Of those 100 million views the GTA 6 trailer has totted up, I think I’ve contributed at least 100 so far. I never used to consider myself a massive Grand Theft Auto fan, but over the years I’ve realised it’s always been a mainstay in my PlayStation collection. I was a youngster when the original released on PS1, and while I never really understood the mission structure of those early DMA Design outings, I loved just driving around the isometric sandbox cities.
While I also owned GTA 2 on my PS1, I was a late comer to the iconic PS2 titles, as the added realism – and subsequent negative press coverage – prompted a ban on the brand from my parents. I’d later discover an abandoned copy of San Andreas sitting under a hedge in an alleyway not far from my house, and mercifully, despite some visible scratches to the DVD, it ran perfectly. I revisited the whole series, and would go on to attend my local game store’s midnight launch party for GTA 4 having now passed the tender age of 18.

GTA 4 launched at a time when I was experiencing the “bum” portion of my life. I’d finished high school but dropped out of university (don’t worry, I got my degree in the end) and so for about six to eight months I’d play games like they were my job. I distinctly remember playing 14 hour “shifts” of the PS3 release, and when it added Trophies a little later on, I revisited Niko’s story for dozens more hours. I remember initally not being particularly excited for Episodes from Liberty City following the Xbox 360 exclusivity, but it won me over when I finally played it.
My relationship with GTA 5 was complicated, though. I bought the game on PS3 and PS4, and started the story dozens of times over. But for whatever reason, I’d always fall off during the submarine sequence – you know the one. It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I finally saw the story through, fuelled by my fascination of GTA Online. I’ve always enjoyed “games within games”, and something about the business management aspect of the multiplayer mode really roped me. Owning an actual arcade in Los Santos is just genius in my opinion.
Which brings us to the upcoming GTA 6: I absolutely can’t wait. The trailer is as incredible as expected: the world looks vibrant, enormous, and unfathomably detailed. The one thing that I dislike about GTA 5 these days is that it doesn’t really reflect modern life anymore: it’s dated due to the development taking place in the 2010s as opposed to the 2020s. But all the social media references in the latest title’s trailer show that Rockstar is ready to rip contemporary life all over again.

I think the sequel has a lot to prove: the gameplay is pretty bad in GTA 5 these days, and even Red Dead Redemption 2 – excellent as it is – feels dated when it comes to character movement. I want more responsive controls, more dynamic gun fights, and better mission design. If you’re still playing GTA Online, you’ll know Rockstar is basically still recycling the same mission types even with brand new content: drive to location, beat down some bullet sponges, and try to escape cars that spawn right in front of you.
With all the lessons that Rockstar’s learned from the past ten years, I’m excited for a more dynamic single player campaign – and an online sandbox that feels like it’s been built to expand from the beginning. The developer has tacked so much on to GTA Online in its current guise that it feels like it can’t contain all of the studio’s ideas. There’s some brilliant content buried in there, but you have to really fight to find it.
The one disappointment for me, then, is that this new game is potentially two years away. I know a release of this scale takes time and effort to execute, and I want the developer to deliver something truly extraordinary. But it’s a long wait. Rockstar will no doubt bridge the gap with new GTA Online content, and it may even remaster Red Dead Redemption 2 for PS5 along the way. But I want its latest and greatest urban sandbox now. The wait, honestly, is going to be excruciating.

How are you feeling about the wait for GTA 6? Are you excited for the game? Did you hope it would be closer to release by now? Let it all out in the comments section below.
Comments 61
Tbh ever since Corona started time has passed so quickly imo, the wait for GTA 6 will feel a lot shorter than I'd want it to
You discovered an abandoned copy of San Andreas sitting under a hedge in an alleyway not far from your house.
I thought I'd struck gold when I used to find a rain soaked copy of readers wives.
@get2sammyb These are my EXACT thoughts…with a few addendums:
The GTA series was a staple of my childhood through San Andreas. Then it fell off for me. I have started GTA V now 3 to 4 times. I last stopped at the submarine mission…you know the one. I just can’t seem to make my way through it, and at this point, I don’t think I’m going to. I am A huge fan of single player, open world sandboxes, and the clunky of V always loses my attention eventually.
