Update: Just minutes after the trailer leaked, Rockstar Games has gone and officially posted the trailer itself. So, here it is: GTA 6 releases in 2025. Catch the reveal trailer above.
Original article: Ahead of one of the biggest gaming trailer drops of the PS5 generation, the Grand Theft Auto 6 teaser trailer has been leaked online. We won't be sharing the clip here on Push Square, but it's already very easy to find if you search for it on Twitter. Having viewed the footage — and if it's accurate — the game is indeed called Grand Theft Auto VI, and it's been handed a 2025 window.
The trailer begins with traffic shots as the sun sets over what very much looks to be a Miami setting, and then it cuts to one of the widely rumoured main characters in prison. The footage is of a lesser quality than Rockstar Games would publish itself — so the real thing will look much better — but we then see shots of the beach, lots of highways and cars, and character interactions in nightclubs. There are also clips taken from in-game social media posts, then it ends with a robbery. Shortly after posting the alleged trailer online, the Twitter account was banned.
The official trailer will be posted within the next 24 hours — this leak has an ugly Bitcoin advert plastered over it — so all will be confirmed in the near future. How do you feel about GTA 6 in 2025? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 118
2025? 😅😅😅 come on. Another full year of waiting
All this for a one minute trailer and a 2025 release window. No developer plays people like Rockstar, it seems.
Yeah Im happy i saw the trailer, it didnt show anything that interesting imo but there was no sound so maybe thatll change it
2025 and then the inevitable delay.
2025 but oh man, it does look very very cool. Easily some of the best graphics I’ve ever seen and it’s definitely learned that we live in a different world than back in 2013. Optimistic to be honest.
I knew it would look great, but seeing so much density, detail, and COLOR popping from this trailer still blew me away. Vice City is a seminal game from my PS2 days, so seeing it be the setting again makes me so happy.
Not even GTA can parody anymore because the real world is just so silly right now
Looks dope and I love the Bonnie And clyde angle but man that's a joke release date 😮💨 I don't have a problem with them taking their time but why even announce anything if is that far off? I doubt it will even make that release window
Welp so much for waiting for tomorrow then lmao.
Graphically, this looks amazing!
I'll go with 31 December 2025 so still two years.
Not a GTA fan, but could see myself buying this just to experience the world. It looks expensive af
I knew it wouldn’t be 2024 😫 They did this with GTA5, releasing screenshots for about 18 months beforehand. It was a bit much. It does look good though from this trailer.
I'm hyped for it, for sure. The graphics especially look really good.
Yeah, this looks pretty amazing! No one pulls off an open world quite like Rockstar.
They’ll have the entire costs of making the game paid off within the first week of sale
Man I was really hoping for a 2024 release. Trailer looks amazing though
2025 is a long way, hoping a rdr2 remasters comes before this at some point
Why ruin the big fun wait for tomorrow for some crappy Internet points? Still it did look good. Only two years to go!
I think R* need to sack the guy in charge of their internet security! Leak after leak after leak. On topic, the game does look pretty incredible and I can imagine the game will be a gigantic success! I wasn’t a huge fan of GTA5, but I can see myself giving this a go for sure.
Think it’s a bit early to show this, but will keep it on my radar. Looks interesting.
great graphics that lived up to expectations. but the trailer itself leaves a lot to be desired. for such a long wait it would have benefitted from a longer cut showcasing multiple maps. also, too much twerking for my taste. 2025 release date sucked the excitement out of the air. my god... i did not expect that.
@ShogunRok It was always going to be a teaser trailer.
Looks amazing graphically and Miami/Vice City was always a more appealing location for me then Los Santos. Hopefully in the meantime they rerelease GTA 4.
2025? Really hoping it would be a 2024 release. But it is what it is. Not much gameplay but the trailer did look nice.
Looks really good but 2025 is a long wait
Looks better than I expected. Hopefully GTA still holds up in 2025.
It will have been 12 years since the last GTA game. That’s crazy.
Back to Vice City then... totally awesome!!!
Quite underwhelming, also that trailer was basically everything i hate about American music videos.
Underwhelming. Do not fancy all the twerking and social media shenanigans. Surrounded by enough of that in real life. The graphics engine looks amazing.
I figured it wouldn't be 2024 but I did expect them to say 2024.
