
Following reports of internal debates at Microsoft over whether the next Call of Duty entry should be part of Xbox Game Pass at launch following the firm's acquisition of Activision, a new article from the Wall Street Journal claims it has now settled on going forward with plans to bundle the FPS in with the subscription service straight away.
The report says: "Microsoft plans a major shakeup of its videogame sales strategy by releasing the coming installment of Call of Duty to its subscription service instead of the longtime, lucrative approach of only selling it a la carte." The all-new entry is rumoured to be part of the Black Ops sub-series, and the game — which will also release for PS5 and PS4 — is expected to be revealed next month directly after the Xbox Games Showcase on 9th June 2024.
Previously, it was reported Microsoft was internally weighing up the cost of putting the franchise on Xbox Game Pass, and how much money it might lose out on given each instalment is always one of the best-selling games every year. It appears the Xbox owner has fallen on the side of allowing subscribers access to the next FPS from day one, though this may make another suggestion supposedly bounced around privately at Microsoft a more realistic prospect: increasing the price of Xbox Game Pass once more.
What Microsoft ends up doing will have little impact on the PS5, PS4 versions of the game, as they'll release as usual at $70 for at least the next decade. Expect to learn more about the next Call of Duty title next month, including gameplay and a suggested October 2024 release date.
[source wsj.com]
Comments 110
I wonder if Xbox wanted to do this, and MS said "only if you save $X first", hence the studio closures. Timing may just be coincidence.
Well it sells more on PS5 and PC anyways. But that’s still walking away from a lot of revenue if true. It’s so hard to get accurate game pass subscription data we will likely not even know if it was a success. It’s a huge gamble either way but I think it’s probably smarter to launch day and date than walk back the entire game pass model.
I think that’s the right thing to do, especially has I have GAME PASS and something they have always said. Microsoft Studios all games day one and now ABK is they should do that, the same when they purchased Bethesda etc.
I wish Playstation had all the old CODs. Would love to play original W2 and MW3 Spec Ops again with my friends
Good luck!
Want this to be successful Microsoft?
Sell your Series X|S with 1 year of Game Pass Ultimate (with Call of Duty 2024 logos all over that box).
That could court some of that crowd that are still playing on PS4 and even potentially convert them to Xbox ecosystem.
Another genius move would be to make online multiplayer 100% free to use on Xbox. I bet that would court a huge amount of people to the hardware knowing they wouldn't have to subscribe to ANY service to enjoy the main appeal to the game.
Cool. I do wonder what the outcome of this is.
On one hand this will definitely mean less copies sold, on the other, it should drive new Game Pass subs to some degree.
Question is - how many CoD players aren't subscribed already and how many would rather subscribe than buy the game itself - and if they do subscribe - for how long.
How much is gamepass monthly sub going up to with this i wonder? And how much does third party day 1 games continue to decline to offset.
I'm sure it's true because Xbox would be stupid to backtrack on their explicit Game Pass day one commitment with the game they mainly fought so hard to get ABK for.
I can't wait to see the results from this. If anything will get Xbox to its lofty goal of 100 million Game Pass subs, it's Call of Duty.
The publisher that doesn't learn, holy smokes lol. We'll see, but this feels like the final nail in the coffin. Sorry to see you go, Xbox. I'll still take gears and halo on playstation though, thanks!
Could this mean that CoD isn't the #1 selling game of the year for two years running? If Madden or the College Football game do well enough, and enough people play CoD on XBox, is it possible?
They didn't really have an option, backing out of what they previously promised would result in even worse PR than they've been dealing with regarding studio closures. Their GP model was never sustainable and they did this to themselves 100%
Hope the game turns out well for them. I’m actually not a fan of call of duty but if Call of Duty doesn’t at least do average numbers for a COD game, heads are going to roll. Meaning more people will be fired.
That’s a lot of pressure on the creative team leading this entry.
If I’m a COD player and have 100 digital games purchased and installed on my PS5 (with trophies, platinums, friends, communities, etc. — all that in the PS ecosystem), am I really going to fork out the money for an Xbox Series console just to subscribe to Game Pass and play COD? I say no; I’ll just buy the latest COD on PS5. Alternatively I could play it on PC Game Pass. Either way Microsoft would be losing money the way I see it.
