EXILEDGE probably wasn’t on your PS5 wishlist, but this ChinaJoy 2024 demo looks decent. While a large chunk of the demo is dedicated to teaching attendees the gameplay mechanics, the latter half of the video focuses on a boss fight which has Returnal vibes. In addition to a two-pronged weapon loadout, the main character also has a couple of skills he can trigger in combat to buff his capabilities.

Sony’s signed this game to its China Hero Project, so it clearly sees potential here, and we think the production values look pretty impressive. It’ll be interesting to see how the developer keeps this gameplay loop interesting, because while the abilities look fun, blasting away at enemies with big health bars could get tedious once the initial novelty wears thin.

Nevertheless, it’s another promising project in PS5’s portfolio – we’re looking forward to seeing more.

[source youtube.com]