
Sony has, surprisingly, backtracked on its decision to require a PSN login for PC players of Helldivers 2. In a statement published on social media, the manufacturer said: “The 6th May update, which would have required Steam and PSN account linking for new players and for current players beginning 30th May, will not be moving forward.”
The platform holder, rather candidly, admitted it’s still learning what’s best for the PC market: “We’re still learning what is best for PC players and your feedback has been invaluable. Thanks again for your continued support of Helldivers 2 and we’ll keep you updated on future plans.” This perhaps kills dead any hopes the manufacturer had of adding PC players to its monthly active users.
While it’s not entirely uncommon for third-party publishers to require account linking with an external service, it seems Sony’s decision to implement such a feature was considered an affront to PC players. Helldivers 2 received hundreds of thousands of negative reviews in a matter of days, and the campaign even extended to unrelated games.
While much of the noise seemed like an overreaction, a handful of gamers did have a legitimate complaint: PSN is not legally supported in their country. Sony only served to heighten tensions by wholesale removing the game from sale in those regions. Presumably it’ll be reinstated now this whole sorry saga has been reversed.
Ultimately, it remains to be seen how PlayStation moves forward here. Part of its PC strategy – as is the case with other publishers, such as Microsoft – has revolved around embedding a new audience into its ecosystem. This reversal effectively kills dead any hopes it ever has of enforcing a PSN account login on PC, which is ultimately going to dull its overall strategy here.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 197
I'm genuinely surprised to see Sony backtrack on this. I legit thought they would double down on their decision.
Well now everything can go back to the way it was in the Helldiver community.
I know some will disagree but the ability of people to organize and learn about this uncensored on X allowed the number of people fighting this to be too big to ignore. I wonder what else might be achieved with this army of informed people.
I feel a little irrationally annoyed they backtracked. I'm not one to defend corporations, and I do think those people in unsupported countries had a legitimate grievance here, but the blowback was so ridiculously overblown it seems almost unfair that those very noisy, very entitled individuals got what they wanted.
At the end of the day, on a personal level, I couldn't care less about Helldivers 2. But I sincerely hope the same energy will be maintained for any other PC title that requires linking with an external account.
(It won't.)
This is why everyone being vocal ultimately matters. Yes, it was annoying with everyone doing a mass 180 on this game for something that’s so common for console gamers. But this shows that Sony is a company that is willing to roll things back if the line gets too far pushed. I know the account creation isn’t a big deal but the delisting in a ton of countries is. Let’s just hope everyone reverts their steam review scores now.
I don't understand those who supported sony's decision in the first place. Sure there are other games that require account login but they tell you from the beginning. Not implement it months down the line and forcefully remove access if you do not suddenly create an account. This is the issue with games. They accept what corporations shove down their throat and when the corporation does more shameful things, then they start to realize they're being fu***d, good for the community for standing up to sony and hope this sets a precedent to future games by other publishers because we have no need for accounts to play games on steam besides the steam one.
They did the right thing, but the damage is done.
@get2sammyb They won't keep that energy Sammy I remember dudes were saying that they were done with blizzard after the whole China fiasco a few years back then as soon as blizzard showed off Diablo 4 they came running back.
leave it to die hard fanboys to consider criticisms and not being a pushover/brown-noser a bad thing or “whining” . this is a good change & kudos to players on PC for having a backbone instead of shilling for corporations 👍
Wow Sony I just lost a little respect for you this is chicken s**t
@nomither6 I'd be right there with you if the same energy was being applied universally. But it's not, is it?
@get2sammyb it would be different if the game already required a psn sign-up from the beginning . too late now though .
As a member of the PC gaming community, I apologize for the embarrassing behavior. Review bombing is very whiney and unfair.
I hope PC players remember that Sony was benevolent for letting them out of the terms they agreed to without reading first.
Sony went back on its decision? Nice, now give us our T&A back in Stellar blade 😂😂 (jokes)
@get2sammyb Yeah Sony should have just ignored them. The mob was actually beginning to turn on each other over on Reddit. The real Helldivers fans were starting to get annoyed by the ones who just wanted to destroy the game and Arrowhead just for being affiliated with Sony.
I guess I should have remembered that Sony are not Nintendo and actually will do something if the backlash is loud enough.
It makes me sad that the PC community had to go to these lengths for Sony to notice, but that means there are now 170 countries that were about to be barred from being able to play HD2 that can now keep playing. That, in my opinion, is a massive win. Gamers in third-world countries should be allowed to play. It brings the whole gaming community together across all nation lines.
@Deoxyr1bose The Steam reviews will recover. Over time, Steam marks reviews that are considered "off-topic," and they ultimately don't affect the overall Steam review score. Since Sony rolled this back, those reviews will dissipate.
Good, this will end this brutal 48 hours but the damage is done, I doubt all those people who review-bombed are going to change their review, the team at Arrowhead probably had some of the worst days of their life plus I’m sure every single PlayStation launch on PC is now going to be heavily scrutinized and whatever little thing comes up will be blown out of proportion.
Whoever gave the greenlight to backtrack may have just saved their PC business. Whoever let it get to that point needs to join Jim in retiring though. HD2 is the lightning in a bottle they dreamed of and then actually had and someone was willing to flush it all for procedure darn it. At least they have someone with a clue somewhere up in HQ.
Through over the span of 48 hours they've proved that the protest was for good reason and also that protests work. Not sure the wanted either of those outcomes, but now it actually will fade away. It will continue to imprint their future PC business though.
What's really sad about all this is, remember Sony Online Entertainment? Which they closed? EverQuest at it's peak. They shouldn't be learning this whole PC thing they should have been one of the veterans.
I've said it before but it's not just a Sony or helldiver's thing. People have been upset with other companies for the same thing, including Xbox console gamers with Bethesda accounts and ubi on PC. It just took a company as distrusted as Sony among PC gamers, a game as popular has HD2 on PC and a scandal of actually delisting and revoking sold licenses for it to blow up. Hopefully this will raise the interest in this issue across the board much more. What's the point of competing digital storefronts if the terms are set by the publisher anyway?
Does that mean people didn't raise their voices loud enough to make them change their mind about charging console players like 3x more for online and all the censorship they do for asian games. Is this what they think is what's best for console players. Or maybe there was some actual grounds for legal action over this?
Either way I am fuming 😭
Can we know get all these people onto the Stop Killing Games campaign now?
