Capcom has officially confirmed it plans to continue releasing remakes of older Resident Evil games after the success of Resident Evil 2, 3, and 4. At the PlayStation Partner Awards, Resident Evil 4 producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi told Game Watch that the publisher would like to continue developing Resident Evil remakes.
His full quote reads: "We have released three remake series, and we feel that they have been very well received. Both for us and as people who love the previous games, we are very happy that people of today can play them, so we would like to continue this. I hope to be able to provide information about what we will do in the future."
Without giving away too many spoilers, if you've finished the recent Resident Evil 4 DLC Separate Ways, you'll know it's likely a remake of Resident Evil 5 is up next. Though, fans of the series still hope Capcom will return to PS2 title Code: Veronica X one day and give it a new lease of life also.
When creating Resident Evil remakes and choosing what to bring back next, Hirabayashi said Capcom always looks to customer feedback from past games first. "We take this seriously, and we work with the stance that if the customer perceives it this way, how about we make it this way, and I think that's why we are receiving positive feedback as a result. Our staff takes great care in creating products from the user's perspective."
What Resident Evil game do you want Capcom to remake next? Share your pick in the comments below.
[source game.watch.impress.co.jp]
Comments 88
I'm totally down for a RE5 Remake. I know I'm probably in the minority, but I never thought it was as bad as a lot of people did. With the improved combat from RE4 Remake and co-op sounds fun to me.
I’ve yet to get play Resident Evil 4 remake as I was waiting until all the DLCs were released, but I am hoping that Resi 5 is the next on the list. Don’t get me wrong, I think Code Veronica would be the right choice as it’s the older of the 2, but the continuity of the series getting the remake treatment would be the right thing for Capcom to do, as it will appeal to new fans seeing the next numbered instalments being released! I played Resident Evil 5 in coop with my daughter on PS3 and PS4, so it hold fond memories in that sense. I also played Coop on Xbox 360 with a dear friend who sadly passed away a few years ago. The fun I had in coop with him was awesome! I would expect Capcom would rework the game a bit, add more horror into it.
I'm really not buying another until they remake code veronica. I passed on RE4R and will pass on RE5R. Those games simply don't need a remake and code veronica does.
I like to see a remake of the first game in this style.
...don't you mean the Dreamcast title Resident Evil: Code Veronica?!
I will never accept your PS2 Code Veronica X nonsense! 😛😛😛😛
I just… I love these REmakes, but I hate to say that I’m going to have to wait for reviews on a RE5 remake. RE5 just… wasn’t as good as the rest of the series up to that point by a sizable margin, and it opens the door to RE6 remake, which is totally unnecessary and the only actual miss in the series. Unless they retcon A LOT, I’m sort of sad about this.
Now, RE1 could use a third wind though…
Would love to see 5 redone. I enjoyed it, coop was great, but fully understand the criticism it received.
It came out at a time when Capcom seemed to be a little bit lost. If a few of the narrative and dialogue issues were cleaned up and it was remade with today's standards it could be great.
That coop was good fun too.
Also, boulder punching 😌
@somnambulance I've been thinking about this and I wouldn't mind seeing RE6 written out of the story entirely.
It took me years to finish that game. It tried to be everything for everyone and ended up not having any idea what it was.
Outbreak File 3 on the other hand, gimme.
@Shepherd_Tallon RE 6 needs to be completely rewritten. Have it be an ensemble-cast game sure, but keep it to the already established STARS members, Leon and Claire.
RE5 is in my top 5 games of all time.
Capcom better not screw this up. It's so easy to tweak. Open up the sections more, make the lighting better. Make it more like RE4remake basically.
