A new Bloodborne game is in the works. Apparently. That's right, there's another Bloodborne rumour doing the rounds, and yet again, some people are losing their minds over the whispers of a so-called insider.
This time, it's known leaker DanielRPK who's stirring the pot, stating (on his paywalled Patreon): "I hear there's a new Bloodborne game project in development." He doesn't know, however, if said project is a sequel or a remaster.
Right off the bat, it's worth noting that DanielRPK has an especially spotty track record when it comes to gaming leaks, as he mostly deals in movie-related information. And on top of that, we've heard so many Bloodborne rumours over the years that it's near impossible to have faith in an out-of-the-blue claim like this.
But, just for the sake of this article, let's assume that there's some truth to this. Stitch it together with the rumoured State of Play in September, and you might feel a flicker of hope. Tokyo Game Show is happening next month as well...
Again, a Bloodborne something has been talked about for an eternity, but there's never been any concrete evidence of an official revival. We'd be very wary of getting your hopes up over this latest rumour.
Dare we ask how you feel about Bloodborne these days? Do you even take notice of rumours like this? Dismiss the lot in the comments section below.
Do you still care about a Bloodborne revival? (975 votes)
- Yes, give me a full sequel
- Yeah, give me a PS5 remaster
- Yep, just give me a PS5 update
- Give me any or all of the above
- No, I don't care about more Bloodborne
[source patreon.com, via reddit.com]
Comments 46
All of the above please
Public enemy dont believe the hype is what i would say.but i do believe a remastered or remake is coming.its just that bloodborne rumors is as old as barack obama tired speech 😊.word up son
Although an unsubstantiated rumor, yes please to all of the above. Will pay double.
With how FromSoftware's design philosophy has changed in the years since Bloodborne, I don't think I want them to do a sequel. They haven't made a game that fine tuned and balanced since.
Don’t bite people, it will only lead to you ending up disappointed and feeling silly
Bloodborne was a great game, but the rabid obsession with it is somewhat ridiculous.
I certainly wouldn't say no to a sequel or a remake, but even PS4 emulation thrives off of ensuring that Bloodborne is playable - a vast majority of videos you find regarding PS4 emulation focus on showing Bloodborne.
I guess I don't get why Bloodborne in particular stands out so much.
I thought maybe it had something to do with the game never branching out beyond PlayStation, but Demon's Souls doesn't garner as much attention as Bloodborne.
I just want a PC port that I can play on Steam Deck.
I heard Scarlett Johanssen is looking for a new husband, preferably English with a low-to-mid level income and greying hair.
Every day is bliss in my world of unsubstantiated rumour and self-delusion.
Yeah buddy! It would be monumentally epic if a Bloodborne remake launched with the PS5 Pro.
Another day another Bloodborne rumour (what else is new?). But I have to admit, I really wanted for Sony to do something about this IP. Remaster, remake, a sequel or heck, a spiritual successor. Considering how much Sony loves remastering their previous gen titles (even though some of them aren't really that old), it's surprising that they haven't done anything about Bloodborne and it's the game fans have been asking for years more than whatever Sony is throwing our way.
@Enuo What??? Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, Armoured Core, and Elden Ring are not fine tuned and balanced? I've never heard this take
How many times have they said this already?
Regardless, if From isn't available yet to work on a sequel, then I'll gladly take a 60fps remaster with quality of life changes/additions.
A “leaker” has a paid patreon. Why do people pay others for this “info”? Baffling to me
Ah hah hah ha! Ooh! Majestic! A rumor is a rumor, even in a dream.
@Gremio108 "I heard Scarlett Johanssen is looking for a new husband, preferably English with a low-to-mid level income and greying hair."
Whats that you say? Does she like beards? 😂😂😂
As the X-Files slogan famously once said……”I want to believe”. But until I see something concrete, it’s all just a fart in the wind…..
I was joking with a mate today that Bloodborne ps5 will launch the same day as PS5 Pro. I'd laugh if it that came true (and book the day off work)
Didn’t even know that there was a state of play next month or is that a rumour too?
I don’t believe all of these rumours still waiting for Spyro 4, FFIX remake, FF tactics remaster, FFXIII remaster/ remake, skies of Arcadia remaster and sonic heroes remaster all of which have just been rumours at the moment.
I’ve played Bloodborne but always wanted to I may hold off incase there is a remaster announced for it one day
A hefty Bloodborne Remake or a straight up Bloodborne 2 - I'm fine with both.
However, I don't believe the rumor.
If it's "in the works" It won't be for PS5 Pro, Sony won't release it casually, they'll wait for a console launch to make a huge case out of it. So it'll come out on PS6 - which is an uber long shot for a rumor to nail down.
