The next-gen version of Fallout 4, which makes the game playable natively on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, is now available to download. For download links, please refer to the below:
- PS5 — PS Store
- Xbox Series X|S — Xbox Store (original game receives a patch)
- PC — Steam (original game receives a patch)
Any versions of Fallout 4 redeemed via PS Plus are not accepting the free PS5 upgrade. For further details, including how to upgrade your copy from PS4 to PS5 — either digitally or physically — please refer to this guide we have on the subject:
With the PS5 version now available, we will get to work here at Push Square on a thorough evaluation of the upgraded port. Bethesda has shared what each graphical mode is aiming to provide you:
- Performance Mode: 60 FPS target, 4k resolution, standard settings, relying on dynamic resolution scaling.
- Quality Mode: 30 FPS*, 4k resolution, ultra settings, should not require dynamic resolution scaling.
*When connected to a 120Hz display, Quality mode will target 40 FPS.
*When connected to a 1440p display, the title will run at 1440p resolution at 60 FPS w/ ultra settings regardless of rendering mode
In addition to better resolutions and framerates, the new version of Fallout 4 comes bundled with some new content sourced from the Creation Club. You can look forward to Enclave Weapon Skins, Enclave Armor Skins, a Tesla Cannon, Hellfire Power Armor, X-02 Power Armor, and the Heavy Incinerator. You can see a few of these pieces in the images below.
"Bethesda Game Studios is releasing a free Fallout 4 update for download on Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5," the publisher announced two weeks ago. "This free update includes native applications for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, Performance mode and Quality mode settings, as well as stability improvements and fixes. Experience up to 60 FPS and increased resolutions!"
If you're still playing on PS4 or Xbox One, those versions will receive a separate free update that makes improvements to stability, and fixes issues related to quests and logging in.
Will you be playing Fallout 4 on PS5, or either of the other new next-gen versions? Let us know in the comments below.
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Comments 95
I thought I was over these Bethesda games tbh but having loved the show recently, I’m absolutely loving New Vegas atm. So much so that I’ll probably pencil in a Fallout or Elder Scrolls every year or two moving forwards.
Interested to know if anyone else had their GOTY Edition change from saying Purchased to £34.99?
Excellent. Looking forward to going back to this. I didn't realise it had been so long since it came out.
Hopefully this version fixes that bug where you can't launch the game if you have Wastelander Workshop and Automatron expansions installed together.
@Anke yes I've had the same thing....
I want to know if theyve done anything to the textures or charactler models or is it just a quick res and FPS boost. What i mean to say is does it actually look any better.
@Ajfennell77 glad it's not just me then. It says I have all the add-ons purchased strangely.
@Shepherd_Tallon I installed Fallout 4 recently and also hit the bug preventing launching on PS5. I am hoping this fixes it.
I remember playing it, but couldn't remember if I'd bought it or got it from Plus, but on my phone app I was able to claim the upgrade, so I must have bought the game for about £4 at some point in one of those crazy digital sales
As for different editions changing for people and it not being available, try selecting all the different versions in the app until the download button appears, and you'll probably be all good for claiming it. The store is sometimes a bit weird for selecting things, and you might have to jump through some hoops rather than it be automatic.
I think I'll be happy enough if the frame-rate's fixed in the city areas, as it did creak towards a halt at times. And I suppose a higher cap on settlement building would be nice.
@Anke Are you not able to get the free PS5 upgrade then mate?
@Anke me, it's said purchased for me before this update but luckily I have the disc anyway and I can't be 100% sure if I ever bought it or if it just decided I own it between me having the season pass and the ps collection base game
Does getting it from the Games Collection(which Days Gone etc all in it) that was out years ago count as PS Plus?
I really want to play these games but I'm terrible at FPS.
@SuperSilverback yeah, most likely
Oh great so I bought the DLC for my psplus version thinking I'd get the update, but now I can't get the update.. ah thanks Sony. So I have to either buy the disk or pay £16.99....
@LiamCroft alas no, my version said Purchased when I checked at lunchtime, but now it says £34.99. The Standard version also says £15.99 so as it recognises I own all the DLC I can just get that one.
