Product pages on the PS Store have been given a refresh as Sony has implemented a new five-star rating system users can engage with. It's not entirely clear when this feature went live as it's only been spotted in the past 12 hours, but you can now attach a rating to the PS5, PS4 games you own.
To do so, you can head into the PS Store and select "View Product". From there, the game's current rating should appear beneath the logo, and you can select it to gain more information. The next screen reveals exactly how many ratings the title in question has received as well as a percentage breakdown of how many people voted for each score. You're only able to leave a rating for games you have purchased, downloaded, or added to your library.
The example above focuses on Cyberpunk 2077, revealing the RPG has so far received an overall rating of 3.79 from 37,000 users. Another is Resident Evil 4, which sits on 4.7. 84 per cent of voters awarded it five stars, and just three per cent handed it a single star.

A neat little addition indeed, but will you be plugging ratings into the PS Store? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 57
I swear they had this before but removed it. I usually know what I wanna buy anyway so wouldn’t affect my purchases
It appears that the ratings and the ability to rate games does not appear on the app.
Is it just owned or does games played via PS+ also allow you to rate games? If the latter I get the feeling the system will have a review bombing problem like with HFW (that game always seems to be a target for some reason).
This is very nice. I have long hoped Sony would implement more and more Steam-like features. They have a long way to go, but this is a step in the right direction, at least.
This feature doesn't seem to be on PC via browser, unfortunately. If it's there, it is entirely too buried to be useful because I was actively looking for a way to rate Final Fantasy XVI (my last completed game) on there and didn't find it.
Three hours later
I just checked on my PS5 and can't see the rating system, either.
That's a useful feature. I wouldn't ever blindly trust user reviews, but they can be useful to consider amongst other factors.
This can be pretty helpful on Xbox, a nice option to add a short review would also be good.
@Grumblevolcano I own Sea of Stars through PS Plus Extra and I am able to leave it a rating.
I don't see this on the app, web or PS5 store. UK or US.
Off to hand off some 1 star ratings!
Not sure how much I'll trust seeing Madden or FIFA getting 5 stars.
@PenguinLtd better than thumbs up/down or just being able to heart something...
5 star man 😂
@SJR and you would be correct. It was removed in one of the format change some time ago. No reason given. Not that it was to terribly useful back then. Likely won't be to terribly useful now either.
I use this, along with the comments, on the Xbox store if I'm debating a game to buy/download. Pretty good.
Nope. Star ratings with no context given. How do I know those one star people aren't purists that want tank controls. Worse your one star is some 9yr old who is mad that it isn't their favorite game they are rating. Does the ps5 check if they've played the game? Time spent? Weight their I put by the kinds of games they play as it relates to the person viewing the rating?
This just sounds like the mob deciding the value of something. Hard pass.
@SJR they did have this before on ps4
3 years in we get another feature back
@DennisReynolds Please at least acknowledge comment #2
@Grumblevolcano Agreed. I think there should be say a 20 minute time played requirement at least. I 'own' many games I never intend to touch and I know would be 1* for me (but thats because they aren't my cup of tea and not because they are awful). Its a little unfair to allow reviews where the user hasn't even tried the product.
Can we rate games we have not purchased digitally?
I'm glad that this is returning, finally. Although I'd question to whom this is really going to appeal. Most of us probably get a feel for general consensus from aggregates like on Metacritic and user reviews from Steam (which, in my opinion, still has the superior rating system out of all the ecosystems).
Yay, now we can have review bombing on the PS store too.
Star ratings are dumb. As the screenshot in the article itself demonstrates, the majority of people tend to go with either 5 or 1 star and ignore 2-4. Valve fixed this ages ago on Steam with their average rating based on a simple 'would/not recommend' system, later expanded so you could see how that rating had changed over time.
I own PS5, XSX and Switch, and it has always surprised me that Xbox was the only one to offer customer reviews. Good to see Sony finally add the option. Just need to convince Nintendo to do the same now.
