New customers who sign up to use the PlayStation Visa credit card can nab a free 12-month subscription to PS Plus Premium if you spend $600 on your account within 60 days of opening it. The offer will expire on 15th September, 2024 and is obviously only available in the United States, Alaska, and Hawaii. You can find more information and the terms and conditions through here.
Considering an annual subscription to PS Plus Premium costs around $159.99 per year, this isn’t a bad deal as long as you pay off the credit card balance immediately. Obviously, we’re not here to tell you how to manage your money, but perhaps don’t plump up for a credit card if you aren’t confident you can stay on top of the payments.
In addition to the free PS Plus Premium subscription, there are other perks attached to the credit card, including 5x points on PS Store purchases, 3x points on Internet bills, and 2x points on restaurants. In addition, you can customise your credit card with artwork from various popular PlayStation franchises, and there’s no annual fee.
So, if you know you’re going to spend $600 over the next couple of months and you’re confident you can repay it all, getting a free PS Plus Premium subscription isn’t a bad deal here. Obviously, though, there are plenty of credit cards out there with much better perks, so you may want to shop around before you commit to this one.
[source sonyinteractive.com]
Comments 37
I mean, if they did this in the UK and it saved me £120. I'd go for it
PureXbox did this last year for the Xbox credit card. It wasn’t cool then and it’s not cool now. These sites shouldn’t be advertising credit cards without providing proper financial advice. Enough people commented last year that the article was removed and everyone who commented got an email apologising for the inappropriate nature of the article…..please do better Pushsquare because this isn’t the medium for people to be tempted into potentially destructive financial decisions.
@SolarSailor Completely agree it’s up to individuals to look after their own finances. I disagree that this is news though. It’s closer to an advert than it is to news.
Seriously, if articles about credit cards are too triggering, then I have a whole list of other things to ban too.
Gimme a break.
@Atreus97 If you think the issue is people getting "triggered" you're missing the point entirely.
Oh PSplus! Nice.
Me looking at backlog: nah!
My pocket: thank goodness!
( just a joke btw, I’m very serious about my finances 👍🏻)
Great if you need one, live in the US and are looking to make a big purchase. People who actually get it and make a unnecessary 600 purchase just to get 12 months free are the problem 😬
An article is fine, but this looks like a straight up advertisement. This is the kind of thing that will eventually turn off readers. Do better Hookshot.
I'll pass having to spend 600 then pay it off? yeah no thanks.
if it was for just opening an account, I'd do it, but wheres profit for them?
There are better credit cards on the market that will give you more cash back without having to spend $600 in a short time frame. Stay away from this "deal" and do your research.
Wonder what the interest rates are, will no doubt fleece a few suckers with this one.
I see no issue with this article. People should assume some responsibility instead of always blaming someone else for their own actions and decisions, but here we are.
You know it's gonna be bad when they don't tell you the interest rate
I have this card and I tend to get $40-$50 back every single year, which it is a game almost. As long as you are responsible and use it for PSN purchases, I highly recommend it.
Oh. And pay the debt in full every month. Interest is super high.
I never understood why those CC aren't offered outside the US. Surely they could appeal to some people?
Ah, not to be that guy, but, Alaska and Hawaii ARE in the United States.
Being from Hawaii originally, it bugs me when I see folks that say, the United States and Hawaii.
It's obvious that someone at Sony does not know this.
Oh, and the credit card thing....stinks....
Please remember you are NOT getting $160 worth of plus.
It’s often on sale for far far far less. Making this ‘deal’ even worse.
And I fully agree stuff like this on gaming sites is highly irresponsible. Especially as there will be younger and nieve visitors here.
Agree with the comments that this article should be binned off tbh
Credit cards are not awful like some are hinting at and can help you build credit when you are young. I've had this card for 8 years now and have earned over $2,000 in rewards. I've paid exactly $0.00 in interest. The perks used to be slightly better (10% back on PS Store instead of 5%), but it still has solid perks.
If you are a fan of playstation and sony products then this may be a solid credit card for you.
This isn’t a bad deal, but I’ve seen better w/ both a Sony card and PlayStation card, and yes they are different I’ve had both.🤷🏻♂️
Last time I had the PS card I think I had to spend $1,000 over 3 months and I got about $125 credit, which was on top of getting $75 PS credit for opening the account. They closed it about a year later b/c I never used it again.
Considering this but probably won’t do it. And for all the people complaining, really? It’s not a bad deal, PS+ Premium isn’t cheap. I put about $2,000 every month on CC, and I pay it off every month, for about 20 years now. Some I don’t, o% interest is free money and I’ll take it when I can for big purchases like a car, fridge or AC unit. Interest on this, w/o even looking, is probably like 25% or 26%. Now that would be a horrible deal.
