Ubisoft has today shared more details surrounding the two post-launch expansions planned for Star Wars Outlaws, with the first being Wild Card (out in Fall 2024) and the second A Pirate's Fortune (Spring 2025). Both extend the base game with new stories, areas, and items, available either as part of the season pass or available separately on PS5. Each will feature a familiar character, with Wild Card starring Lando Calrissian and A Pirate's Fortune using Hondo Ohnaka.
The description Ubisoft has provided for Wild Card is as follows:
Kay is hired to infiltrate a high-stakes Sabacc tournament, but as she crosses paths with the notorious gambler Lando Calrissian, she soon learns that another game is being played.
It's also given a brief explanation of A Pirate's Fortune:
The Trailblazer’s reputation precedes Kay as she runs into veteran pirate Hondo Ohnaka, who is looking to settle old scores with a ruthless gang of pirates.
When Wild Card releases, season pass owners will receive a further two cosmetic item bundles to allow them to further customise protagonist Kay, her alien sidekick Nix, their speeder, and their spaceship the Trailblazer. The two packs will be called the Hunter's Legacy Bundle and the Cartel Ronin Bundle, to give you a hint of what the clothing may be themed around. As previously announced, if you own the season pass from day one (27th August 2024 if you pre-order), then you'll unlock an exclusive mission with Jabba the Hutt and another cosmetic bundle containing customisation items for Kay and Nix.

With the base game's release now just three weeks out, the PS5 open world experience is shaping up nicely, as detailed in our Star Wars Outlaws Preview. "Exploration is what the latest Massive Entertainment outing does best, and with many more open world planets to visit in the full game, it's that sense of discovery that's primed to elevate the experience to something special," we concluded. Do either of these two post-launch DLC packs catch your interest? Let us know in the comments below.
[source news.ubisoft.com]
Comments 35
Both pretty good premises for expansions. Get characters from the wider universe in as expansions so they don’t detract from the main story, while having an incentive to spend a bit to see these characters.
So the usual nostalgia bait and despicable game planning from the ever beloved open world specialists of Ubisoft. Hardest pass imaginable for me.
This sounds awesome. I can't wait to play it.
Gotta love how they seem excited to talk about how they'll finish the game next year.
@ATaco Imagine the moment you discover TV shows exist
Yep they do and I don't see the correlation.
@ChrisDeku Odd, I don’t recall tv shows charging me $120 for a partially finished series.
What the hell is fall? Push Square you are British bloggers catering to a UK and international audience so why not address everyone and write Autumn/Fall!
@ATaco They do the thing where they release one year and are “not finished” until 5,10,15 years later.
@dskatter So you’re not old enough to remember when DVD box sets were up to $100 and could finish on cliffhangers?
@VenomUK incorrect. Fall is a British word for autumn and at the time North America was colonised by Britain we happened to be using it, so naturally Americans started using it and just carried on using it whereas the british went back to autumn at some point after. you’re still kind of right though I don’t know anyone who says fall 😂
So like all Ubisoft games, wait a year or so and get the complete edition for like $20. Got it.
@MFTWrecks Nailed it.
There are only two reasons to buy a Ubi games at full prices, you're either extremely excited and therefore willing to pay top-dollar for an incomplete product just to have it early or you're a total sucker. For the majority of players waiting for the complete edition is the correct decision.
@glennthefrog I just love Star Wars with a Han Solo like female lead. I'm ready.
Do the cosmetic packs include different hairstyles?
@ChrisDeku I don’t remember the manufacturers charging me $120 up front and then promising to include an undetermined amount of additional stuff.
That’s the closest comparison to this. Not a great comparison.
I DO remember when games where actually complete at launch, though.
Jesus. Everyone complaining about them adding new content later on down the line. This doesn’t mean the base game is incomplete. Just because they plan ahead so people who enjoy the game can get something new later on doesn’t mean everyone is getting half a game at launch. Oh, it’s Ubisoft better complain even though this is common practice among most developers
@dskatter You can preorder tons of things that don’t exist yet, that’s not really an issue. Is the $120 the only version of the game? No. You can buy the standard edition. You can buy it all when the DLC is released. You can wait for it to be on PS Plus/Gampas or is available for $20? It’s completely up to you. If you feel you’re getting ripped off then you probably chose the wrong option.
