It's PS5 update day! Sony has just pushed out a new system software update for PS5, weighing in at just over 1GB. So, what's the deal? What does this new firmware do, exactly?
System software version 23.01-07.60.00, to give it its full name, does what we all expect (and want). Here are the official patch notes:
- This system software update improves system performance.
Bart Sony said the line, and everyone cheered. Just a minor update, then, but always worth keeping your console up-to-date. You want your PS5 performing optimally, right? There's no DualSense update this time, so it's just your console that needs updating. It appears to be an optional update, but it should start downloading the next time you turn on your system, so you may as well get it installed.
Comments 56
Please just add themes, Sony
Great, my PS5 (only 3 months old) died las week, now it's on the way to get replacement. I'm so much dissappointed I have no words for it. Sorry but I want to complain a bit. I got many electrical devices and they are not failing , not even the cheap ones. Usually I get something new when the thing is outdated but nothing dies. And when I finally bought a PS5 it dies after few months? It's outrageous. They might sue me for this but I don't care, I guess there is something with the quality as we all know factories been short with components, so who knows what they used... So back to the broken thing... my game saves are in the cluod as I have premium sub, but all my screenshots gone,, I need to re download everything again. Usually I do backups, but who expecting to die a few months old brick? I did not. And not to mention that hassle I had to pack it, send it back, pay for it, and now wait wait wait until they send me a new one and I can start worring again when it will die AGAIN? I might sell it and get a PC because I can replace components myself if something broke. I'm so much disappointed with Sony. Ahh one more thing, It just came into my mind as I write these lines. Actually I had a Sony xperia phone few years back and the same thing happened, broken overnight. So no more Sony,
If this against the rules please delete my comment.
Still hoping one day they'll add PIP functionality with YT, Netflix, Disney + and such.
A man can dream.
@ChakaL00T It's a shame that your PS5 died so soon, and I'ts not fair, but I recommend you to give sony PS5 another chance, I got the console the first day and I use it everyday (literally the last year recap said me that I logged around 345 days). And the machine works marvelous. Maybe the best console I owned.
Official statement: "This system software update improves system performance."
Actual update: "Updated font size in home menu."
@ChakaL00T it's just a numbers thing....a certain tiny percentage of products fail, and you're the unlucky statistic this time.
It sucks, but there you go...Laws of Probability are real.
@Czar_Khastik Did they increase the font size? Then it’s clearly a preparation for Project Q. Today‘s PS Remote Play on phones suffers most from small text!
@ChakaL00T surely this is an unpleasant situation and I do understand your disappointment. But, as one can say, bad things happen. I had PS, PS2, PS3, two PS4 and now two PS5 (for me and my wife), which we use daily. All the devices work fine. I even booted my PS1 some months ago and it was OK. Hope Sony will fix your PS asap or send you a new one!
@ChakaL00T I hear your frustration but sometime it is just the odd one out of the assembly line. It sucks to have a faulty piece of hardware but as long you get the replacement without spending anything out of pocket it is a win.
Maybe it fixed the awful time played tracker!
@Max_the_German I was joking, but in case bigger fonts are needed (and they are), maybe there are some accessibility options regarding fonts in the menu?
The PS5 OS is still overwhelming and the games still do not update automatically if they are not in the home screen...
Moreover, you STILL cannot back up PS5 saves...
@Czar_Khastik There are, and I already raised the size for the UI. But in most games, fonts are too small for a screen like in Project Q, even when set to maximum size. I’d like to see a system-wide font size selection in the system settings, which automatically affects all games, and Sony would pass only those games for release (own ones and from other publishers) which implement this correctly. These days, Sony braggs with its accessibility measures, and one of the most basic measures is not well integrated.
@ChakaL00T Ah if I was in your shoes I'd be livid too.
I'm really sorry your experience has been soured.
As other have mentioned above I'd give it another chance.
It's a really small percentage of cases where this happens and the console itself is amazing.
Personally I've never had any console fail on me, from Sony or anyone else, but unfortunately it's going to happen to someone eventually.
Alas, on this occasion it's you.
Local backup must be implemented it's still a joke it's not there yet.
@ChakaL00T That sucks but it can happen I had it with my PS3 I had not backed up for over 6 months. But these things happen it sucks but no hardware is without faulty units.
add a better media player for the love of god
@FatalBubbles I mean this is in the nicest way possible, but I literally laughed out loud when I read your comment.
Unfortunately with every passing update, they continue to not fix things that really need fixed or added while "improving system performance". The playtime tracker is in far better shape than it used to be, where it would go days without working at all, but there are other things we still don't have. PS4 features like the ability to update any game in our library and not just ones on the Home screen. It would also be nice if they would give us the option to revert the UI back to what it was before they forced the Activity Cards onto us, eliminating the game art as the background on the Home screen for random screenshots in most games even though the Activity Cards are right below the Resume Activity button.