Bought the season pass in preparation and can’t upgrade either as I claimed via the ps plus collection…
@Anke That's really strange, you should be offered the free upgrade. You own the exact same content as me, except I bought the base game and then season pass afterwards, and I'm being offered the free upgrade. Hopefully this issue is sorted out promptly.
looking forward to jumping into this tonight
@Flyinghippoman you can buy the disc for next to nothing online and then you're good to go.
I have the goty edition. The base game downloads as the ps5 version but the dlc only downloads the ps4 versions? Doesn't give me the usual option to download the ps5 versions?
@Anke I bought everything separate so I needed to download everything separate. I don't have the GOTY edition. Went to Fallout 4 Vanilla version, "purchased" it (for free). Then saw the DLC all listed for free (PS4/PS5 version) and when I downloaded each it switched from "free" to "purchased".
I am wondering if because you claimed the base game from Plus and then purchased the DLCs, the store grouped them, thinking you owned the GotY. Now this update has been pushed, the store saw the mistake, and broke the bundle apart
@atthegates The DLCs should be listed as "PS4/PS5" so I assume it downloads the correct version?
@Flyinghippoman They seem to have made the DLC free for the PS5 version too as I never purchased Nuka World, Todd Always Delivers.
It seems they've put the DLC on sale and then made it free and charged £15.99 for PS Plus users. Could be a bug re the 'free dlc'
Don't pay £15.99 buy a copy from CEX for £2.
@ScarletSpidey Ha I assume this is a joke post, but this game features the VATS system which isn’t a FPS.
@frankmcma Yes they're listed as "ps4/ps5" but it doesn't download the correct version. Only the ps4 version downloads.
@atthegates Check your PS5 download of Fallout 4. Are you able click on it and open up a list containing the DLCs? That's where all my downloads are currently housed and I had to delete the PS4 downloads.
I believe a few games from PS4 PS+ didn't get 'free' upgrades to PS5 unless you actually 'owned' the game - not borrowing it indefinitely (or until your PS+ Subscription lapses.
In other words, not those with 'Conditional' licences to play - the Condition is to keep paying for your PS+ to keep accessing these games - which to me is 'fair' enough - after all, you didn't 'buy' the game and your subscription was only for the 'PS4' version - which you can still play via BC.
I have the disc version, which is installed, but it wants to charge me £15:99 to upgrade. I also have the PS plus version (not installed).so it looks like it's confused by that. Anyone else have this problem?
@Anke This also showed the same for me, even though owned all content on PS4 (bought, not via PS+). However, when I added the PS5 base game to my library, which was showing as free, it unlocked the additional content and then the GOTY version become the one I now own.
Hope this helps and you're able to get the PS5 versions.
Again Bethesda call me when it's Oblivion
Any confirmation that this version has a separate trophy list and autopops from PS4 version?
The official Bethesda discord have acknowledged the PS+ version not receiving the update and are looking into it.
Recommended NOT to buy the game if you have it until there is a clear answer!
Bummer, I came to FO4 very late, I have the PS Plus version but paid for all the DLCs.
I've barely played it on ps4 and I dont want two separate trophy list so I'll stick with the og version. Glad to see it also gets a minor update. What am I saying. All I'll be playing is Stellar Blade.
@michaelf thanks, I've been trying every which way. I think I'll just wait until it's available in the store page rather than me clicking in my library and see what happens.
@JalapenoSpiceLife I don't know if the Trophies automatically unlock yet, but there is a separate PS5 Trophy list. It's all the same requirements.
Just realised, I didn't have the disc inserted. It's given me the free upgrade now I've done that.
@JalapenoSpiceLife reports from PSNProfiles are no autopop so far. Which I think is good this time as I want to experience this all over again like it's 2015.
@Muppet reading that comment and then your username sure gave me a chuckle
PS Store is definitely confused.
Clicking the Fallout tab in the store presented me with already purchased and a download option (premium).
Did a manual search for Fallout 4 and could see a PS4 with free upgrade to PS5 version which I had to purchase again for £0.00.
Then presented with the choice of either download the PS4 or PS5 version.
I'm sure though, that I never actually purchased it and got it via PS Plus.
Or maybe I did purchase it years ago and the Store initially thought it was the Plus version.