If I'm being honest, it didn't really have the same "Wow" factor that R* reveal trailers usually do. It didn't look bad but I didn't come away hungry for more info. Maybe it's because it's so far away.
Looks great, 2025 is a bit of a shock, really thought they'd be set for late 2024. Only thing that hurts my hype is they always release these giant games by the holiday season so we're basically still 2 years out!
Something feels off about it
Graphics and motion looking completely next level for a grand theft auto. Happy to wait longer for this.
@PenguinLtd @underthegun Yup, I third this sentiment.
It's not even a caricature! I watched this and felt embarrassed to be an American. This clearly embraces the TikTok generation.
Get off my lawn!
From what I can see online it has been getting an expectational reception and I am not at all surprised. This will be game of the generation unless something truly ground breaking can top it. I expected 2025 and it is certainly something to look forward too!
Trailer looks incredible.
@underthegun Genuinely that did turn me off from the trailer, twerking was just not needed
@Nepp67 Me three. I saw that and my thought was: "really why would we ever need that here?"
202 freaking 5!😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫😫!!! Well maybe it'll be the first week of January 202 freaking 5.
The trailer was too much fast cuts from scene to scene for me with only little of interest. That being the gator going into a store. I doubt actual game play will anything like this first trailer.
What I noticed most is the sometimes large amount of haze and glare of volumetric atmosphere. It's Florida, you know, where it is sunshine, blue skies, and clear atmosphere. That is when there isn't a hurricane.
Impressive teaser trailer. Vice City looks so vibrant here.
@GamingFan4Lyf You feeling embarrassed by it makes me feel like they nailed. They are showing what a joke all of the craziness is.
@Splat Are they? Seems to me like more of a glorification. But, hey, different strokes for different folks.
[Goes back to playing Super Mario RPG]
Can't wait for the next streamer that I like to drop the good content and "play" GTA 6 roleplay ... eugh.
Ok, but where's the GTA V remake?
N.i.c.e. that grand theft auto trailer looks amazing.so the leaks was right about the female and male character like bonnie and clyde.another masterpiece incoming.cant wait.word up son
I'm not a GTA fan, but somehow this just shot to the top of my gaming wish list. I want to be on of those 'Florida Mans'
Although it's crazy how GTA doesn't even need to parody the real world today...that crap happens every day...America has morphed into the joke of itself.
Vice City's back baby. Those visuals are insane and i love the pinkish tint as well. The next 2ish years will be long haha.
With those visuals i see this on ps5 running like cyberpunk did on ps4! Just looks too demanding if that's legit gameplay.
One for the ps5 pro upgrade so that you take the plunge and double dip. Just like they did with gta5. Cold, calculated and predictable. Rockstars business model.
@atthegates People said this about Red Dead 2 on PS4 and it ran just fine. R* are pretty great at getting games looking great and running well on console. Also these are the type of the visuals we should start to be seeing now that last gen is finally being dropped, current gen is more then capable of visuals like these.
I think it would be the most amazing move ever if they never give a release day…. Like you can preorder until it’s sold out and some day in 2025 it will just arrive at your doorstep when rockstar ships out all the physical stock to the retailers. Then the retailers receive the other half of the inventory of the game for non preorders in store with instructions to put for sale ASAP and it’s on the store shelves randomly when the stock arrives at each location and peoples homes. Then like a few days after when it’s all sold out everywhere physically from word of mouth/media…digital drops and it’s the official release… physical stock will be replenished within a few weeks and be smooth sailing on the shores of Vice City for everyone.
Also no early copies for reviewing because do we really need one ha.
2025 is a bummer. Wonder if it's going to be co-op?
Rockstar with the biggest budget any game has ever had? I'm going to guess it runs just fine.
So lets say November 2025, only 2 years! Wonder if this will be beat Dreadwolf out the gate
The nuke has been dropped. Now for the fallout.
2025, though ...That was further away than I hoped. Ah, well. I've waited 10 years, what's another 2 (or 3 pending a delay) at this point? lol
In either case, it's going to be amazing. I have faith in the talent and creativity of the studio, even without some of the big names who left. Even this tiny peek still looks better than any other game I've ever seen.
I really hope Rockstar puts equal amounts of effort into gameplay as they do with the world, characters and presentation this time round, especially the gunplay and movement. It's been the biggest sore spot of this franchise.
