What are all PlayStation Studios developers and what are they working on? In this PlayStation Studios guide, we’re going to list all of the Japanese giant’s subsidiary game makers, along with their current projects. We’ll be updating this article regularly, as new titles are announced.
Note: We've focused on PS Studios' primary development teams, and haven't included Sony's support studios, such as XDEV, Valkyrie Entertainment, and Nixxes.
Here are all of Sony's teams working out of the company's home country.
Polyphony Digital

Originally an internal development unit named Polys Entertainment, Polyphony Digital is best known for creating Sony’s flagship racing simulation franchise, Gran Turismo.
Established: 1998
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Current Projects: Gran Turismo 7 is out now for both PS5 and PS4, and Polyphony will be providing post-launch support for the game for the foreseeable future. The studio's next game will presumably be another Gran Turismo entry.
Team Asobi

Team Asobi rose from the ashes of Japan Studio, initially an internal group building tech demos and on-boarding software such as The Playroom. It brought us Astro Bot Rescue Mission for PSVR, PS5 pack-in game Astro's Playroom, and is now best known for its full-fledged 3D platformer, Astro Bot.
Established: 2021
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Current Projects: Team Asobi recently released Astro Bot, a full-length 3D platforming game starring its diminutive robo-hero. A spate of post-release updates have added speedrun challenge levels and more, but the team's plans beyond that are currently unknown.
Below you'll find details on all of SIE's European studios.

Firesprite has an interesting history; it was initially formed by developers from Studio Liverpool, an old Sony studio shuttered in 2012. Most famous for The Persistence and supporting Sony on The Playroom and The Playroom VR, this is now SIE's largest UK-based studio.
Established: 2013
Location: Liverpool, England
Current Projects: Whatever Firesprite is working on is currently shrouded in mystery, but it's heavily rumoured that one title it's working on is a horror game, codenamed Project Heartbreak. It's theorised this game could be Until Dawn 2.
Guerrilla Games

Creators of the Killzone franchise, and acquired by Sony following the release of Shellshock: ‘Nam 67 in 2005. One of SIE's most technically capable studios, it's now best known for Horizon Zero Dawn, which runs on the studio's own Decima Engine.
Established: 2000
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Current Projects: A Horizon online co-op game is on the way, and a mobile spin-off game is said to be in the works. It can also be safely assumed that Horizon 3 is in the pipeline.

Finnish developer Housemarque has worked closely with Sony for over a decade. The studio specialises in arcade-like action, bringing us titles such as Super Stardust HD, Resogun, and of course its latest work, Returnal. The success of the latter pushed Sony to acquire the team in 2021.
Established: 1995
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Current Projects: Housemarque is currently working on its next game. It's unknown if this will be a sequel to Returnal or a brand new IP, though it should be noted the studio rarely makes sequels.
Media Molecule

The makers of the LittleBigPlanet franchise, and one of Sony’s most imaginative studios. Media Molecule was acquired by Sony in 2010 following the success of Sackboy’s inaugural adventure.
Established: 2006
Location: Guildford, England
Current Projects: With post-launch support of Dreams now concluded, Media Molecule has officially begun work on its next project, which will be a new IP. It's unlikely we'll see what this is anytime soon.
North America
Most of Sony's best-known studios hail from the United States. Here they all are — plus a bonus Canada team!
Bend Studio

Infamously created Bubsy 3D for the PS1 before moving on to the Syphon Filter series under the Eidetic name. Acquired by Sony in 2000. Historically focused on portable games, the team broke back into AAA territory with Days Gone on PS4.
Established: 1993
Location: Bend, Oregon, USA
Current Projects: All that's known right now is that Bend is making a new open world game, and it won't be a Days Gone sequel.
Bluepoint Games

Bluepoint Games has had a close relationship with Sony for many years, producing original games as well as remakes and remasters of beloved PlayStation classics. Famous for its work on Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, Shadow of the Colossus, and Demon's Souls, Sony scooped up this talented team in late 2021.
Established: 2006
Location: Austin, Texas, USA
Current Projects: Bluepoint was apparently working on an online, live service game that has now been cancelled, so it's unclear what the team will be producing next.
Haven Studios

A brand new studio led by Jade Raymond, famed for her work on the Assassin's Creed and Watch Dogs series. The developer has yet to release a game, but has been scooped up by Sony as the team works on its debut project.
Established: 2021
Location: Montréal, Canada
Current Projects: Haven is developing Fairgame$, an online multiplayer shooter described as a "competitive heist experience".
Insomniac Games

Famed for PlayStation exclusive series such as Ratchet & Clank and Resistance, the developer has felt like part of the first party family all along. With Marvel's Spider-Man and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales being such huge hits, it's no wonder Sony scooped the studio up in 2019.
Established: 1994
Location: Burbank, California, USA
Current Projects: Insomniac is currently making Marvel's Wolverine exclusively for PS5. Previous job listings also hinted at a multiplayer title of some kind. It's extremely likely that Marvel's Spider-Man 3 is in the early stages, too.
Naughty Dog

Perhaps the most famous of Sony’s studios, Naughty Dog has a long history creating series such as Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter, Uncharted, and The Last of Us. Acquired in 2001.
Established: 1984
Location: Santa Monica, California, USA
Current Projects: Naughty Dog is currently working on sci-fi action adventure game Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet.
San Diego Studio

Most famous for the critically acclaimed MLB The Show series, San Diego Studio has previously operated as a support studio for external developers, and has also worked on titles like The Mark of Kri and Pain.
Established: 2001
Location: San Diego, California, USA
Current Projects: San Diego Studio is working on MLB The Show 25, the next instalment in its annual series.
Santa Monica Studio

Creators of the God of War franchise. Previously incubated developers like thatgamecompany, while also serving as a support studio for external developers working on exclusive games.
Established: 1999
Location: Los Angeles, California, USA
Current Projects: Following God of War Ragnarok, Santa Monica Studio will now likely be concentrating on director Cory Barlog's next project. Job listings suggest it'll be another action game.