"When connected to a 1440p display, the title will run at 1440p resolution at 60 FPS w/ ultra settings regardless of rendering mode"
Why not just add a Balanced Mode option then?! Seems like 1440p is the best way to play, but shouldn't require a system level change to enable it.
@colonelkilgore Haha same, I loved Fallot 3 and New Vegas when I was younger but could not get into Fallout 4 and have been very turned off from most Bethesda games, but I am going to actually finally play through it because the show has got me in a Fallout mood.
@michaelf I feel this is the way to go if you have F4 but got the season pass later. Just tried it..
1. "Purchase" Fallout 4 PS5 base game (free)
2. Don't download
3. Switch to GOTY edition (now activated)
4. Download
5. It downloads PS5 F4 and PS5 DLC
Worked for me...
@Anke Lol. They don't exactly make that clear though. I had it my my drive ready, but got tired of waiting, so started playing on the disc version of FF7 Rebirth. Forgot about that.
@atthegates That's because you only have the PS Plus version.
@VicerExciser Did you buy the DLC through having the psplus Fallout 4 then?
Ugh, it's trying to charge me for everything. I have the PS Plus version but purchased the Season Pass separately. Absolute BS.
Guess I'm one of the lucky ones, I just highlighted my fallout 4 game which I installed last night, and over to the right it had " free ps5 upgrade" no trouble, direct download plus all dlc
@YourNameHere No! I wasn't trolling. I wasn't aware of that. Cheers!
@Anke Did the same with my Skyrim Fallout bundle
So let me get this straight, for everyone who got Fallout via PS+ they have NO access to the updated PS5 version???
@Snoopzster People on discord and reddit are saying Sony support has confirmed this is a bug on their end and it should be fixed later today. Hope it's true
Downloading now.
[Reading comments with upgrade issues]
Wouldn't it be nice if the Sony bullet point also read "original game receives a patch"
Wouldn't it, Sony?!
Fix this [expletive] with the PS6! You may be the market leader in 2024, but your architecture is stuck in 2006!
I’m reading online that PS Support is working on making it so the ps+ collection version gets the free upgrade too. Apparently it’s currently bugged? So later today I think it should be eligible for the upgrade too
It wont make the game any better, though. Can't beat Fallout 3.
Went scouring through my PS4 collection looking for Fallout 4 as I thought I might give the upgrade a go. After going back and forth checking them over I discovered I must have lent it to my brother ages ago and forgot. He lives the other end of the country so it looks like it is going to wait a while.
Unless they fix it to work with the Plus Collection version.
Gonna have to dust off my disc and see if it recognizes everything. Intriguing development on this. Not looking forward to siding with the commonwealth, but saved it for last.
@RoliePolie91 Thanks! I was wondering why I cant see the 60fps 😄
@Kidfunkadelic83 Just played for a bit and it's indeed more of a resolution and framerate boost. It all looks clearly sharper but it's texture-wise the same game. A bunch of new quests were added though, which i didn't expect so that's cool
According to PlayStation chat support, the PS Plus version not being included is a glitch and is intended to be fixed by the end of the day today.
Quickly booted up the PS4 Pro just to see where my old save was at. Absolutely no context and no idea what is about to happen, and "what will happen?" is already greyed out 😁😁
What a state to leave a game in 😅 might be fun to try later on
I was a little upset that upon researching, that sites were saying this was intentionally not provided to PS+ members. I already bought the DLC and was figuring I would just plunk down and get the base game. Now I'm seeing it was a bug? So.... Will Sony refund this?
Also, a little irritated that trophies don't immediately pop when loading my transferred save. They gonna make me restart in order to get them again?
im just here for the word up son comment person.
After a few hundred hours in Fallout 4 (and a few hundred in 76) I had kinda burned out a bit and gave it a rest way back. But like everyone, I have Fallout fever again.
As I am loading up the PS5 version, listening to the amazing theme music, and transferring my save, I was like..where did I leave off...
Loads into a huge underground vault where I had spend many hours building. Girl comes running up to me and I am like "..Cait?....CAIT!!". My F4 bestie!
Emotional reunion ended then and there, she was like "so we gonna stand around here or are we heading out??"
