PS5 firmware version 24.04-09.40.00 is available to download and install right now, and if you can believe it, the new update actually does more than just improve your system's stability. What a time to be alive...
Discord is the headline act here. This update adds additional functionality for Discord users, letting you access Discord voice chats from your console. This is a big step forward in terms of integration with the popular messaging service, which was previously quite limited.
On top of that, adjustments to child accounts have been made, offering more freedom in how you can set things up for younger users. We've included the full update notes below.
PS5 Firmware Update Version: 24.04-09.40.00 Notes
- Child accounts can now link and add third-party services and apps to their account for PlayStation Network to enjoy benefits and features that enhance their gameplay experience.
- Younger players that use child accounts on PS5 can link accounts to use features like Discord voice chat, music streaming via Apple Music and Spotify, and broadcasting and sharing gameplay via YouTube and Twitch.
- New parental controls are available for parents and guardians. These controls notify and allow them to manage their child's account links with third-party services and apps.
Availability may vary depending on age, parental control settings, and country/region.
- You can now start or join a Discord voice chat directly from your PS5.
Open Game Base in the control center and select the Discord tab to access your servers and direct calls. - We’ve updated the device software for the PULSE Elite wireless headset, PULSE Explore wireless earbuds, and PlayStation Link USB adapter.
- PlayStation Link connection stability has been improved.
- We've fixed an issue with the PULSE Elite wireless headset that caused the power to turn off when the audio cable is connected to the audio input jack.
- On the PULSE Elite wireless headset, the status indicator that turns on after establishing PlayStation Link connection is now less bright.
- We've improved system software performance and stability.
- We've improved the messages and usability on some screens.
Will you be making use of this new Discord integration? Answer the call in the comments section below.
[source playstation.com]
Comments 51
Any improvements to PlayStation Portal?
Pretty cool. Shame it's going to be in Japan and Asian regions first before we get a hand on it
Joining calls from the mobile app was pretty simple so I'm gonna have to see if this is actually more or less convenient - but more options is good.
However, being able to stream video in the Discord call is what's really missing.
A genuine question to all the young ones : do you have any idea why Discord's UI is so frustratingly bad?
I have been on internet since it existed and Discord is the only mainstream site I just haven't been able to use, it's just that unintuitive and confusing...
Oh.. uh, I thought they already did? Yay?
Do hope PS Stars is in the next one
Wow. So performant. So stable.
@Olmaz what is not to love about every damn person/streamer you meet wanting you to fire up their personal instance of Faceyspace to post cat pictures and game pictures and memes in the appropriate categories you can learn about after you read the rules in #welcome, or #general, or was it in #rules? it is hard to remember with a 1:1 relationship between people on the internet and discords to join.
gIt wIv da tYmES Bro
vent, ts3, etc., all worked fine. but ngl so did the acronym tbh. they would rather reinvent wheels
Genuine question froming from an oldie but what is discord? How is it different from creating a PS party?
@Kidfunkadelic83 It's like Skype (one for the oldies!) / a huge forum database / messaging service all rolled into one.
With this update, you can basically be part of Discord calls through your PS5, meaning that it's easier to chat with your Discord pals who aren't on PS5, while you're playing PS5.
Hopefully that makes some sense.
Whatever happened to the UI update for the Explore Tab? Is it also ever coming worldwide?
I was literally complaining about discord set-up to my friend last night, glad it's finally getting up-dated, big W
@Olmaz I used to feel the same way, but give it a go and you get used to it and start to see the sense of why it is the way it is. I recommend starting by joining the public server of a game dev or game that you're interested in, as these are generally well thought out with different rooms for different purposes.
@ShogunRok My PS5 says it’s updated and I’m in Game Base, both the little windowed version and full screen, but I don’t see anything Discord anywhere, just party stuff. I’m in the US so maybe we didn’t get it? Maybe someone there could write a step by step guide?🤷🏻♂️ Ok maybe we need to go into Settings > Users and Accounts > Linked Services > Discord which I could do if I could remember my password. Does the PS5 Dualsense have a fingerprint reader?😂
@Olmaz Same for Discord being really obtuse to use. I can manage to use it to text, and I think I managed a phone call once, but it’s so convoluted to just do that basic stuff. My guess is they want it to be used for so many things by so many people, friends and strangers, that they made it complicated like that to make it look like even more is going on than there actually is.