Sucker Punch Productions

One-time Nintendo 64 developer, Sucker Punch is the creator of PlayStation fan favourites like Sly Cooper and inFAMOUS. Acquired by Sony in 2011, the studio is now best known for Ghost of Tsushima.
Established: 1997
Location: Bellevue, Washington, USA
Current Projects: Sucker Punch is making Ghost of Yotei, a sequel to Ghost of Tsushima set around 300 years later.
That's everything we know about PlayStation Studios and its current projects. Which is your favourite of Sony's first-party developers? What games do you want to see them make next? Discuss in the comments section below.
Comments 249
We'll keep this updated. Let me know if it's missing any information you think should be added.
@get2sammyb Nice list. I don't think about the Sony devs too much b/c it seems like they are always working on something, probably b/c each game seems to take 3-10 years these days, but I often wonder what's going on with who's making what over at Nintendo, so feel free to share this idea with your mates over at NL.
Any chance of expanding the list to big 2nd and 3rd parties that are particularly focused on Sony, and others like Kojima and the folks making Shenmue 3?
And what's up with Concrete Genie, PO trying too hard to emulate mM?
@rjejr Yeah I might add some of the partners in.
Not sure what you mean about PixelOpus; Concrete Genie was announced around this time last year.
what about SIE Foster City Studio?
I want a new ape escape game from sie japan studio
@get2sammyb Announced this time last year for 2018, which will be over in less than 3 months, and I can't find a release date for it anywhere besides 2018. And the most recent Google listing is your article from mid-August when Sony released a video, about 2 months ago, so it doesn't seem very 2018 to me.
@The_Great_WmR As far as I know they're just tech support, right? If there's any concrete info out there about what they do then I'll be happy to add them in, but not sure they even have a logo.
@rjejr Why in such a hurry for games to come out?
i wish PlayStation buys quantic dreams.insomniac games.snk. and vanillaware.wow.i ❤ve me some metal slugs.word up son
@Kidfried I hate the term VR "Experiences" especially when last week they released one of the best VR games and one of the best games this year, with 90 metacritic score, ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission.
But for sure, they definitely have bigger unannounced non-VR projects but it's probably already for next-gen.
@adf86 Why say something that isn't true?
It's not about being in a hurry, it's about being left out in the cold wondering if a game is coming out or not when they said it was, and if it is, why don't they give a date, and if it isn't, why not say so?
If you didn't own a Wii U you wouldn't understand. Wii U had 2 types of games, those that got canceled, and those that got delayed. I'm still in recovery mode.
I thought Insomniac was a Sony studio or Sony affiliated studio though
@rjeji The PS4 isn't the Wii U though, Sony won't put out release dates till they know they can hit that date due to the amount of criticism they got for delaying them. As for lack of information it's probably just down to Sony not having much to show or tell right now while the developers get their heads down hence no PSX.
Oh they are FWB lol ok
Ghost of Tsushima is about it for me. Hopefully it's open and exploratory. Visually, it's very much on point.
@get2sammyb Love a list like this! I do think the logos are a bit big though, they seem to take up a lot of space, so you have to scroll quite a lot.
@Octane Cool okay, might change the pictures later then.
I'm interested to find out what Japan Studio is working on, because it's usually something new and different. Maybe they're also helping out with Ueda and his new game, just like with TLG...
@Kidfried I think @rjejr is talking about Concrete Genie, which was revealed last year with a ''2018'' release window, but I don't think it was at E3 this year.
Great article and I hope Insomniac will join the Dream Team someday. ^^
@Kidfried Those weren't my words
I think it's fine, a delay can happen. I wonder if they'll tell us though. I don't expect it this year, the holiday period is usually way too busy for a game like Concrete Genie. But then we've seen a busy Q1 this year, and a packed September, so it seems like it's never a good time to release a game
Less than I was expecting. I guess they provide support to and fund many of our exclusive games rather than developing them developing them in house.
Now this is a list of exclusives I want to hear about: type 1 exclusivity.
@Kidfried What @Octane said, I was referring to Concrete Genie being very quiet since August and it's due out this year, which has less than 3 months left. mM hasn't shut about up Dreams, they've been promising up a beta for the past 3 years now.
@RogerRoger Haha! Well, let's hope they're all secretly working on Knack sequels.
Unlike the naysayers above I like Knack its lots of fun.
Wondering if/when Quantic Dream will become 1st party. Of all the 2nd Party studios they would make the most sense. Too bad Ready at Dawn fumbled The Order 1886 otherwise I think Sony would have bought them.
@get2sammyb Can you add SIE China Hero Project (China Ex Dev)? They are a Sony external development arm that helps develop chinese PS4 exclusives. Currently helping develop Monkey King, Lost Soul Aside and a few others.
@Sang-II I completely forgot about Monkey King! Thanks!
We can add China Hero Project potentially. I’m still not sure whether to add partners like Kojima Productions or not. Hmmm. 🤔
@get2sammyb You could always make two articles linking to each other
so sie san diego developer of mlb the show franchise is the same as the newly formed studio in san diego that is rumored working on a new uncharted?
@3Above I too would love Sony to acquire Quantic Dream. Really like their unique cinematic games.
@get2sammyb Maybe a section for ''other Sony games'' made by external companies? Like Death Stranding, Spider-Man, Detroit, etc.
I think they could buy 2-3 studios. Especially they have very good conditions - PS4 sells great. Their games sells great, too.
Insomniac, Quantic Dream, From Software (dream ), Remedy, Ready At Dawn or some small like Supergiant Games, Housemarque and expand them.
Few weeks ago,I saw video on yt with same name,but from other creator.funny
Supermassive needs to be a first party studio. 😉
Updated with Insomniac!
I think Sony are buying Remedy. There's far too many complimentary tweets sent by Sony's other studios to point where you'd think they were already were a 1st party studio already. Though I think Sony will hold off till MS's XO event so they can steal there thunder.
Ah, that yellow diamond logo! Startup memories of the PSOne right there, brings a year to an old man's eye!
