Activision has today posted the first piece of promotional material for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, in the form of a black and white live-action trailer. More of a mood piece than anything else really, the big news here is Microsoft has indeed committed to releasing the game on Xbox Game Pass straight away now it owns Activision. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be available on the membership service day one and full price on PS5, PS4.
The trailer also confirms what we essentially already knew, in that the main reveal of the game will take place on 9th June 2024 following the Xbox Games Showcase. During the presentation, a release date, gameplay, and further details are expected.

Are you excited for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6? Share your first impressions in the comments below.
Comments 106
Ms is really gonna tank the biggest franchise in gaming just to try to prove a point.
Putting it on GP will de-value it in the eyes of gamers and the profits will dip. Then when they eventually stop putting it on GP day and date they will have already trained a subset of the audience that it's not worth full price and the sales number will still be lower than before.
All aboard the Game Pass death train, I guess 🤣
@3Above Hopefully they can finally kill it off for good 😛
Anyone remember MoviePass? They did this same thing GP is doing but with movie tickets and look where that got em.
Why are game pass announcements being shared here all of a sudden?
@BamBamBaklava89 Whether we like it or not, something like CoD being on Game Pass will impact the wider industry, including PlayStation. We'll probably end up reporting on how it all goes down.
This does seem incredibly silly, I understand the Game Pass model and it’s great for some things. This just feels like throwing away sales.
@Sifi While I personally choose not to play it all, don't forget that for a lot people it's pay 70 or get a whole new machine and subscription and a lot of them will probably just pay the 70.
The trailer is cool with some edgy subliminal marketing but we all know this game will have neon, anime, Niki Minaj character/weapon skins this time next year 😂
That's me using the series X more then! There's no way GP doesn't go up in price because of this.
@Voltan If u don't have a series X already ur not likely going to go out and get one and a subscription just because this is on GP. What it could impact is those still waiting to upgrade from PS4 and Xbox one.
It's good to see it on Game Pass but I don't think this will affect things much one way or another. It might do if Microsoft ever advertised the thing!
People who already own a PS5 are massively unlikely to buy an Xbox just to get CoD on Game Pass.
I'm more intrigued by the next gen rumours of multiple hardware partners making Xbox consoles in the same way that it happens with PC/laptops. That could really shake things up if they succeeded where 3DO/Sega Saturn failed.
It’s amazing how much the comments narrative flip flops on push square. Cod being day one on gamepass is going to ‘tank’ sales and make the game ‘flop’ vs Xbox is dead, everyone is selling their series consoles for ps5s, nobody’s buying Xbox. Are people on PlayStation going to suddenly stop buying cod because it’s on gamepass? Also, if you’re one of the millions of casual gamers that only play cod, fifa and Fortnite it’s still better value to purchase the game outright than pay for 12 months of gamepass.
I stopped buying cod after black ops 3 and haven’t returned since as I don’t care for the multiplayer any more and can’t justify £70 for the single player. Microsoft will probably get a month of gamepass out of me for the campaign - money they wouldn’t have seen had cod not been on the service day one.
Also, the game makes millions from micro transactions - gamepass will make that potential market even larger.
What a toxic community of blind-sided fanboys this has become, honestly I hope that MS strategy works out so that Xbox can become more competitive and therefore PlayStation be more competitive too.
@Sifi If all you want to do is play the campaign then Game Pass for a month is a steal at £8.99. But if you play the online portion for the whole year then it starts to cost more than the £70. Though you get a lot of other games included.
But as @Voltan said most people don't have both consoles, this will only really be a choice when it comes to buying their next console. Has Xbox really done enough to sway most people? Not yet by my money, but if they can have 2-4 solid years of releases leading up to next-gen then perhaps. But PlayStation is pretty entrenched.
It was eventually going to happen now that they own it.
@Nexozi Agreed. The people yet to upgrade from PS4/Xbox One are all potential Series X|S owners and I suppose something like this could get them to either stick or switch.
