We Find This PS5 Wishlist Issue Irrationally Irksome 1
Image: Push Square

While it’s overwhelmingly a great console, there are no shortage of small irritations which detract from the overall PS5 experience. One that’s been irking this author irrationally for months now is how the wishlist displays discounts. It really shouldn’t be a difficult concept: if you’ve flagged a game as one you’re interested in, you should be notified when it goes on sale.

To be fair, typically with the PlayStation app, you’ll be sent a PUSH message informing you that a game you want to buy has been discounted. But what’s causing particular frustration for this writer is that when you view the wishlist and sort by price, PS Plus Premium trials are displayed at the top. There’s no way to actually see if the game is on sale and for how much without manually clicking through to its game page.

Obviously it’s great that a PS Plus Premium demo is available, but seeing as these tend to top out at two or three hours maximum, it’d be more valuable to know the actual price of the game. It’s insane that you have to check this manually rather than just browsing down the list, and it’s something we can’t believe hasn’t been fixed yet. Get it together, Sony!