If they remake RE5 and 6 and completely ignore Code Veronica then I'm officially done with RE series going forward. If RE9 is actually creepy survival horror again I'll obviously be back on board but I doubt it if RE8 96% full of action and 4% actual creepy scares is anything to go by
Baffles me how the original 90s RE classic trilogy has been completely ignored for ports with trophy support in a nice little collection for more modern consoles. Meanwhile old Sonic games gets tons of collections over the years, old Street Fighter classics gets tons of collections over the years and more recently the troubled no Hideo Kojima MGS series gets collections. No I don't mean remakes as I obviously appreciate those, Nemesis remake not so much, the 90s originals I mean
Code Veronica, c'mon man.
5 doesn’t really need a remake as much code Veronica, outbreak and outbreak 2 do
I'll welcome a remake of RE5 given how good the other 3 new ones have been (I even loved RE3), but it seems to make more sense to do a Code: Veronica X one first from what the latest video from Residence of Evil on YouTube. Honestly, I'd be much more excited for a Code: Veronica X remake.
@Beerheadgamer82 It baffles me that the OG RE 2 and 3 havent been put on the Classics catalogue yet.
I hope RE1 gets another remake that is in third person like RE2.
I can't say I'm not interested in a Resident Evil 5 Remake but seriously Code Veronica needs to happen first!
I really enjoyed RE5 at the time, I remember it was the first after RE4 that allowed walking AND shooting at the same time, was quite action heavy and great fun.
Shiva's AI was pretty poor though so that could well do with the upgrade too.
However, I want to see Code Veronica redone first please!!
RE5 could be great, but it would need A LOT of work; like, a complete redesign. Keep online co-op, sure, but ditch the AI partner for solo. Also basically re-write the story so it's less stupid, and reintroduce more horror.
RE6 on the other hand.... best just leave that be.
@kungfumongoose most likely have no trophy support on Premium classics being 3rd party titles. The reasoning for wanting trophies is I can already play the classics on PS3 through its PS1 backwards compatibilty with the original RE PS1 discs on PS3 or just whip out the original PS1 console. Better to have them on premium though than nothing at all I suppose, even without trophies
@Americansamurai1 same here. ReMake is one of my absolute favorite things in life but a full reimagining of the game would be so freaking cool.
I was a big fan of 5 at the time but it definitely felt like the pendulum had fully swung into action game. For me 4 is already a tad too action focused and is why 2 is my favourite.
I think the original is sitting out in the cold and could do with remaking to have the main saga all together in the same style.
Please give us Code Veronica!!!
code veronica is a great game that actually needs a remake
@Shepherd_Tallon I agree with you completely. If RE5 was rewritten a little bit, it could be salvaged. If RE6 was written out of the story and replaced completely, the series would be better for it. They could bridge the gap between 5 and 7 with something much more interesting.
these idiots still gotta complete RE3R, no way i accept that ***** as a remake when they removed half of the actual game.
I personally would rather see then remake Code Veronica than 5. I didn’t dislike 5, I just think CV deserves the remake treatment before 5. I also wouldn’t mind them remaking 0 or the original again.
The most fun I've had with coop is RE5 so I will be there day 1! It also looks like we will eventually get to Code Veronica, each very successful remake they make opens the door for the next one
as long as they remake code veronica , i'm happy , but i also want a remake of 5 as well. but them saying multiple remakes is possible makes me think it could be possible to have both. i wouldn't mind seeing 0 and 1 thrown into the mix in that case. as for the people saying i don't think re5 needs a remake. i disagree , seeing re5 more in the tone of the re4 remake would be pretty great imo, as i enjoyed re4 remake a lot , and i think it makes sense when they established 5 into the remake already.
RE 5 being a much more flawed game than it's predecessors could really benefit from a remake. If they overhaul the gameplay and improve the story, it could go from an above average action game, to a masterpiece horror/action game.
I still think we're getting a new RE1 remake. The current RE1 remake is still my favorite Resident Evil game, but I would love for a more modern version that fits with the current games' play styles (and with Jill's current model). However, Code Veronica definitely needs it more. I'd argue that RE5 and 6 don't really need remakes. But Code Veronica absolutely desperately needs it.