The countless hours lost on the PSOne playing games like Spyro the Dragon, Metal Gear Solid, MediEvil, Tomb Raider and the like is why I hope PlayStation will continue to be a thing for as long as I live.
I love Quantic Dream and their games but given what happened between Sony and David Cage is an acquisition possible at this point?
Of course I'd like to hope but I don't know if there's any bad blood between them now. I don't know the full details on what happened so don't know if that close relationship is repairable.
@AdamNovice. I agree with you.and control is doing really good.people loves the game.word ☝ up son
@PS_Nation "Great article and I hope Insomniac will join the Dream Team someday"
Fancy wishing that I win the lottery too?
@Quintumply San Diego Studio's Logo has changed...
@parvaz1 You're quite right! I've updated the image.
Still working on MLB The Show 19 instead of MLB The Show 20? That is dedication
SIE Bend Studio should be working on a new entry of Spyhon Filter instead of wasting there tailents on Days Gone.
Excited for Spider-man 2.
Sony needs MOAR studios! ;-/
Whilst ND is working on The Last of Us, the Uncharted team is surely working on something as well, right?
Sony studios need to branch out...
Santa Monica, Polyphony Digital, San Diego and London Studio need to step out of their comfort zones...
And Japan Studio should be expanded and given unlimited freedom...
The quirkiness of their titles is second to none...
Anyone remember Folklore? Loved that game! Never even sniffed a sequel though. Also, Dark Cloud 3 and yes I say that every thread. Been saying it for the past 15 years.
North America could almost be changed to California when you look at all those studio locations.
This article made me love pushsquare and never left the site after that. Time for a little update, right? ^^
@magnvon It has finally happened!
I still lament the closure of Psygnosis/Sony Studio Liverpool..
@get2sammyb don't know if anyone else has raised this, but the studio rumoured to be working on an Uncharted game is actually a separate studio to Studio San Diego. They're both in San Diego, but I believe have completely different management structures and even different premises. Also I thought SIE Manchester had been closed.
@SirAngry I totally forgot that Manchester studio closed! I've removed it from the article.
Sony need to expand their portfolio.Especially with a developer who can create RPGs on the same creativity level of Bethesda & Obsidian.
@get2sammyb santa monica has also been rumored to be working on playstation all stars 2. And london studio often makes games for new tech so its pretty safe to assume its gonna be a psvr2 title
Didn’t know there was a new Arc the Lad and Wild Arms!
I’m presuming, as the dev is one by Sony, these are actual games rather than mobile phone rubbish(?)
@get2sammyb excited to see what Sony's studios brings us this coming gen 🙂
😶-I keep beating this Drum, but Sony needs to buy CDPR to counter MS buying up ZeniMax Media with Bethesda and other studios that make Western Style RPG's!
😄-As much as I love Sony's current Software Developing Studios, thay desperately need to fill the void left by Microsoft's purchase of ZeniMax Media and CD Project Red developers are extremely talented and would easily be a good fit and smart counter to Microsoft's purchase of ZeniMax Media.
@RicksReflection you have any idea how higly valued CDPR is valued at? It has a market cap of 10.77 billion! Even if they were open to a non-hostile takeover, Sony can't afford them.
Lucky for all, they don't seem in any interest of selling off, because the only ones with the money to buy them are Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Tencent.
I sometimes forget how impressive it has been that Sony developed many of these studios.
I wonder if this list will grow as a result of MS’s purchase of Bethesda...?
Good thing about Sony is they seem to know how to manage studios well. MS have yet to prove that imo...
Does Sony have any AAA epic massive openworld RPGs(not rpg-lite's like HZD) in the works? I was expecting several at launch and we got none. I can't find any on this list so this is making me rather sad.
Such a strong stable of developers and IPs. I couldnt care less about the competition (Xbox) who 'promise' great games that never arrive, or try to blindside with 'Gamepass' filler mediocrity for the most part.
Would really love them to make a few small and large acquisitions to add to this team and diversify their line up. I think Hello Game, Techland & Asobo would all be great pick ups for them and could be a great answer to Microsoft picking up Obsidian and now Bethesda. I think Bluepoint and Housemarque should be considered no brainers. Kojima, Capcom, or Konami are probably all pipe dreams but would be huge to have any of those IP’s under Sony’s control. Honorable mentions I also think would be good fits are Sumo Digital, Endnight, Mediatonic, Unknown Worlds, Drinkbox, Frogwares, & Frictional
@SirAngry Actually, they aren't a separate studio. San Diego Studio has another team within, that is apparently working another Uncharted game. While they are a separate team, they are housed within the same studio. Even Guerilla Games, Naughty Dog or Japan Studio for example, have more than one team.
@BamBamBaklava89 Well they don't have to buy up studios just for IPs. In terms of Konami, they could potentially just purchase exclusive licenses for their properties such as Silent Hill, MGS , Castlevania, etc. I think the best studios that fit their World Wide Studio family are Housemarque, BluePoint and perhaps Hello Games. Techland doesn't seem to fit into that mold personally speaking. Sumo Digital is probably unlikely, but they do have a handful of subsidiaries under their umbrella, so I guess that would depend on price and value in general. I see Sony acquiring a few more studios in the not so distant future, but their more likely to expand their current studios, which is already happening.
@InsertUsername oh I know Sony studios have multiple teams, but I'd heard for m a friend at San Diego they weren't actually attached to San Diego studio... and I thought he'd know being as though he works there.
Y'all talking about studios, I'm still pining for a new Getaway game 😔
@SirAngry I'm going by what is known about this new team being gathered for a rumored Uncharted game. I guess everything will be cleared up eventually when this new game is revealed.
Yeah, if it is an Uncharted game. I assume it is given the people that are being moved over to the team. So y have been growing their studios ever so quietly over the past 3 years. They've been gearing up for PS5, so I guess that's all about to start bearing fruit soon if it all come to plan.
Sony REALLY needs to invest on japanese studios ASAP, way too much is centered around USA.
The new development team is based in the SAN Diego Visual Arts Studio, who are a support team for most first party games. They specialise in things like motion capture.
