Rise of the Ronin PS5

Sony and Team Ninja have today uploaded a Rise of the Ronin demo for PS5 users to try free of charge, letting potential buyers to try the somewhat forgotten exclusive before they buy. It's available on the PS Store now, and gives you access to the first chapter of the game. If you like what you play, all your progress will carry over if you go on to cop the full title.

Released earlier this year for PS5, the exclusive game received a fairly muted response from critics, but it has resonated with a lot of full-price buyers in the months since. As of mid-June, it became Koei Tecmo's best-selling game ever, which owns Team Ninja and has also helped bring the likes of the Nioh series to market alongside Sony. A PC port is probably already in the works to help further boost those sales.

In our Rise of the Ronin PS5 review, we awarded a 6/10 rating and shared praise for its deep combat system, extensive difficulty options, and relationship-focused Bonds mechanic. With criticisms relating to its dated open world and poor narrative, we said: "At no point is it a bad experience, but the game's so run of the mill, so formulaic that attempting something new and ultimately failing would have been a more tantalising sell. You've already played better versions of Rise of the Ronin — what it's attempting is just fine, which is probably the most boring outcome possible."

Will you give Rise of the Ronin a go via this new PS5 demo? Let us know in the comments below.

[source store.playstation.com]