. fighting grounds is basically a full game.. then u have battle hub which lets u play full arcade games and interact with players.. then u have world tour mode which is the campaign.. the only downside of the game imo is the masculine woman marisa, the feminine man jamie, and the "what is that?" eternity
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