I may be wrong but COD is not going to make a massive difference to Game Pass subscriptions in the long run; perhaps a boost in subscriptions in the immediate future but no more than that. I also don’t understand how this makes sense on a more basic economic level: how are they going to recoup the costs for creating and marketing these COD games? Do Game Pass subscriptions make up for that? I have my doubts …
Oh Microsoft! 🙄
I don't really think it'll move the needle much for them but it could help with PC GP and maybe get a couple of those Steam kids into the ecosystem.
With Playstation, I can see those thinking about which next gen console maybe having this influence their decision.
A bold choice but, a very short term benefit choice.
@MadCaptain2207 But you're on PC Gamepass and if they retain you as a customer that's a win.
Had a chat a work with the younger serious COD PS5 crowd and asked them what would they do if COD was Xbox exclusive.
Their response in a second was. Buy a series X.
Interesting but I don’t think Microsoft want to do or even think about risking that, not that they can because of the deal anyway.
They have to, otherwise the whole idea of GP is dead. But they should get rid of monthly subscriptions and force people to yearly subscriptions instead.
Looks like cod will no longer be the number one selling game anymore, this pretty much kills the sales for Xbox and hurts the sales on PC for those willing to subscribe to gamepass . Very big gamble, curious to see how much it increases subscriber to game pass and if they announce a price increase as well.
That's going to cost them.
@OldGamer999 I'd be curious why they chose PlayStation over Xbox if COD is their main game. My guess is either habit and they had a PS4 before, they just "prefer" PlayStation (for no real reason), or they prefer the controller.
It's not as if platform ultimately matters for COD. You can buy a cheap Series S and still play the latest Call of Duty just fine.
As Microsoft owns COD now, PS5, PC, Mobile etc - all equal revenue (*some PC players will likely opt for Gamepass). My guess is that Gamepass will see a new subscriber spike that will last many months with most COD players buying the game for multiplayer.
@MrBook yes CoDs an odd one. Apparently the biggest game out there yet I know noone who plays it. It's not even (afaik) big with children like say Roblox or fortnite.
I dunno, it seems silly to me given COD is just guaranteed sales. The people will buy it regardless. Essentially giving it away is surprising.
@GamingFan4Lyf As much as I would be in favour or paid online being scrapped altogether, from a business sense it could cause a massive hit to revenue. Not only would they take a hit on basically game pass core being redundant, they would also potentially lose out on customers that sign up to ultimate because they already have to pay for core for the online and don't mind paying a little bit extra for ultimate.
I have PS Plus Premium because I don't mind paying the difference between Essential and Premium but if I was no longer required to sign up for PS Plus for online then I'm not really sure if I'd continue to pay for premium and a reduction in the sub price would certainly be expected to compensate for the paid online no longer being required, which would also massively affect revenue figures.
If this doesn't "fix" game pass for them and in turn Xbox in general they are so done as a console player long term.
I doubt this will mean a LOT more Xbox Consoles sold. It perhaps won't make sense for all those Playstation gamers who bought PS5 because of CoD and its benefits to PS gamers to suddenly rush out and buy a Series X and a Game Pass Subscription to 'save' buying it on a Platform they already had.
It may help a bit where those gamers that haven't yet upgraded to the current Console hardware, as CoD has been released on Last gen too, they may 'choose' to upgrade to Xbox now instead of Playstation, but it may depend on how many Digital games they own and would 'lose' by jumping from PS to Xbox.
MS stated ALL first Party games will be on Game Pass. The price went up recently - only a small amount, but with 35m, a $1 per person increase is an extra $35m a month, $420m a year - Game Pass 'income' is not something ABK had coming in. Also, every game sold on MS, they now get 100%, not just 30% as retailer on ALL digital content. You buy a season pass for say £20, in the past, ABK as Publisher would get £14, MS got £6 - now MS get all £20. Its not just 'Game' sales as Warzone, Free to Play anyway, also has numerous ways of bringing in money...
CoD has Season Passes, Cosmetic Bundles, CoD Points etc and those bring in a LOT of revenue. Whilst some of those on Game Pass may only play the Campaign and not buy 'anything' extra, they probably wouldn't have bought the game anyway. Some others that may not have bought may well end up buying extras too - And you have ALL the revenue from selling the Game on PS5, selling extras to those. They may make a LOT more money from 'Sony' console gamers as they have the larger install base and won't be getting the game for 'free'. MS also had a deal with Nintendo - which may well bring in 'extra' income to offset some of the lost sales from Game Pass users.
