Team Ninja's next samurai outing, Rise of the Ronin, will take more from the Nioh series and Wo Long: Fallen Destiny than first expected. The developer has confirmed the game will feature an in-depth character creator and the ability to play with up to four players in online co-op during the game's main story missions.
The news was confirmed by Q&A information on Rise of the Ronin's official website (thanks, PSU), although it remains sparse. Players who don't want to face the dangers of war-torn 1800s Japan can "join up to three others to experience the game's main story missions in online co-op. Note that a PlayStation Plus membership is required to play online, and there is no PVP combat."
Rise of the Ronin will release on 22nd March on PS5; the game recently became the subject of controversy when director Fumuhiko Yasuda compared the teachings of Shōin Yoshida to Socrates. Yoshida's work was used to fuel Japanese nationalism, with a right-wing segment of the government using it to argue for an eventual invasion of Korea. Sony insists that the game's Korean cancellation has nothing to do with Yasuda's comments, claiming that it never intended to release the game in that region.