I am happy for it though, both my kids use it almost exclusively to communicate with their friends so I have them each on basically a free phone plan. My wife and I just can’t use it with them. Discord did help in Montreal though, we had no phone service b/c out of country so my wife and I texted each other on it. Well whatever Discord calls sending text messages in the app, Discordinating? 🤷🏻♂️
@Kidfunkadelic83 Imagine AIM, ICQ, AOL Chat Rooms, Myspace, Push Square, IRC, Instagram, Facetime, and 1960's telephony all mashed into a single app. Now imagine it's designed for cross platform gamers, then decides to become a general purpose social media app before realizing nobody other than gamers cares about or knows how to use it and tries to go back to that.
That's Discord. It's either not as bad as it sounds, or far worse, depending on which side of the bed you wake up on.
Mem, so nothing useful apart from social features 😒😒
@NEStalgia That’s a good Discord description.👍 So where do you fit in? I feel like my kids are close to the age you were when we first met but that was like a decade ago so…😂 Discord does feel like it’s the great generational divide, with a cut off of like 25. Well 25 to start, you can use it until 30 but after that you have to get a job and a real phone plan. 🤑 You’re not still using Discord on your yearly $1,000 phones are you?😉
@rjejr “Discordinating”? 😂 Is that real? If so that’s so brilliant. So close to dis-coordinating, which is kind of what it sounds like the platform actually does.
I’d take dynamic themes over this
@ShogunRok Follow up from last comment. I got Discord linked to my PS5, didn’t need the password just scanned the QR code, technology is frightening, but I still don’t see it. The PS5 instructions said you have to start the call on your phone first then TRANSFER IT to your PS5. Which is stupid and way too much work. I’m going to go play Fortnite in my quiet.😝
@Th3solution Nah, I’m just discombobulated trying to get this thing to work. I give up. I’m too old for this nonsense.👴🏻
@ShogunRok @LowDefAl cheers guys. I understand now. Whatever happened to a string and 2 plastic cups 😂😂
@rjejr the discord update is being push in waves they starting with Japan first it was in ps blog post
People who live in Europe said on Reddit they got the update already. Wonder how long us Canadians will have to wait???
Only thing for me there, potentially, is improvement to PlayStation Link connection stability. It has a real problem connecting the elite headset to the ps5 sometimes, and with being found on my phone.
Now when do we get screenshare on ps5 disc?
@Beerheadgamer82 or they could at least get PlayStation stars working on the app again
Oh good, Discord update just in time for the FFXIV expansion since I currently voice chat on my phone with my friends who play on PC. Maybe now I can do it more natively.
@rjejr I feel like your kids are still the same age they were when we met a decade ago because I just think everyone is the same age as the age I met them forever. Everyone I went to high school with is still a high school kid in my head, and everyone's kids from 20 years ago are still in elementary school.
If I were your kids age now, I'd only be half as jaded and cynical though nobody could tell the difference
I'm grateful I got roped into Discord due to WiiU's horrendous matchmaking when launching an online shooter in Splatoon. It makes me pass for being one of the hip kids in with these "new fangled" things, and I don't have the heart to tell them their new fangled things are exactly like the old fangled things from before they were born except it's the Chinese knock-off and doesn't really work as well. They don't know any better.
But kids don't get real phone plans, they get data plans so they can Discord, which is just VoIP, which is exactly what actual phone calls over cellular are, too, but they somehow don't understand that and think their younger hipper version of VoIP is superior to old people VoIP even though it's literally the exact same thing. It's funny - now that the kids who grew up "entirely in the digital age" grew up and are so "tech savvy" are adults, instead of feeling they're tech savvy I feel exactly like I did in the 90's talking the the young Greatest Generation/eldest Boomers about technology where you know they just don't understand anything about how it really works now matter how you try to simplify it and you finally just give up and let them picture their weird head canon version of it as they "use" it without having a clue about what they're using or how it works.
can we record/stream discord voice chat now?
or even screensharing?
*downloading update at the moment
@Olmaz Did you use IRC back in on the 90s and early 2000s? Discord is basically that but with a more modern look - and actually less confusing and needlessly complicated. I can't remember exactly what you had to do but even changing your name was weirdly complex.
This takes me back.
A couple of years ago ps haters used to be around and one of their favorite activities was to enter to every discord xbox/ps news to say how discord "fleeced" sony. Now if you don't remember MS paid Discord to implement on xbox and after some time working together MS tried to buy Discord but Discord refused, couple of weeks after Sony invested in Discord and Discord started to work on a PS implementation in pandemic years completing first the xbox implementation, that's why they were "fleeced".