Well I hope everyone learned a valuable life lesson here, if you complain loud enough you'll eventually get your way 😅 (happy for those players in the 170+ countries though!)
Wow, this is an L Sony. Chasing the PC market no matter the cost will not end well
@B_Lindz This is definitely the biggest win for Helldivers. Now far more people will be able to play the game,due to psn not blocking them now.
It's still weird that there are people still siding with Sony and ridiculing those who stood against them, in this same comment section.
Really? I hate pc gamers so much. Entitled bunch of cry babies. That these neckbeards have the time to review bomb says it all. I’m happy if I can game for 2 hours straight due to job and kids/family.
It's a victory not letting corporate greed take over.
I think it's probably best to do it this way.
People who want to use it just can, if there are benefits.
I plan to double dip on Ghost of Tsushima on my pc and I will link my account anyway. At least to try the online features this time around.
But if achievements and progress (one can dream) will be synchronised then that would be a feature that people choose even more willingly.
For example in Horizon Forbidden West, it's totally useless, no point for sure. Maybe unlock a cosmetic?
This is great news! They did the right thing.
At this point in the situation, was there really any other option? Sony ultimately brought this on themselves and at the end of the day, arrived at a pretty democratic resolution.
I wouldn't call it a 'surprisingly' move, more like inevitable. At least they moved on this quick and hope they take the lesson forward. If they want to break into PC, don't piss off Steam users, it's lose-lose situation.
Good, sony has to understand pc and console market are different, I'm sure if pc players didn't reject this integration, sometimes in the future sony will have pc players pay for psplus for playing sony multiplayer games.
In the end it's good that sony didn't force this integration.
Sony just lost a lot of respect from me. I didn't think they'd be this spineless.
Next Month:
Free Warbond for everyone who links their account to PSN
I'm in two minds about this. Ultimately I think the right decision was made and I think it's best for everyone involved that Sony didn't escalate the situation any further. However, the reaction from the gaming community has been beyond embarrassing and many have behaved in a way that no grown person should ever behave.
Having said that, there aren't many ways for gamers to make themselves heard beyond review bombing. I don't completely disagree with the practice, if it's done to air legitimate grievances and without resorting to insults and threats. But this was not pretty.
So it all turned out to be a bad dream after all and helldivers is just turning out to be the live service game that can't be killed. At least its sorted out now so all those PC gamers can stop complaining and start playing again.
I think they're just going to have to incentivise the PSN account side of things. Actually hoping they do and make it something that'd annoy the whiners to miss out on.
I'm happy that Sony will listen if enough people are loud enough (how vocal do we need to be to get a PSVR2 roadmap?) but this was a massive overreaction for something players were warned about from the start then started acting like they were blindsided.
The toxicity around the issue (or any balance changes Arrowhead make that inconvenience them for that matter) is unwarranted.
@Northern_munkey Until they find something new to be mad about give it a few days.
How long it will take until we see PlayStation games getting review bombed on Steam when/if a big Sony game is announced and confirmed to not arrive on PC Day 1?
Sony really kneecapped all their goodwill on PC and destroyed their entire growth strategy as outlined by their CEO.
Huge mistakes were made by Sony, and I feel sorry for Arrowhead who have been torn to shreds for a publishers boneheaded decision. The damage has already been done unfortunately
review bombing issue has to be addressed right now. You can't give too much power on idiots. it affects all of us in the end. Corpotations understand money, but idiots are just plain idiots.
This is like the GTA V clip of the guy who curses at you but then you pull out a firewarm and he goes “I want to apologize”.
That's a win! Now give us uncensored Stellar Blade next!
The negative reviews represented about 2% of the total playerbase(10m+). They will all be filtered out of the Steam score as a “period of off-topic reviews” like all steam review bombs, and the score will go back to very positive.
I know some people just love to attack Sony here but AH have acknowledged that they were informed on the PSN requirement 6 months before launch and it was solely their decision to pause it when their backend code couldn’t handle the player count.
The only real issue is that there’s not an official response as to what people in countries that don’t have PSN are supposed to do. (You can create an account for any supported country without a VPN but its technically against the Terms of Service)
@OthmaneAD they were told from the beginning
@BeerIsAwesome You're forgetting about the 177 territories that would have the game bricked because there's no PSN. Or even cases like Ukraine where they can only have a PSN account if you have a PS5/PS4 console. Some people were acting entitled, some were real victims of Sony's ignorance of the PC market.
@ChrisDeku the bad reviews can be filtered yes, but the goodwill has gone and will be incredibly difficult to get back, if they can at all. Sony already had a trust issue with PC gamers even before all of this. After the PC/mobile market was given such importance for growth by their CEO, this is a bad situation and completely idiotic.
Can they recover? Sure. Will it be difficult? Sure. Was all of this totally unnecessary and a lesson in what not to do? 100%
I guess Sony really need that PC money if they are willing to go back on this though perhaps the damage is already done.
Congrats to PC community however. They know what they are about.
Seems pretty disingenuous to me to brand this solely as PC players having a meltdown over having to make another account. Annoying as gamer entitlement can be, it’s been pretty obvious for a while that this is not what this is about. Sony never should have sold the game in countries where PSN is unsupported. No sympathy for them and I wouldn’t be surprised if this damages their relationship with the PC market for a long time. Make no mistake, Helldivers 2 would not be nearly as successful without the PC playerbase.
@get2sammyb Agreed. Especially considering PC players were told from the get go that they'd have to make a PSN account later down the road. Regardless tho, it is good that this overblown drama will finally cease (hopefully)
I think Valve was actually the one to basically say to Sony - “stop being *****, we are giving out refunds on your behalf and if you continue this ***** we won’t list your future games”.
I wonder if Helldivers 3 will be console exclusive for a year or so first now. To sell the console and then go over to PC when the sales dry up a bit on the console side.
What a waste of energy. Where was this anger when microtransactions were getting added to games? Where was this pushback when faced with online-only single player games being shut down? Everybody was cool with those apparently…
@Sakai I don't think too much damage is done, Sony overturned this pretty quickly all things considered. I'm not convinced goodwill is an actual thing in this case; if Sony's next live service pc release is as good as Helldivers 2, people will be all over it anyway.
@Sakai Why would Sony have a hard time when none of the other big publishers that get attacked on Steam ever suffer any longterm consequences? Look at the average review scores and backlash for EA, Microsoft, any Call of Duty Game etc.