@Svark I was going to comment on it as well, there should probably be a “continental” before US, that’s usually how it works. But you did, so I didn’t have too.😁
@Gunnerzaurus "You don't acquire this card to spend $600 you weren't going to"
That is quite literally what millions of people use credit cards for and how credit card companies advertise them.
I'm genuinely perplexed by this "article" and am surprised that PushSquare's editorial policy allows it.
By the way, in the US or is highly recommended to use a credit card because it is secure. Using a debit card is highly dangerous because a skimmer can directly withdraw money from your bank account without safety nest. The banking system in the US is probably 25 years behind what you see in Europe.
"...in the United States, Alaska, and Hawaii."
What strange phrasing. Alaska and Hawaii are part of the United States, but are not part of the CONTIGUOUS United States.
I'm confused.
The article headline tells you EXACTLY what this article is about. If you're that bothered by it, don't click on the article and read it. Some of you WANT to be bothered by things, it seems.
This card could be useful to someone, say, wanting to purchase a PS5 with accessories and games. Easily over the $600 threshold and they'd get the top-tier PS Plus for free. It isn't PushSquare's responsibility to school people on their personal economics any more than it is the government's job to tell you what you should and shouldn't shove in your mouth.
Be responsible for yourselves.
Not bad, especially if you spend a lot on PlayStation…. I have one on Amazon and for Costco and have gotten thousands of dollars back…. BUT… You HAVE. to pay off in full or they get u with fees.
I know it's a PS product, but credit card ads are a weird news item on a game mag, even if a console mfr is the brand on it. Plus that's a terrible reward deal when other, better cards give a better sign up bonus in cash or points with less required spending.
@Olskeezy "than it is the government's job to tell you what you should and shouldn't shove in your mouth."
[Insert Bill Clinton joke here]
@TrickyDicky99 A normal working week always made people cry. Gen Z just feels the need to make a Tik Tok about it.
Not for me, but also no issue with the post.
PushSquare writing about Sony offering adults a financial service that could have further benefits if they are in the PlayStation eco-system is relevant enough news to someone, even if not to you or me and it featured a link to the legal T&Cs.
The ongoing urge of readers to sweep anything that has a potential or associated real-life risk, or just simply isn't agreeable completely off the site, baffles me.
if I wanted to be mollycoddled, I'd ask... or pay for it...
From the small print...
"Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases 19.24%, 25.24%, or 27.99%, based upon your creditworthiness.
This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.
APR for Balance Transfers 26.99%.
APR for Cash Advances 28.99%.
This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate."
And that was buried deep in the Ts & Cs.
In the UK credit card providers have to be front and centre with rates.
Guess the US banking regulations are a little more lax.
The reason they can offer such a deal is the many who won’t pay off their balance and will be hit with huge interest payments. Debt is dumb.
Don't you have a disclaimer for advertisment? Or even mention the sponsored article in the title.
Like this:
"Sponsored: get a credit card from a company that is so indebted it sacked 900 people. What could go wrong?"
Not directly related to this article but I wish I could register my visa card on the japanese psn store to buy cero z games.
Shame this isn't in the UK, I'm looking at a new PC build and already have the funds put aside so paying on this and then clearing it would be a nice lil credit score bump, plus the saving of 100quid on PS+ would be a bonus.
@TrickyDicky99 For me im more a fan of a debit card that's money i have in the bank so no debt for me buf that is a personal thing.
@TrickyDicky99 For me its a bad thing i rather just pay with my own money i have in the account everyone has his own way of looking at money.
Creditcards are not that big on the Netherlands and hwre we see it as a loan. Here you have a bank account get your pay from your job on it and Credit cards are the thing you have on the side.
Also so weird things like a credit score or whatever you call it. For me its living from debt to debt that how i see and feel about it personally. And you get discounts by getting into debt and what happens if cant pay of in time you pay a massive fee.
I got rid of my PlayStation credit card years ago. It started out as a CapitalOne card and then they sold my business and info to some other company I had never heard of so I just noped back out of it.
To be honest, the offer looks good, especially if you're an active PlayStation user and make frequent purchases on the platform. A free PS Plus Premium subscription is always nice, and bonus points on purchases is another plus. However, it's worth remembering that if you don't pay off the balance on time, there could be additional interest.
Personally, apart from playing games on PlayStation, I like to try my luck at online casinos sometimes, and for such cases it's important to have convenient and safe payment methods. If you're interested in casino too, check out this site https://gladiatorcomputers.com/ for reliable online platform. I'm not encouraging anyone to play
Either way, it's always worth evaluating the pros and cons before making a decision!
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