I do not believe the SAN Diego team that develops the MLB games are based in that same studio or in any way connected.
@Makina I feel like Sony coasted on the fact that Japanese devs only really had one console maker to go to for HD quality games for most of this gen, and that's just not going to be true for next gen with sales of the Switch exploding worldwide and Microsoft making a concerted effort to attract Japanese developers again.
@Quintumply Yeey! Now time for another update
Wait. Arc the Lad and Wild Arms are getting new games, but they are mobile titles? 😭
This is a great idea! Thanks for doing this and (hopefully) updating it whenever more info is known. I always wanted something like this.
@ScepticDK what else has she worked on?
@ScepticDK @naruball
I guess you're talking about Jade Raymond. As far as I know she worked on the original Assassin's Creed and Assassin's Creed II, which were very ambitious projects at the time. Let's give her and her team some time before we throw dirt at them.
@gollumb82 that's why I was asking.
I can see why you see it this way. I don't necessarily approve of Sony's decisons of late. Hell, I started this gen by selling my PS4 PRO and buying an Xbox Series X because I got frustrated with Sony's moves. The Last of Us Remake and dropping the Days Gone sequel irritates me even further, but I returned to Sony because of some franchises I happen to love and care about. I just hope she will finally turn a new leaf here now and this move pays off. We'll see.
@gollumb82 for the billionth time, has The Last of Us remake been confirmed or is it still a rumour that people are, for some bizzare reason, repeatedly treating as fact?
It's still officially a rumour, but I suppose if it wasn't true Naughty Dog would go on record to deny it. As it stands, it makes a lot of sense from a business perspective to offer a remake of this game to go along with the start of the HBO series.
@Rob_230 Sadly true Rob. Big shame for both franchises.
I think im most excited by Santa Monica Studio's second teams unannounced title, cant wait to see what they have cooking. Would love to see a new ip from naughty dog (its been 8 years) but if all they have coming is factions 2 and tlou remake then that definitely doesn't float my boat
Would love for Sucker Punch to be working on a new Sly Cooper for PS5.
One "exclusive" per year, two tops. To be later ported to PC in 3 years. This new generation has no real exclusives, except for nintendo. Honestly gamepass is looking more appealing every day. I will get a PS5 eventually, but Xbox is a real alternative this gen.
Had no idea Media Molecule was a Sony studio (suppose it makes sense considering Dreams is an exclusive) and even more surprising was the fact they are based up the road from where I live. I go to Guildford town quite often, I see the EA offices but never saw MMs. Cool!
Rather small in comparison to Microsoft now.
@-Sigma- That's a very negative way of looking at it, especially when 7 months into a new gen Microsoft still haven't delivered a first party next gen exclusive to Series X.
Plus their track record of delivering universally praised titles is no where near Sony's. I have a Series X btw, which is great hardware, but in first party software they are still majorly lacking!
The future does look brighter for Xbox, but I only see this as a good thing, a strong Microsoft will lead to a stronger Sony, the positives far outweigh any negatives here.
@Ypmud It is a Sony studio.
@-Sigma- THQ has how many studio's how many high quality games did they release so far?
@Oscarjpc But a Xbox is a real alternative now?
@710King But what about that gamepass value its all i hear about its getting old fast.
@Flaming_Kaiser Dude you sound bitter? No point in getting all fanboye . Gaming is meant for everyone
I'm looking forward to what Sony can do these next few years to combat Microsoft's Bethesda purchase. Great games are coming
Sony got more California studios than any other studios.you know bluepoint from texas will be next.word up son
@get2sammyb my son loved Concrete Genie!
@get2sammyb Ghost of Ikishima (rumoured) for Sucker Punch, and New IP (rumoured) for Santa Monica
@playstation1995 Not gonna happen they had a massive financial injection from Tencent.
@Flaming_Kaiser. Whats not gonna happen.word up son
@playstation1995 Sorry i read it wrong or i replied to the wrong person Sony buying Quantic Dream.
@Flaming_Kaiser. No problem playa.bluepoint is gonna be the next PlayStation aquisition.word up son
@playstation1995 I hope so they seem a great fit and delivered quite a few gems.
@playstation1995 i agree, bluepoint 100% going to be the next.word up son
@UmaBunda. Oh yeah its happening.word up son
@playstation1995 aw yeah, home slice! No? Okay I'll be quiet. 🥲
Is the San Diego Uncharted rumor even still a thing?
Technically we know that "PixelOpus is collaborating with Sony Pictures Animation on “an exciting new PlayStation 5 title" that's what we were told in June anyway. I remember people thinking it had something to do with that mitchells vs the machines film.
Honestly, I’m just waiting for Dark Cloud 3 after these 16 years.
@BoyoArdee yes , its their worst kept secret , at least the san diego studio is , assuming if the game they are working on is uncharted. i would think it could be tied in with the movie release for an announcement.
Feels good to see Bluepoint on this list now.
@DeepSpace5D Now if only we knew the actual game they were working on, instead of just "Original IP".
@KidBoruto There’s some leaker on Twitter who has gotten a few things right in the past claiming they are working on 2 games currently: an original smaller game, think Miles Morales in terms of length, and then another remake.
Take it with a grain of salt.
My speculation is that Sucker Punch is working on Ghost of Tsushima 2
There are an awful lot of unknowns on that list…
Thats a lot of unknown games.
Still no reason to get a PS5 yet.
Had the chance to get a PS5 last week after a email from BT decided still not worth it just yet.
@DeepSpace5D Yeah I've seen that rumor floating around, but def not getting my hopes up.
@playstation1995 Thats not gonna happen the guy is toxix waste. I read their last game didnt really go over well with Sony and they cut of the work with the studio.
@AhmadSumadi Same here i would even take a good remake.
@Quintumply What's new?
@Octane Not much, what's new with you?
(The video! And I added Valkyrie!)
Hopefully not too much online crapola
"Every Playstation exclusive in the works"
Won't be exclusive any longer once they all head over to PC.
That being said, I am interested in Spider-Man 2
I couldn't help but notice that the long rumored Uncharted game has fallen off the charts. I came to the same conclusion. Ironically, Uncharted as a series is over before the movie even releases.