Take Microsoft as an example as the most similar comparison, being a console manufacturer and giant publisher. MS require you to sign-in to their accounts for all online play on Steam too. Their 3 games last year have all been destroyed in hate review campaigns(some just, some iffy) and Redfall(33.68%), Forza Motorsport(40.82%) are even lower than Helldivers 2 at peak review bomb status. Starfield(59.05%) is only marginally ahead.Do you think anyone will remember any of that when the next successful game comes out?
The recent Call of Duty game has been destroyed in reviews, it’s even lower than Redfall. Do you think that will have any bearing on the sales of the next CoD?
Steam players love to moan and hate everything. They will still buy the stuff they claim to hate though. Still buy from all those same publishers.
Sad to see.
@ChrisDeku because Sony already had a trust issue with PC gamers, so this was an idiotic move at best. And I'm not sure why you are replying to me about review scores and comparing them, I never mentioned them once?
I commented that Sony has killed their goodwill with a section of the pc gaming community, for absolutely no reason. They had a popular fully functioning game, it was all unnecessary.
Trust is a difficult thing to earn back for any company and its a really bad move when Sony has mentioned how they see PC and mobile as their chance for growth moving forward.
What saddens me is that lately all we talk and comment about is the PC space. A platform I couldn't care less. Year after year ps5 seems like a byproduct and the ground work for the pc porting frenzy.
I'm really curious to see how they'll handle Ghost Of Tsushima on PC now. I'm pretty sure Sony will make it VERY obvious that the game requires a PSN account for the multiplayer mode (I'm talking about non-skippable splash screens, posts on Social Media and so on) and they probably won't sell the game in some countries because of that.
Will that be enough to please the "public" on PC or will the game get review bombed anyway?
@get2sammyb whilst they got it wrong by selling it in regions that couldn't officially create a PSN account, everyone knew up front that a PSN account was required. It's on every single piece of advertising media and lit up like a Christmas tree on the Steam store page. How many online games require an account, whether it be Epic, EA, Xbox, Rockstar, Ubisoft and nobody makes a fuss?
Hopefully this whole Helldivers 2 PC saga over the weekend. Ain't to Sony what the Xbox One reveal was to Microsoft. As a lot of you may not like the whole PC situation. But if it's successful? PlayStation console owners benefit also.
@Sakai There’s no trust to begin with, most vocal people on Steam hate all big corporations and can’t wait for any opportunity to attack them and sink the knife in
It’s so wierd how companies decide to manage this. Instead of saying ‘We hear your feedback, we will have discussions in the upcoming few days’ they just double down and then backtrack.
They even forced valve’s hand to delist the game themselves from countries where you can’t make a PSN without a playstation conole. I’m not sure Sony even realized that they themselves removed the game from sale in their home nation of Japan.
Wow. So many salty people here over a positive thing that lets more people play and enjoy a game, and also improves user experience. Can't we all just be happy about this?
Oh, and another thing. I would like to see if Sony would take the knee if people started a campaign asking them to allow PS5 save files backups to USB drives without the need to have PS Plus.
Or they really just obey the requests from the PC folks? How about starting that, @get2sammyb ?
Oh great, a day of break before we get the next big "controversy". At the end of the day both big corps and a loud minority on the internet are both a bunch of morons.
Perhaps a solution would be to overall support government regulation of corporations and thereby fortifying consumer protection agencies. This hit or miss mob mentality and hating by default is just souring this hobby.
So instead of begrudgingly paying your taxes and defining free speech as being an anonymous a**hole online, think what good it can do to support socially minded government in all areas of life.
So I guess the moral of this is that bullying works.
This is irrefutable proof that PC players are given special treatment over console players and console players are simply told to kick rocks and accept the PS+ requirement and price hikes that PC players will never worry about.
Honestly if I was a PS5 owner I'd be insulted to remain on console after seeing first hand that the company whose product I've invested in continues to give me the inferior product and experience while simultaneously charging more and taking it for granted that I'd never leave. There is no equity here.
How can anyone get mad at this??
Now EVERY country can be included again, instead of the PSN gatekeeping.
Does anyone suspect this is actually part of the marketing campaign?
They've gained massive amount of attention without spending a dime and anyone who plays games would have heard of the game by now.
I'm not sure if I would call this a victory. In my opinion, neither side has covered themselves in glory here. Bombarding all games from a small, ambitious studio with negative reviews because the publisher made some strange decisions... not exactly elegant. Similarly, Sony could have announced, explained, and then optionally implemented the PSN link. Well, now the damage is done; Sony has once again lost some credibility, and an otherwise outstanding flagship game is now burdened with poor reviews. And the supposedly peaceful gamers rejoice in their dubious triumph. The good thing is that all of this is happening only in a relatively small bubble, and the majority of players couldn't care less.
@ChrisDeku Or 1000 super credits. I'd bet my mortgage on it.
@puddinggirl Honestly I always suspect everything is a PR exercise of some kind.
Even if it's just, "Let's see how they react to this."
@Shepherd_Tallon Exactly. If anything, they've even gained some reputation of "we listen to our players".
I'm sure there are some real damage done to a small number of fans but compared to the publicity and the reputation without spending any real money... I just hope they won't repeat this.
It’s a good thing they backtracked.
I didn’t care about the requirement until Sony went authoritarian mode and blocked the sale of this game to 170 countries. Then I was pissed.
Yes, those crying about PSN alone are idiots. But when our fellow gamers were affected because of a bad corporate decision, I absolutely was on the side of the players and not the mega corp.
I love PlayStation, but we players have to look out for each other.
@get2sammyb Why you have so much hate for that? In general why players would do that for 0 incentive? Why Sony didn't provide in game bonuses for that, like Ubisoft does. Why almost half of Europe can't create PSN region profile? Steam blocked game in 177 countries, and none of those were regionless Europe countries. It would be close to 200 if they would do that.
Sony wants only metrics for investors from that. They released BS reasoning for that.
Sony/arrowhead lied in face for that need. And that was huge reason it get more negativity. Who needs PSN account to ban cheaters and griefers? You are not in their shoes, PC players, and your negativity towards them is non less as their negativity for PSN account requirement.
It will never cease to disappoint me that acting like a massive entitled brat will often reward you in the current age.
