Outstanding Tycoon Title Arcade Paradise Spins Up a PSVR2 Version 1

Arcade Paradise is already one of the most fun tycoon titles available on PS5 and PS4, and it’s about to get a whole lot more exciting with PSVR2. The game – which sees you gradually transform your family’s coin laundry business into a bustling arcade – manages to mix light management gameplay with tons of uber-fun minigames to excellent effect. Already available on Meta Quest, the virtual reality version makes the entire title that little bit more tactile.

There are exclusive arcade cabinets in this VR version, including the obligatory basketball hoop challenge and punching bag. In total, you’ll be able to kit out your laundromat-cum-gaming-haven with 39 different cabinets – all of which will rake in cash for you to upgrade your premises with and progress through the story. If you’re still not convinced, you can read our review of the original pancake release through here.

The release date is set for 8th August, although there’s no price attached just yet. On Meta Quest the title retails for around $19.99, which is roughly the same as the standard PS5 release, so we’d expect a similar price point on PSVR2.

[source youtube.com]