Wherever those haters are right now they can now rest in peace knowing the implementation is almost over lol.
@LowDefAl would be nice if that's the case. It's a fairly decent but slim possibility. As you say it could explain the app playing up?
@trev666 rarely use it on the app. If or when it comes to console I'll be checking up on Stars almost daily
Don't care about the Discord stuff. Want PS communities back still. The shareable psn profile link is a plus for me though.
Ps link now less bright? turn it the f off. why do we need it blinking when it's off? it's like the Homer Simpson everything is fine alarm
@Matroska Yeah I used IRC and maybe my young brain was better at grasping new and confusing things then.
But my main issue with discord is not the UI itself (even though it's absolutely terrible), it's that I just can't find what I came to find in any channel.
An anime subtitle channel : nope, I have no idea where the subtitles or links are.
A fanedit channel : nowhere can I find link to fanedits
A gaming wiki channel : ffs where are the helpful article I should find in it?
And any "chatroom" (or what looks like a chatroom) doesn't help, as I'm not even sure people see my comments, which are being swept away in a see of other non-relevant (to me) comments.
Finding any notifications of someone telling me what to do is like finding a needle in a haystack, as I'm flooded every time I connect by dozens of ads and promotion notifications.
So I think I must be using Discord for things it isn't meant to be, when it's only for chatting with friends while playing a game. But even if I were to want and try that (god forbid), I have no idea where I should start from.
So yeah, I'm officially old now...
Not sure if it was part of this, but hours played seems to be fixed Just checked, and unless I’ve played 100 hours of GT7 in my sleep, it’s gone back up.
I was using Discord via the app when 2 friends and I were playing Battlefield, as one of them was on PC. But he got a PS5 last week, so now it's irrelevant.
Good to know for possible future use, but it's functionality that really should have been there from the start. But that's been a common trait with a lot of PS5 firmware features, hasn't it? A half-arsed initial implementation, followed by an upgrade months or years later; what was it, 3 years before we could check for software updates from the Game Library screen?
Thank goodness they improved PlayStation Link. I hated how my Pulse Elite would randomly disconnect about once every dozen hours of play or so.
Agree, Discord is a mess. Dozens and dozens of "@everyone" or "@here" notifications, channels, sub channels, references, pins, groups, vocal chats, custom reactions, swipe menus, hidden menus, nitros, polls, links, pointers, custom emoji, emoji groups, stickers, faceyspaces and what not. An utter, incredibile mess.
I wanted to register to an online tournament and monitored the freakin dozens of channels with millions of messages every day and still managed to miss the important message with tourney requirements.
I felt so disoriented and old. And I work since 25 years in the IT.
@Kidfunkadelic83 discord is a voice / chat platform , what makes it different would be now you can talk to people on pc , and im guessing xbox as well using discord with out having to use your phone or pc you can use it right from your ps5. which is great if your friends are playing on pc or xbox ,in a cross play game.
@LowDefAl discord is forum. Has channels, e.g. housemark channel for returnal. Kind of like Reddit. But less granularity I find than Reddit. Also chat protocols.
So, for a lot of people it is the usual. I thought maybe this was going to be the big update that has been in beta for a long time now, but then I installed it. At least I can know the next time I fart, my PS5 is in no danger of falling over with the added stability.
@Slayer25c "they starting with Japan first"
Ah thanks, only read here, not the blog.
@NEStalgia Talking to you always reminds me how glad I am to be born a Gen Xer rather than a baby boomer, even if it is only by 7 months, b/c I just don't think I could survive dealing w/ people under 30 knowing I was a baby boomer. Going bald is bad enough. 😝
@The_Wailing_Doom Indeed. My Pulse Explore no longer disconnects once an hour or so, after the update.
@OptimusPrime1 yes Sah Prime 🤣
PULSE Elite got better! Annoying "Connected" light is way more dim now and it connects much faster.
@rjejr Unfortunately for you, the under 30 crowd doesn't know there's a difference between boomers and Gen X. Anyone that didn't grow up on Instagram and Fortnite is just a boomer. PS4 was the first video game console ever.
@Kidfunkadelic83 as 25-yo youngster, I can only give discord a cautious recommendation. Use it at your discretion. You may find friendly folks and may find… not so friendly ones. Whatever comes out of it though, the pushsquare community will obviously still exist and still be friendly. Myself included, friend
@NEStalgia I'm on Insta and play Fortnite every day to fulfill my daily quotient of sex and violence, so I'm hip man, yeah I'm one hip cat, ya dig. ✌
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