Final Fantasy XIV's eagerly-anticipated expansion is on the horizon, with Dawntrail going live on 2nd July. However, not all players are happy with the game's direction (mechanically speaking). After a high-profile and public snubbing, it seems the long-suffering members of the healing community have finally had enough and are going on strike.
If you didn't know, healers in FFXIV (players that main White Mage, Scholar, Sage, or Astrologian job classes) have been complaining for years. They claim this aspect of the holy MMO trinity (healer, tank, DPS) has repeatedly been simplified and devalued by Square Enix. Combine this with the generally low difficulty of the game in general, and it's easy enough to see why these classes feel underserved.
The final straw was when FFXIV content creator Xenosys Vex posted a preview of the first Dawntrail dungeon, which they notably cleared with a four-person party—none of whom was a dedicated healer. Vex did use a particularly complementary party makeup to pull this off, but the damage was done.
Square Enix forum user Gemina (a Scholar main) called for prospective strikers to refrain from playing as a healer class in Dawntrail content, rallying around the hashtag #FFXIVHEALERSTRIKE. A manifesto with a list of sought-after changes has been made available to Square Enix, and the associated forum post now stretches to a hundred pages, full of furious healers. We suppose we'll find out how essential healers really are when Dawntrail servers go live.