@anoyonmus if only nintendo would release on PC . that’s needed the most to dodge their trash & wacky hardware . and online .
The Last of Use was re-released on PS4. Why do we need a remake of a game so recent that still looks excellent? I don't get it.
I definitely miss Japan Studio. After the merger, do you think we might see Team Asobi make some unique IPs, like Japan Studio did, or will they continue to develop Playroom-esque software?
@nomither6 they won’t. They are traditionalist. Would be cool to see happen but not happening nonetheless
@jorel262 that is my question
@Quintumply I thought you had some inside knowledge on newly developed games. Disappointing..!
Even though there are so many studios, i can't help but feel it's not enough, especially with naughty dog entangled on a multiplayer game (and guerrila). A couple more of big studios would round this up better. Theres many support or small studios.
Bethesda's aquisition by Microsoft alone netted them about 5 AAA teams. Sony would do well to prepare a response before they start pumping new games. Elder scrolls 6 is a game that warrants a response. I hope they are preparing for that.
@NeoTokyo404 I think they are gonna develop AAA action games - read - platformers. Be it Astro or (hopefully) an Ape escape revival.
Definitly not more gravity rushes and the type.
@anoyonmus Of course not. Nintendo will keep making exclusives while they keep selling hardware.
What Sony is doing with PC is not well advised for a company that wants to sell hardware. It's only short term money, but it will have a long term loss.
@Uncharted2007 The rumored Uncharted game is still there, just underneath San Diego Studio instead of Naughty Dog.
Whilst not a wholly owned subsiduary it is likely that whatever Hideo Kojima is working on next will be a PS5 exclusive. Whether this is a Silent Hill game (Sony were rumoured to have brought the licence from Konami) or something new is open to debate.
I am a little sad that there are no racing titles listed anywhere. Forza Horizon 5 garnered a lot of GOTY awards last month and whilst Gran Turismo 7 is a big deal, its not a new arcade racer.
A new WipEout has surely got to be in the offering as a launch title for the PSVR2 and a new Motorstorm wouldn't hurt either.
I'm expecting Deviation Games to be the next to be acquired.
I think if Kojima was up for sale, it would have happened already along with all of these. Maybe Arrowhead.
Other than that, I have no clue since any other wouldn't be "organic".
Sony should acquire Sloclap. These guys are talented as fuark. Sifu is superb and with the finances of Sony, they could go even bigger.
I'm going to need a pay-rise
No Bungie on the list? They are missing on Wikipedia too. Is that because the sale isnt finalised yet? Or because they are remaining more independent?
@RevGaming i wouldn't mind seeing that , there are a lot of new studios with veteran talent that have worked on big games before. the perfect chance for sony to buy up a couple of those studios and help them grow , and we'll get fresh new games or they can also work on already established sony franchises.
Well there's dreamhaven but I think they are more PC only oriented since it's a revived blizzard. There are a few, but most of them won't probably fit the bill.
@Rob_230 Not a Sony WWS.
@JAMes-BroWWWn Slocap would need a story writer with all that jazz and next gen graphics. They did made a template for a melee only brawl third person action narrative game that will feel different gameplay wise from the other sony games.
@RevGaming one stuido i found interesting is Rebel Wolves which is made up of people that worked on witcher. there is also firewalk which sony is currently working with atm, and a few other studios.
@twitchtvpat witchfire devs too
Does anyone know if there's a way to see only news and no guides in Push Square? Even when clicking on News I get drowned by guides to games I don't even own, would be nice to compartmentalize those to people who are actually interested in them...
@Rob_230 Bungie isn't a part of SIE Studios. It's wholly its own thing.
@heybren22 You sadly can't filter out the Guides, no way to ignore them.
That Japan section is looking a bit empty...
@get2sammyb @pushsquare. any chance to clear old comments? nearly replied to one years old.
@Apfelschteiner square be on there by the end of the year.
@stvevan That would be too much work. The weekly release article is a disaster, with comments from a year ago, although this having 4 year old comments is even worse. Just calling it like I see it, nothing more.
A cool idea to update every time what Sony's companies are working on and even if they announce new things, well done 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 But can you make a list like this about games that are developed by PlayStation Studios but not by its first-party companies and developed by third-party companies for Sony like Firewalk Studios and Ballistic Moon?
What I see here is a great opportunity to really expand in Japan. Only two studios in Japan is shameful. Besides bringing in Square-Enix as a subsidiary, Sony needs to make major first party moves in Japan. There are plenty of Japanese games that sell well everywhere. Maybe Sony forgot that?
So to summarise - We have no idea what any of these studios are working on, except Insomniac. Literally everybody else is just guesswork.
Sony have done remarkably well at minimising the impact of COVID and other factors on first-party development by having a steady stream of new AAA releases over the last 2-3 years.
However looking at this list it does seem we might have a slightly quieter spell over the next year or so. Perhaps that's why they've signed up several large third party exclusives this year, or perhaps they will surprise us with something unexpected, there's a lot of unknown in here too.
@playstation1995 Sony bought insomniac games and Sony won't buy or cant buy quantic dreams anymore they had their chance but didn't and quantic dreams left Sony 2nd party to pursue multiplatform development and then Netease bought them. The others, im not sure about.
I wrote that in October 10 2018 🤔.so of course quantic dream is not bought by sony.i got insomniac studio right. Sony did bought insomniac studio word up son
I wish Sony had picked up Supermassive when they had the chance. Having an in-house Horror studio would have been fantastic.
honestly the fact that there are a lot of games in development that haven't been shown off yet , is pretty exciting. yeah there are rumors out there , some might be true , some might not be true. but imo having those cards to still show makes all the announcements even more exciting. even if its last of us 3 or a sequel to ghosts of tsumia either or both would be great.
@Ooccoo_Jr In terms of new games yes, but we do also have the upcoming Horizon: Forbidden West DLC.
Perhaps they could mash together Firesprite and XDEV and give us the Wipeout sequel we're all waiting for, including a mix of the classic dance tracks!