Will be interesting to see how many of those that whined - not the people legitimately affected due to location, the band wagon babies that wouldnt create an account - now acknowledge this was resolved in a weekend. A single weekend. Compare that to other games that take weeks, months and in some instances, legal actions.
I imagine all those reviews will be reveresed...
After all this, I’m more worried about Sony and Arrowhead relationship. I would not be surprised to hear that they purchased the ip back from Sony and that they are going independent with publishing.
@REALAIS I think it'd be a good idea if Sony provided incentives to link the account. Agreed!
While I do think the roll-back on this is the right choice on Sony's part, I fear what this decision means for unpopular PS+ Essential line-ups now that the all-caps brigade know they can get their own way if they just whine loud enough.
@AverageGamer They seem to have a really good relationship.
If Sony had stood their ground here I'd be worried about this, but as it stands, from the outside, it seems to be a very collaborative back and forth.
Sony have funded them for years too, so I'm sure there's good will on both sides.
@BeerIsAwesome The big difference is of course that a PSN account wasn't mandatory from the start, even if players have been told that was only temporary. Once players have experienced a certain convenience, even the tiniest change usually leads to a massive uproar.
Had it been mandatory from the start, there would've been a bit of moaning but little else, just like with other external accounts.
I kind of miss "old times" when I just bought a game and played:no cheeky microtransactions(pay to win, or other cosmeticnonsense), creating accounts for nothing, no linking everything to everywhere, no paying for multiplayer etc.
But then I remind myself it's a choice, so I don't make "excuses". I try my best to choose games which are in line with my opinions.
Gamers are the worst.
This has been confirmed to be a Steam decision I believe, not Sony. They were just covering themselves due to the number of complaints.
It's a bit weird to see some folks expressing "disappointment" in Sony over this decision. It's not like they are backtracking on a noble deed or something. They wanted to inflate PSN numbers and realized it isn't worth taking the heat they were getting. This wasn't a heroic act or anything.😅
I hope Sony marketing now gets on it with Arrowhead to create a "Sign up to PSN to get these exclusive rewards in game" offer
And see how they flock to sign up anyway 🫨
Hell hath no fury like a Steam player scorned...
Choosing to conveniently forget that in the good old days games lasted an average of about 5 hours, got no updates or patches and games in Pal territories played games with black borders on the screen and at 25 FPS if it hit the framrate target.
@AverageGamer Nah, I wouldn't worry about that at all. Arrowhead clearly went to Sony and asked them to drop the requirement, which Sony did almost immediately. If anything that indicates there's a significant level of mutual trust and understanding. I think they both know how much they benefit from this partnership.
@get2sammyb And better would be to cover lot more countries with regions. Microsoft especially created new regions for PC Gamepass. Country I am coming from, I can create official Microsoft PC account, but Sony not. Country which is 20 years in EU and 10 years with Euro. Same apllies to neighbour countries.
I can understand that Sony wants all online games under PSN. Even can use same PSN Support staff to resolve any games issues etc. But 69 regions ins total is not great at all. They need to evolve, change something to mainstream that. If I buy Playstation in my country I have to create UK, US profile in general, because of Language. It is easier to deal with English. Tho I now live in UK. UK account is natural for me.
@Ainu20 what? If it would be like that, then there would not be Review Bombing. It happened because of review bombing and Steam pulled game out of 177 countries and started to issue refunds. Money talks.
Cried Their way to a victory I guess. So now do they take back the negative things they said since they were never "forced". Do say thank you Sony for listening? I doubt it.
Respectfully I disagree.
Nowadays it's all about 120fps, 4k and god knows what metrics.
I clearly remember some of my childhood games. They were made between 96- 2005. Back in the time, we were thinking how amazing-looking graphics:D I checked some of those last year, and they look "awful", but enjoyable.
Anyway, I consider it was good time because many dodgy practices didn't exist yet. Or not getting it full on.
The game length varies. I can't talk of each of their own, but my favourite games were strategy games. The storyline of Starcraft 25h, warcraft3 22h, total war games over 30h.
I don't want to make you bored with the list because most of the time the multiplayer part was the best bit, not the story(for me).
But hey, what about discussing our past favourite games on another platform, just to relive their "glory". Then have a laugh and fun on PlayStation together?
@get2sammyb - If they offer rewards for linking accounts, they better offer the same rewards for PS Plus users, because it would be awful to not offer the same or even more to those who actually pay your damn subscription to play your game.
@KoopaTheGamer I am saying the same thing.
Why complain when everybody benefits from this situation.
1. Sony and arrowhead get to keep their large playerbase.
2. PC and console players get to have a larger playerbase
3.The PC gamers who can't make a PSN account due to their countries laws,get to play with others now.
This comment section just reeks of console fanboys being fustrated that some PC gamers don't want to be locked in the Playstation wall garden like they are.
It's always good to stick it to big Corpo.
Wow, PC players are just pathetic. I've never seen anyone throw their dummy out of the pram as hard as these guys.
I get it for those who live in countries where the game was removed, but for those who were being babies all because they had to sign up to PSN are just being pathetic entitled brats. I can already see playstations future live service games like Concord and Fairgames getting review bombed at launch.
Anyone saying this is an L for Sony are out of their damn mind! 170+ plus countries can now keep playing a game that was sold to them, it isnt their fault PSN isnt included in their country, Sony should never had sold the game in those countries in the first place knowing they wanted to introduce the psn requirement
Apart from those blocked out because of legal issues, this is pathetic.
It annoys me massively when companies pander to hissy fits from gamers like this. It only serves to give even more people the drive to shout loudly until they get whatever they want, no matter how pointless and trivial.
Removed - inappropriate
There was mandatory in start of game.
In game trailers, steam page and come up a popup in game when first started that psn is needed.
But then server issues happened and they took it away with notice it will come back.
But pc players didnt read it somehow or ignored it.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@REALAIS I'm not sure I follow. Which part of my post did you disagree with?
I like how many commenters who were calling PC gamers cry babies for pushing back against having to create and link a PSN account are now getting as upset because it was rolled back. If the PSN requirement really was that meaningless then why would you get this upset at Sony for backing down?
@ED_209 I’m sure they would!
I remember when Steam became a thing the PC paupers where in uprising they needed to download and log into it. They had their little tatrum hissy fit non sense. Now they pray to Gabe's fat butt as it's gospel. Sony should have stick to their guns. Give whiny kids what they want and they will become monsters.
