Marvel's Spider-Man 2 only just released today and already is Insomniac Games being quizzed on what comes next. We know the developer has Marvel's Wolverine in the works, but could a Venom spin-off game also be on the cards? It's an option the studio seems up for exploring, if the fans want it after they've finished the team's latest open-worlder.
Speaking to Insider, senior narrative director Jon Paquette was quizzed on the possibility of a spin-off game focused entirely on Venom. "So, here's what we're doing. We're focused on Spider-Man 2, and what we're gonna do is we're gonna wait to see how the fans react," he responded. "We're gonna listen to the fans and we're gonna ask ourselves: 'Okay, what do the fans really want?'" Paquette then teases that Inomniac will "kind of talk about stuff" once the team has "had time to sleep and take vacations" — presumably after the Christmas break.
Venom is one of the main villains in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 alongside Kraven, but the story is still centred around the lives of Peter Parker and Miles Morales. If you're just getting started following today's launch, feel free to refer to our comprehensive Marvel's Spider-Man 2 guide for help and information.
[source insider.com]
Comments 57
I think we do? There was a PS2 game I think that had that concept, playing as Venom
If ps fans want it? Is water wet? There’s your answer guys.
Fuse 2 is what the fans want
I'd love a Venom game but I'd also like to see Insomniac work on something that's not a Marvel game after Wolverine.
@Kidfried +1 for Sunset Overdrive and aye to a venom game infact anything these guys put out would be appreciated.
Aka we're totally making a Venom spin off.
I would rather have a Spider Gwen spin off tbh.
I would take a Venom game same sort of size game as Miles Morales was
@Smiffy01 @Kidfried Sunset Overdrive > Spider-Man
I’m hoping Insomniac’s next game just… doesn’t have a Marvel base.
Insomniac are a very talented studio and I would like them to flex their creativity.
Please Sony, lets have a couple of new IP from your first party.
I’d rather a follow up to Sunset Overdrive, that game was absolutely fantastic.
I honestly expected him to be more playable in this
I got totally burnt out on Marvel films and series so really hope they do something new..nothing hero based.
If nothing new then another Ratchet game would get me far more excited than any Marvel game.
I would love a venom spin-off
Yeah sure if its a small spin off like miles morales, but please dont just become a marvel factory insomniac
I’d have to play this game first, perhaps it’s not needed after this game, but on paper sounds cool.
Personally I’d prefer a less well known “Spider-man” like Ghost-Spider AKA Gwen Stacy / Spider-Gwen.
Alternatively give New York a MAJOR overhaul with Spider-Man 2099 and a future Nueva York / New York. One slight weakness of the franchise is being stuck in the same New York each entry.
I would prefer if Insomniac stopped being Marvel company and start making something original.
I would rather have Sunset Overdrive 2 then Spider-Man 3/Venom/Wolverine.
But I'm probably in minority, so I'm not gonna hold my breath.
I would not be surprised if even that GAAS game that Insomniac is making would be with Marvel IP.
The idea that the entire team that made this game will be doing nothing for the next 2 and a half months is kinda hilarious. They’re obviously making a Venom game and it would have been in pre-production before SM2 even released. Just trying to get some hype going.
I'd love an Eddie Brock Venom game, but specifically Eddie. I'm not really interested in the symbiote's other hosts. I haven't played SM2 yet, so no spoilers, but I think my point makes sense based on what I've guessed and heard from the developer.
Jesus please no. Enough with Spiderboy games.
Makes sense as Sony do own the Movie Licencing rights to Spider-Man, Wolverine and Venom - something that has complicated Disney/Marvels plans.
I'd rather Insomniac returned to creating their OWN games, another Resistance for example would appeal more to me.
A part of me says yes, but a bigger part of me says no as it will just reduce Insomniac to a Marvel games studio like somebody else said. Honestly I'd rather have another Ratchet & Clank game given how Rift Apart left multiple possibilities for future games, including a Rivet led game.
No, please let this IP sleep and bring us something new
@KundaliniRising333 Yeah but sales say otherwise. This is my prediction, Wolverine next then Venom and then Spider-Man 3 to end the Gen.
Yes, please! I would love that.
No thanks Insomniac you're part of Sony not Disney, after Wolverine let's take a nice long break from the Marvel machine
Gotta keep milking whatever sells.
@bindiana agree, wouldn't want insomniac to spend too much time and resources in more marvel stuff. I love these mid sized sequels/spinoffs/add-ons however.
@Afroducc “Please Sony, lets have a couple of new IP from your first party.”
