We've known for a good chunk of time that God of War developer Sony Santa Monica Studio is working across multiple projects. One is supposedly another God of War game — no surprises there — and then there's a completely new IP, seemingly spearheaded by studio veteran Cory Barlog. It's the latter effort that's currently making headlines, as a developer's LinkedIn profile has highlighted the project's existence once again.
"Santa Monica Studios presented the opportunity of coming back as character supervisor, looking after the entire Character Development pipeline, on their new IP, so here I am, thrilled to be back, working again with the crew and pushing characters in video games together," the profile reads, as per Eurogamer.
It's been suggested that this new IP will be Santa Monica Studio's next release, and the evident role of a character supervisor makes us think that the game is taking form. Of course, the whole thing's still wrapped up in near total secrecy, but the hope is that it's all going swimmingly behind the scenes.