As we have seen from 'MS' and the way they have offered Games, you get the 'base' game ONLY. CoD (as well as many other games) usually offer a Prestige/Collectors edition - maybe with the first Season Pass, extra Cosmetics, maybe early 'Beta' access etc so will bring in 'money' from Game Pass as CoD gamers pay £35-£40 to 'upgrade' their Game Pass edition to a Prestige/Premium edition. Its still cheaper than the £100+ Premium edition on PS for example but £100+ is still cheaper than buying a Series X to get the same quality experience and a Game Pass Subscription just to get the base game 'free'...
MS may not make as much 'per person' playing on Xbox as they would if it was 'Sold', but they could make 'more' money overall because its being Sold on Nintendo and bringing in more revenue on 'extras' across MORE platforms as they have MORE people in that game/marketstore!
This is the dumbest thing i’ve read all week.
Xbox dug their own grave, and are not patting down the soil they’ve filled the whole with 😂
The large amount of money they will lose on this will just mean they will put more of their other games onto Playstation consoles, this could be a massive win for Playstation players.
@TJ81 The thing is there are many people out there that just play CoD and not much more. It doesn't make sense to pay over double the price to play the game for "free" as part of game pass over the course of a year, rather than just buying it outright so I don't expect there will be as big an increase in subscribers as you may expect.
I don’t care either way. I just thought I would ask them for fun.
I’m to old to worry about COD and what console nowadays.
I’m ready for something new. I don’t have faith in Microsoft’s Activision anymore. If only Sony could bring back a Socom game that was as massive and more realistic than what CoD has become.
Just getting the developers to codevelop a game where it could release every other year would be nice.
They were PS4 then moved to PS5 of course.
I just asked about 4 of them for fun, as I saw them together one day.
Xbox lost the FIFA and COD crowd at the PS4 era as Sony very cleverly took the advertising rights of Xbox after the xbox360 era. So lots switched to PS4 because Sony advertised well on TV and with bundles making it look like COD and FIFA were PS4 only. That was pure Sony advertising genius.
@UltimateOtaku91 How much will they lose? From the last few years, Sony has certainly dominated as far as where the vast majority of 'Console' gamers have purchased this game. Over 70% of MW3 sales were on PS in the first week or so and if that continued, with 30m copies sold, that's over 20m on PS.
MS may 'lose' 5-10m sales of the 'base' game as those gamers choose to play through Game Pass. But a number of those will likely pre-order the Prestige edition with a Season Pass some cosmetics and/or early 'Beta' access. All those extras, like CoD points, Season Passes, Cosmetic Bundles etc (also in Free to Play Warzone) will bring in revenue from GP subs.
MS too will bring CoD to 'more' players as they have a deal with Nintendo as well as numerous others, so may actually get more sales than they 'lose' on Xbox to Game Pass Subscribers. All the 'extras' too will still be 'sold' to Game Pass Subscribers and EVERYONE who wants to 'try' CoD online must have at least a Game Pass 'Core' Subscription on Xbox and/or keep their Game Pass Subscription active to keep playing which costs more than buying the game anyway...
I’m starting to think Phil Spencer is a double agent Secretly working for Sony because he keep making Idiotic business Decisions.
@MrBook And yet Activision has opened 2 new Studios since they were acquired - Infinity Ward opened a new Studio in Austin last November to work on CoD tech and create 'innovative' new CoD experiences. This week, they announced a new Studio in Poland, Elseswhere Studios.
Roundhouse were 'merged' into Zenimax Online and maybe some of Arkane Austin staff were moved to other MS Austin based Studios, maybe to help Infinity Ward Austin to staff up and couldn't logistically 'staff' up both. With Arkane, they had lost a lot of the 'best' staff after being forced by Zenimax to make 'Redfall' in a way they had no experience or desire to make it. It may have cost too much to restaff and get them making games with ALL their other Studios (inc new Studios as part of the ABK group) so better to shutter and employ at Infinity Ward Austin for example as they may have a Game in development and likely ready to release much sooner.