Wouldn't say I'm excited but I am looking foward to playing the campaign. It's a nice little bingeable game in a 1 month sub or take out a trial rather than buying it. Not interested in the multiplayer anymore and it will be a busy gaming season that will free me up to buy other games.
@Neither_scene “ Also, the game makes millions from micro transactions - gamepass will make that potential market even larger.”
Thank you, geez, it’s like nobody has been paying attention to the $70-to-start gaming marketplace as they’ve all been too busy making fun of the free-to-start gaming space w/ their holier than tho attitudes.
Yes, CoD will be included in GP, which isn’t free, and then MS will charge extra for earlier start times, early dlc, more whatnots and dingdongs, and who knows they may even come out ahead b/c of the expanded install base.
So, was Switch in the video, 10 year partnership and all that? 🤷🏻♂️
@Sifi Not really. Most CoD gamers bought a PS5 as Sony had bonuses that PC/Xbox gamers didn't. Over 70% of MW3 sales were on PS.
Those CoD gamers aren't going to rush and buy a Series X to get the 'same' graphics/performance options as they would on their PS5, spend $180 a year on Game Pass Ultimate to play ALL year and not get any 'extras'.
No doubt, the base game will be 'free' to play Day 1 - but as anyone knows, that's just the 'entry' fee. To get the most out of the game, you really need the Season Pass and maybe a Bundle or two.
As we have seen, I bet MS will offer an 'upgrade' on the Game Pass 'base' game to get the Premium Edition with the first Season Pass and maybe a few days 'early access' for 'Premium' Edition owners (whatever platform they play on) - Pay $40 to upgrade to that edition.
Point is, it's more like pay 'hundreds' to access CoD on Xbox to save paying $70 for only the 'base' game that you could still play 2 or 3yrs later. If it's where your friends, your library or your preference to play is, stick where you are. Game Pass too only makes sense if you intend to play 'other' games it offers - otherwise its $180 a year (Game Pass Ultimate to play 'online' every month too) for a $70 game.
I don't know that everyone on Xbox would now Subscribe to Game Pass to play the 'base' game Free, still have to buy Season Passes etc and end up spending more over the year and not own the game they have bought extra content for.
Being on GamePass means that 70B hole is about to get bigger since you won't get sales from Xbox and have to rely on PC and PS5 to carry those numbers.
Margaret Thatcher in a COD game ffs
@IOI Maybe people are just bored of having a Call of Duty release every year for literally the past 20 years.
@__jamiie Can bet MS will be advertising like mad to get people to upgrade to series X. They'll maybe even bundle in GP for 3 months to get ppl to switch.
Wow...don't they want to make back the 7 bill debt, huh?
@IOI Sony def needs more competition. They've had it easy this generation.
@Kanji-Tatsumi Speak for yourself.
@ThorsHammer I think you mean $70billion and it's not a debt if you have the money in the bank.
@CielloArc Or, the people who have Game Pass can buy the game with 20% off.
I'm looking forward to it. Even though Mw3 really was a cash grab the MP wasn't to bad although not as good as mw2 because of the massive TTK also cheaters on PC but I always get cod every year just like alot of people do.
Hopefully got a good zombie mode as well and would like to see dmz come back or something like dmz but just AI.
Being on gamepass is a big old bonus as well so hoping the rest of the cods come it as would like to play the campaign on them again as alway enjoy the cod SP.
Side note it's funny people on here desperate for the downfall of cod, gamepass, Xbox and know the ins and outs of how a multi trillion $ company decides to spend their money and long term plans 😂😂
Removed - trolling/baiting
@DNortonX also all those microtransactions will be going straight into the bank which I'm sure they're looking at as well
@3Above it's nice know that you know the ins and outs of the financial decisions as well as seeing into the future!!
@Sifi You make it sound like everyone has both consoles, no playstation player is going to buy an Xbox and subscribe to gamepass just for this game. The only ones this may effect are cloud players but it's just not good enough yet for this kind of game.