That being said, no one makes an open world quilt like Rock*, and if the gameplay looks even close to what the trailer looked like, I’m all in. The hype is real, and 2025 is a LONG way away.
GTA be like TWG (The Waiting Game)
Back in the PS2 days, GTA was certainly a big part of my gaming but it hasn't been for a very long time now, not least because we haven't had one in a decade. GTAIV was a big disappointment to me and I never enjoyed it anywhere near as much as the likes of Vice City and never finished it either.
I enjoyed GTAV more and played through it on PS3 and PS4. The thing is these days I've grown tired of Rockstars style of control, something RDR2 magnified and I didn't finish that either.
So whist GTAVI does look very impressive from a graphical standpoint, I really want to see some gameplay first before I can get excited by it and the wait simply won't bother me as its not like other games don't exist. I'm way more excited for Like A Dragon next month
@MatthewJP This is a true story haha!
If I thought there would be no online element I’d be far more excited. I just don’t trust them not to put a load of hooks into the single player campaign to drive online engagement, and keep adding them as the years move on. We know how their real money is made…
At least I still have GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition to play through to get my GTA fix. Yeah I know they’re not meant to be great, but I’m sure I’ll still get some enjoyment out of them.
As much as I’d like to play GTA6, it’s way too far out to care about.
I haven’t always been this way, but I’m glad I am now. I expect it to release at the end of 2025 at the earliest but can easily see it being pushed to 2026 and I still wouldn’t care. It’s just too far out regardless.
I’m more interested in whatever is releasing in the next 4 months. I guess Tekken 8 is next in line for me.
Seeing how take 2 claims it will make over 8 Billion $$ in fiscal year 2025 net bookings. I dont think the wait is long. April 2024 to March 2025 is fiscal year 2025. Could be an early 2025 launch. Which is only a little over a year away. My prediction, SPRING BREAK 2025. Vice City style.
I seen the trailer and yeah, looks great and all but I'm not feeling the hype.
I've played every game, it started after picking the first one up as a kid, begging my mum for it cause it was made in my home town. I've always felt quite proud seeing what it had grown into.
I remember reading my PS Magazines with articles about how 3 would be going 3d, so excited at the thought of running around causing chaos in a 3d open world. I remember getting that one for Xmas and it feeling like a whole new level of gaming.
I remember standing in line at midnight waiting to pick up GTA4, having time off work the next day, to play it.
With 5, it was my first dive into digital content to try to beat midnight queues, it took an age to download.
I dunno if it's the fact it been 10 years, the potential 2 year wait or what but I can't get on board with the hype for this. Maybe closer to the time I'll be a little more excited.
Ooooo let me be that guy and say GTA1 + 2 are not isometric, but top down. Feels so good.
Back when I was a kid or young teenager, I felt the same way. After seeing that initial MGS 2 trailer, knowing the game was 1.5 years away, that felt like eternity.
Complete opposite now. I have such a ridiculous list of games that I still want to play, and before I know it, GTA 6 will have released and get added to that list. I've stopped looking forward to games, I'd rather just focus on what is available to me.
@kyleforrester87 Thank you for your service 🫡
If anyone has issues waiting a year or 2 for game, I suggest seeking professional help. 1, it's a game. 2, there's more to life. Finally 3, there are many amazing titles coming from many studios that do not milk their fan bases for over a decade.
We've waited 10 years, we can wait a little longer... hold in there Sammy.
What will be excruciating however, is dealing with some of the fanbase, who will pour over every screenshot. Some will shout 'woke' 'dead game' and others will make 30 youtube videos for every screenshot, BIG NEWS ROCKSTAR CONFIRMS... CLOUDS!!!
I will say I am glad they announced it this early because I was sick of pictures of Trevor and co being used in GTA6 news articles. Glad to see the back of that.
Trailer didn't change any anticipation. Still on most wanted #10 currently.
