How's that for a shadow drop? Survival-shooter series STALKER has just arrived on PS4 (and PS5, via backwards compatibility). All three titles, which released for PC back in 2007, 2008, and 2009 respectively, are available to buy through the PS Store right now. You can either pick up STALKER: Legends of the Zone Trilogy to snag all three in one bundle (priced at £35.99 / $39.99), or you can purchase each game individually (priced at £15.99 / $19.99 a pop).
If you're not at all familiar with STALKER, it's something of a cult hit franchise, boasting a dedicated community of modders and hardcore players on PC. In terms of gameplay, it's somewhat similar to the Metro games, as you explore irradiated landscapes while engaging with both human and mutant enemies.

Are your familiar with STALKER? Check around for supplies in the comments section below.
Comments 56
What a drop, my god.
Always interested in these with the new one around the bend and coming to PS5 after it’s exclusivity window. May check at least one of these out and then buy the other two if I enjoy it.
I see the individual games on the PS Store, but not the bundle. 🤔
Just playing Pacific Drive which has got a definite Stalker vibe. Loved the first one back in the day.
Holy hell! Loved all 3 of these on PC with mods. Hopefully there's 60fps and less crashes than the OG. Still what a nice surprise!
Does anyone know if these have trophy lists? Platinum trophies? And I also can't find the bundle right now, just the individual games.
The bundle has a price glitch on the UK store right now. Can get the whole trilogy for the price of one game £15.99
@zhoont yes they have individual trophy lists each with a platinum
Any reason why there's no PS5 version? Still amazes me we get PS4 games over current gen games to this day.
@Smash41 you absolute FN legend for posting this, I had 20squid on the account just popped it, what a steal!!
Really want to buy this but need to see how it runs before dropping 40 bucks. These games have been upscaled to 60fps on PC forever so if this is locked 30 like the trailer looks that kind of stinks.
@Smash41 - thanks a lot!! Just got the bundle on the cheap.. loved the game back then 👏
@Smash41 i could kiss you right now! absolutely chuffed with that purchase, bargain at £16.
I've only managed to download Clear Sky so far but it has 30 and 60 fps options for anyone worried about that.
Edit - All three titles have a 60 fps option.
@Smash41 I see it but did you do it? might just be a title glitch?
EDIT: I just got the trilogy downloading for £15.99 haha! awesome. Even if it's worth waiting for a better PS5 patch later in the year. money saved.
@ATaco there’s a patch coming out later this year for PS5 and Series X/S. Right now the games are running in backward compatibility. So I’ll wait
@Smash41 Thanks mate I just snagged it. I'm downloading them now. 👍
@GrimWillows Yea I purchased them and all three are downloading as we speak
@Smash41 Thanks for the heads up on this! I’m in the US but have a UK account for some things and grabbed it. Good deal!
I also purchased them as they were €19.99 for the bundle lol
I am really inclined to buy it, just for the controller support.
But I already own it on Steam, there I never played them at all.
Incredible, these games are so, so good. Everybody get on them!
Hey @PushSquare can @Smash41 get an MVP award for his heads up on the price glitch and quick updates tonight?
@Smash41 Good. Is it also 4K?
@Smash41 You are a hero, good spot!
@Smash41 Thank you. No idea what I've bought though! 😂 FOMO. Will give them a try.
Can't find the bundle in the US store yet.
Edit: Found it thru the link below. Thank you
Link For UK PSN where the whole trilogy is £15.99 from the Eurogamer article.
@Smash41 cheers for heads up. Cost me 10.99 because of the playstation rewards netted me a fiver recently just for starting up games in backlog
Seems I got lucky with the price bug, just got the trilogy for the same price of one game.
@Smash41 Seems the same for Australia too. With your link it's $29.95 for the 3, but when manually search it's priced that for each one
Amazing, never would have guessed these would hit Playstation but here we are!
@GrimWillows If I could give @Smash41 a VIP badge I absolutely would. Maybe we should look into this for outstanding service to the Push Square community.