I’m in total agreement that I want to see a steady stream of new IP mixed with the sequels and remasters, but I do think they have more than a couple coming. We know about Concord and Fairgames. There’s also heavy rumors about Bend working on a new IP and also a second Naughty Dog team cooking a new IP in the background alongside TLoU3. Pretty sure Bluepoint has a new IP, if their current game isn’t Bloodborne 2. Also based on what they said about their current project, Housemarque isn’t making a Returnal sequel, so it’s probably a new IP. Almost certainly Media Molecule isn’t doing Dreams 2 either. 😅
But yes, as far as Insomniac, it would be interesting to see what novel IP they could create on their own.
@all3forever Same here. Sure, I’ll play a Venom game, if that’s what they want to make, but I’d be much more interested in a Spider-Gwen game. Got my fingers crossed that they introduce her in 2 the way they introduced Miles in the first game🤞
a new Resistance or Sunset Overdrive would be top of my list. I enjoyed them both and I am burnt out on Marvel
I'm actually surprised at the amount of Sunset Overdrive mentions here.
As other's have said, I'd like Insomniac to do something new. Marvel stuff is fun and it has mass appeal, but I hate to see studios get stuck doing one thing.
I vote a big yes. I think a Venom game devolped by Insomniac could be a very cool game, both gameplay and storywise.
I like Spider-Man as much as the next guy but I think a good break will be in order after 2. I do not want Insomniac to become just "the Marvel Studio".
Go back to Resistance, go back to Ratchet, go back to Sunset Overdrive, or try something new. Anything but more Spider-Man right away. Not saying never to a Venom spin-off but just not right away is all I ask.
Something new please. Something not Marvel.
No thank you. Make something else.
@Loamy I think they can make a Venom game in the size of Miles Morales with their eyes closed. I mean the assets are already there. At this point it's like R&C for them.
@Kidfried Yess!! Give us the Sunset Overdrive remaster. I read years ago it was in development, but nothing has come of it. 🤷♂️
19 inches of Venom
0 interest in any of the Spiderman games and Wolverine, but I'd preorder Venom
sounds like they just confirmed a bite-size venom standalone expansion/dlc then. i hope insomniac is working on a new IP that is not based on a superhero franchise next.
Venom would intrigue me, as I'm not a huge fan of the actual Spider-Man stuff at the moment, but a stand alone, darker game with creative freedom would be nice.
Sony also owns the film rights to Punisher. And I've kind of wanted to see someone have a go at gritty punisher game, THQ/Volition apparently published and made a game in 2005...
Sony also owns the Breaking Bad franchise 😬 (Naughty Dog have definitely earned the chance to be given something with that big a name. Insomniac too, but they already have Spidey)
And then Sony also owns Terminator. The Boys. Rambo. Dragon Tattoo. Charlie's Angels... hahaha
What im saying really is, we need a state of play, and we need to see if Sony is going to use/cash in on any of its other global film IPs in the next 5 years for games too 😅
@DennisReynolds I think Spider-Man 3 will be cross gen with PS6. After Wolverine I hope it's a non marvel property, Insomniac got a lot more to offer than open world games, even though they're really good
Sounds like some of you are living under a rock. Wolverine is not the only game Insomniac are working on they already started on a new IP/multiplayer game.
@theMEGAniggle I don't think Wolverine will be open world, i reckon it will either be something like the Norse GoW games or something like The Last of Us/Uncharted.
@Th3solution I hope you're right. We're in a strange position as fans, we'd usually know what's coming by now but we're 3 years into the console and still no official word from many of these studios! Here's hoping we get a big showcase soon!
Only do it if Venom is Eddie Brock.
@DennisReynolds yeah you're probably right. I guess what I meant to say is they have a lot more to offer with their original IP. Not saying I don't like their Spider-Man games, loving SP2 right now but I want to see some variety. They said they don't wanna be a marvel factory right? I'd hate to see them just pumping out marvel games non stop
Would love to see one! Just hope it doesn't affect their other projects as I'd really like for them to keep making Ratchet and Clank and maybe go back to making Resistance again. At the same time, I'd like more Spider-Man games too
If we want it? Of course we always it, IT'S BLOODY VENOM!!! 😅
Yes fans want it. He's a much bigger draw than Miles. He'll he's one of the most popular comic book characters. So much they made him go from full villain to anti-hero.
I think it’s a no brainer
Almost done with Spidey-2. PLEASE MAKE A VENOM GAME!
I don’t know how. Given how the story went there’s no way to bring him back.
I’d like a gaas game based on the Resistance universe. I could really go for a seasonal game along them lines.
Good time to revisit Resistance. Also, Sunset Overdrive remaster. And I can never get enough of Ratchet. I would love more Ratchet games.
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