@Kevw2006 Fair point, it'll be interesting to see how it all pans out. This is a very 'disruptive' period on the history of video games!
Yes I do get that feeling as well but in the UK I know a few PS5 owners that always get COD, FIFA and the other odd sports title and game.
But they definitely don’t play the games I like.
The big AAA exclusives like last of us 2, GOWR and Uncharted etc.
so I’m not sure really overall.
I also think releasing call of duty on gamepass mid gen won't effect playstation much, most call of duty players on playstation won't change consoles now just for one game being on a subscription service. Also casuals who only play online games won't budge either as in the long run being subscribed to gamepass just for call of duty will end up costing more than actually buying the game.
Microsoft can afford to keep subsidizing gamepass for Xbox since they are a rich software company with a high cash flow. Other companies across all industries wish they could be like big software companies. It’s why Sony’s PlayStation division and Nintendo have to manage their brands better.
Well... most sales will be on Playstation anyways.
No one in their right mind will invest on an Xbox now.
@BAMozzy Lol I completely forgot Xbox had stupidly promised to bring COD to Switch in a desperate bid to appease the regulators. Thank you, that reminder got a hearty chuckle out of me on a slow Friday afternoon. Can’t wait to see how that s***show turns out.
xbox should make future COD EXCLUSIVE to gamepass with no retail release of any kind on xbox. that would be an interesting experiment that i would like to observe
It definitely won’t make any difference at all in the UK, Germany and Europe.
The only way Xbox could gain a small amount of ground console sales wise on PS5 is if COD was exclusive to Xbox consoles etc and not on PS5
Then it would be a small amount.
Xbox would have to totally also need to cut the series x price to about £350, COD exclusive to Xbox and advertise very well and do bundles.
Then they might gain a bit more on PS5 console sales.
The poor Xbox console is almost dead in Europe.
In the USA they would stand a far better chance of gaining ground on PS5 sales.
I would be interested to know what is the most played feature on COD. Is it the old school multilayer and zombies, or is it now tur f2p warzone. If its the latter, then I can't see any new subscribers to gamepass, as those who play warzone already have it. UNLESS they create a new tier of Game Pass for COD. So they don't put up the prices of current gp bit introduce a new tier so technically its keeping promise.
I just can't see someone forking out for new xbox just to pay gamepass just to play cod. If that was the case, the would butcher their own xbox sales for anything they plan to release on ps as it would be free on game pass. This would also then pee off third parties, because if ps players moved to xbox for cod, they would get a lot of third party games for free and therefore massive loss of sales.
They're likely betting on huge increase of subs given that it is a system seller after all. But my negative side right now sees this as the start of the end of Activision, due to how unsustainable the approach is.
I guess I'll be moving over to the series X for COD this year then if its free with gamepass.
@Kevw2006 Yeah, that's the real kicker isn't it?
I guess from a practicality side of things, though, if everyone ditched Core and Ultimate, it would tell me, as a business, that people only cared about it because of online. But I guess that's why I don't run a business - lol!
At least on the PC side of things, the people subscribing to it are doing it because they see it as value, not because online is included - even if those numbers aren't huge.
Personally, I can take or leave Game Pass. Sure, I take advantage of it on the daily, but I wouldn't care if it disappeared either.
I would think it would save Microsoft a ton of money not worrying about maintaining Game Pass and just collect revenue for console sales, game sales, and microtransactions - as those would surely increase if people could just purchase the console and the games they want and pay for nothing else as even Cloud Saves are free.
The thing is, the Game Pass push just isn't working. I don't see Call of Duty changing that. Microsoft needs to make bolder moves if it expects people to be more drawn to its ecosystem.
So...remove the online paywall and just see what happens. If Game Pass tanks completely, well, so what if it does end up bringing in more people buying Xbox consoles and getting its cut from game sales?
I could totally see the budget-conscious crowd still stuck in the PS4 era buying a Series S and Call of Duty knowing that is all they have to pay for to play the game online (and significantly cheaper than upgrading to a PS5).
Think of it as Microsoft throwing money at the problem in a different kind of way.
Do we know if sony still collects only the 20% in revenue from having the game on its platform or has it reverted to the 30% since the acquisition
Its the right thing for them to do but they will probably have to raise the price of game pass as a result and will more than likely end up just making it more beneficial for players to just buy it than paying for it monthly on game pass.