@somnambulance @kungfumongoose I think definitely the existing RE6 story needs to be much tighter and focused, if not a completely rewritten.
Leon and Claire for sure, with the other characters in the background. The addition of Sherry in RE6 was great, the story she was in just didn't do her any justice.
The college campus setting and the surrounding town is great too, we just didn't get enough time there. Raccoon City was so much fun to be in. Another urban location would be perfect for me.
@Shepherd_Tallon RE6 was too big and unfocused. 4 campaigns was just too much. Leon's campaign was easily the best with Ada's second. Jake's and Chris's were both terrible and could have been reworked or cut. Overall, RE6 isn't as bad as people make it out to be, but definitely not of usual Resident Evil quality.
@theSpectre I hadn't followed the news about it in the build up to launch. When I started as Leon in the college I remember thinking it was great. It just meandered all over the place from there though.
I feel like at some point someone had a good idea for that game, but it was butchered by marketing and focus groups.
N.i.c.e. more resident evil remakes is always welcome.word up son
Code Veronica is the one I want and it's so much more important to the story than Nemesis is. Though I suspect RE5 will be the next remake and this is probably where I stop buying them as I much prefer the survival horror side of Resident Evil
@Shepherd_Tallon Well that seems to be their plan with these remakes by trying to not only make the story and lore consistent with each other but also the feel of them.
I'm down for all of the RE Remakes. Probably going against the grain especially with the people on here, but I must admit, Resident Evil 5 is one of my favorite games of all time! Looking forward to ensuring Complete. Global. Saturation!
RE 0 then 1, Code Veronica and after that 5 and let's forget 6 ever existed.
I'd rather see Code Veronica remade, too. After all, it's another classic entry with ink ribbons whose absence was the very reason I turned to RE2R and RE3R over their respective much more portable originals. RE4-RE6 have none of this and are on Switch and I' hard-pressed to imagine what a remake could offer me on top.
RE2 and 4 remakes still rule imo...still need to buy and complete DLC Separate ways and DLC for Village but for next remake I actually don´t care but hope some time in the future they will remake RE1 in RE2/4R style
Apart from remakes, I´m really looking forward to RE9 and wondering if they continue in FPS or return back to TPS with it
I personally enjoyed the story of code Veronica, plus I think the game had the best creatures from the old resi games.
Next gen Bandersnatch and nosferatu would be awesome
@theSpectre @Shepherd_Tallon I totally agree that, if the story was rewritten and roughly half of RE6 was cut and replaced with something else, it would’ve been around the same tier as RE5 at least, but, man, what were they thinking with some of it? It’s like Capcom tried way too hard to make a big, huge RE title instead of… well, honestly, focusing. It’s such a strange game. I’m happy it exists, even if it’s not a game I particularly like, as it did cause the RE team to totally switch gears and make my two favorite games in the franchise with 7 and 8.
For my tastes, I'd love to see a 5 Remake. I actually liked it a LOT better than 4, as I thought it was an improvement on what 4 did and I really enjoyed the co-op. Then again, it was also my first RE game, so that probably has something to do with it......
Code Veronica first. 5 second (massively underrated game, even if a terrible resi game). Ignore 6 ever happened. 9 somewhere in between.
@Bionic-Spencer Has everyone forgotten the huge backlash when RE5 released? ^^ this is going to be even worse in today's world... A white dude cruising Africa killing black people... media is gonna berserk on that ^^ Not sure Capcom wants that story back on the headlines. I agree on the continuity, but it might be safer to be very careful with 5 ^_^
@GamingFan4Lyf can't agree more with you... what heresy this quote is ! ^_^
@Kalime78 It's a PlayStation dedicated site. As far as they're concerned, the rest of the gaming industry doesn't exist.
NOTE: Just taking tongue-in-cheek jabs here people - don't get your undergarments in a knot for this comment!