Removed - discussing moderation
Disappointed in Sony for this. Never bend. Never known a community that's in their feelings as much as these steam kids.
Arrowhead wanted this. Consumers wanted this. There was no reason to force this account integration, and it's an absolutely massive win on the part of the gaming community and a totally grassroots consumer protest.
I'm suprised at how many people are salty that PC players "won". This was a pretty transparent move on Sony's end to eventually require a PS Plus membership. The whole reason I built a PC is because I'm tired of being nickel and dimed by consoles. This is a win for all of us because it shows that we do hold sway with these corporations.
Also, while it may have said in the fine print that this would eventually happen, they still made a grievous error. They should not have made the game available for purchase in the territories that wouldn't be eligible when they enacted this. We gamers need to stick together
@starbuck2212 Yeah, you have to kneel before Sony for any reason they said so.
I hope with all this phenomenon, console communities take it as an example in the future and stop defending corporate BSs.
Remember GT7 at launch around MTX vs game's economy? After the complains and review bombing, the devs walked back and made the game much less grindy and introduced more ways to get credits and did several adjustments to the economy of the game.
So remember to not accept BSs, greed practices, vote with your wallets and stop being corpo d1ck r1ders!
If you are community which doesn't do everything you are told, then you are kids. But when you accept and swallow everything, then you are real adult gamer. Don't ever say what you think. Just shut your mouth and do what you are told to do.
@tomic20 People paid for the game, if they make a bad change then people have a right to review it how they see fit.
I love how even the developer is happy about this.
The ONLY people upset about this are some random and probably clueless corporate bigwigs and a bunch of very, very salty Playstation console fanboys.
@Ravix lol people will just hack them in their games 😂 we've seen how the anticheat doesn't even work and people have unreleased content, nobody is signing up for exclusives, they'll be taken by force.
This would have been a whole different story if they said up front you needed a PSN account. I feel the new PSN PC Experience was not quite ready at the time HD2 launched and they just though 'we will bolt it in later', with a single employee in the corner quietly questioning those countries that don't have PSN access lol
If Concord and Fairgame$ require a PSN account to play on PC they'll be dead on arrival. There's no going back after this fiasco, you've broken the illusion that it was ever needed in the first place, no way will people ever accept it now.
@rachetmarvel i have seen people here claim pc players should have to pay for ps plus to play helldivers 2
@nomither6 Man you are the biggest Sony hater you complain about everything Sony does and will find a issue with everything they do.
@ZeD But they did say it upfront? Why is everyone peddling this nonsense.
The neck beard army strikes again
@REALAIS Check how many countries Xbox is available versus Playstation Sony is available in more countries. 😂
@ChrisDeku does Steam removing it suggest Sony broke a term of service or something?
They clearly sold the game to players in those countries but then took features away from them (or made it more difficult).
Steam could have even said to Sony that mandatory refunds for all those countries would have to happen.
We don’t know what happened behind closed doors. But I doubt Sony had the backing of Steam to make this decision. And it was likely this that ultimately forced Sony’s hand. But obviously the players will take credit (as they should).
@ChrisDeku Still had more fun playing those games they worked even wirhout patches. Does better looking games mean they are better then older? I can remember my all-time favorites and they are mostly from the PS1 era.
Excellent news, they saw the light. It should never have happened in the first place but I'm glad they eventually listened to the user feedback.
Its a shame that the lesson learned here is that pc players (the ones that are complaining) are the biggest fuvking crybabies ever and if you dont pander to these people your game might suffer.
It also shows a clear bias agains playstation because requiring an outside account to access a game is nothing new. Blizzard does it, ubisoft does it, 2k does it, microsoft does it, bethesda does it for ***** every singleplayer Doom for fs sake. But only now we are seeing this kind of backlash.
@ChrisDeku Don't know what games you were playing, but I don't think I ever played a game I liked 'for only 5 hours'. I've put in hundreds of hours on games that are single playing experiences, thanks. And they had NONE of that newer BS. They just need to be good from the start.
@Flaming_Kaiser oh, thats how it works. Show fingers to something worse rather than improve existing?
Somehow Microsoft has PC Gamepass available in more countries than Xbox consoles has, but it doesnt matter, no?
@PercyVee You can replay games as many times as you want, but that doesn’t change the amount of content they have.
Lots of classic games were very short. From HowLongToBeat.com :
Super Mario Bros. - 2 hours
Sonic the Hedgehog - 2 hours
Meta Gear Solid - 5 hours
Resident Evil - 6 hours
Super Metroid - 7.5 hours
Portal - 3 hours
Doom - 5 Hours
Castlevania - 3 hours
Only RPGs were giving you the same kind of playtimes in those days
They didn’t take anything away, the announced change was still like a month away. After Steam delisted those games they were still playable in those regions.
Sony announced the change on Friday, went home for the weekend and by Monday morning in the office they’d seen the reaction and changed course. They never even had time to announce what the plan was for people in official unsupported territories(again please note that anyone anywhere in the world can create a psn account without a VPN or any restrictions)
This was so overblown aside from people in proper affected countries (so I’m not including them in this)
Yes pushing back on actual problems is good.
But this? No way complain when the game is broken or something not this!
these people better be off the grid and not sign up for anything, no game pass, no apps… nothing otherwise they are complaining about very little.
@ChrisDeku Can't speak for all the games but those times seem extremely short. Metal Gear Solid in 5 hours? Sure, for an experienced player who skips most of the cutscenes, but the average first time experience has to be about double that.
Resident Evil 1 in 6 hours doesn't feel accurate either. Super Metroid in 7.5 seems more reasonable but even that is probably on the shorter side for a blind playthrough.
@TheAmbienWalrus nope. They changed the product page when they announced it
Edit: I am using what I saw on Reddit for this. I may be wrong 😑
@Ainu20 I do tend to agree, in that I find most average completion times to be quite short, I always assumed I was a slow player but perhaps others are just playing every game like it’s a speedrun.
Good. In the future they’d be well served by 1) not making this kind of change on a Friday and 2) file the necessary paperwork to ensure you aren’t selling a product in a country your plans don’t support. This is not rocket science but common sense.
That being said, creating an account isn’t a huge deal. Pc gamers constantly sign up for new accounts in all kinds of games and online content, this is small fry.
@UltimateOtaku91 let’s not act as if Playstation gamers weren’t having an aneurysm over slightly covered up boobs a week ago.
