Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 538 1

There was no week of Gareth Southgate thumbnails, because football is sadly not coming home. Alas, the Olympics await, so more sporting disappointments beckon. In the meantime, let’s WAYP.

Aaron Bayne

It's a mixture of the Concord open beta, No Man's Sky, and maybe some Diablo IV for me this weekend.

Issy van der Velde

I'm going on a hike this weekend to take a much-needed break and touch some grass, but after that I'll be right back into the concrete and chrome world of Cyberpunk 2077. It's got its Mantis Blades in me deep.

Liam Croft

I've got a Dead Rising work project to continue with over the weekend, which is where most of my video game-playing time will be spent.

Robert Ramsey

I finally caved and grabbed Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth recently — I was way too busy with other reviews to play it at launch — so I'm hoping that I'll find the time to get started. To be honest, I'm not a massive fan of turn-based Yakuza (yet), but people rave about Infinite Wealth, and I'm definitely ready for more Ichiban.

Sammy Barker

I've got so much to play it's getting a bit overwhelming. But in addition to Genshin Impact's new storybook-themed update, I'll also be checking out the incredible EA Sports College Football 25.

Stephen Tailby

I'm still in the review dungeon, taking a look at some upcoming indie titles, so they'll have my full attention this weekend. It won't be too long before you find out what they are!

That's everything we're playing this weekend, but what about the rest of you? As always, let us know in the comments section below.