If it's supposed to release on PS5 Pro launch, it wouldn't be "in the works", but in the final phase.
All in all, if this rumor doesn't have something more concrete to back it up, it should not be taken seriously.
A remake should launch with the PS6 just like Demons Souls. Let the series rest a bit longer and in 3 or 4 years generate massive hype over the new console.
A sequel or (more boring/likely) a remake will happen eventually, it's a total no brainer for Sony.
Remaster/remake the first game and then make the sequel.
Honestly i'd take ANYTHING.
Bluepoint sequel plz 🙏
Blue point did such an amazing job with Demon Souls, its a shame they didnt move to do the same with Bloodborne - if they had it would probably have been released already!
I joked about this on Reddit, since it's via a guy's Patreon.
"Oh shoot, I'm losing Patrons, how I can rope 'em back in"
Draws card from deck
"Looks like Bloodborne is back on the menu boys"
Jokes aside, I just want a PC port, cause then I would love to play through the game. I played the PS4 version via PS5 a few years ago but never kept at it, since this was before Soulsborne games clicked for me.
Every time I read this article (I’m pretty sure it pops up once a month), I see the Simpsons ”Stop! Stop! He’s dead already!” Gif in my head. It’s bad enough I went through so many years waiting for Half Life 3. Come on PushSquare! Have mercy!
Also rumored, Jesus will rise again.
I think speculating about it is silly but I'm still way into people talking this stuff up. More than ever these days it feels like making enough of a fuss about something usually can make stuff happen eventually (RIP Spyro & Earthbound fandoms).
@Stragen8 I completely agree - a full-scale 'from the ground up' remake of Bloodborne as a PS6 launch title would be a huge system-seller.
People are crying out for something like this, and Sony's exclusivity over the game would make it such a valuable IP to have during the next console 'war' (assuming XBox doesn't just become a GamePass ecosystem...!)
Bluepoint could already be working on this in theory? Been very quiet since Sony's buyout of BP, so fingers crossed
@Gremio108 You got that wrong, buddy! It's a low-to-mid level income and BALDING. Extra points if you got a a beer belly.
Any chance that anything listed above is good. Millions of us having been screaming for it.
Why do they not want money?
Too busy throwing hundreds of millions at live service like braindead morons.
Give.us what we literally want and constantly ask for.
How is this hard?
Technical hiccups aside, Bloodborne is such an immaculate game that I get a little nervous with the idea of a remake. So, maybe a remaster and a full-on sequel.
"This time, it's known leaker DanielRPK who's stirring the pot, stating (on his paywalled Patreon)"
Yeah, really gonna believe that. Hey guys I have news about Half-Life 3, you can get all the scoop if you join my OnlyFans at the 10€ tier.
They’ll remake it but it’ll be in 3 parts and play more like kingdom hearts.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
@GamingFan4Lyf For me personally it’s the lore and setting. I’m a sucker for any kind of Eldridge shenanigans, which BB handled masterfully. And much as I enjoy Demon Souls et al, knights and dragons were never my thing.
@Kidfunkadelic83 "The beardier the better" I believe was the quote.
@IslandLogic This is the beauty of my self-deluded world. It can be whatever you want. I forgot to say, she's also voicing Lady Maria in this Bloodborne sequel.
Let me grab my chains…
@playstation1995 Only thing older than Bloodborne rumors is Donald Trumps tired rhetoric. 😊
“No, I don’t care about more Bloodborne”
@AndyKazama PS6. There are no new games coming from first party for 5 after Astro.
@HRdepartment BS. 2025/26 will be great for PS5 from first party. You'll see.
How many selected the first option because they didn't look good enough to see all of the above. 🤣
Hermen Hulst hit the "Break Glass In Case Of Emergency" that gives a green light to a Bloodborne PS5 port the second he saw the Concord sales.
@Ludacritz It's just tryhards in the last few months coming out of the woodwork to say how much they hate Elden Ring. I'm not saying nobody is allowed to not like the game (or that the game is perfect), but you know how with critically acclaimed games people like to start really speaking out about it around a year after it releases? That's all it is. The funniest thing about these people is that they all supposedly loved the other FromSoft games but "they didn't innovate enough with Elden Ring" lol. To me it doesn't make sense if you LOVED Bloodborne but really disliked ER, the new game evolved into what it is because of all those other games they made. That's like despising Super Mario World because it wasn't different enough from Super Mario 3. I guess using the soulslike framework & adding a bunch of new weapons, ways to fight, & bosses wasn't a big enough change for these people.
So with these "fans" complaining it gives people who never liked the games the opportunity to talk about how the design of souls games are finicky or "unbalanced". Imo it's best to end the conversation with "if you don't like em, don't play em" & just walk away
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