It's a bit of a stretch, but a question in a newly released player survey suggests that Atlus and Vanillaware are at least trying to gauge interest in a potential sequel to Unicorn Overlord — the immaculate strategy RPG that launched just last month.
Said survey queries players on their experience with the game, and their knowledge of similar titles. Then, one of the last questions simply asks if you'd be interested in a sequel, if such a thing ever came to be. Naturally, we answered very likely, so hopefully Atlus gets the message.
However, solely based on Vanillaware's history, a sequel does seem somewhat unlikely. For whatever reason, the developer is always trying something new. In just the last decade, it's gone from Dragon's Crown to 13 Sentinels to Unicorn Overlord — three very different kinds of games.
But would you take a Unicorn Overlord 2, eventually? Start dreaming in the comments section below.
[source enq.sega.jp, via siliconera.com]
Comments 13
Better to do something new then make sequels, personally. I feel Vanillaware has that sweet spot with their art direction and gameplay to not feel the need to keep making a second game in their lineup of IPs.
I've had a lot of fun with Dragon's Crown and 13 Sentinels in the past.
An absolutely resounding yes!!
I would love to see a sequel eventually, but a bigger part of me kind of wants to see Vanillaware keep doing new things.
@Loamy I loved Muramasa, I have a Vita actually. I wish they did re-release it, or perhaps try and use an ancient Japan as a setting again in a future title.
I like that Vanillaware typically does a brand new thing each time, barring ports and remakes. If a sequel wouldn't significantly take away from development of another game then I'd be okay with it. The nature of how they make their games means they take a long time to make, but if they can repurpose a lot of the established work done in Unicorn Overlord then it could make for a good side project to bide the time until the next new game.
Haven’t had the chance to dip into Unicorn Overlord yet (it’s next on my list after Rebirth… and if there are any Rebirth / Unicorn players, can I play this simultaneously?), however, considering their track record I can blindly and with absolute faith say I support whatever decision they make.
I'll buy it first day if they make the sequels, even maybe the special edition 😃
While I agree they probably should move on to something new, I feel they could improve on this one, as much as I absolutely loved it.
Please make an actual tactics RPG next instead of a micromanagement sim.
@ShogunRok: Duocorn Overlord? Sometimes those second headlines really crack me up for some reason xD
@McBurn Haha, I'm glad someone enjoyed it, I couldn't think of anything better!
@JeongersGaming well there is "Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir", so there is a bit of hope of a Muramasa "remake". I would play it again, but I also did not spend much time with the Odin Sphere remake.
@ShogunRok Bicorn Overlord would be more "correct", but Duocorn definitely sounds way better!
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