@Kanji-Tatsumi won't happen
@UltimateOtaku91 there's also a substantial amount of people that haven't got ps5 or series x/s so cod and various older cods on gamepass will help sway more people
@Stickleman yep. Microsoft do not care how you play this game. They will be making HUUUUGE money regardless. So the Sony die hards laughing at this but are buying it and spending money on mxts are blindly feeding the money machine that is COD and Microsoft.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Most Call of Duty players are what we call casuals who don't play many other games outside of these live service games. So their choice is buy it for £70 and it's theirs for life or Rent it on gamepass which will cost them over £120 per year. Microsoft are mad if they think this is a good decision, this ain't denting Sony's player base.
In fact now that Sony's deal has ended they now get 30% cut instead of the 20%, So in a way Sony should start getting more revenue from COD games.
I can’t ask for anymore than GP day one and a trailer with Mrs Thatcher in 😊
You are spot on and well called out.
Why worry about it, just enjoy the game on whatever device and how you wish to play.
Leave the money stuff to the companies.
Cod is such a snoozefest these days so this trailer did absolutely nothing for me.
I look forward to the inevitable price increase though because that should go down well also when this fails to move the needle that'll probably be entertaining at least.
Looks like MS still hasn't learned its lesson. Heck, at this point it might be too late for them but we'll see.
@MrMagic Price increases are celebrated on Xbox from what I saw before, it's only an issue when Sony do it.
@DNortonX yeah thing is though the 98% of people that play on PS don't come to this site or any type of gaming site, sub reddits or anything like that or really pay much of any attention to what's going on in the gaming world so money will keep rolling in from all platforms.
@UltimateOtaku91 I'm guessing you know the ins and outs and all the financials as to how MS /Xbox came to this decision?
It’s actually a bigger deal that this is going to PC GamePass than Xbox GamePass.
For a narrative, are we supposed to also pretend the game won't be full price on Xbox and PC, too? What a strange thing it is for games to be sold at full price.
"Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be available on the membership service day one and full price on PS5, PS4."
And that’s not the sound of me reaching to order an Xbox
@DNortonX Microsoft will make a lot of money but there doing it at the expense of their platform. Xbox consoles are tanking, GP subs have stagnated and the fanbase is disillusioned.
I don't see how adding it to gamepass has a negative effect on the franchise. The core call of duty players only buy cod and 1 or 2 other games. Sony claims more than 1 million of their users only purchase call of duty games, nothing else. Gamepass makes zero sense for these kind of users. They are also adding Nintendo sales in the near future. They will sell a ton of copies every year just like normal (if not more so once those nintendo versions hit). It will still be at or very near the best selling game every single year.
If anything gamepass adds more players to the game and puts new people in front of the battle pass/cosmetics purchases.
Putting it on gamepass is a positive for the franchise. Predicting this is the most played call of duty ever that is not warzone.
Not to mention, it will take over 20 years for ABK to pay for itself, without Game Pass affecting their bottom line.
@AdamNovice Xbox made a profit this financial year…
...and it was entirely ABK's profit.
@The_Wailing_Doom almost like it was sensible to buy them then wasn’t it…
Gamepass can have this I ain't played COD in years maybe not since MW3 and a lil OG warzone but COD just don't get me excited no more
"Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be available on the membership service day one and full price on PS5, PS4."
Wait! What? It's not going to be available at "full price" on Xbox too!?
Oh wait a minute I see what you're doing there, gotta keep the console war fires stoked.
I think the Call Of Duty fatigue is starting to set in. I know it’s a cash cow but it will eventually go the way of Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero regardless - I used to love it and other than the MW2 and 1 can’t remember the one I played before that maybe original MW3.