I’m not finding these ratings on the PSN app (iOS), the PSN website or the store via my PS5. What am I missing?
@The_Pixel_King same. They aren't on mine either.
@LightningF13 yah it likely hasn't even gone fully live in most markets or perhaps is only testing in one or a handful. As I'm unfortunately in the US.
It's a fairly pointless system as some people will leave stupid ratings regardless.
Who on Earth is giving RE4 a genuine 1 star review??? Ridiculous.
If they toss this on the app, I will surely lose a day as I rate every game I own…
@NotSoCryptic I agree 💯. On Steam I look at overall rating, then reviews (but only those with hours in the game). Not all games suit all ppl (I'm not an RPG fan for instance), but presumably If I got one from PS Plus I could rate it low, just because it's not my type of game. Those with hours in, shows that they at least like the genre, and have invested their time in it.
Cyberpunk 2.0 is still pretty much a bug fest, surprised to see it over 3 stars. Should be 1-10 rating system imo, and represent around 5 since game is a mess to this day.
This new rating feature is not available on the PS Store in Mexico yet.
Oh…Does that mean we can rate PS Plus service ???😏
I doubt I'll bother (never did on PS4), but nice to have for those who care, I guess?
The real update the PS Store needs is a feature to hide/ignore games you don't want to see anymore. So tired of wading through the same walls of shovelware and the like every time I browse a sale.
Let me guess, only when buying the game digital?
Like anything else it's pointless. It's not like Sony pays attention to it.m bringing forth 10003827 indie titles that shouldn't even have been green lit but hey
.. money > players
I can't see this option on PS5
It's not new. We had it before, but they removed it.
It's fine to add it back, but the comments section of the reviews on Xbox were actually more helpful than the ratings themselves. It allows you to ignore potential review bombing and just read actual opinions, while skipping over anybody being an idiot. I guess this is still better than nothing at least.
Xbox do this ages ago.thats why are better. Sony live in the past. Always charging more and giving less. This reminde me Ea sometime ago.
Good I can give Cyber Punk, Witcher 3, and Bloodborne all 0's.
Nice 👌
Take away features just to put them back in. Granted this one is kinda useless. No comments, tracked player time, or anything. Like Cyberpunk ps5 is already getting "review" bombed. And you can't see if these people even played the game or their comments.
@DennisReynolds the reviewing system on xbox awful I full of idiots kids given everything 1 star talking about things nothing to do with the game
@SJR Yup! It was definitely there on the PS3 PlayStation Store, happy to see it come back!
I really like this! Not sure why. I just like rating stuff! Lol
any reason why there are some games i have purchased in full and it won't let me rate them?
@SJR they must have, because i went to rate sonic mania, and it said that i'd rated it back in '19
My PS5 is updated and I went into view products and I don't have the star ratings
@ATaco The same idiots buy it year after year. Safe to assume that very little changes occur in those titles.
@Vladspartan Playstation had it, then they removed it. Then they add it again.
@Gaia093 All the damn sports titles let me just hide everything from EA or shovelware indie devs
Now the wise old seers of regret-purchasing will warn younglings agaim
Interesting that they didn't start fresh with the rating system return. I just went to rate some games and it still remembers all of the old ratings I gave before they removed the feature. That GTAV 1★ is still holding strong.
Why i cant rate my games on CDs?
shame it's bugged though... even my ps plus games have a "add to rate" you click the button it puts you to the gamepage with the huge "DOWNLOAD" button. hilarious... weirdly i can rate on games i haven't bought, but half the ones i HAVE or got FREE i can't rate them.
this is sony. can't get anything to work.. like their live services.. promise... but we knew what'd happen there
This is great to express satisfaction and dissatisfaction with a game. Even if it's small at least it'd another way to be heard. I took the last hour or so to rate every game I have in my library. This will be part of my games played process. When I finish them or am finished with them rate it!
@propinquity At least you can see ratings, I can't. F*** Sony.
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