@Flaming_Kaiser when I was going through Reddit the past few days, some one put the details page through the way back machine and found that it was an optional requirement
@TheAmbienWalrus it’s a strange one because if the PSN account is needed, they sold it to countries that don’t have access.
That is what I found the oddest thing about it all tbh (especially when they pulled it from those country stores!)
I don’t use steam so I was just looking on Reddit so I may not be 100% correct but I did just see some one post a screen shot of the PS Direct shop saying you don’t need a PSN account (21 hrs ago)
Good decision. It was all quite unnecessary.
@ChrisDeku HA! Those are completion times for people that have actually played and know what they are doing. I 100% guarantee, those are NOT the times to beat for a first timer back in the days when those games were sold, as we were saying, without all the BS they have now. Those are current times, including people that zip through knowing what is going on. Most of those times are WAY under the actual return on the cost of playing one of those games when originally bought.
@NEStalgia SOE was sold and renamed. They're still around. I just don't remember their name. They made payday, dc universe online.
@TheAmbienWalrus Trophy integration shouldn't be an issue whatsoever. Including PSN login is fine, as long as it's optional. So PSN members can use Playstation trophies. And for the non-PSN members they can still have Steam achievements.
@truerbluer The first of the Big Three that is able to make PC-gaming into an affordable "premium" console experience (not a handheld like the Steam Deck - which is already the model for the concept) will be the only "console" I buy (well, except a Nintendo console as I will always own a Nintendo console).
The only reason I got out of PC gaming was 1) expensive and 2) spending more time "tinkering" with settings than I was actually gaming.
Otherwise, I prefer the PC ecosystem: games tend to be cheaper as Steam/GOG has sales all the time and Epic gives games way like candy. Each of those services also have their own Cloud saves for free. Plus, no paywall for online multiplayer.
Devs would probably love to have a dedicated set of hardware to use as a central point on the PC side.
Heck the UI could stay very console like with the company's store still being the default, but then let you link your Steam/GOG/Epic accounts and a new tab lists all the "verified games" you own on those platforms to install.
Verification could just be as simple as the default settings falling within hardware specifications and gamepad support or as complicated as having settings specifically tweaked for the console and having different menu behavior whenever running on this PC console.
For power users, have a special key combination to load the desktop (just like the Steam Deck does) and install games that may not be certified but can still run with some settings adjustments or older games that may be "wonky" due to limited gamepad support, or require community patches to run on [X] Operating System.
I am sure a metadata tag could be added to new games as part of the executable to check if the game is running on said "console" and automatically adjust to the "verified" settings as well as have a "console-like" menu with only minimal settings.
Let power users like hold down the L3/R3 buttons on their analog sticks or something in the Settings Menu to "unlock" the PC Settings Menu should they want more control.
On topic: Alls well that ends well, I guess.
While I certainly think some people were being absolute cry-babies about the situation - especially those whose argument was basically "Sony. Bad.", other arguments were valid (e.g. those in countries where PSN wouldn't be valid and therefore locked out unless they break the TOS).
This was probably the best solution for this game given how everything was handled over the weekend. I certainly understand Sony requiring it for Ghosts of Tsushima Legends (or any other online game in the future) just like I understand accounts for any other online portion of a game from a publisher where the publisher's servers are being used to host said game. Just, make sure it's enabled at launch.
Good. A class action was likely given they’d sold to countries where PSN isn’t available.
Those are speed runs surely?
Done by players who put in loads of hours practice.
Sony. The dad that wants to be strict but can't.
"The only reason I got out of PC gaming was 2) spending more time "tinkering" with settings than I was actually gaming"
The plethora of graphics settings used to fry my brain. Adjusting them endlessly and measuring the difference, trying to balance quality v frame rate v resolution v how loud the fans get. Aarrghh, am getting flashbacks just talking about it.
Came back to console gaming this gen as I longed for simple plug and play.
Only to find out graphics settings (albeit far fewer) have now crept into console gaming...
@GeeForce "Only to find out, graphics settings (albeit far fewer) have now crept into console gaming..."
At least they are simple settings.
But, yes, I agree. Developers should just make a "default" experience and be done with it.
Simple for now.
Have a couple of games that now have the choice of HD textures. Won't be long before the choice of shadow detail etc creeps in so you can increase the frame rate, as it has become such an issue for many users to the point they won't buy a game if the rate isn't high enough.
@GeeForce "Have a couple of games that now have the choice of HD textures."
What games are those? I thought that was more for drive space saving rather than actual performance differences.
"Won't be long before the choice of shadow detail etc creeps in so you can increase the frame rate"
Dragon's Dogma 2 lets your turn real-time RT on/off to try help with frame rate, so I guess there is precedent.
Yet I've had to make an Xbox account to play Grounded on my PS5. Do I care? Not at all.
Why do PC gamers let MS do whatever they want but cry when Sony does the same?
Dead Island 2 and one of the Borderland games (2 I think).
Optional for just HDD space saving you say?
That's not so bad then, thought it was also a performance enhancing option.
aren't pc gamers used to all the account requirements they have to put up with yet? i would expect the same outcry with rockstar, epic, ubisoft, ea, etc accounts but have yet to see it with this level of viciousness. having a hard time understanding why this particular game at this particular time resulted in such a backlash while other publishers got a free pass?
A lot of PC users already have a MS account.
More childish pc players making us pc guys all look like childish aholes they were told about this day 1 ! It is not like this it the only game doing it !
@GeeForce with the amount of accounts you have to make to use a PC (not just games), I don't see how 1 more is even an issue. It's a pain on a console to make Xbox, EA, Ubisoft, Activision accounts etc when you don't have a keyboard but it's really a non issue on PC. Dumbest thing I've heard from the PC folk in recent times
I really didn't see it as a big deal. The thing is, the people that have been telling folks like me that "all digital is the future!" And "lol I've been buying games on Steam for 20 years!" "Physical is long dead" etc, etc.
You'd have thought those (PC) people would be the last to complain about online accounts since they're advocates of all things digital.
I wonder if they complain about needing a Steam account to play games...
The PC will be Sony's downfall and we Playstation fans will have to pay for it.
@GeeForce Those are for completing the game to the credits, they are probably a little bit of the fast side though. Speedrun world record for Mario Bros. Is 4 minutes and 54 seconds though.