Oh yes indeed...Cait...we're heading out...
War Never Changes
@dapersonindaworld the one that thinks every game is one of the best ever and rates games he hasn't even played? lol. Legend though.
@mkr No i bought the goty edition a few years back
Welp, time to platinum FO4 again... (Secretly excited)
@frankmcma Thanks for your comment. I was having a similar problem that the GOTY was charging me money. I think I bought the GOTY version for PS4... but after switching to the standard free, the DLC populated as free also. Hope your comment is seen by many. It helped me
I do enjoy a 40fps mode although I would like to think this would run at 60 on ultra settings.
After reading all this i’m glad i’m just playing it on Xbox.
@Juvenlast Awesome! Yeah this process could have been explained a little bit better for sure
@dschons that's the guy. Playstation1995 I think is his name. Word up son
All of my add ons under the PS5 version are on ‘Learn More’. I’m not purchasing anything until they solve that…
Okay, I definitely do NOT own Fallout 4 outside of PS Plus. When the game was 4.99 last week the store straight up would NOT let me buy it outright, claiming I already owned it. Now that it's back to 19.99, it's letting me go to the checkout screen. What gives?
If you have the playstation plus collection version of the game which was my digital version copy, it will be locked out and you need to pay the £15.99 for the PS5 digital version, lucky for me I still had my disc so I purchased it that way and had brought the season pass alternatively, it's annoying because it should just unlock the GOTY version for me to install it that way smdh
No autopop platinum or trophies?
@Anke ah, well there goes my time doing it all again, I wanted to play with mods too, oh well 😕😕
@Fritz167 sadly no, so no mods this playthru, I play it on my steam deck modded to hell so vanilla version is all we are going to get it seems, yucky 🤮
@VicerExciser I did that including the season pass but it still wouldn't let me download the GOTY version, it doesn't matter anyways as I just had to download everything separately 😕
as always, gaming industry showing the greediness on every chance they have. I swear on my grandmothers grave that I wont buy this game 🫡😂
Bethesda just posted this to their twitter: "We've seen some confusion regarding the free Fallout 4 next-gen update for PlayStation Plus Extra members. The Fallout 4 next-gen update will be available to PlayStation Plus Extra members through the PlayStation Game Catalog. Your patience is appreciated while the teams work on this."
Though that doesnt really clarify the existing owners of the game vs the subscription version.
I don't care about Fallout and care even less now that Xbox bought it for some popularity points, but I came here to applaud Push Square for FINALLY mentioning all platforms in the headline. Typically, they just mention PlayStation platforms which means their readers, like me, have to go elsewhere as well to get the full details. Nice job.
I have no idea how to find ot on the ps store I downloaded the ps4 version
Really disappointing that they didn't make it clear in advance that PS Plus Collection/Essential are stuck with a PS4-only version. But I guess disappointing is par for the course with BGS
Kicking myself I didn't buy it when it was £4 but I've got both versions now. Will finish ps4 at some point but enjoying the ps5 version brand new.
Update: PS Plus version now works for a free upgrade
@VaultGuy415 it's fixed now. You can download the PS5 version through PS Plus. It was a temporary glitch
@Buckeye4Life2015 Only if you subscribe to Extra/Premium. If you got it via PS Plus Collection you aren't getting it. It sucks
@VaultGuy415 oh really? I wonder if they are still working on that then
@VaultGuy415 if you are in that situation only using the physical disc will work to get the PS5 version unfortunately which was my situation
@VaultGuy415 I'm on Extra and I don't see the option
First - thank you for the download, this is really a good service for such an "old" game.
Secondly - finally the game is running and no crashes anymore (so far)
lastly - looks and plays good
The PS5 version is now available on PS+ Extra for me, I can't tell if it's the Collection version.
After a mega re-play and the ps4 to ps5 upgrade got to the point I need to back up and ... can't.
PS5 GAME SAVES CANNOT BE PUT ONTO A USB. ONLY PS-CLOUD STORAGE - which I won't pay £60 a year for.
recently cancelled my plus subscription because 1 I don't multiplay, 2 the free games have been poor or already owned ,3 didn't use cloud saving.
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