In another potentially catastrophic turn in the ongoing Helldivers 2 Galactic War effort, players have failed to scrap 2 billion Automatons mandated by the latest Major Order, and the MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines stratagem has been snatched from their grasp once again. Worse, Super Earth High Command (developer Arrowhead) has proclaimed the beginning of "The Second Galactic War", warning that "all conflict leading up to this was merely an elaborate special operation".
Word came down through priority channels (Helldivers 2's raucous Discord server), announcing the escalation of arms and lamenting that players only managed to destroy 78% of the bots needed (thanks, IGN). How the constant warfare since the game's launch could get hotter remains to be seen. Still, High Command has announced a massive expansion to SEAF's (Super Earth Armed Forces) ranks, fuelling speculation that squads of faceless NPC soldiers may potentially be deployed alongside the elite Helldivers for the first time.
High Command says that "new recruits are being trained to bolster the ranks of SEAF" and that Helldivers must protect these mustering sites. Their highest priority, as of this moment, is "guarding these training facilities so that each recruit can be given their rigorous 72-hour basic training".
Are you ready for an escalation of the ongoing Galactic War? Does this mean opening new fronts, or will our old enemies recruit some new forces themselves? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 26
Another Helldivers 2 article that sounds more like fanfiction than news (the first one had to do with some kind of friendly fire thing because...people not following orders and defending some base or something...I don't even remember).
Not complaining, mind you, just an observation.
Sounds like the rumored backup strategems where you call down computer controlled backup.
72 hours? LUXURY! I got fifteen minutes of training!
@GamingFan4Lyf This is lore and actual story.
@GamingFan4Lyf it's cringe as hell. And it's not just here. This game feels like if it was made for manchildren, they created a weird and imature audience surround this game.
Still don't see why people went for that trash launcher over the mines.
@Vault_Mcfly it's not meant to be taken seriously. It's fun and something a lot of games just are not sometimes. It never takes itself seriously. There's nothing "cringe" about it.
@Vault_Mcfly I mean, it's a satire of machismo jingoism which we constantly get via 'manly-man' games like Gears of war, Call of Duty etc. It's only cringe when the satire goes over people's heads.
You gotta love this LARP turned game.
@dskatter Fifteen minutes!?!? I just had the word “WAR” shouted at me by a sergeant before being thrown at a bug!
@Vault_Mcfly it’s a bit of fun mate. I’m a 43 year old man with a family and it’s a good laugh messing about with my friends and blowing things up. Let people enjoy things.
@AK4tywill Which sadly that's what happened with Starship troopers. The satire was so in your face and many still couldn't see the wood for the trees.
@Jaz007 I'm aware, but it's just weird that most news that's posted about the game feels more like an in-universe newspaper clipping...not news in real life.
Most would expect: "Helldivers 2 devs launching a new 'Season' after a bombastic conclusion that lead to players failing to meet their objective".
Not talking about High Commands, new recruits, and escalation of war.
Sure, it's all a bit of fun, but, at the same time, leaves those "not in the know" looking at this as an entertainment piece rather than parsing any news from it because we have no idea what any of it means.
It's worth noting Automatons are significantly more difficult (and annoying) to fight, so most people keep going after Terminids regardless of orders. Also, Terminids attack in far great numbers, so it's easier to get more Terminid kills. Also also, brand new players all fight Terminids by default and filthy casuals don't pay attention to orders.
Wow. That "Special Operation" line seems like a direct dig at Russia. Well played, Arrowhead.
@GamingFan4Lyf Not having played Helldivers 2 myself, it is very confusing at times, because, yeah, it doesn’t really read like a news article, and it’s difficult to comprehend what’s actually happening. Kind of cult-esque, maybe?
Sounds like complete B****cks, but in a brilliant barmy way. I dont like LS games, but if I did I would definitely be interested in this, and the articles give me a laugh!
I wonder if in the end the Earth force will be revealed to be the bad guys...
@Johnnycide Was that Sergeant SoundsLikePizza? If so, you were blessed to have his skillful training!
(Search for that on YouTube and you’ll see what I mean!)
@Rich33 Super Earth the bad guys? That sounds a lot like treasonous talk to me! If the bugs didn’t want to be killed, they shouldn’t be a source of our FTL fuel, now should they?
@dskatter seeing as you have such a cool avi and are so enthusiastic I shall do just that!
(Watching now, this is hilarious! Thanks and have a great weekend bud!)
@AccessibleDaydream it's called a pastiche. It's a satire of sorts making fun of democracy etc. It's not cult-esque it's just dark,sarcastic,ironic humor. It's very much starship troopers inspired but the whole nuance appears to be wasted on people who just have to be super serious.
@Northern_munkey The more I know! Thank you!
@AK4tywill gears of war is anything but macho and manly anymore and hasn’t been for over a decade to be honest & call of duty is military fortnite
Special operation.
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