I got the wrong Metal Gear though, apparently Metal Gear Solid(2000) is the Gameboy game. PS game was 11 hours, which sounds about right.
@Deityjester but they didnt make any change. it was clear before launch that a third party account was required to play the game. It wasn't hidden. They weren't ready to enforce it on launch because they prioritized to cover the huge demand that they weren't expecting. They didn't ask for money. A free signup that takes minutes to complete. We signup to forums, to youtube, to facebook, to pushsquare , the whole discussion that signing up for a game that you want to play is bad, is just stupid.
@Savage_Joe never said to sign up for a us PSN account, not sure where you’re quoting that from. I’m well aware Sony region locks stuff, so I wouldn’t ever advise someone to do something that will get them banned.
In terms of the one more account to sign up for comment, yeah I don’t see the issue. If I went to your steam page I have no doubt I’d see games in your library that require the same. It’s not a bad thing, but acting like it’s a new low is absurd. That being said, Sony made a massive mistake on this one. They released a game in countries where they knew, or should have known, that people were literally renting the game without knowing it. I recently quit PlayStation and moved to steam (steam deck mainly, gaming habits need a revamp) and this is one of those times where I am reminded how I made the right choice. Sony is moving backwards after failing to move forwards.
@tomic20 I think it's something that needs to be there right at the start to avoid things like this. Sure they may have had reasons for delaying it, but it's not something you can insert after everyone's bought it already.
@Savage_Joe fair enough, assumed it was a misquote. But yeah, some folks have gone too far with that. Making an account is one thing but advising a bannable action is another. This is a dumpster fire that should have been seen a mile away. Simple things easily avoided are clearly hard for Sony to spot. Have to wonder if valve played a role in the back peddling, last I checked refunds of that nature are out of platform holders pockets. Would be surprised if they weren’t happy to claw it out of Sonys pockets.
@Balosi it was but only as tiny fine print. The average consumer needs to be made aware of it in an obvious manner. Any legal team worth a lick would have informed Sony of this. This has been a wild year for them.
@Balosi why it isn't? what 's the issue with a one minute sign up?
and now its the time console customers demand better gaming prices and no paying anything to play online, same way as pc players, since sony likes pc so much
They shouldn't have paid the ransom, now it will just happen again with every little thing.
People rooting for corporate interests and profiteering rather than the people using their voice and action to incite change is frankly disgusting.
I applaud the backlash and am happy to see that the people, when loud enough, can still compel change.
"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."
@KawakiisaFraud Nah,you just need to get a PC. It's the best of both worlds.
No, sorry, unlike all the freedom fighters, I still prefer physical games over digital games.
@get2sammyb I agree that this was likely overblown by a majority of users in unaffected regions. Sony releasing the game without the account linking requirement, then implementing this later in regions the game shouldn't have been sold in on PC was also a likely oversights.
Third party account linking/launchers have been a contentious topic for PC gamers for a long time. With this games online gameplay style, the PSN account linking makes complete sense to me too (a primarily PC gamer).
I think the late implementation of this requirement on PC is the root cause of the frustration in this situation. I think that should have been there on day one.
This is why I hate "gamer communities". Mob rule over the most trivial *****. I sure hope all you keyboard warriors extend your rage towards bigger more impactful things in life one day.
"We're still learning" Haha sure you are, Sony.
Sure you are..
@DonkeyFantasy no to be that guy...but the almighty Google says that that are considerably more PC players than console players. Like, even PS, Xbox and the Big N combined they don't even hold a candle to PC player numbers world wide...
@DonkeyFantasy I'm just pointing out that they aren't the "vocal minority". Sony blinked because it's become more and more evident that consoles are less popular and more people are purchasing PCs. In layman's terms, they need us. More importantly, they need Valve, and forcing them to give out refunds doesn't do much for their business relationship. Selling a game in territories that aren't on the PSN network also wreaks of class action lawsuit. Point being there's plenty of blame to go around and Sony should have been able to predict this PR nightmare
Does over a hundred countries really represent “a handful of gamers” to this blog?
People here are REALLY eager to defend the billion dollar company, holy moly.
Was the PSN account requirement announced ahead of time? Yes. Was it also tucked away in a hard to notice spot meaning the majority of players were completely unaware? Also yes. Was the game also knowingly sold by Sony in over 100 countries that would be losing access just a few months later? ALSO YES. Don't even try to pretend Sony is blameless here, they bungled this spectacularly.
There's also the matter of privacy concerns - Sony has shown repeatedly that their server breach/hack protection is almost non-existent, so being forced to make an account for a service that's likely to get hacked again and all your details being out there was not a very enticing proposition to a lot of Steam users. And before you say "but all you need is a username/password", that's only in some countries. For example, some (like the UK) require you to upload a picture of your face or your government ID to make your PSN account. One data breach and your face + username will be out there for anyone to find.
It's been shown time and time again that when gamers don't like something, the only course of action that actually gets a developer/publisher's attention is hitting them where it hurts, namely their income. This has worked on Steam many times before and this is no exception.
But even outside all of this Sony should've known better - every single time a new PC game requires yet another account somewhere there's a massive outcry. Hardly anyone uses the Epic Game Store to buy games, for instance, because everyone just wants to have all their games in one place on Steam. If they'd paid any attention at all the last few years they would've known people wouldn't take this well, especially with them trying to be sneaky about it and only introducing it after they already got everyone's money. A much better option would've been to keep it optional, but offer a small bonus of some kind to those who did make an account.
@Shepherd_Tallon All it takes is one bad situation to ruin the party for everyone. I'm sure Sony isn't too happy that Arrowhead was weaponizing their player base against them to reverse the situation
@Ainu20 ". Arrowhead clearly went to Sony and asked them to drop the requirement, which Sony did almost immediately."
This wasn't even almost immediately. Almost Immediately would have been like how Xbox tried to raise the price of live, and then only a couple hours later go back on that. The developers knew about this for 6 months. And it took Sony over 48hrs to go back on their requirements. This should have been changed Friday after noon the moment after the OG announcement and the back lash came in. They let it fester all weekend to the point come Monday morning. I'm sure news channel outside of the gaming world would probably be talking about it, and it could affect stock value. People was talking about lawsuits and getting governments involved.
Then you have developers in their Discord sever weaponizing the player base against Sony by approving the massive review bombing and mass refunding instead telling them "We're working on fixing the situation". This sound like Sony wasn't listening to the developers to not push this in the first place since they knew about it for months.