@Drago201 Gone back up to 30% due to their marketing contract with Activision ending, so looks like Sony will be getting more from this game from now on.
Sounds like either they'll price hike or force ads into every tier of Game Pass.
Another call of duty game I won’t be buying 😝
That's good news for me. I would normally buy it at $20 a year or two later if i bought it at all and play the campaign and maybe a little zombies. I actually plan to try the multiplayer this go round.
Live service games that people play and nothing else but that game is great for subscriptions. The player's, they end up paying more for the game throughout the year because you have to pay to play online either way and with people paying for skins it's a no brainer, I don't blame them especially when people buy it day one still.
Excluding the skins they would be paying like 200 beans for it maybe more for the first year.
@UltimateOtaku91 thanks for the info
It's expected Call of Duty will launch into Game Pass and that's going to really hurt the Activision-Blizzard part of Xbox. The revenue loss will be massive, but it's what Xbox asked for. Unfortunately for Xbox, after buying ABK, Xbox is no longer a pet project and shareholders want a return on their large investment. Expect the losses to be made up elsewhere such as releasing actual Xbox games like Halo and Gears of War, etc. on other, more popular, platforms and Xbox going fully multi-platform.
@MrBook Already got series X and GP already. Only use it now and again for Forza and playing some different games on GP.
Look for a Game Pass price hike very soon.
I can't believe it's 2024 and we're still getting Call of Duty on PS4.
Good ol' PS4 still stands strong.
Don't they have a lot of signed deals saying they won't bring CoD to GamePass and if they ever bring it they would have to do the same to other platforms as well?
They promised parity, but Sony is not dumb enough to put it on PS+. Not only would it cost a lot of money to put it on the service, it would also cost a ton in lost revenue.
It was a rock and a hard place. I'm sure they didn't want to but the GP promise was all 1st party day 1, and they couldn't go back on that promise or lose all faith in the brand probably forever. They already raised prices once and if they do it again soon, they're going to lose subscribers while they already stalled. I can still see a tier system going into place at some point where people pay more for more premium content, but then how to they segment cloud without hurting it?
@GamingFan4Lyf Remember that under the Sony deals CoD had more content on PS than Xbox, so there's was really little viable reason for a primarily CoD player to play it anywhere OTHER than PS.
That was a more destructive deal to Xbox sales than any amount of God of War games or weirdo deals for Square-Enix psueudo RPGs.
This actually raises the possibility that I'll give a CoD game a chance on release instead of waiting until they cost less than a pint of Guinness (in Yorkshire, not Ireland)
@NEStalgia That's true. That ends going forward - not sure it will change anything at this point, though.
No doubt this will be a massive boost for new gamepass subscribers but will it be enough to cancel out the losses of lower unit sales?
I imagine they’ll have to increase the GP subscription or create a new CoD tier!
Another concerning option is they design the game to be heavier on micro transactions to try and claw money back that way.
Seems like MS has learned nothing.
Is this an Xbox website?
@MrBook you don't need a series x to play gamepass you play it PC, series s, tablet or mobile. And before you pretend that nobody plays on Mobile cod mobile has 90 millions players
@Nem they don't care where you play their games keep up
@MrBook yet the worst reviewed game sold 30 million copies and they over 90 million players on cod mobile
If I ever plan to take out GP someday, this would be a nice bingeable game in a 1 month/trial sub. Haven't commited to multiplayer in a long time now so I only play the campaign. Don't need to buy it now
I think it is still an incredible deal to game pass users even if the games aren't exclusive.
Win win I see it. Xbox players get free games, PlayStation players get to play them.
@MrBook Yea, def wouldn't be switching if I didn't already have it. Forza 7 def feels a lot better to play now than it did when first released. The horizon series is good craic but def needs to do something different for the next one. PS5 is the main console though. Working my way through PS4 and PS5 backlog. Just soo many great games. Loved PUBG on the PC, but too many hackers. So just left it.
Apparently Shinobi602 said that big changes are coming when people were talking about a price increase and tier change so hopefully this move kills gamepass and makes cod less relevant.
@IamJT we know there’s 34M subs across the tiers. Even if you play super conservatively and say $10 a pop (which obviously it’s more bc of ultimate) you’re looking at $4b in revenue annually. I don’t understand the comments that say we don’t know.