Setting is awful (but we know since 5 years it's in miami) but main characters are cool. and it's rockstar obviously. one of the 3 best developers out there
Thought y'all would be busy with your Yakuzas till then hehe...but I mean, there's still a lot of games - backlog. Games these days are huge to keep you occupied for a long time. It's not my thing to be anticipating games years away.
@Yaycandy Let’s hope so but I fear even if that’s the target a delay is inevitable.
@kyleforrester87 That’s fair. 😂
It's really not that bad. I am an absolute video game fanatic but even the biggest releases come round much sooner than I expect. The time flies by and real life gets in the way enough so that by the time the anticipated game actually releases, it feels as if there was no real wait. Games are amazing but not really worth losing the intervening years for.
The wait will be far from excruciating for me because I have perspective that comes with age.
@riceNpea and kidney stones
what a nice set of pixels
Releasing it late in the PS5 life cycle so they can sell you it again for the PS6 a year or two later.
I'm more excited to play basically all the JRPG releases next year so I'm not really dreading the wait myself.
There's a lot to play until then. Especially at the start of the year. Just enjoy things as they come.
@kyleforrester87 /pat you on your back
Here, have a christmascookie. You earned it!
@kyleforrester87 and erectile dysfunction.
Not bothered about the wait, it’ll be here when it is, I just hope it’s playable and that the trailer isn’t just a polished cinematic version of what it actually will look like (I think it is tbf). They’ll make ridiculous amounts of $$$ off the back of this and online anyway it’ll keep them going for a while but I’m not hyped, have too many games to play now and that’s cool.
Why would it be? It'll most certainly be the same game as V, still coasting on the PS2 era design this series doesn't seem to be able to move away from.
So no, zero hype here.
I had fun with GTAs before 4. Then I got bored with GTA 4, 5 and RDR. Visually beautiful but with outdated gameplay mechanics and quests. Not falling on the hype for this one.
The rumours better not be true, that they will be saving 60fps, only for the ps5 pro.
@get2sammyb the wait does seem long at the moment (considering it's a huge in depth trailer, not just a quick reveal) and advertising things that you can't buy in this much detail is a bit of a gaming sector Vice. I think it always has the potential for disapointment because they make it seem tangible and playable, then stick a long distant target release date at the end. I can't imagine many other industries doing this. Samsung maybe tried to hype up their folding phone for a little while, but not many things are advertised at a time when you can't go out and purchase them soon. So I'm glad I knew the date going in to watch the trailer as I could easily accept there is no point in getting hyped for this yet. I mean, there will probably have been 2 premier league champions crowned by the time this comes out.
What the trailer did do though, was make me think of the possibilities this game could hold. The scene with the flamingos and the beach scene basically confirms they are using a lot of what they did with RDR2. Which means a more realistic living world. And that, transplanted onto a massive city with thousands and thousands of NPC's, is just something I want to see in action. I want to know if we can just pack in the story after a few chapters and go off and interact with the world how we choose. So instead of hunting and fishing, maybe we can go and just create viral s*** with the city AI if we want to. I want to know if some bum lounging at the beach is just going to be there all day every day, or If they will eventually go home, or to a job, or to other locations. Could they have upscaled that mechanic to a city, I doubt it, but I want to see for myself if they have managed something epic with the NPC ai and how they react to the world with or without our intervention.
Considering how this decade has gone for the world so far, I'll be happy to sneak a few sessions in while I dodge enemy gunfire during World War 3/The New American Civil War/whatever.
I wonder if their hands were forced. Leaks (that were obviously real footage based on this trailer) were appearing since May, I suspect they began work on an early reveal plan then.
2 years is a long time...
I remember how exciting it was to drive around a town top down view and that was, Who Framed Roger Rabbit on Nintendo. Amazing how far technology and game design has come.
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God of war and grand theft auto are my 2 favorite video games franchises ever.and grand theft auto is legendary.i still play grand theft auto 3.and i enjoy psp grand theft auto vice city stories and grand theft auto liberty city stories.and all the excellent grand theft auto games.grand theft auto is legendary.when grand theft auto comes its like a extremely beautiful woman comes in your life.grand theft auto is that good.word up son
@clvr This, thank you. It's nice to see someone outside of the naive hivemind. The worst fanbase are R* fans after all.