This is not good situation all around and can easily affect their relationship going forward. You don't bite the hand that feed you.
@ChrisDeku Idk, I think it's that PC Gamers really do see consoles as below them, and do not want to be stifled. PC are less of a walled garden, and more of a passion, I think they're more invested than most of us. I dont see it as "hating corpo's". Its like rebuilding a car, or a garden, its personal.
@8bitOG yeah, I think if you look at each console Gen, the number never gets past 250 million often. It's estimated that as of 2024 there is over 1.8 billion PC Gamers. add up the ps4 and xbone, ps2 and xbox OG. along with Nintendo consoles for each gen, and yeah, never really breaks 300 mill most gens. PC is just a giant, and I suspect that's why nearly every game in existence gets sold on there either 1st or day 1. Sony selling games on PC makes financial sense.
1.8 Billion potential buyers.
@rachetmarvel I don't want to play with PC players, they hate us, for them, consoles would be already dead and cease to exist
"that's why nearly every game in existence gets sold on there either 1st or day 1. "
Well, games are made on PC and most indie games don't have enough financial value to publish their games on PSN, Eshop, or Live, it's not just about being a bigger or smaller market.
@11001100110zero These people who play on PC, treat the platform as a way of living, most of them don't play for fun, they play on PC because they think is a way to be a superior human being. I play on the console for fun after a long day of work, most of PC players are on reddit telling others how their $2000 machine is better than a $499 console.
I'm more invested than many of them, so why couldn't I? Just because I play on consoles? I love videogames too, being playing for more than 25 years. This *****, we should stop treating PC players are superior human beings.
I can't wait for the future when no one will need to spend $2000 on a PC just to play videogames.
@rachetmarvel I work all week and all day in front of a PC, why would I buy a PC to enjoy my free time on..... PC? Do I want to get depressed or what? Besides being unhealthy as hell.
How many of these people are going to remove their review bomb now that they've complied? Doesn't seem right that Arrowhead gets stained by reviewers when they built a great game.
Good and while i won't praise Sony for seeing sense i'm happy they have. Hopefully we can all put this behind us and go back to loving the game. A big W for gamers.
@Vault_Mcfly I have an upper end mid PC that I built for under $2k. You could easily build a decent one in the $1k range that would play just about anything. Games may have more capabilities on PC, but they're mostly designed for console hardware so you don't need a super computer to play 99% of the games out there. Not to mention, an $80 annual subscription for the base PSN is exorbitant at best. Honestly, I bet bang for buck the two price points end up being similar
@Vault_Mcfly I dont think many believe they are superior. Idk how you ended up feeling as though they look down on you for console gaming.
I simply meant that for them it's a passion, and they want to push the capabilities of the game. I'm simply saying that you can buy a car, and be content, or you can buy it, mod it, and truly feel ownership over it. I play on both.
If I have a choice of gaming with ultrawide support, FPS above 120hz and stable, and can buy said game from a place of my choosing? Then I will. that doesn't make me superior. Just means I roll differently. Its stupid for people to think PCs better than console, or PS better than Xbox, or console better than mobile. Who gives a hoot.
@InsaneWade Ah! Thanks for the info!
I knew about the server issues in the opening weeks for the game, which my understanding was primarily down to the massive loads on the servers. I didn't realize the account linking requirement was there from day one.
That certainly does indeed point to an oversight for the game to be placed on sale on PC in areas where PSN is inaccessible. Like Microsoft before it, Sony has some learning to do in the PC market. PlayStation was my primary gaming console from the PSOne to PS3 generations, before I built my first gaming rig - it's been primarily PC for me ever since.
I'm glad to see Sony releasing it's games on PC - especially on GOG.com, where I can future proof my gaming purchases!
This is the typical strategy of announcing something controversial, letting it fester for a while and then backtracking, only to propose it again down the road when people have acclimated to the new reality.
Not that this was Sony's original intention, but the backtracking will be valid for Helldivers 2 alone. Future games will definitely require the PSN login.
This is very similar to how Microsoft is conducting their multiplatform strategy: leak that Halo, Gears and Forza are coming to PlayStation, let the uproar take over the internet and then say "no no no, only these four". Yeah, right.
@AverageGamer That's just community management though, and the Arrowhead CEO took responsibility for his part in the mess too, then thanked Sony for listening.
Even if they are mad now, give it another month of Helldivers related income in the bank.
Money makes everyone happy.
This will be filed under "lessons learned the hard way/bullets dodged" and everyone will move on.
After letting ppl play game for couple months without PSN and then making it mandatory is beyond stupidity.Still good that Sony listened and retracted.I'll say Sony is just testing how far they can go,any1 remember RDR2 mp situation? Enjoy your victory but if u think u are gonna go without PSN in future,you are dead wrong,YOU will have PSN if want Playstation studio games,I guarantee it😎
@Savage_Joe but PC gamers were FIRST to accept account for gaming, remember when u spend ....load of money for new PC to play Half Life 2? Kaboom Babe Newell needs account, everyone hated the guy,now he is God to you. Nobody likes to make accounts for a HOBBY.But will all do it eventually
Reading the comments, it's extremely concerning how people are defending Sony's anti-consumer and anti- competitive practices.
@EbolaGW yup , and there’s several comments here that made excellent points as to why they’re on the wrong side of the fence about this situation , and yet they just keep going . there’s no reasoning with rabid fanboyism; liking a brand is one thing - i get it , i like playstation , but fanboyism is on a whole ‘nother level. if you don’t strictly own only a playstation i think you’re a sony hater /s .
@Shepherd_Tallon There is no tweet or reply where he took full responsibility. He only states that he played a part in the situation due he decision to display PSN requirement from day 1. I have been following this situation along all weekend and follow the CEO twitter.
Even if it was community management, they are looked as the voice of the studio, they’re say reflects back on the image of the studio cause it they messages where the one being pass along on twitter, Reddit… etc.
EDIT: It looked like one of community management was "Almost" fired. Quoting "Turns out that telling people to review-bomb and refund a game isn't a popular decision with the publisher. "
Sony definitely was not happy with the entire situation.
It just feels like Sony has been more anti-everything these days, they make Apple look like angels.
Wish we could beat sony's ass over censorship but I am stuck waiting until they overplay their hand I guess.
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