An underrated feature of gamepass for the "I need to own my games" club. Buy 1 month of gamepass for $10 then use the 20% discount to purchase the $70 game for $56 and then enjoy the $4 dollars you saved and the 30 days of access to the other games. Waiting and then splurging on a few games in a single month increases the savings.
I really thought they wouldn't because if there is a game most people who play vg are up to pay for is COD, $70 each player on pc and xbox .... but hey this is WAY better than being "right" this is history lol. If COD can't make people join gamepass nothing will.
Seems like an obvious move. MS has to do something to attract more people to the Xbox brand.
Think MS aim is to become a massive publisher and get GP onto everything else and then leave the console market.
Great news for Call of Duty fans.
Greater news for us GamePass subscribers.
@BAMozzy Thanks for doing what you do, logic.👍
I was a little baffled how the article never even brought up the cost of playing CoD. I don’t play it myself, nor know anyone who does, but I am aware CoD is not a buy it and you’re done game, it’s more of a free-to-start game that also happens to cost $70 to start. So sure, they lose $70 day 1, but how many people will either sign up for GP to get it, and continue to pay for GP month after month after month, or already have GP who never played it before but try it out and then spend $50 or so on season passes, dlc, etc?
I don’t know the answers, but it definitely isn’t as simple as “lost sales”, far from it.
@rjejr Let alone there plan to release on more hardware too - so they aren't giving it away on Nintendo for example and probably not allowed to sell Game Pass on their Switch/Switch 2, so that's an added avenue to sales of the game.
If you've followed much of Game Pass news of late, they have also 'sold' upgrades - to special/collectors/premium/gold or whatever you want to call them versions - with Starfield it included 'early access' and the DLC when that released for an upgrade to the Game Pass access. Pay £35 for the early access Premium edition but don't own the 'base' game - people bought it though...
They'll do something similar with CoD too so CoD fans will pay for that Premium edition upgrade and get hooked on the season pass upgrade system and want to carry that on next season. Others may feel their missing out without that if they enjoy it - more money coming in....
@chesheer the rumor is that at the Xbox Showcase there will be the big call of duty show after the main show and this years game is coming to PS5, PC and Series only. Not on Xbox One or PS4 this year. The rumor right behind that is for COD in the holiday MS will have a $199 Series S bundled with the new COD. So thats going to be interesting to see all the XBO and PS4 users having to upgrade if it turns out to be true.
@Secryt every time somebody brings up game pass price here, there's always someone claiming they are getting it for free or heavily discounted. It really is a mystery how much revenue it is generating. One that Microsoft seem unwilling to clear up.
@BAMozzy I definitely expect a "pay an extra fee to play the game a few days early" thing going on. They have months to figure out how to make their money back, things even you haven't thought of yet. None of which will be mentioned at the Showcase next month when they'll just make a big deal about it being "free"🤑 w/ GP on day 1, the extra stuff will come later.
@rjejr yes 'early access' is near guaranteed.
@UltimateOtaku91 who cares dude.
@Alps_Stranger Your profile picture is legendary…The Dude abides.
The end of Call of Duty. It will be even more loaded with Micro transactions like buyable weapons, XP points, skins etc. Making this game a pay to win game.
More season passes. DLC, so we will get a even more unfinished game. Cause they need to make that money somewhere else.
@MrBook "£450 for a Series X plus the cost of GP.
£70 for the PlayStation version on a console you already own.
Come again? 🤔"
This was my thoughts exactly when i read over on PX that some guys was talking to some youths at work and they all said they would move over to xbox. I didnt bother to comment tho as i cant be bothered with the retorts id receive for bringing that up. Imo you teally need to be addicted to a franchise to then go out and buy another console and a new sub. Im glad im not one of them.
@MrBook yeah if you already have an xbox and are a COD fan its a no brainier but I dont think on a vast scale people will be going out and buying or trading in consoles to be able to play COD i dont think thats going to happen imo. I dont need to worry about it tho as i dont play cod and wont actively give MS and money unless its something i reaaaaaaly want. Id prob buckle on Gears of war.
Yeah i see the "free" thing thrown around quite alot too but that happens on here too.
There is the cheaper option of the Series S (have even seen pre owned ones for £100), if people wanted to go down that route.