Regardless I think Xbox/Microsoft’s recent purchase of Activision will speed up the process. I have no ill view on any games company buy it’s not exactly in safe hands now. Sadly Xbox/Microsoft don’t know how to look after their companies these last few years and help them grow and flourish. I hope they change it around but it would be an exception to the rule at this point.
"Sensible" is not the word I'd use. Bethesda used to be profitable before Xbox got a hold of them. We can expect ABK's profits to drop as well as the Xbox association and Game Pass take their toll. At pre-acquisition ABK profitability, it'll take 20+ years to make back that ~$70B. It'll likely take 30+ post-acquisiton, but the purchase of ABK got the attention of the shareholders and they want their $70B back faster, hastening the demise of Xbox as we know it.
I don’t understand why any PlayStation gamer on this site is bothered or concerned if it is day one on game pass.
Nothing has changed for PlayStation gamers, they just buy it as before. So can Xbox gamers buy the game if they want as well. Or have or join game pass.
No one needs to be worried if it’s good or bad for Microsoft, that’s not of any PlayStations gamers concern.
The only very very very tiny thing for Sony is some like me that have all three consoles and game pass, will probably just play on Game pass and not buy for their PS5, which they may have done.
But that will be very far and few and not really a concern at all.
@The_Wailing_Doom feel free to tell a trillion dollar company what they should and shouldn’t do
They really are insane over at Xbox HQ.
"Bethesda used to be profitable before Xbox got a hold of them."
Were Bethesda not in deep financial brown stuff, prior to the sale? Thought I read that somewhere.
If everyone jumped on board the xbox train for this, it would devastate the industry. Think about it, if ps players currently whether it be ps4 or ps5, jumped to xbox and gamepass, then not only would cod sales fall through the roof, but all the third party releases be it day one or older sales would also fall through the rood because of then being on gamepass. There would not be enough income to support all these games being available on a single prescription, as both ea play and ubisoft are already part of gamepass. Sony wouldn't be able to compete and most of its studios would be closed or sold off, meaning lots of ip disappearing. Dont want to be bringer of bad news but/that's is what will happen. Note I don't want xbox to leave the industry either.
@BAMozzy it’s $180 on GP or it’s $150 on PS with no extra games. So there is value there. But console players aren’t going to sell their PS5’s to go to GP. However after the annoucement of COD to GP Xbox series X sales went up 220% on amazon. Not sure if that was cause of it or not. That was a few weeks ago and at that point it was only a rumor. As long as the market can get healthy and keep people employed i don’t care who has the marketshare. I like all 3 but Sony’s controllers and me don’t get along for FPS games.
@LordFunkalot COD this year will make a billion dollars in a few weeks. It ain’t slowing down anymore than Fortnite, FIFA or Madden is. PS business as we learned from the court cases revolves around COD money, so it better be good.
@Stickleman bingo. You are correct. We are a small number of the console business. COD, FIFA, Madden and Fortnite will keep printing money for years to come.
@MrMagic totally agree. I just hope they add in something like a service block in countries that can’t access the service but sell it there anyway. That sure would make a story…… or would it? 🙄
I'll do what I'll do and just stream it on my deck. CBA with buying a series X.
@OldGamer999 ....finally, some wise words
@LordFunkalot ....Call Of Duty fatigue kicking in ???
It's been the best selling game year on year on PS for years, even the ones deemed to be inferior, like Vanguard. It ain't going anywhere anytime soon, GamePass will not make the slightest bit of difference other than boosting MS coffers through billions of MTX sales
@HonestHick yes sir
@3Above ....they'll make billions from MTXs alone just like EA with FIFA.....
@BusyOlf'll be able to play her as a playable skin very soon after release I bet 🤣🤣
@OldGamer999 even though your 100% people need to try and convince themselves that they know best what to do and Microsoft are wrong and them and gamepass are evil which will fail and bring the industry down with it.
Meanwhile Sony is the guiding light of goodness, hope and hugs and can't do wrong because their truly one of the people, one do the good guys because they care.
