Let's be honest — everything we're playing right now is just filling time until the new Crazy Taxi is out. As part of a big new push to bring its beloved back catalogue into the modern age, SEGA is producing a brand new Crazy Taxi, and a recent recruitment video has revealed some new details about the arcade racer.

Various people from the development team talk about the new entry, discussing how it differs from previous games in the series. The two main things to take from this are that it'll be set in an open, explorable, "theme park-like" city, and that it'll be multiplayer.

The city will look realistic, but players will be able to traverse it freely with the game's "chaotic" driving. Artists on the team discuss the game's vibrant and cheerful art style, and are shown working on characters in the video.

It's unclear precisely how the multiplayer will manifest, but the debut footage shows numerous taxis racing through the city, with some police cars in pursuit as well. We imagine there will be multiple modes or event types to engage in throughout the open world, similar to how other free-roam multiplayer racers operate.

As mentioned, the video is mainly a recruitment drive, with SEGA currently hiring for lots of roles, suggesting the game still has a long road ahead of it. Still, what do you think about this? Are you excited for Crazy Taxi's return? Will you be playing this open world multiplayer racing game? Powerslide into the comments section below.

[source youtube.com, via insider-gaming.com]