Back when Cosmic Smash launched on Dreamcast in 2001, it was a traditional arcade-style tennis title you played with a controller. Wolf & Wood reimagined the release for PSVR2 last year as C-Smash VRS, using motion controls and a first-person perspective to make for a more expressive experience. We loved it, but not everyone has Sony’s virtual reality headset, and that’s where New Dimension comes in.
The free update to the original game will add in a pancake play option from 26th September, which means you can enjoy the entire experience with a DualSense in your oversized gaming chair. The press release hints: “C-Smash VRS New Dimension comes to PS5 as a third-person futuristic sports action title, with tons of new gameplay mechanics, animations, and visual upgrades, as well as revolutionary hybrid online play between PS5 and PSVR2 players.”
That’s right: you’ll be able to play online against PSVR2 players with your DualSense – or vice versa. It’ll be interesting to see how that’s been balanced, and which group comes out on top.
If you already own C-Smash VRS, then you’ll be able to play New Dimension free of charge. Likewise, if you pick up the game to play in pancake mode and eventually purchase a PSVR2 headset at a later date, you’ll have access to the virtual reality mode as well.
From our perspective, this is a great way to breathe new life into the title, and we’re looking forward to enjoying it all over again later in the year.
Comments 4
Kinda looks like a scrapped Space Channel 5 stage if you squint hard enough.
Am I the only one who sees an old Cylon head/helmet on this image if you squint a little?
Playing C-Smash on a flat panel screen is like playing God of War on a monochrome monitor using a flight stick as a controller.
It's cool it is but eh not sure. Good on them for sales in pancake though besides the PC headsets sales. I mean to me the Dreamcast game had not great feel, it was a thing to master of course I'm just not good at the game, maybe arcade was better. I want this game to do well I think it's great but I won't not be critical either.
If the motion is in the pancake version sure, if it's stick it better be improved or else why bother unless scaling of the character moveset which devs never do, sigh, it's why movesets and feel of characters matter so much, let alone character weight being so heavy and boring in modern games to me, floaty to a degree I prefer.
For a sci-fi Squash or Breakout or whatever it's become now. Yeah the experience is cool but if it sucks to play not worth it.
Motion to me was a good benefit not just the headset and the setting of the game. Because the stick controls and not just oh it was for Dreamcast so old console and oh old bad feel, when I prefer some old physics or stick feel of many PS2 games.
When my racing physics favourites are PGR series and GT3 there is a reason for it. PGR I have no nostalgia for either to further my point. GT3 I am more familiar with but I just know my way around it's physics too. While GT5&6 the tires used were comfort and garbage in many events and the physics I hated.
Other puzzle games sure they are fine but not a big breakout type person, prefer other puzzle games instead.
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