@BearsEatBeets ^_^ I remember discussing with some Capcom marketing person (being intentionally vague) just before they launched 6, telling me they had fixed the issue of dual audience (action vs survival) by making 6 both... the baffled look on my face did not impress them... and to be fair as much as it destroyed the Franchise, 6 was one of the best selling one... It's like you need survival to attract hardcore audience which will entice mainstream, but you need action to please mainstream...
@GamingFan4Lyf PlayStation only picked up once it started stealing all them major games from Dreamcast... ^_^
@somnambulance Yeah agreed.
I remember reading years ago that publishers at the time were obsessed with emulating COD in some way or catering to that fanbase, so Chris's missions were supposed to be for the COD fans or something.
But part of me also wonders if the director didn't just ham it up so he could prove that what the execs wanted didn't work.
I mean I know that's not what happened, but that's just how all over the place that game is in my mind.
You're right though - 6 is the mess that at least took us to 7 and the revival of RE.
@Shepherd_Tallon As much as I'm part of the survival horror crowd, I thought RE7 was too much for me... maybe the VR, maybe getting older... ever since the E3 Kitchen VR experience, that game never sat well with me... I thought 8 was great though ^_^
The only Resident Evil I didn't like was RE6. I like the RE remakes, but would love to see Capcom give the remake or remaster treatment to games like Viewtiful Joe. A viewtiful Joe collection would be pretty cool to have on Switch and PS5.
@Shepherd_Tallon I am so glad that, after years of everyone trying to chase trends, we hit a period where the industry embraced what works in games…
Well, some parts of the industry anyway!
Loved Resi5 on my 360 playing with the wife, but then the ps3 and ps4 versions were ruined by both players not being able to have independent saved loadouts and cash. Hopefully a remake on PS5 will sort this and the wife and I will spend a hundred more hours in there.
Code Veronica and/or the outbreak games. With actual online play this time. Re5 and 6 were trash, leave them ones in the past
RE5 holds a special place in my heart. A friend and I played it a lot back in high school. Good times.
Imagine if they remade Outbreak. I wouldn’t say no to that
It seems opinion on RE5 is all over the place here. I'm in the camp that it wasn't a very good Resident Evil game but it was a fantastic, fun, coop action game. Can't wait to see Sheva and that world again in 4K!
That said RE6 is unredeemable and I would prefer they redo every inch of that game, took me months two finish it because the boredom only allowed me to play a few minutes a day
5 was awful. If they were to remake that, it would need significant adjustments. Like a full on remake and script re-righting. For me, the series went a little wayward from that release. For me, I never played Veronica and would like to have a go with that. So before 5, I'd like to see 0, OG and then Code Veronica.
Although great newd I kind of wish that they would do a Obimusha or Dino Crisis remakes too.
I honestly feel RE2 Remake could use a reboot instead of this. Lol, nah. Whatever Capcom releases people will buy it instantly and they know it. I have yet to play RE5 at all so I’ll just play that and if I like it I’m going to get the remake eventually.
I don't care which one it will be next, as long as there's a VR mode. To me, RE8 in VR is the most impactful videogame experience I've had since Daytona USA in 1994, along with GT7 VR.
Honestly, I could go for a Dead Rising remake. I wish Capcom would go back to that series.
stop remaking the resi games and don't even dare to remake the ones from the ps3 era and onwards. please, just stop. it is a waste of resources and i would be surprised if the demand is there. i guess i could live with code veronica remake, but how about coming up some new IP or at least remaking games in a different franchise? after remastering onimusha 1, it seems like the series was completely forgotten. dino crisis remake would be neat. what about breath of fire? haunting ground? capcom has become such a boring and predictable company. time to look outside of resident evil for a bit just for the sake of something new.
