Rise of the Ronin may not be first-party project, but its download size certainly fits the bill. Following on from the enormity of fellow PS5 exclusive Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (which sits at a whopping 145GB!), Team Ninja's action RPG with eat up a considerable chunk of your console storage. As reported by the ever-reliable PlayStation Game Size, Ronin weighs in at not-too-crazy-but-still-crazy 96.3GB.
For a lot of PS5 users, we'll be at a point in the generation now where system storage space can be difficult to come by — especially if you've got two or three evergreen games saved to your SSD. You can always buy a bigger SSD, of course, but the console's default capacity is looking pretty small these days.
Did you expect Rise of the Ronin to be so chunky? Be proactive and make some room in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 27
The default capacity is too small now I think, but it's cheaper than ever to get a 1TB SSD with stupid easy installation. Learning how to take the case and plastic air grates on/off is harder than slotting the SSD stick.
As we all know, it’s not the size that counts, it’s the quality. 😂
Time will tell.
I feel like this is pretty on par, nowadays. You'd be hard pressed to find a full-length title coming in at any smaller than 80GB, especially an open world title.
When everyone was saying that the SSD would make games smaller, it didn't take into account that newer games have higher resolution textures, higher fidelity audio, more complex animations, etc. All of these (especially textures and audio) take up an enormous amount of space.
Yeah i'm thinking to upgrading to a 2TB SSD now. 100gb range or more is becoming standard now and my 1TB SSD is not cutting it.
I have 4TB and I am constantly deleting stuff lol
If you preordered Dragon’s Dogma 2 and Rise of the Ronin, you can lose half your hard drive space in a single day with base PS5 storage!
Why they don't optimise size? In a world where games are still copy/paste I don't see reason to use that Mark Cernys' hydra file system (or how is that called)?
@djlard Kraken compression! You were on the right track.
I've just installed a 1tb SSD on my PS5 today. What I'm doing is using 2 external HDD to manage PS5 games and avoid long download times and they're helping me a lot. They're slow af but it's better than downloading something like Jedi Survivor or FF7 Remake again
@djlard Who says they aren't using it? The reality is big open worlds, endless audio stuff, high res textures and fancy visuals all take up big space.
What do the 8tb m.2 cost?
@XenonKnight About $1,200 based on a quick search.
Yeah thats way bigger than the nioh games.and rise of the ronin is a open world game.word up son
I have like 15 games in my PS5 ATM, not a problem for me 😅 I played the single player for a Call of Duty game though and that was 250GB, a great incentive to get through the game! 😅
Put in a cheap 1TB about a year ago, which I think would have been 2 years after I bought it, still have my external 2TB USB HDD that I moved over from my PS4 that I keep my PS4 games on but I haven’t played any of those in awhile. Pretty sure my biggest game is Destiny 2 that I don’t play but I keep installed b/c every so often that stupid Sony Rewards program will give me something for booting it up.🤷🏻♂️
Not worried about this, Elden Ring was the only souls like I’ll ever need.
I decided to toss a 2TB NVMe SSD drive into my PC just for games to free up my other SSD's that I use for my day-to-day and other work stuff.
Game sizes are crazy nowadays and I figured it's high time to dedicate a slot in my PC just for games.
On the console side, I'm still rocking the 1TB storage that my PS5 came with but I had to do the classic delete to install dance quite a few times. It works.
I got a 2TB SSD as soon as that update went live for everyone
I just delete games when I finish them.
Right now I do have Final Fantasy XVI, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Horizon Forbidden West Complete, and The Lords of the Fallen and have a little over 200GB of free space left. As I finish each game, they’ll get removed.
I really need to subscribe to 1 month of PS+ to backup my saves in the cloud so I can delete “non-active” save data from my storage.
I've never understood people saying the capacity is too small or these games are too big. Who plays more than two games at a time? Most games have fairly decent compression. But alot of these massive games come with massive file sizes. 4K gaming isn't cheap in the file size compartment.
I've already moved on to a 4TB WD Black a while back, even the 2TB I originally put in there wasn't cutting it anymore. That's now living as complete overkill on a PI 4
@ShogunRok at least someone remember... I know it was something with one body and many limbs...
I have 4tb ssd maybe 40 % full and 4 tb external 50 % so no issues for me but also does not bother me to delete games !
that’s ridiculous
I am crossing my fingers on this one. Looks very promising.
Only downside to the external hard drives for PS5 is that you can’t play games off them when they are installed liked you can on the PS4.
I got a 2TB drive with my PS5, which is nowhere near full yet because the PS5 game library has been pretty dire by my reckoning.
Should it ever fill up, I've got an 8TB external HDD to move things onto for storage, which audio holds all my PS4 stuff.
Does no one delete games when they're finished? I usually have 2 games installed at a time and have around 200-300gb free always.
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