Mad! But I mean it's Rockstar so...
So GTA VI*CE* city
Vice city was the 6th GTA game and GTA 6 is based on vice city, the clue was there all along lol
Add this to the list with FF16 that if Sony releases a PS5 Pro those 2 games will be high on my list to take advantage of the extra power. Loved the trailer and can’t wait to learn more. I hope the rumors of Sony getting PS5 Pro dev kit’s in the hands of Rockstar so this game can launch with the extra power is true. This game in 4K/60 would be insane.
Cyberpunk looked cool too on first trailers ...
@PlayStationGamer3919 What do we need PS5 pro ? - Devs : learn to optimize your games and it will run perfectly on PS5 or even PS4 !
This looks like day one buy no matter what. I'm so hyped and I can't wait... God damn it, another year at least. Aaaaaaaaaa
@premko1 cyberpunk devs have nothing on rockstar.
In Mr. Burns voice: "Release the alligators..."
I'm definitely in the minority but I wasn't that impressed with the graphics to be honest.
I may have to put it side by side with GTA5 but I didn't feel it was a step up.
Off first watch without checking but RDR2 looks more impressive, it look to cartoony and not what I was expecting from a game 10years in the making and with red dead out 5 years ago.
Just me though. Haha I dont know if im hyped or not really. It felt very GTA5. Same sort of sunshine setting. But totally give vice city and San andreas were a double act back in the day and I loved both.
Looking forward to it but I'm not wow'd by the trailer.
@premko1 this is rockstar. This ain't no CDPR.
Their first major hit of a game for the mainstream was Witcher 3. They really didn't deserve the hype they got for 1 good game.
Rockstar haven't really ever made a bad game or a sloppy one.
@Pranwell oh yeah this will move insane amounts of PS4 players over to PS5. I wouldn’t even be shocked to see a PS5/GTA 6 bungle at some point. Heck maybe even bundle with the PS5 Pro and advertised as the best experience for the game. Then you have to ask yourself if the Portal isn’t dead by then and i don’t see why it would be, they could market that and i am sure that will boost some sales of a Portal. I buy all my console games digitally so a Portal is in the cards for me at some point.
@Pranwell agreed this is why i am so buying a PS5 Pro if it’s released. GTA 6 and FF16 on the Pro would be so much better than the base PS5. With Xbox saying they aren’t making a Series X Pro, this gives Sony all the marketing for us performance junkies.
Welp still not for me. Would love to see what rockstar can do with a game where you aren’t a criminal.
Over 20 million views last time I checked.
I mean, their full on game releases have never once disappointed me. I've considered each one a masterpiece. GTA Online forever printing money may have considerably slowed down the rate at which we get new games but I'm excited for this one nonetheless.
Looks very realistic. Wonder how it will perform with all that stuff on screen at once though.
@Bez87 Technicaly its not CDPR but ( thanks to Sabre ) they managed to run Witcher 3 on far worse Switch so ...
@Pranwell OPTIMALIZATION ! PS5 is a monster , devs just have to use its power .
@Bamila I dissagree Technically ( not conceptually ) Rockstar is top in the middle class ( as is CDPR)
Honestly, trailer is whatever but cool that we have a specific year to look forward to right now.
As an actual "Florida Man" myself it really isn't as fun as the internet makes it seem.
It seemed like a celebration of what people today think is fun, and that makes me kinda sad. Hopefully it will be balanced with enough comedy to make you able to laugh at the characters rather than aspire to be like them, but I somehow doubt that will be the case and I really don't look forward to that.
@AFCC 2 years if it’s late 2025 release
Hellscape Florida looks great, but why bother announcing it >1 year, people will burn out on hype
People are going to be so disappointed when it gets delayed into 2026.
What a morning. Woke up unspoiled to a news story featuring the official video for GTA VI and a hot rumour read in the comments about a pro console.
The style of VI is to try and copy the real world, crazy as it is. What a terrifying game it might make, indeed.
Looking at those graphics this has 30fps written all over it 😂
@AFCC make that two
love the vibe of this trailer, the song choice is really awesome, has that romantic feel to it which fits nicely with the protagonists being a couple. Awesome awesome stuff.
Looks very good, kinda wish they would do a 80's vice city again. The atmosphere in the PS2 vice city was amazing and still my favourite. This looks like a bad MTV music video.
