Sony to Establish Brand New PS Studios Team for PS5 Sci-Fi Action Game 1

Update: Journalist Jason Schreier reports that it's around 40 employees moving from Bungie to form Sony's new studio, not the previously reported 75 staff.

Original Article: The complicated news coming out of Bungie today confirms that there’ll be a new first-party team established under the PS Studios umbrella, as one of the label’s incubated projects is being spun-off. Around 75 employees will switch to the developer, which doesn’t currently have a name. The firm will sit alongside other North American outfits, like Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch.

As part of a blog post, CEO Pete Parsons explained: “We are working with PS Studios leadership to spin out one of our incubation projects – an action game set in a brand new science-fantasy universe – to form a new studio within PS Studios to continue its promising development.”

It’s a dramatic day for Bungie, as it’s laid off around 220 employees in order to get the studio’s financials back under control. A further 155 staffers will be repositioned to new roles within Sony. And then the aforementioned 75 developers will be transitioned to this new PS Studios developer.

There are no further details about the game it’s making or which platforms it’ll be targeting, although you can safely assume PS5 will be its primary location. Back when Sony acquired Bungie, it made a point of stressing that its software would remain multiformat; it’s unclear whether those same obligations will apply to this new studio, despite its origins.

[source, via]