I read somewhere there are users that only use their console for Call of Duty. Maybe the Series S will become that console - the Pew-Pew 5000!
@GeeForce yeah there will definately be some people buying a 2nd console or just swapping over there PS4 or ps5 to jump to xbox for sure but when you factor in the cost of a console and then a year of gamepass its probarbly not much different to just buying the game outright on PS5 and using your current PS+ subscription. I think it will defenately give people food for thought that are looking to upgrade from an xbox one or PS4 tho. May sway a few decisions.
@HonestHick $199 Series S with COD sounds too generous for Microsoft. Can't believe it. But dropping PS4/XOne... that is possible, of course.
I do wonder if Game Pass really is the reason why they have gone like they have because they proposed new games day 1 and they can never move away from it. Because hardware sales are seriously low for them compared to the other 2, it's the reason why I still say and will continue to do so that they will become a Sega.
Fully software publisher only and have Gamepass on everything they can since the hardware will be built by others. Mobile, TVs, handhelds, PC and other consoles
The quality of the game will be Redwall if it ends up on gamepass every game on it so early access its no quality look what they did with forza motorsport , halo , and many others there losing it completely
@Frmknst should have seen it before all nerds to points could pay for GPU and get like 5 10 quid worth of points to buy games monthly was crazy 🤣
I find it funny people going:
"MS promised all first party games would be D1 on GamePass, they can't and won't go back on that"
The same Microsoft that promised all games redeemed by the Games with Gold program would be yours forever to keep, only to backtrack later and say that's was only valid for 360 games.
@Toot1st Pretty sure they care about money. Also, i don't play their games, so there is nothing to catch up on. 😂
Doesn't seem like it now but I think this is a smart move in the long term for Microsoft. Call of duty makes a sht load of $ off of micro transactions.
@Balosi Question for ya, is 'early access' when you get to play a game a few days early b/c you pre-order it or is 'early access' when you buy an unfinished game while the company continues to make it? I know they used to call that beta testing but I feel like beta testing isn't really a thing anymore and they call it 'early access' now instead.
'Early access' can't mean both a few days early when you preorder and months early before they start selling it for real. Well I suppose it can, but it shouldn't. 😉
@rjejr I think early access originally came from steam. Programmers (primarily indie) would put their games out unfinished, so they could raise funds to support finishing it. Which is fair enough as long as everyone knows what they are getting into.
Microsoft early access is just them having their cake and eating it. Claiming day one gamepass, then putting it up for sale on day 'minus 7' or whatever.
@Balosi So it's both. Figures.
Sounds good to me. I buy cod every year and being on gamepass and hopefully all the older ones is a big old bonus.
People forgetting MS is a multi trillion $ company and the amount micro transactions will bring in as well, especially as people won't have to pay out 70-100 just to get the game then spend on top...
I normally get the battlepass at the start and play it enough to keep getting it without paying again but I'll be willing to buy more skins and bits now
@chesheer we will have to wait and see. The rumors could be off or maybe that is what they will do for Black Friday. I have no clue. But it’s said they want to market COD now that it’s their’s and Sony don’t have the marketing rights. A $199 Series S with COD would move some units but it won’t keep pace with PS. Maybe in America but not elsewhere.
Waiting for Gamepass to go up eventually even more so with loss of revenues with Cod eventually being on Gamepass.
Has massive advantages but will hurt Microsoft eventually or the consumer.
This will probably be the most played call of duty game that's not warzone. It will see a lot more players with gamepass. It will also still sell really well, even on xbox. Call of duty gamers don't seem like the type to want to subscribe to a service when they just play cod and maybe another game every year. It will be business as usual for a lot of the call of duty gamers that are on xbox. What did Jim Ryan say in court? More than 1 million playstation users buy call of duty and nothing else.
I don't really see a catastrophic sales decline by including it with gamepass. Especially considering they are about to open it up to nintendo for the first time in like a decade.
@OldGamer999 Thats pretty much the same for myself, The only people I know who play COD are for the most part ex-gamers who maybe get 1hour a night, twice a week after the wife and child has gone to bed.
My nephews also have no interest in COD for them its Minecraft, Fortnite or GTA and COD is not even a blip. I do wonder how its the biggest selling game.
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