Sushi Ben is a narrative adventure game in VR that tasks players with saving a beloved local sushi bar from dastardly land sharks via outrageous minigames. It releases this month on Meta but has been confirmed for a PSVR2 launch at a later date.
Earn the trust of eclectic townspeople by helping them out of binds, aiding them in various tasks and activities, with branching paths throughout. From the creator of that love letter to avian-love, Hatoful Boyfriend, this looks like it could be a fun ride. Plus, the use of 3D manga panels looks like a pretty novel twist, at least to our eye.
What do you think of Sushi Ben? Will you try something new? Were you a fan of Hatoful Boyfriend, or did it fail to ruffle your feathers? Chow down on some delicious seafood in the comments section below.
Comments 2
The fact that this is from the Hatoful Boyfriend creator makes this a day one purchase.
Maybe I'll be able to date the sushi.
Looks pretty creative, may try this.
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