Only announced back in February, Gundam Breaker 4 now has a confirmed release date. The action title, in which you build you own potentially crazy mobile suits, launches for PS5 and PS4 on the 29th August. Said date comes to us via the above trailer, and we'd recommend watching it purely for the incredibly goofy voiceover. We're not sure what Bandai Namco was thinking with this one, but at least it's... memorable?
The hope is that Gundam Breaker 4 will be a return to form for the series, following on from the disastrous New Gundam Breaker, which dropped in 2018. But honestly, it won't take much for this new installment to better its — and we can't stress this enough — terrible predecessor.
Are you keeping an eye on Gundam Breaker 4? Tell us all about your ideal mobile suit in the comments section below.
Comments 5
Recently got really into gunpla building with my girlfriend’s youngest son, so he’s really hyped for this. I really hope it’s good!
I heard this is from the same team as the awful "New Gundam Breaker", so I really hope they got it together to make this a solid successor to Breaker 3 😖 Could be my personal GOTY if so!
That narrator sounds like he really appreciated the paycheck and wanted to give 115%.
@Johnnycide That's so wholesome! I hope you both have a blast
@Edwirichuu thanks! It’s a lot of fun 😁
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