There Are More People Playing PS5, PS4 Than Ever Before 1
Image: Push Square

Sony announced that monthly active users for PlayStation – which will primarily consist of PS5 and PS4 players, but may include a few PS3 stragglers, too – eclipsed all records in December 2023, as they totalled 123 million account logins overall. This could include multiple users on the same system, but demonstrates the broadness of the brand’s reach.

It’s an enormous improvement on December 2022, which tallied 112 million users. Obviously, engagement like this is good for PlayStation, because more monthly active users means a greater opportunity to flog PS Plus subscriptions or items on the PS Store. It also helps demonstrate just how big gaming has become.

Did you login to your PSN account in December 2023, and if so, what did you play? Let us know how you contributed to these record-breaking numbers in the comments section below.