@mariomaster96 I kinda feel this way too, we're approaching 2 years since elden ring launched and I would swear that game is like a week old. where did that time go!
I’m one of the few people on earth without a copy of GTAV. The last one I played was a little GTA3, which was fine, but I just never have been as enamored with the franchise as most people seem to be. RDR and RDR2 where so much better, imho.
I’m not counting out GTAVI yet; it may be a decent place to jump back in, but I doubt it. I’m just not feelin’ it.
Honestly it never hooked me. Dossing around the game world with the cheats was fun for a weekend but that's it. GTA V is so old I rented it from Blockbuster at launch and did exactly that.
theyre gonna hype us good with other trailers
I'm definitely excited which I didn't think I would be because I didn't really like 5, I'm ready for some crime romance! That being said I would love a remaster of 4 while we wait 🙂
The way I see it, it’s been 10 years since GTAV so another 18-24 months ain’t a big deal. It will probably be those last few weeks/months before release that will be the most excruciating.
Vice city was my favorite so it may be time to play again but backlog and other things might stop me from playing this yes even though it's a summer 2025 game
Whilst I'm hoping for something great, 90 seconds of teaser trailer for a game potetially 2 years away does nothing to tell me that this will be what I'm waiting for.
Graphics look great, but I'm long past being succkered in by pre release graphics, which are often simply what they would like to achieve and not what they will achieve - The recent Forza Motorsport is a prime example of 'sexed-up' pre release trailers followed by a release which doesnt hit that target.
Hopeful, but hardly excited.
With 5, it looked pretty, but I was shocked by how incredibly shallow the world, and really the game in general, was while lacking the fun of Vice and SA. I can't think of a game that was so critically acclaimed that I found absolutely skippable after finishing. The trailer for 6 looks pretty too, so that's nice, but pretty meaningless. Also "all the social media references in the latest title’s trailer" was an instant turnoff. The wait for me will be the PS6 version when it goes on a heavy sale
It was a nice movie trailer, but I don't really anticipate games until I see some gameplay, and that's going to be what? a year from now?
Eh, plenty of other things to do til then.
Didn't you guys post an article just the other week about how stacked early 2024 is with quality games? The wait for GTA6 is going to be easy. We're in prime top quality games period for this console generation. Not to mention Nintendo may have some surprises in 2024 too. The wait will be easy.
GTA...Grand Theft Auto you say...huh, isn't that just Yakuza/Like a Dragon but with US culture?
But seriously, Rock Star's allegorical take on the condition of the USA seems they are writing this game as a dystopian hellscape. Their take on America is always a little too close for comfort. GTA games are not always just about violent people doing violent things but are about people who were sold a (an American) dream and they are willing to destroy whatever they need to to make that dream come true. The main protagonists are always fighting to get what they think they deserve based on manifest destiny only to find out that it was never meant for them.
PLOT TWIST The leak trailer was planned. Everyone gets hyped, people get talking, a few months of articles and little snippets hear and there then... BOOM! Rockstar announce game is dropping late spring/early summer of '24. The gaming world erupts.
Then I woke up from my dream.
Funny really because yet again we’ll have a GTA game launch near the end of the generation. No doubt we’ll have the upgraded PS6 version which will look mostly like last gens version. Am I wrong?
same old sh*t, different map. Who really cares?
Won't be 'excruciating' for me. Still haven't completed all the games I bought recently and the first few months of 2024 are jam packed.
Considering I’m raising a kid right now who’s only a month old I don’t even have time to think about it much. I watched the trailer and I enjoyed it.
The thing is that by the time the game releases my son will be 2. And it’ll be much easier for me to pickup video games again. Right now I’m barely touching my PS5 and I play my switch on my work lunch break. Just ain’t got the time. But by then I should have some more free time then I do now.
Not a fan of GTA....So, not really.
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