I still love my PS5 and it will always be my main console this gen, but the lack of any meaningful progression with the system updates (which hardly even happen anymore anyways) is disappointing, frustrating, and gives off an impression of their team being completely lazy/incompetent.
@Sekijo happened with my Xbox which then led our family to getting a PS2
When are they going to add selectable 8K resolution?
PS4 firmware update 10.70(500MB)
Of course, more stability.
Are we able to reliably and consistently put the console into sleep mode and bring it out without crashing yet? I still get cold sweats when I accidentally put it to sleep instead of off. That endless screen void haunts me.
@KilloWertz You must have all the luck! I played probably 6 or so hours of FF this week and, checks PS5 playtime tracker, PS5 says I did not. The time tracker has proven to be absolute garbage for me. I know it’s off by 70 hours for Diablo. There are lots of things they could update to make it better, the playtime tracker was just the one that was currently annoying me the most.
My Resident Evil Village just don't startup anymore.
CE-108255-1 every time. Not related to this update.
The game is digital.
I tried all steps described in Sony guide, except factory reset.
Did anyone encountered error with this code and did factory reset helped anyone, please let me know.
No new features, and not even more system stability to prevent my vertical PS5 from falling over, dang.
@Max_the_German Of course, but just take a look at PSN when browsing on desktop. If Sony is unable to create and maintain a proper web shop, how can they even make accessibility work application wide. PSN looks like it was made by a couple of drunken junior developers on a stormy weekend
I had four Xbox 360s fail on me. And I had to warranty to my Switch one day after I bought it because the USB C port’s video out pins (for the dock) were jacked and I couldn’t get an image through the dock. Thankfully my second Switch has been a trooper since then.
My PS5 has been stupidly reliable. And it’s a launch day unit. I’ve always had good luck with Sony systems.
@OrtadragoonX My brother had two early 360s die on him actually. You've just reminded me. Back in the red ring of death days.
But yeah, my PlayStations have always been good to me too.
I have a lunch day PS5 myself, still running like a dream. Then again my OG PS1 still runs without issue too.
@ChakaL00T I have a day 1 ps5 and after 2 1/2 years it started cutting off in the middle of my gaming sessions. The controller from that ps5 had stick drift too. I thought the ps5 was done and was thinking of sending it back but I started cleaning it with compressed air after taking the plates apart and it has been working like new since. How exactly did your ps5 die?
Ahhh the old RROD and YLOD. They were the days. Wonderful memories.
Everyone! Thanks for your kind words. I can't really say anything else, I know electrics can be faulty but usually you don't expect for that.
@STOBO nothing special, I was playing one day and the next it does not powered up. Literally nothing no beep no lights, completely f.cked. I tried unplug and everything else what you can find on intenret to solve this but nothing helped. The service asked me about power outages or power surge and etc, I am not aware anything like that happened and even if happened there are another 4 devices on the same 6way surge protected socket, so at least one of them should be dead too. Only one thing was weird but that was about a week before. I played Avengers and the game crashed. Few hours and crashed again. It happened few times. but It was about a week before. Nothing suspicious or nothing else happened before or after. So I guess power supply failed but why? Nobody knows, the service told be to pack it and they will send a new one because they do not fix these things just collecting them.
My PS1 did have disc drive failure like way back in 2005 (last time I really used it). But I got it for Christmas of 1996 so I think it did well.
My PS2 (2003 unit) still works fine though. As does my OG Xbox.
My launch GameCube has disc drive laser problems. It struggles to read games now. I need to replace the laser assembly.
@Kanji-Tatsumi And a better folder system like the PS4
@ChakaL00T I’m sorry for you mate, and if you want to switch to PC. Power to ya. But do you understand that with the money you pay for a good GPU and CPU alone you can buy two PS5? Or a PS5 and an XSX. Or a PS5 and a Switch. Or a PS5 and a Steam Deck.
I mean, if we factor the whole PC you could probably buy all of the above instead.
I don’t know mate, do it if you can afford it and makes you happy, but I would rather have multiple platforms than a single one.
On top of that, I don’t quite understand the reasoning. If your GPU dies you can change it right away without sending it back? Or you plan to buy a new one? For the price of a new console…
@OrtadragoonX I haven't tried to use my GameCube in so long. I think I'd cry if there was something wrong with it.
I have the black one. It's still one of my favourite consoles.
@DoppiaD it's not that simple and I'm nut sure I can explain. If I buy a pc it might not be a very powerful one I mean the GPU. Because I still don't play in 4K. I'm fine with my big tv with normal HD resolution. I still have PS4 pro and I want to keep it but the main reason I bought PS5 because many games will be released for PS5 only from now. It started (what I bought) Hogwarts, yes I know it has PS4 but after 2 months. Also the newer Ratchet game what I love only PS5, Plague Tale, so I thought I can afford it so why not, but I'm not rich and if soemthing makes me lots of stress and disappointment then I'm out of the mood.