So Sony only have 2 japanese studios?
Sony had a few big showcases around the launch of the PS5 where they showed a lot of first-party games coming in the next 2-3 years and 1 (Wolverine) for the more distant future. Currently they have delivered all those except Spider-man 2.
It is now time for another big showcase to highlight what is coming in the next 2-3 years.
Reading through this, you can see the problems MS have got, with or without Gamepass.
You forgot to mention that guerilla is working on the burning shores expansion
After Spider-Man 2 there really isn’t anything else to look forward to atm. I hope we get some announcements soon.
It seems like hardly anybody is working on anything that I can look forward to in the near future.
Looking forward to Insomniac and Sucker Punch. Nothing more.
@themightyant Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine were announced in the September 2021 Playstation Showcase. Everything in the 2020 showcases (June and September) except a few indies, FFXVI and Pragmata have all been released.
Those 2 reveals in hindsight do seem to have been about setting up a situation where Sony didn't have to have an urgent showcase in 2022/2023.
Gamer_Guy wrote:
Why? Microsoft have 23ish studios, compared to Sony's 20ish, even before the ABK deal goes through.
Yes i'd currently take Sony's 20, as they release the games I prefer, and currently seem better at hitting deadlines. But Game Pass Day 1 is a hell of a unique selling point. Once games of the quality of Starfield, Doom, etc. start hitting it Day 1 is will be a very compelling offering.
San Diego Studio you have the source code for ModNation Racers so just do the decent thing, eh?
@get2sammyb Hello Sammy,
Umm. Please add a new section. Asia 1. PlayStation Malaysia. Oh, and in North America add Bungie (even though they have some independence) or you can list them in a new category called Sony Corporate: 1. Bungie 2. Delight Works (Fate Grand/Order one of the world's biggest mobile games)
P.S. Looking forward to adding Ballistic Moon and Deviation Games as well.
I hope MM doesn't just stick to Dreams and that's it from now on
fire sprite is making twisted metal 😁😁
@Grumblevolcano @ItsBritneyB_tch @themightyant Fingers crossed that the rumors of a May/June PlayStation showcase do turn out to be real.
Worse case we might have to either wait until September, or Sony will continue to just randomly drop trailers and blog announcements.
@robhammy88 not until it is confirmed, no point getting anyone's hopes up
Definitely need to update MM's section as they are no longer working on Dreams
Edit: Also, didn't Bend studio tease something for Monday? Possibly a game announcement on PS Blog??
So there's a lot of multiplayer on the way
This is a really bad look for me,OK I'll wait and see what these multiplayer 'live service' games play like but I hate multiplayer live service games!I've stuck with sony since 1997 as they always had the games I enjoy but this is not it anymore and if this is where gaming is heading jeesus!!thank god for third parties
It's a mistake to be wasting resources in these meant to be dud live services when they should be working on system sellers.
PlayStation needs to do a showcase soon. The fans are going to start getting rowdy and their expectations will outrun what Sony is actually working on.
A whole lot of bugger all currently announced
@BeerIsAwesome Thanks. I hope @get2sammyb adds Bungie even though it's under Sony.
Oh, and let's hope we here that Ballistic Moon and Deviation Games is part of PlayStation in the near future.
Literally nothing to play in my PS5 I’ve even lent it out to a friend to play TLOU1 &2
No new exclusives to play in the near future either .
I'm pretty sure 100% they don't make kids games at all.
They just keep making more disgusting rated M games.
Well, I don't even care nor even like their games except Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, the only 1st party PS5 game I have interest.
I still can depend on 99.99% 3rd party kids games on PS5 to build my PS5 games library.
Wow, I've counted 5 studios working on some online coop live service nonsense. I'm not saying these titles don't have a right to be around, but I think this year has proven that most of these won't have legs for the long run. usually a psplus game, has some players for a short while and is then never to be heard of again. The only way for Sony to make any of those A long term success is to make them multiplatform.
The only live service game I could see myself play would be something in the style of genshin impact or Warframe. The rest just looks like samey junk to me.
This list remains so depressing. I think asobi is the only studio likely to be doing something that interests me at this point. There's 3 studios that maybe have something good unannounced but that really is looking bleak unless they're hiding some aces really well.
Kind of disappointing that most of sony studios doing online games where's it's single player games that put sony studios in the map.
Media Molecule section needs an update; Dreams will shut down support this year and they are working on a new IP.
Lol the doom and gloom gang is back again.
@theMEGAniggle Wait they did?! Do you think it'll be a new game?
@KidRyan yessir. Go to their Twitter page, they have a sexy looking PS studios logo embroidered on paper with the caption just stating "Monday".
I think it's a new game announcement. On PS Blog. I think it's days gone 2. Contrary to what we see on media, the first one was good and did really well. It makes no sense to ditch it. I'd be surprised if it was not a sequel as PS tend to do sequels. But definitely an announcement for Monday
@PhantomMenace84 you're absolutely right lmao. I just really like bend studio, maybe too much
@theMEGAniggle @PhantomMenace84 Damn shame there's no new announcement! I would have loved a Days Gone 2.
@PhantomMenace84 @KidRyan let's wait till Monday before we decide nothings happening. I guess chances are slim but just watch out I guess
But like menace said, they are due to announce something, 4 years since days gone. I think days gone was unreal engine 4 so I don't think they'll have too much engine issues. Hopefully they can port over their tech and systems they developed to UE5, but we shall see
@theMEGAniggle Did we end up getting an announcement today?
@KidRyan no we did not. I read into a mundane post way too eagerly 😔
@theMEGAniggle Ah rip. Maybe during the rumored May showcase?
@KidRyan I don't know anymore. Thinking logically, there won't be that many first party announcements all at once right? Plus we still got already announced games to be shown and final fantasy 16 will inevitably be shown again as well as 7 remake part 2 rebirth thing
@theMEGAniggle Fair point. Best we just forget about it.
@KidRyan when it happens we will celebrate
lol so basically nothing known whatsoever aside from live service predation schemes.
I really dislike this live service route Sony is going.
