Capcom has brought pretty much all its Ace Attorney games to modern platforms within various collections, and it's just announced another one. Ace Attorney Investigations Collection is confirmed to release on PS4 on 6th September 2024, bringing both the Miles Edgeworth spin-off titles to Sony's system. That's right — not only are we getting Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, this also includes Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor’s Gambit, which marks the sequel's debut in the West.
This pair of games has you playing as Phoenix Wright's longstanding prosecutor rival as he visits crime scenes and, you guessed it, investigates them for clues. Unlike the mainline games, you'll walk around these scenes rather than them be static backdrops. As well as investigating, you'll also engage in rebuttal phases, in which you speak with other characters to figure out the truth of each case. On paper it sounds much like any other Ace Attorney game, but as you can see from the trailer, the gameplay and presentation are quite different.
This collection features new, modern sprites and animations for characters, but you can also opt for the original, pixelised style if you prefer. On top of the two games, you'll also get bonus features like an art gallery and music player.
Are you excited for Ace Attorney Investigations Collection on PS4? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 21
I am very excited. Love this series. I always miss it once I'm done with a game. Glad to see we get another collection so soon after Apollo Justice.
Man, Capcom.
Still I’m glad the Investigation games are coming to modern platforms. Especially the 2nd one, which is free from Japan prison.
Still have the first Investigation game on DS. I can’t tell ya how disappointed I was when I heard the 2nd game wasn’t leaving Japan all those years ago. Kinda hard for me to believe it’s happening, but it’s definitely happening. 😁
Astro Bot and Ace Attorney on the same day is wild.
@shonenjump86 The 2nd game was actually fully translated by fans, was a good translation if I remember correctly, been a long time ago
@roylaza the AAI2 fantranslation is generally considered great and in spirit of the pun heavy official translations.
I am deceased.

AAI2 is the best game of the Ace Attorney series. Glad to see the last game that was officially locked to Japan now coming West.
graphics upgrade look amazing. so many more games to catch up with in this series!
@Fizza Except the Layton crossover.
Thank goodness I still have my 3DS copy of that!
Well this is something I didn't have on my bingo card for 2024!🤯 Owned the OG Miles Edgeworth game which I thought was alright if filler between waiting for more of the mainstream Ace Attorney series....heard the sequel was pretty good but felt as mythical as the Sherlock Holmes themed one!
To now have most of the older gen releases on PS4 (& even resorting to picking up the odd entry on Steam if they get a decent discount),is a joy even if i can't yell Ojection like i did on DS or bang the stylus like the judge does his gavel!😅
Wonder if this will pave the way for the 3ds games to get a port & complete the set?!🤔🤞
Also,given Capcom have only ever done PS4 ports please Mr Corny make sure to slip in PS4 backwards compatibility on PS6,cos I'd hate having to re-buy PS5 native ports by the time that happens!
I thought there was no chance this would ever happen, there is a god.
Praise be
Great news. I've played through the fan-translated version of Investigations 2 before, but I'd certainly like to own a more official version of the game.
@roylaza I was aware of the fan translation, I never got around to it though.
GK2 is coming overseas!! Yes!!!!
Held off all these years for an official localization.
I know the fan patch is good, but I really, really prefer the real release.
Hopefully this means AA7 is next year. I've waited so long!
Why in the same day with Astro Bot? 😔
I already got my copy of Ace Attorney Trilogy and Great Ace Chronicles. So I'll buy this one along with Apolo Justice trilogy to complete the collection.
But with this collection, i wonder if Capcom gonna do Ace Attorney x Professor Layton collection or they gonna make a new game.
I absolutely love the Investigations games, especially the second AAI game (Even though it was fan translated), so seeing it finally localised has made my day!
I must admit PushSquare starts to be quite good in clickbait titles, coz half of articles I just open because I don't understand what it says.
BTW never heard of these games...
I played the (excellent) fan translation of AAI2 ages ago, but it's still great to see the game get an official western release at last, since I rank it at the very top of the series together with GAA2.
I absolutely love the updated sprites, too.
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