@Smash41 was just coming here to post the 3 for €19.99!
Bought it also now for that price, why not.
But boy this game is still hard as the original one. Considering that you are slower with controller and the aim help is not really helping makes it even harder.
Especially the dogs... oh god the dogs....
After numerous exclusive console games coming to pc years after years, I'm glad to see some exclusive pc games coming to consoles.
For anyone who can’t find the glitched trilogy price in their local PS Store: just copy the url from this thread and change the “en-gb” to your country code (“nl-nl” in my case) and it pops up.
Thanks for posting this! I have absolutely no clue what I just bought but it feels good nonetheless
@Smash41 you are a gent mate, thanks for this
Looks like a poor metro. Know of a few friends that swear by it though. Il pass
O wow a remaster shadow dropping on an old console woooooo.
Seriously ps4 just leave it behind please.
It should be remastered on PS5. When are we going to let a console generation just die
Does anyone know how I can make a purchase on the UK store? I just get an error stating it isn't my correct region.
@GeminiReign I'm just going off the preview video. Doesn't show much. Like I said earlier my friends had high praise for the originals.
@Bez87 what exactly do you believe is to be gained from it being a PS5 title and not just PS4 running on PS4 or PS5? Haptics and adaptive trigger support? That's all I can think of.
After a few hours getting used to it, I'm really happy with the port. Runs smooth as butter on PS5. Looks good for its age imo. A little fiddly with the controller settings and I'm happy. 3 open world games to dive into. I'll probably watch a few videos on how to get OP early on (weapons, gear, artefacts). What a drop!
@GrimWillows yup exactly my feelings, I had a great few hours last night on Shadow of Chornobyl. So immersive, so atmospheric, it feels high stakes. And whilst yes it shows its age, I actually think the lightning and rain effects are pretty damn cool for its time. I've looted and hustled like a boss; I've got the AK, Viper SMG, Double Barrel Shotgun and a Silenced Pistol, got an improved Jacket too. Playing on Veteran difficulty 👌
Alas, the price glitch has been fixed! But mad they’d just shadow-drop a remaster of 3 incredibly popular games with almost zero hype.
It’ll have to wait a little while as I play all the new games out this month and next, but something to look forward to!
@Shakybeeves oof, you have been busy. Yeah, i bought this, when it came out on PC (back on XP). I didn't really understand RPGs and it was buggy as heck. Playing it now, after Fallout, Skyrim and DayZ etc, it plays great. Can't wait to explore more.
@Smash41 nice one. Appreciate the heads up mate
@GrimWillows have fun mate!
This came out of nowhere. The thing about these games is that they are better with overhaul mods. I wonder if they are just remastered vanilla or have some ideas from the more popular mods added?
What the???? Epic.
@zhoont yet we are a good few years probably half way into the ps5 life cycle, on the verge of a ps5 pro.
Selling close to the same as the ps4 at the same point and yet a remaster is being brought out for the ps4??
And everyone was moaning when was next gen going to the start and we are still seeing this.
We never saw this with ps3 to ps4.
All I'm saying is it's not much of a remaster when it's for an old system.
@Bez87 they're games from pre 2010, how much are they going to benefit from the gap between PS4 and PS5 hardware?? Like this isn't Crysis bro these games look like *****- god help them
@zhoont hmmm probably the best looking game on the ps5 for a long while was a remaster of a pre 2010 game and it was a launch ps5 game.
Just saying time to let old consoles just die already.
You think 3/4 years into the ps2 or ps3 or ps4 cycle we was getting news articles about a remaster being released on a old system?
No we didn't it's ridiculous
@JohntheRaptor thy're releasing mod support with a ps5 patch alter in the year. Probably to coincide with the xbox release of Stalker 2 in September.
@Bez87 Just finished Ghost of T and in some ways, it's one of the best looking games on PS5 and I don't think there's much difference from the PS4 Pro version (which I played). Same rez.
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