Well that's a whole load of nothing. Excited for wolverine but that's about it
Well I guess that leaves me with some time to complete the exclusives backlog if that's the best way to put it...
I really prefer single player games with a good story. I don't like the way sony is doing. I think that it would be great to have an equilibrium for every type players.
Fair status. Ah whatever Asobi, Bluepoint, Bend and London (Getaway is missing from that) are doing. Let alone Media Molecule after Dreams. I'm curious. The rest don't care and we kind of have an idea anyway of trilogy/second games and more.
The mobile/live service stuff pass. Firesprite though new VR? Or just another title outside VR?
The PC port studio doing their thing is fine.
No Insomniac VR is something I wonder. All this Marvel when what about their Meta VR skills/talent/equipment why not get them on PSVR2 or some other studio to tie in then just Firesprite or Asobi or the Firewall studio.
Bend 'broke back into AAA status' WTF is that have they not just because oh handhelds oh other IPs weren't? They were under Sony they are AAA budget and quality you people and your BS write ups. Some people seriously need to think further and not so narrow.
Really enlightening...
Still a LOT of unknowns. The 'only' confirmed First Party game I am interested in at this point is 'Wolverine'. Games like Concord, FairGame$, Marathon etc do not interest me at all and I doubt that I'll be interested in a 'Horizon' Live Service too if that is confirmed.
Maybe 3rd Party partners will have games in the near future that will appeal but right now, I am not excited by Sony's future 1st Party Games.
So many studios and so few games.
Lot's of waste on dead on arrival live service games.
@BAMozzy I'm hoping the Horizon Live Service ends up being something like Monster Hunter, but my gut tells me it'll be a good but not long lived fairly vanilla MMO.
But yeah, it is weird having no clue whats coming besides the doomed to fail live service PvP stuff.
Shift Up, Ember Lab, and Arrowhead are curiously missing from this list. Hopefully, Sony rectifies that.
The first party games drought is real
Infamous, Syphon Filter, Legend of Dragoon, LBP, Rachet and Clank, Jak and Daxter a revival of smaller games or IP's would be fantastic.
Sort of amazing how much of the list is still just unknowns. Not much that's on the known list is very interesting other than Astrobot, the assumed Horizon 3, and the assumed GoT, and we don't even know if those will make PS5. But the only chance of "big" games are from Bend, Bluepoint, ND, SSM, and SP, and all of them are unknown. Who knows if these are even going to make the PS5. They really need to reboot the AA games they used to have. And not charge $70 for them. Remember the days when ND and SP could crank out 4 games a generation? Now they crank out one game for 4 generations.
@NEStalgia I would kill for something like a Datk Cloud.
Remake Mark of Kri you cowards lol
team asobi and bluepoint are the studios that im waiting the most for their games! i would love a new platforming astro with a console focus instead of VR, and the new bluepoint IP is making me very curious! i would also welcome another remake from them, Ico would be perfect
@Flaming_Kaiser Oh man, that's still one of the best series ever. It really makes me sad what's happened to Level-5. Let alone the industry as a whole, of course.
@NEStalgia May sound strange but i dont know if its a good thing gaming got so big. It haa always been about the profit but of lately it looks like money is the only thing that still matters.
Waiting on Bluepoint.
Media/Asobi taking their time on their new projects. Other than that I have no reason to even care about anything Sony puts out.
PSVR2 they tried but it's there for third parties which is fine.
The assistance/mobile/PC port ones are doing their thing.RIP WipEout Rush because that just wasn't good even GT4 B Spec was better than it.
I don't even know what their mobile games are unlike the on and off I heard of the cellphone and early PS Mobile before that died era.
Otherwise with London/Japan dead. I have no interest in ANY of the other studios right now. GT7, Ratchet and God of War aren't doing it for me in their current directions and the current other IPs are just not for me. I gave Spiderman 2018 a go I found it a backstep from Sunset Overdrive in open world design the Resistance 2 of Insomniac doing things to fit trends but not enjoyable to me in the game design.
Horizon is fine but didn't hold my attention at all.
God of War 2018 I beat the story still didn't enjoy it.
Bend will make something on par to a degree as the others of a cinematic this and that game.
Bluepoint if they do, sigh sure whatever. They could be really creative or make something in line with the other studios if they do I'm not interested.
The rest as sequels or new IPs taht are probably fine but eh multiplayer of no interest or more cinematic PS4 IP sequels I already wasn't interested in.
For those into them enjoy them they are worth your time. For me I'm not missing out personally.
Third parties I stay on PS4 then or retro games or whatever odd stuff on Switch.
I am struggling to care when it's always cinematic this, passable gameplay that doesn't engage me in the slightest which is why I play games to begin with.
Passable story/worlds but nothing to want to play or played for 20 hours to GIVE IT ENOUGH TIME (Horizon) but still was thoroughly bored at the open world missions or the eh puzzles/combat/platforming in the linear games.
The games they are making make sense for the audiences they are targeting of casuals or hardcore Sony fans but there isn't anything for me here unless it's PS1-3/PSP/Vita or third parties of the particular type no matter how far in progress they are.
@felip Indeed! As much as I enjoy Sony template games, these two studios (maybe also housemarque and MM) seem to be the most promising for delivering titles that can shine in uniqueness.
I'm seeing quite a few studios that haven't put out anything in many years and have nothing formally announced.
I hope one of those live service games sticks so that sony wont need to keep making more live service games.
Sony's single player fans will get fed up if they don't produce much for the PS5 generation.
If I had to rank the top five Sony developers in terms of what I’ve seen in terms of fun, graphically and/or technologically impressive games along with potential for future awesomeness:
1. Naughty Dog. It’s been the juggernaut, top dog, tour de force studio that Microsoft’s always dreamt of having, and it’s what Rare should’ve/would’ve been if MS hadn’t wasted Rare’s time with avatars and Kinect experiences.