I guess people just love to complain about things now. There are things you can rightfully complain about in regards to Ubisoft releases, but how the DLC became one of them is baffling. They are not selling an incomplete game. Their games always have a beginning, middle, and an end to their stories. Any additional content that comes out afterwards is exactly that... additional.
Using the comparison that has been brought up already in here, they are not selling you a game that ends on a cliffhanger if you don't want to pay for the DLC like a lot of TV shows end up doing (obviously out of showrunners hands). Sure, waiting until next year will get you all of the content in a Complete Edition, but complaining about the DLC is just asinine.
@VenomUK 👍you'll never see an American write 'Autumn' instead of 'Fall'.
@ChrisDeku Now you know if it's a Ubisoft game just wait it won't be finished for a while and you will get the full game for less then half the price.
Now you also know the game will be release broken and incomplete and you pay extra for early access instead less as a playtester. They turned that feature around in their favor.
@KilloWertz If you can plan your DLC weeks after release then you are selling a incomplete game.
Like all Ubisoft games in the last two years, I’ll get it on a clearance sale. They know full well the vast majority don’t buy them at launch due to the bizarre pricing model so they discount them quickly to sell at their “real” price. By the way, the version with the season pass is 200 dollars in Canada after tax. They’re a Canadian firm, they know what they’re doing.
@MFTWrecks not even a year anymore. This company is in the pits. Avatar was 30 bucks Canadian with one a few months. Ubisoft won’t exist in its current form in a few years. Presumably they’ll start a second company, move wealth over and “buy” Ubisoft to try and rebrand. Can’t wait to see the courts up here eat them alive.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, look up the CEO’s statement a few years back about going private and basically acquiring themselves.
Let’s see how excited everyone is for more Outlaws content. Ahh comments as unhinged as ever. If this game had Fromsoft or Rockstar on the label this comment section would have a completely different vibe. But big bad Ubisoft is looking to make money on a product they developed so it must be evil.
Can't wait to play in like a year when all the bugs are worked out
@Flaming_Kaiser Not at all if the DLC has nothing to do with the main story.
I know what you're saying. If the first DLC is almost done, which would have to be in order to be out in the Fall, then it could've been included. Sure, but again, the complaining is more than a bit much given that none of the DLC changes whether you get a complete story from the main game or not.
@VenomUK I've seen so many people in the UK stop speaking proper English after working with Americans for a few years. It's a sad corruption.
@riceNpea Most American aren't even aware of any other language besides US English.
@Rhaoulos and it seems there's a proportion of English folk who are easily influenced to forget thier English education because they've watched some American TV shows.
It's not Ubisoft's fault you are stuck in the past. LOL...
I mean sure, Ubi are not groundbreaking developers. They just make games that fill in the gaps between the groundbreaking games. Like Action Blockbusters.
@KilloWertz For me a announcement for DLC before the game even starts is just dissapointing it feels bad and I'm honest that makes just wait for a complete edition or a discount.
And with talk like get used to not owning anything why even bother paying full price it comes across like renting something that is fine but then I'll get everything at the lowest possible price.
@Flaming_Kaiser Nothing wrong with waiting for a discount or the Complete Edition that will inevitably release. I just think the complaining that they are selling an incomplete game is ridiculous, that's all. It'd be different if these applied to the main story like other games have in the past.
@KilloWertz If games are being sold ahead with DLC announcements then I will wait for the discounted price but that my idea. If you know you will sell DLC before you finish the game then it's just held back content for me. DLC isn't a issue but I becomes a issue if it's announced before the has gone gold. A fighting game with extra characters isn't a issue but if your able to announce the DLC fighters before the release then it's also held back content.
@Flaming_Kaiser I get what you're saying and I don't fault you at all for waiting. I just will always think the complaining in regard to them supposedly offering unfinished products to be ridiculous. Like I've said, their main stories always have an end to them and then the DLC are just bonus side stories.
I know it gives the impression that it's held back content, but if it doesn't keep the game's main story from being complete, I don't care and I think people are being ridiculous for complaining about things that are just extra bonus side stories. It is what it is though I guess.
@KilloWertz Fair enough I don't how other people see it either that much. I have seen enough games from Ubisoft were the DLC is more interesting than 75% of the game.
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