Monster Hunter Wilds Early 2025

Officially, Monster Hunter Wilds is targeting an incredibly vague '2025' release. But unofficially, fans are starting to believe that the action RPG is dropping sooner rather than later. This is primarily because of Capcom's current marketing flurry, which has seen the publisher release a steady supply of gameplay videos, day by day, for the last week or so. Said videos are going to lead right up until Wilds' showing at Gamescom on the 20th August.

Okay, so how would a bunch of videos lock the game into an early 2025 launch? Well, it's quite simple: Capcom's done this before. For Monster Hunter World, the marketing machine really kicked into gear roughly six months ahead of release — and it did so with almost the exact same strategy. Even back in 2017, Capcom was pushing short, weapon-based gameplay clips — just like it's doing now with Wilds.

Then you start joining the dots. What games has Capcom released in this fiscal year? Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess. It's also got the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster lined up for September. It's highly likely that neither of these titles will sate the company's bottom line — not when it's been posting record profits year after year for close to a decade — and so it's completely logical to think that Monster Hunter Wilds will arrive before April 2025.

The early 2025 window certainly seems plausible, then — and so there's even a chance that we'll actually get a date during Gamescom in a couple of weeks. Don't let all of this speculation be in vain, Capcom!

Can you see Monster Hunter Wilds releasing within the first few months of 2025? Or are fans setting themselves up for disappointment? Get your hopes up in the comments section below.