2. Insomniac. Ratchet and Clank. Spiderman. Spyro. Yeah, Insomniac rules. Here’s hoping for a Feral Rights sequel/remake for PSVR 2, done with the size, scope, and budget a true AAA game should have! Make the system seller VR2 truly needs and deserves. Put our faith back into VR, Sony (or send the job over to MediaMolecule because they’re known for their innovative tech-based PlayStation games.
3. Santa Monica Studios. God of War. Boom!
4. Sucker Punch. InFAMOUS 2 was so, so good! After years of trying different open world games, InFAMOUS 2 was the first one that I truly sunk my teeth into. It was my personal gateway to an entirely new gaming world. And the ability within that game to create and design your own missions? Revolutionary! SP took a slight step back with InFAMOUS: Second Son and First Light, but their work in creating Sly Cooper keeps them at #3.
4. Housemarque. Fantastic action games. In an alternate universe where arcades still exist, Housemarque would be #1 and it wouldn’t even be close.
5. Guerrilla Games. Killzone. Horizon. Awesome-sauce.
As an aside, I love ClapHanz for the fantastic Hot Shots Golf games (which includes the VR game, too!). It’s a pity Sony didn’t pony up the bucks to buy the studio. I’d have loved to see more Hot Shots entries in golf and other sports—tennis, baseball, football, basketball, soccer, volleyball, fencing, curling, hockey, tee-ball, tag, axe throwing, log cutting, fencing, corn detasseling—heck, it doesn’t matter what sports are represented. If it’s done by ClapHanz, it’s good.
Time to refresh the story and the comments. 2018, really?
It’s fascinating to see the diverse and innovative lineup Sony has in store across the globe, from Polyphony Digital’s racing masterpieces in Tokyo to the narrative-rich adventures being crafted by Naughty Dog in California. I’m particularly thrilled about the upcoming Astro Bot and Firesprite. This article does an excellent job of highlighting the sheer talent and creativity housed within Sony's first-party developers, and I can't wait to see these projects come to life. 🎮🚀
I think Sony will end up shutting down Firewalk, Haven, Media Molecule and maybe Housemarque in the near future
It’s sad but these guys games aren’t big performers
On the other hand arguably Sony MVP studio this gen has been Nixxes
@Ergoshotz Firewalk and Haven have games coming out imminently, especially Firewalk with Concord. Both games are live service oriented so it all depends how those perform. I’m worried about both of them, but maybe there’s another Helldivers lighting to catch in a bottle for one or both of them. Of the two, I think Firewalk is more susceptible to closure.
As for Media Molecule, I think they might be the biggest ‘sunk cost fallacy’ studio they have. The time and energies put into Dreams must have been enormous compared to the weak commercial performance. Sony are in a tough spot with Mm because they have such critically acclaimed award winning talent there, so I don’t think they’ll shut them down unless their current project fails. I’d give them about two years to have something decent to show off first, and if not then probably they should move on. They already had a bunch of layoffs to the Mm team iirc.
Housemarque is a fairly recent acquisition so I don’t think they are at risk for a few years either, so similarly, as long as they are making progress on their current project and have something to show off soon, I feel like Sony will keep them around.
I agree that none of these four studios make a lot of money for Sony, but they each fill a certain void and provide some diversity to the first party projects. The big money making studios make games of a similar ilk so Sony does need to keep some of the less profitable studios if at all possible.
I suppose Bend Studio and Bluepoint games new projects will be due soon.
I wish sony were to start developing more AA games like they used to. There is always a chance for a cult success in those. Seriously though Naughty Dog needs to release something, the generation is more than half done and nothing from them.
A whole lot of nothing to report on the first party side as of today.
@Steel76 Lol, it’s ridiculous this popped up on the front page.
They got everybody’s attention just to say we don’t know what the hell they’re working on.
Nothing to report.
What we'd like to see is San Diego studios doing something with the ModNation Racers IP as they must have the Road Trip source code on a server somewhere! That said, we'd need Sony to host a server for it and, as LBP has proven, they can't be arsed.
Nothing new except some of them are working on "unknown" projects !!!! What an informative article 😆
don't forget about the 2 not so secret studios the other one being also in san deigo , along with the Jason Blundell lead new studio.
Naughty Dog is currently working on The Last of Us Part 1 remake remastered for PS6 and The Last of Us Part II Remake for Ps6
If there wasn't a smorgasbord of third party games already piling up in my backlog I'd be concerned that there are so many studios we have zero idea about what they're working on... but as it is I'm happy for them to beaver away and hopefully not announce more GaaS future flops.
RIP Neo Koi and Firewalk studios
I wonder what Firewalk's next project is.
@Mintie it sucks we don't know but also the fact they've been able to keep a lot of these games from leaking is crazy. you would think something would have leaked by now , and it hasn't. i can't wait till they show whatever it is they 've been working on.
There really isn’t that much known about Sonys first party at the moment is there?!
Strange considering their release schedule used to be so full. I know games take longer to make blah blah but I can’t help think mismanagement and the desire to make Gaas hits has been massively detrimental to Sony’s usual SP output.
All this at a time when old competitor MS have a massive pipeline thanks to their acquisitions.
Their promise of one AAA game a year sounds like a seriously poor return in my opinion.
Man theres literally nothing of interest from PS studios on the horizon
I thought bend was working on a multiplayer live service title that was cancelled, did they have another game in development as well?
@get2sammyb Housemarque working on a AAA production, original game, they'v confirmed its not Returnal.
Naughty Dog working on a 2nd AAA narrative game (probably LoU3) next to Intergalactic.
@playstation1995 I'm sorry but there's practically no chance Sony would even consider buying SNK. They've been mostly known within the fighting game space, and that's about it. While Capcom gave us Monster Hunter and Resident Evil, and Bamco gave us Dark Souls and Tales Of, SNK is still stuck with only making fighting games, and sadly they aren't as huge as the other two i've mentioned. I highly doubt that Sony would acquire all for exclusive rights on some fighting game IPs that they care less about.
Also, wanting SNK to be bought by them all because you love Metal Slug is pretty selfish. They don't need to be a first party studio just to put their games on playstation, and it's not like SNK even bothers on making a new big Metal Slug game by themselves anyways.
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