Not the fact neither company dosnt give a toss about you and only wants to make as much money out of each customer as possible.....
@KingPev Must just be me then, maybe I’m in the minority re COD fatigue. I used to love them, now I’d love a new SOCOM or something. No doubt Microsoft will make the most of it.
@HonestHick It’d be good if it did something different, the original Black Ops was awesome at the time. It’s a shame it’s impact it’s had as franchise on the FPS and shooter genre. There was so much choice on the PS2 - PS3/360 era
@LordFunkalot oh I agree, the last one, MW3, in particular, was pants ! But still a top seller.....the glory days have gone in terms of quality.
And oooh yeah, would love a new SOCOM, brings back great memories 😢😢
On GamePass Baby...on Day 1
@KingPev SOCOM was awesome lol. I might have got MW3 if the campaign was substantial and didn’t look like an add on to 2. IMO they used to be so good around the time of the original MW2-BLOPS 2 era (massive cinematic campaign, good multiplayer, spec ops/zombies mode), each entry felt like it really innovated and improved over the last. The new one has potential. Hopefully they put in the effort, have to wait and see
@NinjaNicky Will need to wait and see, but can see in some instances where people will be willing to switch.
@Kanji-Tatsumi Well that's just flat out a silly to say
@IOI Thank you for an actually unbiased and positive comment. It is refreshing and quite honestly pleasing to read hopeful messages like that
I started boycotting COD after the "Kill Fidel Castro" mission and the mass shooting of civilians in the airport mission.
No space for propaganda on my Playstation, sorry.
Only a drunk person put that subtitle
Lots forget both are business and out to make the money and please the share holders.
They both in different ways as bad as each other, bless them 🤣
@HonestHick If you are adding PS+ Essential, you do get 'Games' with that service too - otherwise its likely to be $70 on Xbox/PS5 to buy the 'base' version that Game Pass owners get access to for that $180 a 'year'.
Yes you also get access to games like Hellblade, Starfield, Indiana Jones, Flight Sim etc etc too - which is where the 'value' comes in, if you don't enjoy playing or would rather play on PS for their 'exclusives', Controller etc its still 'better' value to stay on Playstation than be forced to buy an Xbox or Sub to Game Pass to play - at least its staying on Playstation....
@IOI You want trillion dollar corporations to be rewarded for purchasing entire publishers?
@HonestHick True and let's hope there's not another 5 day early access scam this time yeah. 👍
Trailer looks eh and honestly i don't care if this game released day one on GP. MS own the IP right now so they can do whatever they want with the new game.
But, i just wish more PS4/5 owners start buying Sony niche games like:
PS fans wants Sony to produced less AAA cinematic games and more niche / unique / experimental AA games and when Sony did it the majority of PS fans didn't buy it. Meanwhile, PS store charts always showed games like COD, FIFA, Madden, GTA, Cyberpunk, or MLB at the top of the chart.
But eh, i guess it's too late to ask people to buy those niche games...
@3Above Mate. You truly don't know much, do you? So, few notes for you
@PuppetMaster I'm not sure about any of the other games but from the insomniac hack Returnal has sold over a million copies.
@Godot25 Good morning!
Consider this: any person who play CoD on GP at no extra cost would have paid $70 for it in any other year plus MXT. So unless that person spent $70 in GP subscriptions that month MS is still getting less money that they would otherwise.
Consider too that even is MS SAYS they "only need 2.5 mill subs in a month" (for how many months?) we all know GP isnt sustainable. Tango got closed down for making a hit with a budget that's a fraction of a CoD game. How long before GP bleeds CoD dry? Those remaining Activision exec's are not gonna sit still and watch their baby shrivel up and die.
@BAMozzy i was just adding in the game at $70 and online fee of $80 a year to play online. As most COD players don’t care to much about other games.i agree it’s always the best value to play where you want. I game on all 3 so i ain’t locked out of a great game. But i don’t like Sony controllers for competitive shooters, so i get those on Xbox. 😊
@HonestHick Well its the Same Price to 'own' on Xbox too and of course both require a Subscription to play 'online'. So if you don't have 'Game Pass', its exactly the same for both Xbox and PS gamers.