Looks insanely good, but I didn’t see any in game footage. I very much liked every bit of what I saw though. Hopeful it’s a large single player campaign and they release all the online rubbish separately.
Trailer has a great vibe so lets see. I reckon this is out between Jan and March 25 as Strauss Zelnick has previously estimated record profits for the next financial year
Am I the only one who felt a lot of ubisoft vibes coming of the trailer? I was pretty worried when Dan Houser left Rockstar. Here's to hoping it'll be good, but I'm going to keep my expectations in check.
Yesssss this looks exciting as hell. Give me a date so I can give all my friends and family enough notice not to disturb me for at least 2 weeks.
Too much Saints Row vibes.
Can't wait for the 6 remasters for the next 15 years after release.
I know I’m probably alone on this one, but outside of the game looking beautiful, this trailer did absolutely nothing for me. Admittedly I’m not a massive GTA fan, though I have played most of the, it’s more of a series I play for a little while, get bored, then never touch again.
Removed - off-topic
Looks amazing, will control like a drunk dude riding a three wheeled shopping trolley.
Please let it be early 2025! Looks good even if there was no gameplay footage. I reckon it will look (graphically) and feel a lot like RDR2 but in a modern setting which is a great thing! I hope it doesn't centre on this social media influencer type thing too much though as it will come off as a bit 'cheap and tacky' like Saints Row.
Anyone else find the social media elements just so incredibly cringe? Games trying to be relevant in this way just rub me up the wrong way. This may not even be relevant in 2025 (Fingers crossed).
The game will release alongside the PS5 Pro. You'll need the PS5 Pro to play in 60fps mode. Standard PS5 will be 30fps.
@AFCC Surprised you didn't see that coming. GTAV was almost 2 years between first trailer and release. I expect this to be the same and that's before the inevitable delay. Wouldn't expect to see this for at least 18 months.
More generally I'll be AMAZED if they manage to keep the same amount of crowd density and variety in the game on console. I expect this will be significantly dialled back.
@Ward_ting generally yes but Rockstar tend to get that sort of social commentary right, it’s just companies like Ubisoft have jaded everyone on it.
Wake me when we're 3 months from release, until then GTA6 is irrelevant.
@Steel76 Next gen is currently expected to be in 2028, so not very the end of the gen unless it gets a hefty delay.
@kyleforrester87 Yea, I have no doubt they will get it right, but I detest that side of social media and playing video games is a good way to escape it. Hopefully they implement it in a way that doesn't grate, and as @Steel76 says, if we can blow them up perhaps i'll let it slide
I reckon this will make over $2 Billion in revenue on Day 1
it has always been two years after the first trailers
As long as I can beat that lady who was twerking to death with a bat , im happy.
Very excited about this. I found the characters from GTA5 really unlikeable and tough to root for (I know I’m in the minority with that opinion lol). I’m 100% down for a more mature story with all the GTA silliness mixed in.
@Ultrasmiles this is exactly how I felt! It’s like they just shoved all the obnoxiousness of today’s culture into a 1:30 clip and made a game trailer. No thanks.
I have high doubts, that this will run smooth on PS5 with all the details.
As if we didnt have enough of twerking influencers on yachts in real life, we have to have them in our games as well.
If theyre aiming for this Bonnie&Clyde style of a story i dont know why not set it in the past.
The idea looks great. But again is still only a trailer. Hopefully we get more in The Game Awards. That 2025 at the end did kill all my excitement. I get it that they just released it because of the leaks and getting back, but man is really disappointing. Well I guess that gives me time to replay Vice City and grind the platinum of GTAV
Ah jeez, DT might be president again by the time this releases but I guess we'll all need the escapism. One wacky reality to another. I'm just glad I don't live in that freak show of a state anymore.
@SgtTruth You're hyping the graphics too much, last I checked RDR2 & TLOU2 run on PS4, this here looks similar, only difference there's more things going on onscreen, the PS5 should run it fine.
@Stevemalkpus PS6 lunch title in 2028 👍🏻
It looks this good but still need over 12 months to before release?
Meh, I'll watch it later. No point in getting hyped for 2025
Enjoyed the trailer overall. Still not sure it'll be a day one buy for me, though.
Already the most overrated game of all time
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