Ill bet on the Re1 REREmake
Awesome. Hope Resident Evil 5 remake is good. But, am i the only one that wants to see Resident Evil 1 and 0 in the style of the remakes. Having recently played the first resident evil this year, i couldn't help but feel that it needs a remake. Maybe it'll actually make it scary like re2 and 3 remake.
The only two games I want a remake of that are left are, first and foremost, Code Veronica, it must be next and then if they remade Zero that would be enough. Maybe a reboot of the first game with an expanded storyline leading up to the Mansion incident. I don't want to see 5 or anything thereafter get remade.
@Kalime78 tbf, I could never play RE 7 more than once. It was too much for me too. So tense and claustrophobic.
I'll take a remake of RE1 with a VR mode pretty pls.
@Splat i actually liked RE5. Now i admit i didn’t play RE6 & RE7 as i just didn’t want to play them. But RE4 and RE5 were both fun to me. I agree with you and would love to see how RE5 is redone.
Can we not? 5 is passable, but 6 is just awful.
Both 5 and 6 remakes better have a co-op still. Me and my friend loved playing through them
Code Veronica is the only one that needs to be remade (maybe 0, though it's not a necessity). If it's not that, I don't want to hear about more remakes. Focus on RE 9 and finally make Revelations 3.
Capcom shut down two fantastic fan remakes - RE1 and Code Veronica which were being made using the RE2 remake engine. So they better remake CV.
We don't need a remake of 5 it's still fine. We need Dino Crisis.
Awesome! Can't wait to see RE Code Veronica X remake!
Capcom: Who? Never heard of her,maybe was a work experience temp or something?🤔 Please enjoy our RE 5 remake with enhanced dummy mode for your A.I. co-op companion!🙄😂
I'd love to see Resident Evil remade, if they could bring 4 which I felt held up pretty well from the GCN, then the REMake is definitely viable. As for 5, I'd love it too. What made that game insufferable was Sheva's AI, otherwise it was a perfectly serviceable RE title boulder-punching aside.
CV deserves a remake too, if for no other reason than to fix the stupid fire extinguisher issue. Those who know (and consequently didn't know on their first playthrough) are nodding in agreement right now 🤣
I Just wish they'd do code Veronica...
More then anything Dino crisis 🤦🤦🤦 resi 5 is still fine and if they did then hope they ditch the Co op. theres better things capcom could be doing..
Mabey DMC 6 🤷🤷
Keep 'em coming ♥️
I didn't buy RE4, despite having purchased the remakes of 1, 2 and 3, after Capcom announced it was unlikely to remake CV. And I will continue not buying any of their games until they remake Code: Veronica. It is the true fourth RE for me and it's always been one of my favourite games in the series. There's plenty of games to play anyway and I will certainly always vote with my wallet.
@Benjiro if anything code veronica is the true resident evil 3 since it actually is the true sequel to 2. re3 was always the side game to re2 since it takes place during the game itself and it was actually never going to be called part 3. but they figured that it would sell much better if it did have the number in the title.
@twitchtvpat That is true. In any case, to me it's more of a mainline RE that 4 is. And I did enjoy 4 for what it was when it came out, but by that point RE had moved on from what it was in the RE1-2-3 + CV + Zero era.
the way i saw is that re4 kicked off a new story line , evolved from the first story about a zombie outbreak virus. trust me i am on the same boat as you though. no one wants a remake of code veronica more then me. i was pretty upset because i was pretty young when it came out so back then i could only afford just 1 console. so when it was exclusive to sega i was pretty bummed out , but the second it was announced it was coming to ps2 i jumped all over it. seeing an updated engine , and game play in that game would be day 1 for me.
@Stickleman Dino Crisis with Regina I'll buy that CE even if I need to take a loan. 😆
Resident evil 5 would be dope, I've played it so many times on professional that it's muscle memory now, would be amazing with online co-op would bring back some memories for me 🫡🫡
@Gamer83 heh, no thanks on that one, didn't enjoy revelations much
That's cool. To each their own.
Not code name Veronica?
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