Its still 'cheaper' to buy on a Platform you own than buy a new Console just to play on Game Pass. If you also want to play games like Stafield, Hellblade, MSFS, Fable, Avowed, Stalker 2 etc - games that may not be on PS (certainly not Day/Date), then it may make sense.
MS may 'prefer' you to jump to Xbox to play on Game Pass as they'll get 100% of every Season Pass, Bundle etc you purchase over the '70%' they get from you on PS - over time, that may make MS 'more' money than you playing on Sony, Buying the Game etc as Sony take 30%.
MS are getting 70% of ALL money spent on CoD on PS and ALL the Money on Xbox - ABK only got 70% on Xbox too. So whilst they may lose '70%' from a PS sale if that person jumps to Xbox to play on Xbox, they get more from every Season Pass (100%) instead of Sony taking 30% so may make more over the life despite not 'selling' the base game.
If Subscription numbers or Console hardware jump up, that's not necessarily because of CoD as MS are expected to release Avowed, Indiana Jones, Stalker 2 etc this year and they are 'exclusives' where as CoD is not. Those games are more likely to affect Xbox/Game Pass sales more than CoD will.
@MrMagic yeah i think the early access stuff is here to stay for a lot of big games. Most of Starfield sales were on the early access pack. Not a scam to the players that are willing to pay to play early plus it is a little easier on the servers. Now if only we could get a price hike to GP with no extra benefits added yeah!
@BAMozzy Well its the Same Price to 'own' on Xbox too and of course both require a Subscription to play 'online'. So if you don't have 'Game Pass', its exactly the same for both Xbox and PS gamers.
That was kind of my point bud. GP ultimate for a year isn’t as expensive as it looks. I agree with what you are saying, i am merely pointing out it’s not so lopsided to pay for GP for a year as it sounds like just buying the game and getting online to play. The industry could really use some heavy hitting games that aren’t supporting last gen to move players forward to the new hardware. That will help both Sony and MS, plus the dev’s can start to make sure Unreal Engine 5 and others are the go to.
@HonestHick I know it ain't as 'expensive' as it looks, but its still more expensive and after a 'year', you don't own the base game which is 'required' for ALL the Content you may have purchased.
UE5 is interesting, but I'm also interested in seeing what the id tech or CoD engine may do for games like Halo for example. These engines are designed for 60+ fps with incredible 'graphics' for that frame-rate target - CoD and Doom impressed, even Wolfenstein too and Halo looked Dated. not very performant for the visual quality....
@BAMozzy yeah Halo is rumored to be having a new game using UE5 and i think that would look really good. Plus it would be easier to make content for, something infinite struggled with. Infinite is a really good game, it just didn’t have content to keep players interested. id tech is the most impressive thing MS bought in my opinion, it’s so well optimized and they just get it right. Anything coming from them should be a win. Gaming is about to get really good again after all the bad news, delays and cancelled projects. We have a lot of stuff to look forward to, i hope Sony has something great to show at the state of play and i think the Xbox Showcase is about to be insanely good. Plus we still have new Nintendo hardware to look forward to at some point in the near distant future. 😊
@HonestHick And MS will no-doubt sell CoD and its many extras on Nintendo Hardware too - maybe they will lose 5m Xbox sales but gain 10m Switch Sales...
In the future, the way Chips are developing, you may have a Handheld PC capable of delivering 4k/120fps with AI help to a TV for around the same price as a 'console' that's locked to a single Platform holder and charging for online access. Phones these days have decent GPU's and RAM too so maybe being able to play on devices you 'have' is a bigger appeal than 'new' hardware when your hardware plays virtually 'everything' with the exception of the 'few' games that will come to PC eventually from Sony to release.