So back to PC vs PS5, let's say I keep my PS5 and after the warranty finished it will die again, then I need somebody expert (service) to fix it. If I got PC I can see GPU or HDD or anything else and replace it within even the same day. Only GPU costs lots of money, everything else not very much.
Not to mention games, epic games gives away free games every week, many of them .... well let's say not a good ones, but now I got at least 50-60 free games that are good and FREE.
So like I said it's very complicated, it depends on lots of things, for example if you want to play the newest games in 4K then yes you will spend a lot for PC. For me it's not very important just fun, I can live without it.
@Kanji-Tatsumi Themes, that can't be seen with all of the tiles all over the place. To each their own but how long do people sit and look at their home screen anyway?
So my PS5 will stop scaring my cat, then? Yay!
@Nekomichu still got a ps4 its now ten years old just got a ps5 this week hope it last just as long
Please Sony get rid of the card system. It’s not only broken, but a huge mess all over the screen. The Ui is a mess and there is a lot of easy fixes that wouldn’t take much to make it a little better. Now the Store needs a lot of love. Like it’s not in good shape at all. Not sure we will get to much software love out of Sony, but the Hardware revisions are coming.
@Hyena_socks your system must be faulty.. my Ps5 lives in sleep mode and has since I bought it (besides the few times bad storms were coming then I turned it off).. never had a problem with crashing.. I may have to restart my game sometimes but that’s a small price to pay for convenience
@Hyena_socks I had real issues with sleep mode while I had an external USB drive connected. Since adding an internal NVMe drive it's been fine.
Exactly...how hard can it be?
The current lists are rubbish...one can't tell if a game is already in a list or not...
Fix the game save synch for PS5 games.
Compared to the PS4 process, the PS5 one is just awful.
@ChakaL00T I've had mine since day one of the launch and its fine. I've actually never had a console die on me. Make sure your consoles are getting plenty of ventilation! If all else is normal your replacement should last you for years.
Hoped for
1) themes
2) folders
3) long press PS button functionality
So yes, I want it to work more like the PS4.
An additional request is for the tub o' lard to install the version you want and NOT continually installing the PS4 version from disc if you don't want it to.
Orbis worked fine so of course Sony had to implement some ugly, failed mobile phone style OS with random button presses and a colossal amount of wasted space on the dashboard.
@FatalBubbles This was an issue earlier this year where it literally was broken for multiple weeks in a row, as I was playing Ys VIII at the time and my playtime wasn't register at all for the whole period. It's a good 30-40 hours off.
I wasn't aware that it had been cropping back up for anybody as it seems like my playtime for Final Fantasy XVI seems relatively accurate (can't compare since they don't have a playtime tracker in this game). I'll try to pay more attention to it like I used to and see if I notice anything like last time it broke.
This is a perfect example of why I have little faith in their tech team. It's amazing how much of a 180 things have gone from the PS4 generation to the PS5. Like I said before, I still love my PS5, but one of many reasons I loved my PS4 was because of reliability of the UI and their tech team. A lot of the time, it would work exactly like it was supposed to, and I always had faith they would fix anything that cropped up in due time. Now, I have little faith that we'll ever get to the level the PS4 was in terms of it's UI and the team working on it as we are multiple years in and they've put minimal effort in. It's honestly as if a completely different group of people work on the PS5 than what they had for the PS4.
@ChakaL00T If it makes you feel any better I bought a mini split heat pump in 2021 and only after 2 years there's a coolant leak that the guys that installed it can't even find. And they charged me 300 dollars just for adding coolant back in and now two months later the coolant is gone again!
Sometimes we're unlucky. I have a problem with electronics, I'm always thinking they're on the verge of breaking down on me.
@ChakaL00T Sorry to hear about your console. If it’s any consolation, my first PS5 died within 24 hours of having it!
I was pretty impressed with how quick the turnaround was from sending it back to Sony and the console I got back has been absolutely fine since. Fingers crossed for better luck with your new one too.
Something I noticed from the new update that isn't mentioned is that when your account level increases, you get a notification very similar to a trophy notification.
This article is a troll 🧌 right
@Kanji-Tatsumi yeeeeah you will see that update close to the end of the ps5s life cycle as you did with ps3 and ps4. Neather do I understand it ether why sony starts from scratch with generation of console instead of building upon what's done been implemented.
@JONOFTHEJONS lol 😆 on what blu-ray? Because so far theirs only one indie game that supports 8k
Can I just have the option to change the PS button feature back to how it was on PS4. You know, where it's been ingrained in my head after nearly a decade of use, yet someone at Sony thought it was a good idea to change it. 🤦♂️
@ChakaL00T I'm sorry to hear that on your PS5, but to me, I think you got got dealt a bad hand and got a ps5 that was faulty in the assembly line to me. If your really are on stand to going forward on not buying anything Sony related, I hope you do eventually get a ps5 one day. Maybe even the PS5 slim
@GreatAuk I'm surprised mines is still going on, I most definitely need it cleaned out. Can't say the same for my ps4s though. Sigh 😔
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