@BAMozzy yeah i don’t know what the future holds for consoles. I mean Sony and Nintendo are safe. But even tho safe they might have to adopt to certain things or at the very least find ways to keep software cost in check. MS now holds a huge amount of the money makers in the business on the software side, but struggle to move enough hardware and even if they sold as many consoles as Sony would they still want to leave all that money on the table not bringing games to PS? I don’t know. There is a reason they are worth 3 trillion dollars. They go were the money is and aren’t afraid to leave a business behind or change it to chase that money. Apple, Sony, Nintendo and a few others stick to their ecosystems and do well there but rarely chase other wallets outside. Neither is better or worse it’s just what they do. Sony coming to PC is smart and i knew they would do it. I even said on here PS games will be day and date by or shortly after the launch of PS6. I may still have to eat crow on that but it’s inching closer by the year. I love all 3 consoles a lot. But my main problem with making Sony my main platform and just leaving Xbox or supporting them lightly is i don’t love the PS controllers dating all the way back to PS1. PS4 controller was ok for me… Dual sense is the best they have had yet for my hands but it’s large and hurts my hands, finger and wrist when playing shooters or something fast like my Diablo 4 binges. So I am kind of stuck at the moment haha , your a smart guy you know this industry well. What do i do.? 😀
@MrMagic I wonder if 1 million copies are enough for break even or make a profit for Returnal since it's an AAA game according to Sony / Housemarque...
@PuppetMaster Probably just marketing speak from Sony because Returnal is more like a really high quality AA game. It obviously had a small budget and definitely had a small Dev team at the time.
Well Sony obviously thought it was successful enough to buy them and increase their Dev team and budget for their next game.
@MrMagic Well let's hope what you said is true cause i have uneasy feeling that Sony gonna axed Housemarque if their next game doesn't sold at least 1-2 million copies. I mean, a lot of Guerrilla and Insomniac employees got lay off despite Horizon FW and Spidey 2 sold great. And i heard Santa Monica and Sucker Punch employees got lay off too. So i can't imagine what gonna happened for Housemarque if their next game doesn't reach Sony target sales.
I personally dislike how Sony keeps chasing the bigger fish without learning the risk of closing down their 1st party studios. Housemarque used to made really fun top down shooter like Dead Nation, Alienation, Nex Machina or side scrolling like Resogun and Matterfall which i'm sure doesn't need big budget to make. But since Sony acquired them, they just stop making those games and start chasing AAA market :/
@HonestHick If we look at Computers for example, MS has their own range - the Surface range with Windows OS competing with Asus, HP, Lenovo etc in 'Hardware' yet why bother? They all have MS Windows as an OS, all get people into the MS Windows Ecosystem so 'why' bother.
Hardware is not really what MS is known for but they could release a handheld gaming 'Surface' PC to rival Asus RoG Ally, Lenovo Go or MSi Claw for example instead of releasing a 'Series S Handheld' that ONLY plays 'Xbox console' games, meaning their Surface has more 'games' as its also got Sony's PC releases as well as Steam, Epic, Emulation of Nintendo, Sega etc older games for around the same Price.
If they released a Handheld PC for example, all the 'Console' gamers would see that as them 'giving up' on Gaming and becoming just a Publisher - even if most of their Library are not on Playstation/Nintendo 'Consoles'. But for MS, you are still in their 'Xbox' ecosystem, still playing on Windows based Hardware.
If you own a PC that not only plays all the Xbox games, but also Sony's games and ALL the other games not on the latest Xbox/Playstation consoles, then why spend another £500+ to play those same games but also much more limited selection of games and have to pay Subscription fees to play 'online'. Maybe you won't 'need' the PS6 or Next Box because you have Hardware already to play ALL the games you want....
@BAMozzy yeah true, great points. I don’t know how this next round of consoles is going to look from Xbox. I know what to expect from PS and Switch 2. MS is a wild card right now. Looking forward to learning more about their plans.
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